The Evangelical Hymnal with Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
364O God, Thou art my God aloneRivaulxPage Scan
365What sinners value I resignWAREHAM (ALL SAINTS)Page Scan
366aArt thou weary, art thou languid?StephanosPage Scan
366bArt thou weary, art thou languid?Christus ConsolatorPage Scan
367Children of the Heavenly King, As ye journey, sweetly singALL SAINTS (STUTTGART)Page Scan
368Bless'd are the pure in heart, For they shall see our GodFranconiaPage Scan
369Thou only Sovreign of my heartAberdeenPage Scan
370The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well suppliedPage Scan
371If God be on my sideKildarePage Scan
372Sometimes a Light surprises The Christian while he singsBentleyPage Scan
373There is a safe and secret PlaceSt. HughPage Scan
374Amazing grace! how sweet the soundAbbey (Abbay)Page Scan
375The Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a Shepherd's careWismarTextPage Scan
376While Thee I seek, protecting Power!Norwich (The Old 137th)Page Scan
377The starry firmament on highPage Scan
378Far from my heavenly HomePage Scan
379O Lord, I would delight in TheeSt. BenedictPage Scan
380Awake my soul, stretch every nerveChristmasPage Scan
381aPleasant are Thy courts above In the Land of light and lovePLEASANT ARE THY COURTS (No. 1)Page Scan
381bPleasant are Thy courts above In the Land of light and lovePLEASANT ARE THY COURTS (No. 2)Page Scan
382O what, if we are Christ's, Is earthly shame or loss?AberystwythPage Scan
383Give me the wings of faith, to riseSt. Stephen (Nayland)Page Scan
384O Lord, how happy should we bePage Scan
385aRise, my soul! and stretch thy wingsAmsterdamPage Scan
385bRise, my soul! and stretch thy wingsExcelsiusPage Scan
386O, for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
387Father, whate'er of earthly blissBeatitudoPage Scan
388Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fairBickleighPage Scan
389O for a closer walk with GodMearPage Scan
390O could our thoughts and wishes flyFreshwaterPage Scan
391O Love Divine, how sweet Thou artDesiring to lovePage Scan
392From Egypt lately comeEwyas HaroldTextPage Scan
393Jerusalem, my happy HomeSubmissionPage Scan
394I love Thy kingdom, LordPotsdamPage Scan
395O Thou, Who from one blood didst makeSt. Andrew, No. 2Page Scan
396'Tis a pleasant thing to seeRegensburgPage Scan
397Thro' the night of doubt and sorrowFormosaPage Scan
398Not in anger, Mighty God, Not in anger smite usROSENÜLLERPage Scan
399O Thou from whom all goodness flowsBELMONTPage Scan
400Commit thou all thy griefsMoccasPage Scan
401Give to the winds thy fearsNewlandPage Scan
402Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrowBarnby's Hymnary, Tune 590Page Scan
403He lives, the great Redeemer livesMAGDEBURGPage Scan
404Dear Refuge of my weary soul, On Thee, when sorows riseIrish (Dublin)Page Scan
405As pants the hart for cooling streamsCalvaryPage Scan
406Come Thou, O come; sweetest and kindliestPage Scan
407Jesus, Who knows full wellCAMBRIDGEPage Scan
408To Thee, my God, Whose presence fillsYork (The Stilt)Page Scan
409With tearful eyes I look aroundEisenachPage Scan
410I journey through a desert drear and wildST. MAURPage Scan
411When gathering clouds around I viewNEUMARK (BREMEN or AUGSBURG)Page Scan
412aMuch in sorrow, oft in woeMonklandPage Scan
412bMuch in sorrow, oft in woeBARNBY'S HYMNARY, TUNE 610Page Scan
413When languor and disease invadeHoly TrinityPage Scan
414God of my life, to Thee I callAngelsPage Scan
415Where the mourner weepingPage Scan
416Gentle Shepherd, Thou hast stilledPage Scan
417A few more years shall rollChalveyPage Scan
418When our heads are bowed with woeRedhead, Tune 47Page Scan
419There is a Calm for those who weepHanfordPage Scan
420O Thou, Whose own vast temple standsPage Scan
421Christ is our CornerstoneHarewoodPage Scan
422Lord, Whose temple once did glistenAlleluiaPage Scan
423Lord of Hosts! to Thee we raisePage Scan
424O Son of God, our Captain of SalvationSt. Barnabas, No. 2Page Scan
425Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimHanover (Old 104th Psalm)Page Scan
426Laborers of Christ, ariseAnglican Hymn Book, Tune 181Page Scan
427O Holy Lord, content to livePage Scan
428One sole baptismal signBevanPage Scan
429Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In solemn power come down!Dr. Steggall's, Tune 172Page Scan
430Arm these Thy soldiers, Mighty LordPage Scan
431See Israel's gentle Shepherd standSt. BartholomewPage Scan
432God of that glorious gift of graceHawkhurstPage Scan
433O Light, Whose beams illumine allSt. MatthiasPage Scan
434Bread of Heav'n! on Thee I feedCorsicaPage Scan
435My God, and is Thy Table spread?RockinghamPage Scan
436From the Cross uplifted highPage Scan
437Lo! the angels Food is givenEcce PanisPage Scan
438O God, unseen, yet ever near, Thy Presence may we feelBarnby's Hymnary, Tune 180Page Scan
439The King of love my Shepherd isDominus regit mePage Scan
440Bread of the world, in mercy brokenSacramentPage Scan
441Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;ST. SACRAMENTPage Scan
442Sweet the moments, rich in blessingLUDWIGSBURG (COBLENTZ)Page Scan
443How sweet and awful is the placeDundee (French)Page Scan
444According to Thy gracious Word, In meek humilityMearPage Scan
445O Food that weary pilgrims loveEsca viatorumPage Scan
446aO happy day that fixed my choiceCarmel (Ilsley)Page Scan
446bO happy day that fixed my choiceDUKE STREET (WINDLE)Page Scan
447Deck thyself, my soul, with gladnessUpsalPage Scan
448Servant of God, well done, Rest from thy loved employ;Diademata, No. 2Page Scan
449Hark! a Voice divides the skySalzburgPage Scan
450Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb!BreslauPage Scan
451Forever with the Lord! Amen! so let it be!SwabiaPage Scan
452Sleep thy last sleep, Free from care and sorrowSarum Hymnal, Tune 263Page Scan
453Deathless principle, arise, Soar, thou native of the skiesManifestationPage Scan
454So rest, my Rest, thou forever blestMINDENPage Scan
455Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!BreslauPage Scan
456Now let our mourning hearts reviveSt. Mary (Hackney)Page Scan
457Earth to earth and dust to dust, Lord, we own the sentence justCROYLANDPage Scan
458Christ will gather in His OwnVeni, Redemptor GentiumPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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