Golden Grain: No. 1: for Sabbath schools, gospel meetings, etc.

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Onward we are marching[Onward we are marching]Page Scan
102How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord[How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord]Page Scan
103Beyond the smiling and the weeping[Beyond the smiling and the weeping]Page Scan
104On the bright celestial shore[On the bright celestial shore]Page Scan
105Come ye who know the joyful sound[Come ye who know the joyful sound]Page Scan
106Oh, if my house is built upon a rock[Oh, if my house is built upon a rock]Page Scan
107All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name[All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name]Page Scan
108My Savior left His throne on high[My Savior left His throne on high]Page Scan
109What a Friend we have in Jesus[What a Friend we have in Jesus]Page Scan
110There is a gate that opens wide[There is a gate that opens wide]Page Scan
111Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine[Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine]Page Scan
112I'm the child of a King who is all the world to me[I'm the child of a King who is all the world to me]Page Scan
113My boatman will carry me over[My boatman will carry me over]Page Scan
114'Tis sweet to sing of Jesus['Tis sweet to sing of Jesus]Page Scan
115Jesus, Savior, pilot me[Jesus, Savior, pilot me]Page Scan
116Look to the Savior sin-sick one[Look to the Savior sin-sick one]Page Scan
117Oh, those beautiful, beautiful hands![Oh, those beautiful, beautiful hands!]Page Scan
118We shall hear a voice, an immortal voice[We shall hear a voice, an immortal voice]Page Scan
119Come, let us tune our loftiest songDUKE STREETPage Scan
120There is poison in the bowl[There is poison in the bowl]Page Scan
121"Come unto me," O precious invitation["Come unto me," O precious invitation]Page Scan
122O Lord of love, rejected, we hail Thee as our own![O Lord of love, rejected, we hail Thee as our own!]Page Scan
123Fear not the pathless wilderness[Fear not the pathless wilderness]Page Scan
124Gospel songs on Sabbath even[Gospel songs on Sabbath even]Page Scan
125Yield not to temptation[Yield not to temptation]Page Scan
126Tell to Jesus all your sorrow[Tell to Jesus all your sorrow]Page Scan
127O Savior, precious Savior[O Savior, precious Savior]Page Scan
128I sing of His love, who came from the skies[I sing of His love, who came from the skies]Page Scan
129Christ is risen, Christ is risen![Christ is risen, Christ is risen!]Page Scan
130Children of the heav'nly King[Children of the heav'nly King]Page Scan
131Linger still, O blessed hours[Linger still, O blessed hours]Page Scan
132O happy land, so far away[O happy land, so far away]Page Scan
133I come to taste my Father's grace[I come to taste my Father's grace]Page Scan
134I am dwelling on the mountain[I am dwelling on the mountain]Page Scan
135The Savior is my all in all[The Savior is my all in all]Page Scan
136Oh, now I see the crimson wave[Oh, now I see the crimson wave]Page Scan
137Rock of refuge, firm foundation[Rock of refuge, firm foundation]Page Scan
138Master, the tempest is raging![Master, the tempest is raging!]Page Scan
139Nearer, my God, to TheePage Scan
140Lord, keep us in Thy tender care[Lord, keep us in Thy tender care]Page Scan
141Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole[Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole]Page Scan
142We are yielding nobly now to the truth[We are yielding nobly now to the truth]Page Scan
143Just when Thou wilt, O Master, call[Just when Thou wilt, O Master, call]Page Scan
144In the cross of Christ I triumph[In the cross of Christ I triumph]Page Scan
145Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty![Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!]Page Scan
146A sinner, I came, for my Lord to see[A sinner, I came, for my Lord to see]Page Scan
147Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide[Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide]Page Scan
148Like a sheep gone astray in the desert so wild[Like a sheep gone astray in the desert so wild]Page Scan
149O "come unto me!" said the Savior of love[O "come unto me!" said the Savior of love]Page Scan
150Strew the fair garlands where slumber the dead[Strew the fair garlands where slumber the dead]Page Scan
151Over Jordan we shall meet[Over Jordan we shall meet]Page Scan
152Songs of praise we bring to our Savior, King[Songs of praise we bring to our Savior, King]Page Scan
153My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine[My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine]Page Scan
154A highway shall be there[A highway shall be there]Page Scan
155Open are the arms of Jesus[Open are the arms of Jesus]Page Scan
156There's a city of gold, 'tis the joy of the soul[There's a city of gold, 'tis the joy of the soul]Page Scan
157Oh! I am so glad that salvation is free[Oh! I am so glad that salvation is free]Page Scan
158Lord, I care not for riches[Lord, I care not for riches]Page Scan
159Take my life, and let it be[Take my life, and let it be]Page Scan
160The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide[The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide]Page Scan
161I will sing a song of that land so fair[I will sing a song of that land so fair]Page Scan
162Sweet rest that in heaven alone can be found[Sweet rest that in heaven alone can be found]Page Scan
163We praise Thee, O Lord[We praise Thee, O Lord]Page Scan
164Jesus, and shall it ever be[Jesus, and shall it ever be]Page Scan
165The Spirit now entreateth thee[The Spirit now entreateth thee]Page Scan
166Each cooing dove and sighing bough[Each cooing dove and sighing bough]Page Scan
167To ev'ry nation, tribe and tongue[To ev'ry nation, tribe and tongue]Page Scan
168Come weal, come woe where'er we go[Come weal, come woe where'er we go]Page Scan
169Just as I am, without one plea[Just as I am, without one plea]Page Scan
170There is life for a look at the Crucified One[There is life for a look at the Crucified One]Page Scan
171Hark! what mean those holy voices[Hark! what mean those holy voices]Page Scan
172Lord, my heart is rested, strengthen'd[Lord, my heart is rested, strengthen'd]Page Scan
173Tell it to Jesus—all of thy sorrow[Tell it to Jesus—all of thy sorrow]Page Scan
174Songs of adoration raise[Songs of adoration raise]Page Scan
175When all Thy mercies, O my God[When all Thy mercies, O my God]Page Scan
176Pressing onward, ever onward[Pressing onward, ever onward]Page Scan
177Blow the trumpet, faithful watchman[Blow the trumpet, faithful watchman]Page Scan
178Jesus died for sinful men[Jesus died for sinful men]Page Scan
179Jesus is pleading with my poor soul[Jesus is pleading with my poor soul]Page Scan
180Silent voices whisper to me[Silent voices whisper to me]Page Scan
181Today the Savior calls[Today the Savior calls]Page Scan
182The Bible! how dear are its pages[The Bible! how dear are its pages]Page Scan
183I cling to Thee, dear Savior[I cling to Thee, dear Savior]Page Scan
184The shouting of the reapers[The shouting of the reapers]Page Scan
185My soul, be on thy guardLABANPage Scan
186Take up your cross, and follow Jesus[Take up your cross, and follow Jesus]Page Scan
187Go wash at that fountain of cleansing[Go wash at that fountain of cleansing]Page Scan
188Waters from the smitten rock[Waters from the smitten rock]Page Scan
189My burden'd heart is Thine, dear Jesus[My burden'd heart is Thine, dear Jesus]Page Scan
190These gracious words, not all for naught[These gracious words, not all for naught]Page Scan
191Who will carry me over the river[Who will carry me over the river]Page Scan
192Our sweetest song of gladness[Our sweetest song of gladness]Page Scan
193I saw a wayworn trav'ler[I saw a wayworn trav'ler]Page Scan
194Hear the voice of Jesus saying[Hear the voice of Jesus saying]Page Scan
195Thy will be done, O Lord[Thy will be done, O Lord]Page Scan
196Hark! I hear a soft refrain[Hark! I hear a soft refrain]Page Scan
197The men who dare to stand for truth[The men who dare to stand for truth]Page Scan
198Watchman! tell us of the night[Watchman! tell us of the night]Page Scan
199Hail! hail! Nation free[Hail! hail! Nation free]Page Scan
200Softly now the light of day[Softly now the light of day]Page Scan

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