Jubilate Sunday School Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Peace, blessed peace, when night winds wild are raging[Peace, blessed peace, when night winds wild are raging]
102Galilean, meek and lowly[Galilean, meek and lowly]
103O'er our pathway glowing[O'er our pathway glowing]
104Over the stars there is rest[Over the stars there is rest]
105Be ye strong in strength divine[Be ye strong in strength divine]
106O King of love, King of love, be Thou our star today[O King of love, King of love]
107Sing we the Saviour's pow'r[Sing we the Saviour's pow'r]
108Wondrous the word, sweetly 'tis heard[Wondrous the word, sweetly 'tis heard]
109Welcome the Sabbath, sweet day of rest[Welcome the Sabbath, sweet day of rest]
110Praise the Lord, who reigneth on high[Praise the Lord, who reigneth on high]
111Christian, forth! God's holy word fulfill[Christian, forth! God's holy word fulfill]
112Sing of the cross, the wondrous cross[Sing of the cross, the wondrous cross]
113Lo, the Shepherd calls His flock[Lo, the Shepherd calls His flock]
114Blessed Saviour, meek and lowly[Blessed Saviour, meek and lowly]
115Father hear, Father hear[Father hear, Father hear]
116Send out the truth, send out the light[Send out the truth, send out the light]
117Shine forth, shine forth, O children of the Light![Shine forth, shine forth, O children of the Light]
118Bright sunlit shore where once He taught[Bright sunlit shore where once He taught]
119For all the many mercies[For all the many mercies]
120Watch and pray, day by day[Watch and pray, day by day]
121There's a word of cheer and kindness[There's a word of cheer and kindness]
122Forward, and follow the Lord our King![Forward, and follow the Lord our King!]
123How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord![How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord!]
124Carol so merrily, Carol so cheerily[Carol so merrily, Carol so cheerily]
125Walking with Jesus on Emaus way[Walking with Jesus on Emaus way]
126Once in the evening twilight[Once in the evening twilight]
127O worship the King all-glorious above[O worship the King all-glorious above]
128O'er all the way, green palms and blossoms gay[O'er all the way, green palms and blossoms gay]
129Praise the Lord with delight[Praise the Lord with delight]
130Flow, flow on life's broad stream[Flow, flow on life's broad stream]
131Sunlit sea what mem'ries golden[Sunlit sea what mem'ries golden]
132The path of His choosing leads onward to light[The path of His choosing leads onward to light]
133Jesus is calling, is calling to you[Jesus is calling, is calling to you]
134Are you trusting in the Lord today?[Are you trusting in the Lord today?]
135We sing His precious name[We sing His precious name]
136O blessed fields of Judah[O blessed fields of Judah]
137Have you heard the whisper of the breeze?[Have you heard the whisper of the breeze?]
138From our Father's hand unnumbered blessings fall[From our Father's hand unnumbered blessings fall]
139We would see Jesus—for the shadows lengthen[We would see Jesus—for the shadows lengthen]
140Serve the Lord in the days of youth[Serve the Lord in the days of youth]
141To worship in Thy temple, Lord[To worship in Thy temple, Lord]
142Praise the Lord, whose love befriending us[Praise the Lord, whose love befriending us]
143The Lord is my light, my star of morn[The Lord is my light, my star of morn]
144In the morning of life we are singing[In the morning of life we are singing]
145Go forth to speak for Christ today[Go forth to speak for Christ today]
146If we are following Christ each day[If we are following Christ each day]
147In the paths of life from day to day[In the paths of life from day to day]
148Pilot me, O gracious Saviour[Pilot me, O gracious Saviour]
149O the Master to our hearts is calling[O the Master to our hearts is calling]
150Lord of Galilee, Lord of Galilee[Lord of Galilee, Lord of Galilee]
151There's a way that leads to glory[There's a way that leads to glory]
152Awake! awake! And sing the blessed story[Awake! awake! And sing the blessed story]
153No shadows yonder! All light and song![No shadows yonder! All light and song]
154Rouse ye! O ye freemen! For a foe is in your nation[Rouse ye! O ye freemen]
155There's a voice I now can hear[There's a voice I now can hear]
156Jesus may come today[Jesus may come today]
157All hail to Thee, Emanuel![All hail to Thee, Emanuel]
158Lift up the gospel banner Upon the mountains high[Lift up the gospel banner]
159O Love that wilt not let me go[O Love that wilt not let me go]
160Master, the tempest is raging![Master, the tempest is raging]
161Be not dismayed whate'er betide[Be not dismayed whate'er betide]
162Secure in his keeping, who guideth my way[Secure in his keeping, who guideth my way]
163Tho' 'tis hard to part from a friend that's dear[Tho' 'tis hard to part from a friend that's dear]
164Mighty armies marching o'er the field[Mighty armies marching o'er the field]
165There's a church in the valley by the wildwood[There's a church in the valley by the wildwood]
166In sorrow I came to the Saviour one day[In sorrow I came to the Saviour one day]
167No matter if clouds have o'er-shadowed the way[No matter if clouds have o'er-shadowed the way]
168Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling[Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling]
169The mourners left weeping[The mourners left weeping]
170Standing like a lighthouse, on the shores of time[Standing like a lighthouse, on the shores of time]
171We walk and talk together[We walk and talk together]
172Smiles like sunbeams, light the day[Smiles like sunbeams, light the day]
173O the world to me in its beauty[O the world to me in its beauty]
174Stand up, stand up for Jesus[Stand up, stand up for Jesus]
175When tempted to wander away from the Lord[When tempted to wander away from the Lord]
176There is a Shepherd who cares for his own[There is a Shepherd who cares for his own]
177When upon bended knee, Jesus whispered to me[When upon bended knee, Jesus whispered to me]
178There's a land of peace and plenty[There's a land of peace and plenty]
179It may not be on the mountain’s height[It may not be on the mountain’s height]
180I've found that earth's waters will ne'er satisfy[I've found that earth's waters will ne'er satisfy]
181I have a friend indeed[I have a friend indeed]
182It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide[It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide]
183Tho' life's changing values may vanish away[Tho' life's changing values may vanish away]
184I've a very precious blessing in my soul[I've a very precious blessing in my soul]
185I come to the garden alone[I come to the garden alone]
186There is no cross now standing on Calv'ry's hill[There is no cross now standing on Calv'ry's hill]
187White the robes they wear[White the robes they wear]
188I have heard my Saviour calling[I have heard my Saviour calling]
189I do not know, why oft 'round me[I do not know, why oft 'round me]
190Does the way seem weary as you travel on?[Does the way seem weary as you travel on?]
191Speak a good word for Jesus[Speak a good word for Jesus]
192I claim for my own a King on a throne[I claim for my own a King on a throne]
193One who died to rescue me[One who died to rescue me]
194Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear[Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear]
195Just as I am, without one plea[Just as I am, without one plea]
196O for a thousand tongues to sing[O for a thousand tongues to sing]
197Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide[Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide]
198All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name![All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!]
199Come, Thou almighty King[Come, Thou almighty King]
200Jesus, Saviour, pilot me[Jesus, Saviour, pilot me]

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