The New and Living Way or Burning Bush Songs No. 5

Publisher: Metropolitan Church Association, Waukesha, Wisc., 1913
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1There's a fountain ever flowing[There's a fountain ever flowing]Page Scan
2I've found the new, the living way[I've found the new, the living way]Page Scan
3Out on an ocean all boundless we ride[Out on an ocean all boundless we ride]Page Scan
4I've a song of joy today[I've a song of joy today]Page Scan
5O bless the Lord, my soul![O bless the Lord, my soul!]Page Scan
6As Israel lay encamped[As Israel lay encamped]Page Scan
7I love thy kingdom, LordPage Scan
8Never let your courage fail you[Never let your courage fail you]Page Scan
9All hail the pow'r of Jesus' nameCORONATIONPage Scan
10Have you volunteered for Jesus?[Have you volunteered for Jesus?]Page Scan
11I'm but a stranger here[I'm but a stranger here]Page Scan
12Such marvelous love was ne'er expressed[Such marvelous love was ne'er expressed]Page Scan
13There's One who is always faithful[There's One who is always faithful]Page Scan
14I today am dwelling[I today am dwelling]Page Scan
15Looking unto Jesus when the way is clear[Looking unto Jesus when the way is clear]Page Scan
16O you who from the Savior's fold have wandered[O you who from the Savior's fold have wandered]Page Scan
17How sweet the name of Jesus soundsCOWPERPage Scan
18They bid me choose an easier path[They bid me choose an easier path]Page Scan
19O the love of God makes the sunshine in the soul[O the love of God makes the sunshine in the soul]Page Scan
20O child of God, be trustful[O child of God, be trustful]Page Scan
21God's faithful children here below[God's faithful children here below]Page Scan
22Since Jesus came into my heart[Since Jesus came into my heart]Page Scan
23Blessed hope of Christ's return[Blessed hope of Christ's return]Page Scan
24I'm praying for you, O soul far astray[I'm praying for you, O soul far astray]Page Scan
25There is a home beyond the sky[There is a home beyond the sky]Page Scan
26Praise ye the Lord, and serve Him with gladness[Praise ye the Lord, and serve Him with gladness]Page Scan
27Holy, holy, holy! Lord God AlmightyNICEAPage Scan
28What would you give in exchange for your soul[What would you give in exchange for your soul]Page Scan
29My soul, like a tempest was tossed to and fro[My soul, like a tempest was tossed to and fro]Page Scan
30Down at the cross where the Savior died[Down at the cross where the Savior died]Page Scan
31The peace of heav'n now fills my heart[The peace of heav'n now fills my heart]Page Scan
32When all the patriarchs abode[When all the patriarchs abode]Page Scan
33Though troubles assail, and dangers affrightLYONSPage Scan
34Come to the ark of refuge[Come to the ark of refuge]Page Scan
35O worship the King, all glorious abovePage Scan
36Dark the storm is raging[Dark the storm is raging]Page Scan
37Blest be the tie that bindsDENNISPage Scan
38I sing of love, the love that led[I sing of love, the love that led]Page Scan
39We are out on the ocean sailing[We are out on the ocean sailing]Page Scan
40O weary one, Christ calleth thee[O weary one, Christ calleth thee]Page Scan
41Must Jesus bear the cross aloneMAITLANDPage Scan
42I love the one who died to save me[I love the one who died to save me]Page Scan
43O my wand'ring brother[O my wand'ring brother]Page Scan
44Behold me standing at the door[Behold me standing at the door]Page Scan
45I am a child of God[I am a child of God]Page Scan
46Grant me within Thy courts a placeHEBERPage Scan
47Glorious morning, eternal and bright[Glorious morning, eternal and bright]Page Scan
48My careless friend, how can you go[My careless friend, how can you go]Page Scan
49Jesus, thine all-victorious loveMEARPage Scan
50We are children of the Lord[We are children of the Lord]Page Scan
51He leadeth me, O blessed thought![He leadeth me, O blessed thought!]Page Scan
52Why do you wait, dear brother[Why do you wait, dear brother]Page Scan
53Jesus, Thy blood and righteousnessWAREPage Scan
54Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry[Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry]Page Scan
55O where shall rest be foundCAPELLOPage Scan
56Lord, I am Thine, entirely ThineSESSIONSPage Scan
57I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of GodSESSIONSPage Scan
58Thus far the Lord has led me onSESSIONSPage Scan
59I love to steal awhile awayWOODSTOCKPage Scan
60Prayer is the soul's sincere desireWOODSTOCKPage Scan
61Sweet is the prayer, whose holy streamWOODSTOCKPage Scan
62Let those who've never known our Lord and King[Let those who've never known our Lord and King]Page Scan
63There's a land of bliss eternal[There's a land of bliss eternal]Page Scan
64Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling[Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling]Page Scan
65In the upper room in Jerusalem[In the upper room in Jerusalem]Page Scan
66I long had wandered from my Lord who died[I long had wandered from my Lord who died]Page Scan
67Jesus will heal you[Jesus will heal you]Page Scan
68It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide[It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide]Page Scan
69Come to the Father, O wanderer come[Come to the Father, O wanderer come]Page Scan
70Just before the Savior went to Heaven[Just before the Savior went to Heaven]Page Scan
71Raise the standard of the Lord on high[Raise the standard of the Lord on high]Page Scan
72'Tis midnight, and on Olive's browOLIVES' BROWPage Scan
73O that my load of sin were goneOLIVES' BROWPage Scan
74O Thou to whose all searching sightOLIVES' BROWPage Scan
75Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgiveWINDHAMPage Scan
76And am I only born to die?MERIBAHPage Scan
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