
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Shall we meet beyond the river[Shall we meet beyond the river]Page Scan
102I stood by the side of the murmuring sea[I stood by the side of the murmuring sea]Page Scan
103Weary soul, by care oppressed[Weary soul, by care oppressed]Page Scan
104March along together firm and true[March along together firm and true]Page Scan
105I'll go anywhere, my Savior[I'll go anywhere, my Savior]Page Scan
106Unanswered yet? The pray'r your lips have pleaded[Unanswered yet? The pray'r your lips have pleaded]Page Scan
107Calling, calling, ever calling[Calling, calling, ever calling]Page Scan
108When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed[When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed]Page Scan
109When the old church bell that we love so well[When the old church bell that we love so well]Page Scan
110When silently the night-shades fall[When silently the night-shades fall]Page Scan
111Twilight is stealing over the sea[Twilight is stealing over the sea]Page Scan
112You told me the story of Christ and His love[You told me the story of Christ and His love]Page Scan
113Over Judea's rugged hills[Over Judea's rugged hills]Page Scan
114Long no more for earthly riches, wealth can never give you peace[Long no more for earthly riches, wealth can never give you peace]Page Scan
115I am coming to the cross[I am coming to the cross]Page Scan
116Where Jesus is, is home to me[Where Jesus is, is home to me]Page Scan
117Jesus of Nazareth, healer of men[Jesus of Nazareth, healer of men]Page Scan
118When I cross the mystic river[When I cross the mystic river]Page Scan
119For all the Lord has done for me[For all the Lord has done for me]Page Scan
120My heart is singing all the day long[My heart is singing all the day long]Page Scan
121Just to know that He is mine[Just to know that He is mine]Page Scan
122O 'tis coming! night is breaking away[O 'tis coming! night is breaking away]Page Scan
123Somebody did a golden deed[Somebody did a golden deed]Page Scan
124My scholars all for Jesus![My scholars all for Jesus!]Page Scan
125For grace that sav'd this soul of mine[For grace that sav'd this soul of mine]Page Scan
126Soon will our Savior from heaven appear[Soon will our Savior from heaven appear]Page Scan
127I can hear my Savior calling[I can hear my Savior calling]Page Scan
128Lord of the lowly and the lost[Lord of the lowly and the lost]Page Scan
129On ev'ry side a voice I hear[On ev'ry side a voice I hear]Page Scan
130Do you know the world is dying[Do you know the world is dying]Page Scan
131Savior, breathe an evening blessing[Savior, breathe an evening blessing]Page Scan
132Oh, I love to think of Jesus[Oh, I love to think of Jesus]Page Scan
133Only a word for the Master[Only a word for the Master]Page Scan
134I am on the Gospel highway[I am on the Gospel highway]Page Scan
135Now the day is over[Now the day is over]Page Scan
136Beclouded long my way has been[Beclouded long my way has been]Page Scan
137Jesus wants me for a sunbeam[Jesus wants me for a sunbeam]Page Scan
138We are little pilgrims[We are little pilgrims]Page Scan
139Shining down[Shining down]Page Scan
140I think God gives the children[I think God gives the children]Page Scan
141Just as the stars are shining[Just as the stars are shining]Page Scan
142I am a temp'rance advocate[I am a temp'rance advocate]Page Scan
143Whenever I go out to play[Whenever I go out to play]Page Scan
144While the little birds are singing praise[While the little birds are singing praise]Page Scan
145Do you hear the Savior calling[Do you hear the Savior calling]Page Scan
146I am happy, O so happy[I am happy, O so happy]Page Scan
147Jesus bids us shine[Jesus bids us shine]Page Scan
148I dreamed one night not long ago[I dreamed one night not long ago]Page Scan
149We are Jesus' little ones![We are Jesus' little ones!]Page Scan
150We're cadets that want to battle for the right, you see[We're cadets that want to battle for the right, you see]Page Scan
151I know three little sisters[I know three little sisters]Page Scan
152I think, when I read that sweet story of old[I think, when I read that sweet story of old]Page Scan
153Soldiers are we, as we march along together[Soldiers are we, as we march along together]Page Scan
154All things come of Thee, O Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee[All things come of Thee, O Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee]Page Scan
155The Lord is in His holy temple[The Lord is in His holy temple]Page Scan
156We stand before Him now[We stand before Him now]Page Scan
157Praise to God, immortal praise[Praise to God, immortal praise]Page Scan
158Happy in the Savior we are marching on to glory[Happy in the Savior we are marching on to glory]Page Scan
159Lo! all ready for the gath'ring God's great harvest stands[Lo! all ready for the gath'ring God's great harvest stands]Page Scan
160Gather we here to praise the Lord[Gather we here to praise the Lord]Page Scan
161'Twill not be long before the night is over['Twill not be long before the night is over]Page Scan
162Sweet and clear, songs of cheer[Sweet and clear, songs of cheer]Page Scan
163Onward, Christian soldiers![Onward, Christian soldiers!]Page Scan
164Sweetly in music swelling[Sweetly in music swelling]Page Scan
165Loudly unto the world is a chorus resounding[Loudly unto the world is a chorus resounding]Page Scan
166Beyond the smiling and the weeping[Beyond the smiling and the weeping]Page Scan
167O watchah, what you see ovah yondah[O watchah, what you see ovah yondah]Page Scan
168Love divine, all love excelling[Love divine, all love excelling]Page Scan
169Who is on the Lord's side?[Who is on the Lord's side?]Page Scan
170Onward, Christian soldiers![Onward, Christian soldiers!]Page Scan
171All hail the power of Jesus' name[All hail the power of Jesus' name]Page Scan
172Today Thy mercy calls me[Today Thy mercy calls me]Page Scan
173Fade, fade, each earthly joy[Fade, fade, each earthly joy]Page Scan
174My faith looks up to Thee[My faith looks up to Thee]Page Scan
175Nearer, my God, to Thee[Nearer, my God, to Thee]Page Scan
176O worship the King, all glorious above[O worship the King, all glorious above]Page Scan
177Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing[Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing]Page Scan
178I'm but a stranger here[I'm but a stranger here]Page Scan
179Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry[Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry]Page Scan
180Come, Thou Almighty King[Come, Thou Almighty King]Page Scan
181Abide with me! fast falls the eventide[Abide with me! fast falls the eventide]Page Scan
182Jesus, Savior, pilot me[Jesus, Savior, pilot me]Page Scan
183Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear[Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear]Page Scan
184Joy to the world, the Lord is come![Joy to the world, the Lord is come!]Page Scan
185Lead, kindly Light! amid th'encircling gloom[Lead, kindly Light! amid th'encircling gloom]Page Scan
186Holy Ghost, with light divine[Holy Ghost, with light divine]Page Scan
187Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish[Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish]Page Scan
188The Son of God goes forth to war[The Son of God goes forth to war]Page Scan
189Lord, I am Thine, entirely Thine[Lord, I am Thine, entirely Thine]Page Scan
190My Jesus, as Thou wilt[My Jesus, as Thou wilt]Page Scan
191From Greenland's icy mountains[From Greenland's icy mountains]Page Scan
192Majestic sweetness sits enthroned[Majestic sweetness sits enthroned]Page Scan
193O could I speak the matchless worth[O could I speak the matchless worth]Page Scan
194Blest be the tie that binds[Blest be the tie that binds]Page Scan
195Holy Spirit, faithful Guide[Holy Spirit, faithful Guide]Page Scan
196In the cross of Christ I glory[In the cross of Christ I glory]Page Scan
197Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]Page Scan
198Walk in the light! so shalt thou know[Walk in the light! so shalt thou know]Page Scan
199How tedious and tasteless the hours[How tedious and tasteless the hours]Page Scan
200O day of rest and gladness[O day of rest and gladness]Page Scan

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