Praise Songs: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
190God loved the world of sinners lostGOD LOVED THE WORLDPage Scan
191When I had wandered from His foldST. JUSTPage Scan
192Come, Thou Fount of every blessingNETTLETONPage Scan
193Now I know the great RedeemerBIRTCHNELLPage Scan
194Rejoice and be glad! the Redeemer has come!REJOICE AND BE GLADPage Scan
195Awake, my soul, in joyful laysLOVING-KINDNESSPage Scan
196Christians, up! the day is breakingST. ASAPHPage Scan
197Thro' the night of doubt and sorrowST. ASAPHPage Scan
198Oft in danger, oft in woeRACINEPage Scan
199Soldiers of Christ, ariseDIADEMATAPage Scan
200Onward, Christian soldiersST. GERTRUDEPage Scan
201My soul, be on thy guardLABANPage Scan
202A charge to keep I haveLABANPage Scan
203Go forward, Christian soldierSANKEYPage Scan
204The Son of God goes forth to warALL SAINTS NEWPage Scan
205Brightly gleams our bannerST. THERESAPage Scan
206Christian! dost thou see themST. ANDREW OF CRETEPage Scan
207Who is on the Lord's side?ARMAGEDDONPage Scan
208Faint not, Christian, though the roadMUNUSPage Scan
209Courage, brother! do not stumbleCOURAGE, BROTHERPage Scan
210Awake my soul, stretch ev'ry nerveCHRISTMASPage Scan
211aStand up, stand up, for JesusST. THEODULPHPage Scan
211bStand up, stand up, for JesusWEBBPage Scan
212Now be the gospel bannerWEBBPage Scan
213Hark! the sound of the fight has gone forthWARFAREPage Scan
214While the sun is shiningWINCOBANKPage Scan
215Come, labor onADLINGTONPage Scan
216How blessed, from the bonds of sinBLENDENPage Scan
217Go, labor on! spend and be spent!WALTHAMPage Scan
218Go, heralds of salvation, forthMISSIONARY CHANTPage Scan
219Hark! the voice of Jesus cryingBIRTCHNELLPage Scan
220Lord, speak to me, that I may speakCANONBURYPage Scan
221My gracious Lord, I own Thy rightROCKINGHAM, NEWPage Scan
222Christ for the world we sing!WADHAMPage Scan
223Revive Thy work, O LordSWABIAPage Scan
224Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETPage Scan
225Souls in heathen darkness lyingST. ENOCHPage Scan
226From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
227Fling out the banner! let it floatWALTHAMPage Scan
228Hail to the Lord's AnointedMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
229Watchman, tell us of the nightWATCHMANPage Scan
230The morning light is breakingWEBBPage Scan
231O Christian, haste, thy mission high fulfillingTIDINGSPage Scan
232Arise, O Lord, and shineCHRIST CHURCHPage Scan
233The Master comes! He calls for theeLOVE DIVINEPage Scan
234Who can paint that lovely cityALL SAINTS (Tozer)Page Scan
235O Mother dear, JerusalemMATERNAPage Scan
236Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDPage Scan
237Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIAPage Scan
238Jerusalem, the golden!EWINGPage Scan
239Hark! hark my soul, Angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSPage Scan
240Brief life is here our portionST. ALPHEGEPage Scan
241There is a blessed homeBLESSED HOMEPage Scan
242O Paradise, O ParadisePARADISEPage Scan
243The sands of time are sinkingRUTHERFORDPage Scan
244Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsAMSTERDAMPage Scan
245A few more years shall rollCHALVEYPage Scan
246Thou Who roll'st the year aroundBLUMENTHALPage Scan
247The year is gone, beyond recallELLACOMBEPage Scan
248Now, gracious Lord, Thine arm revealST. PETERPage Scan
249I love Thy kingdom, LordST. THOMASPage Scan
250The Church's one FoundationAURELIAPage Scan
251Faith of our fathers! living stillFAITH OF OUR FATHERSPage Scan
252For all the saints who from their labors restSARUMPage Scan
253Saviour, Who Thy flock art feedingBROCKLESBURYPage Scan
254Stand, soldier of the crossBOYLSTONPage Scan
255Bread of the world, in mercy brokenEUCHARISTIC HYMNPage Scan
256According to Thy gracious wordDUNDEEPage Scan
257We give Thee but Thine ownBOYLSTONPage Scan
258Thou God of pow'r, accept our praiseDUKE STREETPage Scan
259Thy name we now unite to blessDUKE STREETPage Scan
260For all that Thou, O Lord, hast wroughtANNIVERSARY HYMNPage Scan
261Summer suns are glowingRUTHPage Scan
262Praise God from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDTHPage Scan
263Lord! while for all mankind we prayST. ANNEPage Scan
264My country, 'tis of theeAMERICAPage Scan
265God bless our native landAMERICAPage Scan
266Great God of nations, now to TheeWALTHAMPage Scan
267God of our fathers, Who didst guideTRUROPage Scan
268O say can you see by the dawn's early lightTHE STAR-SPANGLED BANNERPage Scan
269O Columbia, the gem of the oceanCOLUMBIA, THE GEM OF THE OCEANPage Scan
270Praise, my soul, the King of HeavenPRAISE, MY SOULPage Scan
271There were ninety and nine that safely layTHERE WERE NINETY AND NINEPage Scan
272Glory be to God the Father!ALLELUIA (Lowe)Page Scan
273The Homeland! The Homeland!THE HOMELANDPage Scan
274Days are dying, suns are settingDAYS ARE DYINGPage Scan
275O come, let us sing unto the LordVENITE, EXULTEMUS DOMINOPage Scan

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