Songs for the Lord's House

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
199Thy thoughts are here, O GodLANGTONPage Scan
200Laden with guilt, and full of fearsLANGTONPage Scan
201Lamp of our feet, whereby we traceLANGTONPage Scan
202Passing onward, quickly passingCANTERBURYPage Scan
203From the cross uplifted highATONEMENTPage Scan
204Drooping souls, no longer mournUTICAPage Scan
205Today His mercy calls theeCHILWORTHPage Scan
206Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCOME, YE DISCONSOLATEPage Scan
207Come, ye sinners, poor and needyRAPHAELPage Scan
208Why those fears, poor trembling sinner?RAPHAELPage Scan
209Precious, precious blood of JesusINVITATIONPage Scan
210Return, O wanderer, returnGRATITUDEPage Scan
211Why will ye waste on trifling caresGRATITUDEPage Scan
212The Spirit in our heartsOLNEYPage Scan
213Now is the accepted timeOLNEYPage Scan
214O turn ye, O turn ye, for why will ye dieEXPOSTULATIONPage Scan
215Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw nearEXPOSTULATIONPage Scan
216Art thou weary, art thou languidSTEPHANOSPage Scan
217Today the Savior callsAMOYPage Scan
218Thou who didst on Calvary bleedSEYMOURPage Scan
219With broken heart and contrite sighLOUVANPage Scan
220O where shall rest be foundDENNISPage Scan
221Thou Lord of all aboveDENNISPage Scan
222Out of the deep I callSHAWMUTPage Scan
223Did Christ o'er sinners weepSHAWMUTPage Scan
224O cease, my wandering soulSHAWMUTPage Scan
225Heal me, O my Savior, healSUPPLICATIOINPage Scan
226Jesus, our fainting spirits cryBEDFORDPage Scan
227O Jesus, Savior of the lostBEDFORDPage Scan
228Jesus, Thou art the sinner's friendBEDFORDPage Scan
229O Jesus Christ, if sin there beRETROSPECTPage Scan
230My God, accept my heart this dayRETROSPECTPage Scan
231Weary of earth, and laden with my sinNAVARREPage Scan
232O Thou, whose tender mercy hearsNAOMIPage Scan
233Take me O my Father, take meBLUMENTHALPage Scan
234I am trusting Thee, Lord JesusRELIANCEPage Scan
235O Jesus, Thou art standingENDSLEIGHPage Scan
236Just as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHPage Scan
237aJesus, Lover of my soulHOLLINGSIDEPage Scan
237bJesus, Lover of my soulMARTYNPage Scan
238Hark, how the blood-bought hosts abovePEMBROKEPage Scan
239By faith I view my Savior dyingFAITHPage Scan
240Hail, my ever blessed JesusAUTUMNPage Scan
241Savior, Source of every blessingSTOCKWELLPage Scan
242I was a wandering sheepLEBANONPage Scan
243I've found a Friend, O such a Friend!CONSTANCEPage Scan
244Awake, my soul, in joyful laysROCKINGHAMPage Scan
245Ask ye what great thing I knowHENDONPage Scan
246There is a fountain fill'd with bloodCOWPERPage Scan
247I bless the Christ of GodSTATE STREETPage Scan
248Grace! 'tis a charming soundSTATE STREETPage Scan
249The Lord my Shepherd isSTATE STREETPage Scan
250I heard the voice of Jesus sayVOX DELECTIPage Scan
251I love, I love my MasterST. ALPHEGEPage Scan
252I've found the pearl of greatest priceCHURCHPage Scan
253O Jesus, King most wonderfulCHURCHPage Scan
254Jesus, I love Thy charming NameCHURCHPage Scan
255Now I have found a FriendVIGILPage Scan
256Fountain of grace, rich, full, and freeSWEDENPage Scan
257If Christ is mine, then all is mineADVENTPage Scan
258There is a Name I love to hearADVENTPage Scan
259Let worldly minds the world pursueADVENTPage Scan
260O happy day, that fixed my choiceMIGDOLPage Scan
261The King of love my Shepherd isCECILIAPage Scan
262I know no life dividedRUTHERFORDPage Scan
263To Thee, O dear, dear SaviorASSURANCEPage Scan
264Let me fly to Jesus' arms!WESLEYPage Scan
265Jesus, Thy boundless love to meZEPHYRPage Scan
266Come, blessed Savior, from aboveZEPHYRPage Scan
267In Christ I've all my soul's desireZEPHYRPage Scan
268Jesus, Master, whose I amNASSAUPage Scan
269I love Thee, O my Lord, but notSUNBURYPage Scan
270Do not I love Thee, O my Lord?ST. AGNESPage Scan
271My blessed Savior, is Thy loveST. AGNESPage Scan
272O Lord, Thy love's unboundedKENILWORTHPage Scan
273O love divine, how sweet Thou art!REDEEMING LOVEPage Scan
274Who shall the Lord's elect condemn?JUSTIFICATIONPage Scan
275I could not do without TheePASSION CHORALEPage Scan
276O gracious Shepherd, bind usPASSION CHORALEPage Scan
277What cheering words are theseHAREWOODPage Scan
278Salvation! O the joyful soundCHRISTMASPage Scan
279Behold what wondrous graceAHIRAPage Scan
280I hear the words of loveAHIRAPage Scan
281If Jesus be my friendAHIRAPage Scan
282My heart is resting, O my GodEXETERPage Scan
283O happy soul that lives on highEXETERPage Scan
284There is a safe and secret placeBELMONTPage Scan
285O Thou, who to our woe didst comeBELMONTPage Scan
286Blessed are the sons of GodROSEFIELDPage Scan
287Sometimes a light surprisesCONTEMPLATIONPage Scan
288In heavenly love abidingCONTEMPLATIONPage Scan
289O Lord, how happy should we beCARMINEPage Scan
290Father of love, our Guide and FriendASAPHPage Scan
291Thro' the love of God our SaviorWALESPage Scan
292Still will we trust, tho' earth seem dark and drearyFLEMMINGPage Scan
293Lord, as to Thy dear cross we fleeMAITLANDPage Scan
294Must Jesus bear the cross aloneMAITLANDPage Scan
295Jesus, I my cross have takenOPALPage Scan
296Take, my soul, thy full salvationOPALPage Scan
297Cross, reproach and tribulationOPALPage Scan

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