The Sacred Harp: Revised Cooper Edition

Revision Comm. 2008-2012: Johnny Lee
Publisher: The Sacred Harp Book Company, Inc., Samson, AL, 2012
Notes: Hymn numbers refer to page numbers; when two hymns begin on the same page, they are distinguished with letters t and b.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
xiiiThe Lord is in this place
xxiiWhen we sing, let’s tune our voice[When we sing, let’s tune our voice]
27O, for a closer walk with God!BETHEL
28tThe God we worship nowWILL GUIDE US TILL WE DIE (AYLESBURY)
28bLife is the time to serve the LordLIFE IS THE TIME TO SERVE THE LORD (WELLS)
29tCome, humble sinner in whose breastCOME, HUMBLE SINNER (FAIRFIELD)
29bYoung people all attention give
30tCome, let us join our cheerful songsROCHESTER
30bWhy should we start or fear to diePROSPECT
31tGrace! ‘tis a charming soundNINETY-THIRD PSALM
31bCome, we that love the LordCOME, WE THAT LOVE THE LORD (WEBSTER)
32tJesus and shall it ever beI’M NOT ASHAMED OF JESUS (CORINTH)
32bDid Christ o’er sinners weep?
33There is a land of pure delightGATHERING HOME
34Farewell, dear parents, I must goGONE TO A BETTER WORLD
35O for a shout of sacred joyAUGUSTA
36tMy soul, repeat his praiseAMERICA
36bWhen I can read my title clearNINETY-FIFTH PSALM
37Our father dear has gone to restTHE CHRISTIAN’S HOME
38tSinner, O why so thoughtless grown?SESSIONS
38bBroad is the road that leads to deathTHE ROAD TO LIFE AND DEATH (WINDHAM)
39How sweet to reflect on those joys that await meEDEN OF LOVE
40Blow ye the trumpet blowBLOW YE THE TRUMPET (LENOX)
41How long, dear Savior, O how longPOYNERTune Info
42Say, now ye lovely social bandSOCIAL BAND (CLAMANDA)
43When I can read my title clearTHE HOPE OF HEAVEN (PRIMROSE HILL)
44As on the cross the Savior hungTHE CONVERTED THIEFTune Info
45tAmazing grace! how sweet the soundAMAZING GRACE (NEW BRITAIN)
45bO thou, who hear’st when sinners crySUPPLICATION
46There is a fountain filled with bloodTHE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE
47tSalvation! O, the joyful sound!SALVATION, O THE JOYFUL SOUND (PRIMROSE)
47bAnd am I born to die?IDUMEA
48tSweet is the day of sacred restDEVOTION
48bThou man of grief, remember meTHOU MAN OF GRIEF (KEDRON)
49tO come, loud anthems let us singOLD HUNDRED
49bWill God forever cast us off?WILL GOD FOREVER CAST US OFF? (MEAR)
50tOnce more, my soul, the rising dayCONSOLATION
50bSo fades the lovely blooming flow’rDISTRESS
51On Jordan's stormy banks I standMY HOME (LISBON)
52tCome, we that love the LordALBION
52b"Mercy, O thou Son of David,"PRAYER OF BARTIMEUS (CHARLESTOWN)
53Jesus, my all, to heav'n is goneJERUSALEM
54tSweet the moments, rich in blessingPALMETTO
54bFarewell, my dear brethren, the time is at handFAREWELL, MY BRETHREN (IMANDRA NEW)
55When we hear the music ringingSHALL WE KNOW EACH OTHER THERE?
56How sweet the name of Jesus soundsSALEM
58Jesus, thou art the sinner's friendPISGAH
59tCome, thou fount of ev'ry blessingLORD, REVIVE US (HOLY MANNA)
59bBrethren, we have met to worship
60Our bondage, it shall end by and bySAINTS BOUND FOR HEAVEN
61Sweet riversof redeeming loveSWEET RIVERS
62My Christian friends, in bonds of lovePARTING HAND
63All hail the pow'r of Jesus' nameCORONATION
64The Lord into his garden comesREFRESHING SHOWERS (NASHVILLE)
65On Jordan's stormy banks I standSWEET PROSPECT
66O for a faith that will not shrinkSECURITY
67O once I had a glorious viewCOLUMBUS
68tDo not I love thee, O my Lord?DO NOT I LOVE THEE (DETROIT)
68bCome, Holy Spirit, comeCOME HOLY SPIRIT (ABBEVILLE)
69Dear friends, farewell! I do you tellMINISTER'S FAREWELL
70tLord, we come before thee nowGAINESVILLE
70bSoftly now the light of dayEVENING
71My soul forsakes her vain delightMY SOUL FORSAKES HER VAIN DELIGHT (LEANDER)
72How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordFIRM FOUNDATION (BELLEVUE)
73tShow pity, Lord; O Lord, forgiveSHOW PITY, LORD (CUSSETA)
73bAm I a soldier of the crossSOLDIERS OF CHRIST (ARLINGTON)
74tI'm not ashamed to own my LordTHE INQUIRER
74b’Tis religion that can giveSOLID COMFORTText
75I would see Jesus when the flow'rsI WOULD SEE JESUS
76tDaniel's wisdom may I knowHOLINESS
76b’Tis my desire with God to walkDESIRE FOR PIETY
77tHow happy's ev'ry child of graceTHE CHILD OF GRACE
77bHark! my soul, it is the LordTHE SAVIOUR'S WORD (TALBOTTON)
78I see One hanging on the treeCALVARYText
79What ship is this that will take us all homeTHE OLD SHIP OF ZION
80tJesus, grant us all a blessingSHOUTING SONGText
80bFarewell, vain world, I'm going homeSERVICE OF THE LORDText
81Come, ye sinners, poor and needyJESUS IS WILLING (BEACH SPRING)
82O when shall I see JesusBOUND FOR CANAAN
83tWhile in this vale of sorrowVALE OF SORROW
83bYe weary, heavy -laden soulsTHE WEARY SOULS
84With a Savior crucifiedTHE CRUCIFIED SAVIOURText
85O when shall I see JesusTHE MORNING TRUMPET
86Our life is ever on the wingGUIDING SPIRIT (MANCHESTER)
87O who will come and go with meSWEET CANAAN
88tJesus, my all, to heav'n is goneDONE WITH THE WORLD
88bO for a thousand tongues to singMOUNT ZION
89Well may thy servants mourn, my GodTHE CHURCH'S DESOLATION
90My brethren all, on you I callARISE AND PRAY (LOOK OUT)
91Now shall my soul be lifted highASSURANCE
92The glorious light of ZionTHE GLORIOUS LIGHT OF ZION (BURK)
93Lord, shed a beam of heav'nly dayFROZEN HEART
94My sands of life are running fastMY SANDS OF LIFE (MULBERRRY GROVE)
95tFarewell, vain world, I'm going homeFAREWELL, VAIN WORLDText
95bBlest be the tie that bindsTHE CHRISTIAN'S LOVE
96From ev'ry stormy wind that blowsMERCY SEAT
97Oh, where is my father?GONE TO HEAVEN
98While shepherds watched their flocks by nightGLORY SHONE AROUND
99Hark! how the gospel trumpet sounds!GOSPEL TRUMPET

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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