The Tabernacle Hymns

Editor: D. B. Towner, Arthur W. McKee
Publisher: Tabernacle Pub. Co., Chicago, 1918
Language: English
Notes: This hymnal does not have a publication date noted. However, the latest copyright date in this collection in 1916.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101It may be at morn, when the day is awaking[It may be at morn, when the day is awaking]Page Scan
102There are many stormy trials along my pilgrim way[There are many stormy trials along my pilgrim way]Page Scan
103Shall we gather at the river[Shall we gather at the river]Page Scan
104Listen to the blessed invitation[Listen to the blessed invitation]Page Scan
105Marvelous grace of our loving Lord[Marvelous grace of our loving Lord]Page Scan
106"Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound!["Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound!]Page Scan
107I am saved from sin, and to joy enter in[I am saved from sin, and to joy enter in]Page Scan
108I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stragner[I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stragner]Page Scan
109Jesus is all the world to me[Jesus is all the world to me]Page Scan
110Will your anchor hold in the storms of life[Will your anchor hold in the storms of life]Page Scan
111I have read of a song so wondrous sweet[I have read of a song so wondrous sweet]TextPage ScanAudio
112Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy today[Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy today]Page Scan
113I have a Saviour Who's pleading above[I have a Saviour Who's pleading above]Page Scan
114I will sing of my Redeemer[I will sing of my Redeemer]Page Scan
115Jesus, I my cross have taken[Jesus, I my cross have taken]TextPage Scan
116There's a glorious hope thrilling christian souls today[There's a glorious hope thrilling christian souls today]Page Scan
117Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer![Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer!]Page Scan
118O glorious day when the Savior[O glorious day when the Savior]TextPage ScanAudio
119Do you ever stop, my friend, to think[Do you ever stop, my friend, to think]Page Scan
120To Jesus ev'ry day I find my heart is closer drawn[To Jesus ev'ry day I find my heart is closer drawn]Page Scan
121Jesus, the Savior, is calling for thee[Jesus, the Savior, is calling for thee]TextPage ScanAudio
122Upon a wide and stormy sea[Upon a wide and stormy sea]Page Scan
123Dear is the story of wonderful love[Dear is the story of wonderful love]Page Scan
124Believing, we rejoice with joy unbounded[Believing, we rejoice with joy unbounded]TextPage ScanAudio
125There's a dark and a troubled side of life[There's a dark and a troubled side of life]Page Scan
126I've found a friend who is all to me[I've found a friend who is all to me]Page Scan
127A glorious place, O Lord, with Thee[A glorious place, O Lord, with Thee]TextPage ScanAudio
128Have you read the story of the cross[Have you read the story of the cross]Page Scan
129In the hands of Jesus I will trust my soul[In the hands of Jesus I will trust my soul]TextPage ScanAudio
130When the dawn of eternity shall appear[When the dawn of eternity shall appear]Page Scan
131I have a Savior, He’s pleading in glory[I have a Savior, He’s pleading in glory]Page Scan
132It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide[It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide]Page Scan
133There's a fountain free[There's a fountain free]TextPage ScanAudio
134If the way is drear and your heart needs cheer[If The way is drear and your heart needs cheer]TextPage ScanAudio
135O for that flame of living fire[O for that flame of living fire]Page Scan
136I shall be like Him—O blessed tho't![I shall be like Him—O blessed tho't!]TextPage ScanAudio
137O listen to our wondrous story![O listen to our wondrous story!]Page Scan
138I've reached the land of corn and wine[I've reached the land of corn and wine]Page Scan
139I am happy today and the sun shines bright[I am happy today and the sun shines bright]Page Scan
140My soul today is thirsting for living streams divine[My soul today is thirsting for living streams divine]Page Scan
141Have you reached the brink tonight[Have you reached the brink tonight]TextPage ScanAudio
142Oh, sing me that song again[Oh, sing me that song again]Page Scan
143The cross! the blood-stain'd cross[The cross! the blood-stain'd cross]TextPage ScanAudio
144I am happy in the service of the King[I am happy in the service of the King]Page Scan
145I hear the voice of Jesus my Shepherd[I hear the voice of Jesus my Shepherd]TextPage ScanAudio
146There is one who understands our hearts[There is one who understands our hearts]TextPage ScanAudio
147Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go[Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go]Page Scan
148Fainting soldier of the Lord[Fainting soldier of the Lord]Page ScanAudio
149Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight[Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight]Page Scan
150My boat had once floated away from the shore[My boat had once floated away from the shore]Page Scan
151See, the stream is flowing swiftly[See, the stream is flowing swiftly]TextPage ScanAudio
152The mercy of God is an ocean divine[The mercy of God is an ocean divine]Page Scan
153Would you be a help to others[Would you be a help to others]TextPage ScanAudio
154If you would work for the Master today[If you would work for the Master today]Page Scan
155Many have wandered from Jesus[Many have wandered from Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
156We shall sing a sweet, new song[We shall sing a sweet, new song]TextPage ScanAudio
157O bless the Lord, my soul[O bless the Lord, my soul]Page Scan
158Blessed be the Fountain of blood[Blessed be the Fountain of blood]Page Scan
159Come ev'ry soul by sin oppress'd[Come ev'ry soul by sin oppress'd]Page Scan
160Many years ago a mother fond and true[Many years ago a mother fond and true]Page Scan
161God has given you His promise[God has given you His promise]Page Scan
162Friends all around me are trying to find[Friends all around me are trying to find]Page Scan
163There's a door that leads to a future goal[There's a door that leads to a future goal]TextPage ScanAudio
164At the cross I met the Master[At the cross I met the Master]Page ScanAudio
165Brightly beams our Father's mercy[Brightly beams our Father's mercy]Page Scan
166Hear the call, ye children of the kingdom[Hear the call, ye children of the kingdom]TextPage ScanAudio
167Tired of sin and tired of straying[Tired of sin and tired of straying]Page Scan
168Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole[Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole]Page Scan
169Jesus, I am coming home today[Jesus, I am coming home today]Page Scan
170Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling[Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling]Page Scan
171Once I wandered in the darkness[Once I wandered in the darkness]TextPage ScanAudio
172Have you wandered far from Jesus[Have you wandered far from Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
173O happy day that fixed my choice[O happy day that fixed my choice]Page Scan
174Jesus is tenderly calling for thee[Jesus is tenderly calling for thee]TextPage ScanAudio
175The cross that stood on Calvary[The cross that stood on Calvary]TextPage ScanAudio
176Are you looking for the fullness of the blessing of the Lord[Are you looking for the fullness of the blessing of the Lord]TextPage ScanAudio
177Gone from my heart the world with all its charms[Gone from my heart the world with all its charms]Page Scan
178Soon will our Saviour from heaven appear[Soon will our Saviour from heaven appear]Page Scan
179It was good for our mothers[It was good for our mothers]Page Scan
180In the paths of sin and darkness[In the paths of sin and darkness]TextPage ScanAudio
181On the cross He bled and died[On the cross He bled and died]TextPage ScanAudio
182I am trav'ling tow'rd life's sunset gate[I am trav'ling tow'rd life's sunset gate]Page Scan
183There's a battle raging in the heav'nly places[There's a battle raging in the heav'nly places]TextPage ScanAudio
184A Friend I have called Jesus[A Friend I have called Jesus]Page Scan
185Jesus loves me! this I know[Jesus loves me! this I know]Page Scan
186A great Rock stands in a weary land[A great Rock stands in a weary land]Page Scan
187Oh hear now His word[O hear now His word]TextPage ScanAudio
188All the doors on earth are open[All the doors on earth are open]Page Scan
189To the regions beyond I must go, I must go[To the regions beyond I must go, I must go]Page Scan
190God sent His mighty pow'r[God sent His mighty pow'r]Page Scan
191'Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give['Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give]Page Scan
192God calling yet! shall I not hear?[God calling yet! shall I not hear?]Page Scan
193Holy Spirit, bending lowly[Holy Spirit, bending lowly]Page Scan
194There is mercy for the sinner[There is mercy for the sinner]Page ScanAudio
195See the fight is on in its pow'r today[See the fight is on in its pow'r today]TextPage ScanAudio
196I was drifting away on life's pitiless sea[I was drifting away on life's pitiless sea]Page Scan
197Jesus my Lord, to Thee I cry[Jesus my Lord, to Thee I cry]Page Scan
198Sing again to the Saviour we love so well[Sing again to the Saviour we love so well]TextPage ScanAudio
199From ev'ry stormy wind that blows[From ev'ry stormy wind that blows]Page Scan
200He saves me! He saves me![He saves me! He saves me! ]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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