Alberto Merubia

Short Name: Alberto Merubia
Full Name: Merubia, Alberto, 1919-2013
Birth Year: 1919
Death Year: 2013 does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Alberto Merubia (21)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Agua, Dios nuestro, donde tu bondadAlberto Merubia (Author)Spanish6
Bellas flores guarda el bulboAlberto Merubia (Translator)Spanish4
Christ is made the sure foundationAlberto Merubia, 1919-2013 (Translator (Spanish, sts. 1-3))English2
Cuando al Jordán fue CristoAlberto Merubia (Translator)Spanish5
Dad gracias de corazónAlberto Merubia (Translator)Spanish3
Father, we thank Thee, who hast plantedAlberto Merubia, 1919-2013 (Translator (Spanish verses))English2
Give thanks with a grateful heartAlberto Merubia, 1919-2013 (Translator)English1
"Go make of all disciples"Alberto Merubia, b. 1919 (Translator)English, Spanish1
Gracias, Señor, por este don (We thank you, Lord, for gift of tears)Alberto Merubia (Author)English, Spanish2
Many and great, O God, are your worksAlberto Merubia, b. 1919 (Translator (Spanish))English3
Mi fe espera en tiAlberto Merubia (Translator (estr. 3))Spanish2
Muchas y grandes tus obras, DiosAlberto Merubia (Translator)Spanish3
Muchas y grandes uts obras, Dios (Antiphonal response)Alberto Merubia (Translator)Spanish3
Nuevos comienzos trae el día Alberto Merubia (Translator)Spanish5
Sing, with all the sons of gloryAlberto Merubia, 1919-2013 (Translator)English4
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (Iverson)Alberto Merubia, 1919-2013 (Translator (st. 1))English2
This is a day of new beginningsAlberto Merubia, b. 1919 (Translator)English1
Tocad trompeta yaAlberto Merubia (Translator (estr. 4))Spanish3
Ven, Espíritu de DiosAlberto Merubia (Translator)Spanish3
Wind who makes all winds that blowAlberto Merubia (Translator)English, Spanish1
When Jesus came to JordanAlberto Merubia, 1919-2013 (Translator)English2
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