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Meter:8.8.7 d

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Upward Where the Stars Are Burning

Author: Horatius Bonar Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 139 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Upward where the stars are burning, Silent, silent in their turning Round the never changing pole; Upward where the sky is brightest, Upward where the blue is lightest, Lift I now my longing soul. 2. Far above that arch of gladness, Far beyond these clouds of sadness, Are the many mansions fair. Far from pain and sin and folly, In that palace of the holy, I would find my mansion there. 3. Where the glory brightly dwelleth, Where the new song sweetly swelleth, And the discord never comes; Where life’s stream is ever laving, And the palm is ever waving, That must be the home of homes. 4. Where the Lamb on high is seated, By ten thousand voices greeted, Lord of lords, and King of kings. Son of Man, they crown, they crown Him, Son of God, they own, they own Him; With His name the palace rings. 5. Blessing, honor, without measure, Heavenly riches, earthly treasure, Lay we at His blessèd feet: Poor the praise that now we render, Loud shall be our voices yonder, When before His throne we meet. Used With Tune: BONAR (Calkin) Text Sources: Hymns of Faith and Hope, 3rd series, 1866

At the Cross her station keeping

Author: Rev. E. Caswall; Bishop R. Mant; Jacopone da Todi Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 134 hymnals Topics: Passiontide; Good Friday The Seven Last Words; Third Word Scripture: John 19:26-27 Used With Tune: STABAT MATER

Holy Woman, Graceful Giver

Author: Susan Palo Cherwien Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 1 hymnal

Ach, treuer Gott, der aufgericht

Author: Johannes Zwick 1496-1542; Henry Ralph Wardlaw 1929- Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Lord, you have founded through your Son Used With Tune: ASCENDIT DEUS (1)

Near the cross her vigil keeping

Author: Jacopone da Todi; Louis F. Benson Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 10 hymnals

Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing

Author: Howard C. A. Gaunt, 1902-1983 Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Sending; Holy Communion; Sending Used With Tune: ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN

Yesterday with exultation

Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 6 hymnals

In Thy Glorious Resurrection

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1. In Thy glorious resurrection, Lord, we see a world’s erection, Man in Thee is glorified. Bliss, for which the patriarchs panted, Joys, by holy psalmists chanted, Now in Thee are verified. 2. Oracles of former ages, Veiled in dim prophetic pages, Now lie open to the sight; Now the types, which glimmered darkling In the twilight gloom, are sparkling, In the blaze of noonday light. 3. Isaac from the wood is risen; Joseph issues from the prison; See the Paschal Lamb which saves; Israel through the sea is landed, Pharaoh and his hosts are stranded, And o’erwhelmèd in the waves. 4. See the cloudy pillar leading, Rock refreshing, manna feeding; Joshua fights and Moses prays; See the lifted wave-sheaf, cheering Pledge of harvest-fruits appearing, Joyful dawn of happy days. 5. Samson see at night uptearing Gaza’s brazen gates, and bearing To the top of Hebron’s hill; Jonah comes from stormy surges, From his three-days’ grave emerges, Bids beware of coming ill. 6. So Thy resurrection’s glory Sheds a light on ancient story; And it casts a forward ray, Beacon light of solemn warning, To the dawn of that great morning Ushering in the judgment day. 7. Ever since Thy death and rising Thou the nations art baptizing In Thy death’s similitude; Dead to sin, and ever dying, And our members mortifying, May we walk with life renewed! 8. Forth from Thy first Easter going, Sundays are for ever flowing Onward to a boundless sea; Lord, may they for Thee prepare us, On a holy river bear us To a calm eternity! Used With Tune: BONAR (Calkin) Text Sources: The Holy Year, 1862
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The Lord ascendeth up on high

Author: Arthur Tozer Russell (1806-1874) Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 37 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The Lord ascendeth up on high, the Lord hath triumphed gloriously, in power and might excelling; the grave and hell are captive led, see him return, our glorious Head, to his eternal dwelling. 2 The heavens with joy receive their Lord, by saints, by angel hosts adored; O day of exultation! Come earth, adore thy glorious King! His rising, his ascension sing with grateful adoration! 3 Our great High Priest hath gone before, now on his Church his grace to pour, and still his love he giveth: oh, may our hearts to him ascend; may all within us upward tend to him who ever liveth! Topics: Christ Risen Ascension; Christian Year Ascension; Jesus priesthood Scripture: Colossians 2:15 Used With Tune: ASCENDIT DEUS


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