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Showing 11 - 20 of 1,250Results Per Page: 102050
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Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: D Appears in 1,870 hymnals Topics: Mercy, Forgiveness; Reconciliation, Atonement, Forgiveness Lyrics: 1 Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heav'n, to earth come down! Fix in us your humble dwelling, All your faithful mercies crown. Jesus, source of all compassion, Love unbounded, love all pure; Visit us with your salvation, Let your love in us endure. 2 Come, Almighty, to deliver, Let us all your life receive; Suddenly return and never, Nevermore your temples leave. You we would be always blessing, Serve you as your hosts above, Pray, and praise you without ceasing, Glory in your perfect love. 3 Finish then your new creation, Pure and spotless, gracious Lord. Let us see your great salvation Perfectly in you restored. Changed from glory into glory, Till in heav'n we take our place, Till we sing before the Almighty, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Scripture: Psalm 106:4 Used With Tune: HYFRYDOL
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I Was Sinking Deep in Sin (Love Lifted Me)

Author: James Rowe, 1865-1933 Appears in 274 hymnals Topics: Healing, Forgiveness First Line: I was sinking deep in sin Refrain First Line: Love lifted me! Lyrics: 1 I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more; but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry, from the waters lifted me, now safe am I. Refrain: Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. 2 All my heart to him I give, ever to him I'll cling, in his blessed presence live, ever his praises sing; love so mighty and so true merits my soul's best songs; faithful loving service, too, to him belongs. [Refrain] 3 Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves; he will lift you by his love out of the angry waves; he's the master of the sea, billows his will obey; he your Savior true will be: be saved today. [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 40:2 Used With Tune: SAFETY
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Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners

Author: J. Wilbur Chapman, 1859-1918 Meter: D Appears in 81 hymnals Topics: Forgiveness First Line: Jesus! what a friend for sinners! Lyrics: 1 Jesus! what a Friend for sinners! Jesus! Lover of my soul; Friends may fail me, foes assail me, He, my Savior, makes me whole. Refrain: Hallelujah! what a Savior! Hallelujah! what a Friend! Saving, helping, keeping, loving, He is with me to the end. 2 Jesus! what a Strength for weakness! Let me hide myself in Him; Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing, He, my Strength, my vict'ry wins. [Refrain] 3 Jesus! what a Help in sorrow! While the billows o'er me roll, Even when my heart is breaking, He, my Comfort, helps my soul. [Refrain] 4 Jesus! I do now receive Him, More than all in Him I find, He has granted me forgiveness, I am His, and He is mine. [Refrain] Used With Tune: HOLY MANNA
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Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me

Author: Augustus M. Toplady Meter: Appears in 2,917 hymnals Topics: Forgiveness; Life in Christ Repentance and Forgiveness Lyrics: 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. 2 Not the labors of my hands Can fulfill Thy law's demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone. 3 Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress, Helpless, look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Saviour, or I die. 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyelids close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 27:5 Used With Tune: TOPLADY

What Wondrous Love Is This

Author: Alexander Means, 1801-1883 Meter: Appears in 252 hymnals Topics: Mercy, Forgiveness First Line: What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! Lyrics: 1 What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! What wondrous love is this, O my soul! What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss To bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul; To bear the dreadful curse for my soul! 2 To God and to the Lamb I will sing, I will sing; To God and to the Lamb, I will sing. To God and to the Lamb, who is the great I AM, While millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing; While millions join the theme, I will sing. 3 And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on; And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on. And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing and joyful be, And through eternity I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on; And through eternity I’ll sing on. Scripture: John 3:16 Used With Tune: WONDROUS LOVE

To God Be the Glory

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Meter: Appears in 228 hymnals Topics: Forgiveness First Line: To God be the glory, great things he hath done Refrain First Line: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Lyrics: 1. To God be the glory, great things he hath done! So loved he the world that he gave us his Son, who yielded his life an atonement for sin, and opened the life-gate that all may go in. Refrain: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice! O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, and give him the glory, great things he hath done! 2. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, to every believer the promise of God; the vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Refrain) 3. Great things he hath taught us, great things he hath done, and great our rejoicing thru Jesus the Son; but purer, and higher, and greater will be our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see. (Refrain) Used With Tune: TO GOD BE THE GLORY

Jesus Paid It All

Author: Elvina M. Hall, 1820-1889 Appears in 818 hymnals Topics: Cleansing and Forgiveness First Line: I hear the Savior say Lyrics: 1 I hear the Savior say, "Thy strength indeed is small! Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all." Chorus: Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain - He washed it white as snow. 2 Lord, now indeed I find Thy pow'r, and Thine alone Can change the leper's spots And melt the heart of stone. [Chorus] 3 For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim - I'll wash my garments white In the blood of Calv'ry's Lamb. [Chorus] 4 And when, before the throne, I stand in Him complete, "Jesus died my soul to save," My lips shall still repeat. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [I hear the Savior say]
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I Will Sing of My Redeemer

Author: Philip P. Bliss Meter: with refrain Appears in 326 hymnals Topics: Forgiveness of Sin Refrain First Line: Sing, O sing of my Redeemer Used With Tune: MY REDEEMER
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At the Cross

Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 2,316 hymnals Topics: Forgiveness First Line: Alas, and did my Savior bleed Refrain First Line: At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light Used With Tune: [Alas, and did my Savior bleed?]

My Faith Looks Up to Thee

Author: Ray Palmer Meter: Appears in 2,218 hymnals Topics: Forgiveness of Sins Scripture: Matthew 24:31 Used With Tune: OLIVET


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