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John Macleod Campbell Crum

1872 - 1958 Author of "O God, whose mighty works of old" in Hymnal for Colleges and Schools Crum, John Macleod Campbell Born: Oc­to­ber 12, 1872, Mere Old Hall, Che­shire, Eng­land. Died: De­cem­ber 19, 1958, Farn­ham, Sur­rey, Eng­land. A graduate of New Coll­ege, Ox­ford (BA 1895, MA 1901), Crum was or­dained as a dea­con in 1897, and priest in 1900. He was as­sist­ant cur­ate at St. John the Evan­gel­ist, Dar­ling­ton (1897-1901); do­mes­tic chap­lain to Fran­cis Pa­get, Bi­shop of Ox­ford (1901-10); as­sist­ant cur­ate, Win­dsor (1907-10); Vi­car of Ment­more with Led­burn (1910-12); Rec­tor of Farn­ham (1913-28); and Ca­non of Can­ter­bu­ry (1928-43). His works in­clude: Road Mend­ing on the Sac­red Way, 1924 What Mean Ye by These Stones? 1926 The Orig­in­al Je­ru­sa­lem Gos­pel, 1927 Notes on the Old Glass of the Ca­thed­ral of Christ Church, Can­ter­bury, 1930 St. Mark’s Gos­pel, Two Stag­es of Its Mak­ing, 1936 Life of Fran­cis Pa­get, 1912 (with Ste­phen Pa­get)

Rudyard Kipling

1865 - 1936 Author of "God of our fathers, known of old" in The Hymnal Born: December 30, 1865, Bombay (now Mumbai), India. Died: January 18, 1936, London, England. Buried: Westminster Abbey, London, England. Kipling, Rudyard, the well-known poet and story-teller, was born at Bombay, India, Dec. 30, 1865, and now (1906) lives at Burwash in Sussex. His noble poem, "The Recessional," was written in 1897 at the time of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, contributed to the Times for July 17, 1897, and first published by the author in his The Five Nations, 1903, p. 214, beginning "God of our fathers, known of old" (National). It has passed into Sursum Corda, Phil., 1898, The English Hymnal, 1906. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Cyril Alington

1872 - 1955 Person Name: Cyril Argentine Alington, 1872-19455 Author of "Good Christian Men, Rejoice And Sing" in The Hymn Book of the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada Educated at Trinity College, Oxford, England, Cyril A. Alington (b. Ipswich, England, 1872; d. St. Leonards, Hertfordshire, England, 1955) was ordained a priest in the Church of England in 1901. He had a teaching career that included being headmaster at Shrewsbury School and Eton College. He was dean of Durham from 1933-1951 as well as chaplain to the king of England. His writings include literary works and Christianity in England, Good News (1945). Many of his hymns appeared in various twentieth-century editions of the famous British hymnal, Hymns Ancient and Modern. Bert Polman

Leonard Bacon

1802 - 1881 Author of "O God, beneath Thy guiding hand" in Hymns for Children and Grownups to Use Together Leonard Bacon, D.D., was born in Detroit (where his father was a missionary to the Indians), February 19, 1802, and educated at Yale college and at Andover. In 1825 he was ordained Pastor of the Centre Church, New Haven, and retained that charge until 1866, when he was appointed Professor of Theology in Yale Divinity School. This professorship he resigned in 1871; but till his death in 1881, he was Lecturer on Church Polity. He died December 23, 1881. Dr. Bacon rendered important service to hymnology both as writer and compiler. While a student at Andover, he edited an important and now rare tract entitled Hymns and Sacred Songs for the Monthly Concert [of Prayer for Missions], Andover, September 1823. This contained the three hymns following, which are his:- Weep not for the saint that ascends. Death of a Missionary. Land where the bones of our father are sleeping. Missions. This was brought into notice in Great Britain through its insertion in the Evangelical Magazine, March, 1824. Wake the song of jubilee. Missions. Of these No. 1 is found in Lyra Sac. Amer., p. 6 and No. 3 was adopted, with alterations, by Pratt in his Ps. and Hys. (Lond. Seeley & Co,. 1829), fro which it passed into Greene and Mason's Church Psalmody, 1831, and the Church Psalmist of the Evangelical Christians (N. Y., 1845, 7th ed.). This altered text, with some further changes, was adopted by the author in his Appendix to T. Dwight's revised ed. of Watt's Psalms, 1833. This Appendix also contained three newe hymns by him, viz.:- Though now the nations sit beneath. Missions. This is based on a hymn by Sarah Slinn, "Arise in all Thy splendour, Lord" (q.v.), which Dr. Bacon had partly rewritten for his Andover Tract, above noted. In the Appendix to Dwight he substituted new verses for what remained of her's in the Tract, and then justly claimed the whole as his own. O Thou Who hast died to redeem us from hell. Holy Communion. God of our fathers, to Thy throne. Thanksgiving. In 1845 Dr. Bacon was joint compiler with Dr. E. T. Fitch, and several others, of Psalms & Hymns for Christian Use and Worship,, pub. "by the General Association of Connecticut." To this collection he contributed the four hymns following:- Here, Lord of life and light, to Thee. Institution of a Minister. This was written March 9, 1825, for his installation as pastor of the First Church, New Haven, and first published as above, No. 559, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "Ordination in an ancient New England Church." O God, beneath They guiding hand. American Anniversary Hymn. This is a favorite American Anniversary hymn. It is abbreviated and altered from his hymn, "The Sabbath morn is as bright and calm," which he wrote for the Bicentenary of New Haven, 1833. In this revised form it was first published as above, No. 619, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and appointed "For the twenty-second of December." O God of Abraham, ever sure. Prayer on behalf of the Young. This was written as a substitute for Mrs. Hyde's "Dear Saviour, if these lambs should stray," the use of which was refused by the owners of the copyright of Nettleton's Village Hymns (1824). In the Psalms & Hymns, it is No. 635, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "Prayer for the children of the Church." Hail, tranquil hour of closing day. Evening. This popular hymns was written under the same circumstances as the preceding, and as a substitute for Mr.s Brown's Twilight hymn, "I love to steal awhile away." It is No. 706 of the Psalms & Hymns, 1845, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "Evening Twilight." How sweet, thro' long remembered years. Evening. In the Church Praise Book., N.Y., 1882, No. 15, is composed of stanzas iii.-v. of No. 10. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Addington Symonds

1840 - 1893 Person Name: J. A. Symonds (1840-1893) Author of "These things shall be: a loftier race" in The Winchester Hymn Supplement Symonds, John Addington, M.A., s. of J. A. Symonds, b. at Bristol, Oct. 5, 1840; educated at Harrow, and Balliol College, Oxford, B.A. (double first) 1862, and Fellow of Magdalen 1862. Wrote extensively, especially on the History of the Italian Renaissance, and also published various volumes of verse. Died at home, April 19, 1893. His Life, by Horatio Brown, was published in 1895. His hymn: "These things shall be! a loftier race" (A Regenerated World), in The Methodist Hymn Book, 1901, is from his New and Old, a volume of verse by John Addington Symonds, 1880, p. 225. It begins with st. iv. of "Sad heart, what will the future bring?" a poem entitled "A Vista." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Wilbur Held

1914 - 2015 Harmonizer of "DEO GRACIAS" in The United Methodist Hymnal Music Supplement

Federico J. Pagura

1923 - 2016 Person Name: F. J. Pagura Tr. castellana of "¡Gloriosa Luz!" in Cántico Nuevo Federico José Pagura was an Argentine Methodist bishop and author and translator of hymns. Leland Bryant Ross

E. Power Biggs

1906 - 1977 Person Name: E. Power Biggs, 1906-1977 Composer of "DEO GRACIAS" in The Covenant Hymnal Edward George Power Biggs was born in England and came to the United States in 1930, during the Great Depression. He studied organ at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He had a Sunday morning radio program during the 1940's and 1950's that featured organ music of all periods. He performed around the world. He encouraged American composers to write new works for the organ and premiered many major works with American orchestras. He also encouraged churches and concert halls to acquire organs built by the best organ builders. Dianne Shapiro, from Pipedreams website ( (Accessed 10/2/2022)

Constanza Bongarrá

Translator (Spanish) of "O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High (Cuán alto, vasto y hondo amor)" in Santo, Santo, Santo

Matthias Loy

1828 - 1915 Person Name: M. Loy Translator of "Creation Fell in Adam's Fall" in Singing the New Testament Loy, M., President of the Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, contributed several original hymns, and translations from the German, to the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. Published by Order of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and Other States. Columbus, Ohio, 1880. The translations may be found through the Index of Authors, &c.; the original hymns are the following:— 1. An awful mystery is here. Holy Communion. 2. At Jesus' feet our infant sweet. Holy Baptism. 3. Come, humble soul, receive the food. Holy Communion. 4. Give me, 0 Lord, a spirit lowly. Humility desired. 5. God gave His word to holy men. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. 6. God of grace, Whose word is sure. Faithfulness. 7. How matchless is our Saviour's grace. Holy Baptism. 8. I thank Thee, Saviour, for the grief. Lent. 9. Jesus took the lambs and blest them. Holy Baptism. 10. Jesus, Thou art mine for ever. Jesus, All and in All. 11. Launch out into the deep. Call to Duty. 12. Listen to those happy voices. Christmas. 13. O Great High Priest, forget not me. Confirmation. 14. O Lord, Who hast my place assigned. Daily Duties. 15. Our Shepherd of His ransomed flock. Holy Communion. 16. The gospel shows the Father's grace. Holy Scripture. 17. The law of God is good and wise. Holy Scripture. 18. Though angels bright escape our eight. St. Michael and All Angels. 19. When Rome had shrouded earth in night. The Reformation. 20. When souls draw near the holy wave. Confirmation. Several of these hymns, together with some of his translations, previously appeared in the Ohio Synod's preceding Collection of Hymns (3rd ed., 1858; 4th, 1863). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Loy, Matthias, D.D., p. 700, i. Dr. Loy was born in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1828. He studied at the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary at Columbus, Ohio, of which he became Professor of Theology in 1365. He was appointed President of the Capital University in 1880. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================== See also in: Wikipedia


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