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Scripture:Exodus 3:1-15

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The heavens declare thy glory, Lord!

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 594 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:14 Lyrics: 1 The heavens declare thy glory, Lord! In every star thy wisdom shines; But when our eyes behold thy word, We read thy name in fairer lines. 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And nights and days, thy power confess; But the blest volume thou hast writ Reveals thy justice and thy grace. 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand; So when thy truth began its race, It touched and glanced on every land. 4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest, Till through the world thy truth has run; Till Christ has all the nations blest That see the light, or feel the sun. 5 Great Sun of Righteous! arise; Bless the dark world with heavenly light; Thy gospel makes the simple wise, Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 6 Thy noblest wonders here we view, In souls renewed, and sins forgiven; Lord! cleanse my sins, my soul renew, And make thy word my guide to heaven. Topics: The Bible; The Works and the Word of God
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The head that once was crowned with thorns

Author: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1855 Meter: Appears in 513 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:15 Lyrics: 1 The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now: a royal diadem adorns the mighty victor's brow. 2 The highest place that heav'n affords is his, is his by right. The King of kings and Lord of lords, and heav'n's eternal light. 3 The joy of all who dwell above, the joy of all below, to whom he manifests his love, and grants his name to know. 4 To them the cross, with all its shame, with all its grace is giv'n: their name an everlasting name, their joy the joy of heav'n. 5 They suffer with their Lord below, they reign with him above, their profit and their joy to know the myst'ry of his love. 6 The cross he bore is life and health, though shame and death to him; his people's hope, his people's wealth, their everlasting theme. Topics: Ascensiontide; Year A Proper 17; Years A, B, and C Good Friday Used With Tune: ST MAGNUS

Through all the changing scenes of life

Author: Nahum Tate, 1652-1715; Nicholas Brady, 1659-1726 Meter: Appears in 476 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:7-14 Topics: Conflict, Suffering and Doubt Used With Tune: WILTSHIRE

O God of Bethel, by whose hand

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751; John Logan, 1748-1788 Meter: Appears in 380 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:13 Topics: Our Journey With God; Covenant, Commitment and Dedication Used With Tune: SALZBURG
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O Thou God of My Salvation

Author: Thomas Olivers Appears in 266 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:14 Lyrics: 1 O Thou God of my salvation, My Redeemer from all sin; Moved by Thy divine compassion, Who hast died my heart to win; I will praise Thee, I will praise Thee, Where shall I Thy praise begin? I will praise Thee, I will praise Thee, Where shall I Thy praise begin? 2 Though unseen, I love the Savior, He hath brought salvation near; Manifests His pard'ning favor, And when Jesus doth appear, Soul and body, soul and body, Shall His glorious image bear; Soul and body, soul and body, Shall His glorious image bear. 3 While the angel choirs are crying, “Glory to the great I Am,” I with them will still be vying-- Glory, glory, to the Lamb! Oh, how precious, oh, how precious Is the sound of Jesus’ Name! Oh, how precious, oh, how precious Is the sound of Jesus’ Name! 4 Angels now are hov'ring round us, Unperceived among the throng; Wond'ring at the love that crowned us, Glad to sing the holy song; Hallelujah, hallelujah, Love and praise to Christ belong! Hallelujah, hallelujah, Love and praise to Christ belong! Topics: Christ Savior; Praise of Christ; Christ Savior; Praise of Christ Used With Tune: [O Thou God of my salvation]
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Glory to God!

Author: Horatius Bonar Appears in 210 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:14 First Line: Glory be to God the Father Lyrics: 1 Glory be to God the Father, Glory be to God the Son, Glory be to God the Spirit, Great Jehovah, Three in One: Glory, glory, While eternal ages run! 2 Glory be to him who loved us, Washed us from each spot and stain; Glory be to him who bought us, Made us kings with him to reign: Glory, glory, To the Lamb that once was slain! 3 Glory, blessing, praise eternal! Thus the choir of angels sings; Honor, riches, power, dominion! Thus its praise creation brings: Glory, glory, Glory to the King of kings. Topics: Opening of Service Used With Tune: ALVAN
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O Thou Who Camest from Above

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 177 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:1-15 Topics: Pentecost; Jesus Christ Used With Tune: HEREFORD

From Heaven Above

Author: Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 146 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:7 First Line: "From heaven above to earth I come Topics: Christian Year Nativity/Christmas; Christian Year Epiphany; Jesus Christ Birth Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH Text Sources: Trans. Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978, alt.
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"Lo, Jehovah!"

Author: William Goode Appears in 127 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:14 First Line: Crown his head with endless blessing Lyrics: 1 Crown his head with endless blessing, Who, in God the Father's name, With compassions never ceasing, Comes salvation to proclaim. Hail, ye saints, who know his favor, Who within his gates are found; Hail, ye saints, the exalted Saviour, Let his courts with praise resound. 2 Lo, Jehovah, we adore thee; Thee our Saviour! thee our God! From his throne his beams of glory Shine through all the world abroad. In his word his light arises, Brightest beams of truth and grace; Bind, oh, bind your sacrifice, In his courts your offerings place. 3 Jesus, thee our Saviour hailing, Thee our God in praise we own; Highest honors, never failing, Rise eternal round thy throne; Now, ye saints, his power confessing, In your grateful strains adore; For his mercy, never ceasing, Flows, and flows for evermore. Topics: Advent of Christ To Kingdom; Christ Resurrection of Used With Tune: AUTUMN

How Shall I Sing That Majesty

Author: John Mason (1645?-1694) Meter: D Appears in 40 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 3:1-15 Lyrics: 1 How shall I sing that majesty which angels do admire? Let dust in dust and silence lie; sing, sing, ye heavenly choir! Thousands of thousands stand around thy throne, O God most high; ten thousand times ten thousand sound thy praise; but who am I? 2 Thy brightness unto them appears, whilst I thy footsteps trace; a sound of God comes to my ears, but they behold thy face. They sing because thou art their sun; Lord, send a beam on me; for where heaven is but once begun, there hallelujahs be. 3 Enlighten with faith's light my heart, inflame it with love's fire; then shall I sing and bear a part with that celestial choir. I shall, I fear, be dark and cold, with all my fire and light; yet when thou dost accept their gold, Lord, treasure up my mite. 4 How great a being Lord, is thine, which doth all beings keep! Thy knowledge is the only line to sound so vast a deep: thou art a sea without a shore, a sun without a sphere; thy time is now and evermore, thy place is everywhere. Topics: Angels; Arts and Music; Communion of Saints; Praise of God Used With Tune: HURRLE


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