Text Results

Scripture:Isaiah 42:1-9

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Showing 31 - 40 of 106Results Per Page: 102050

I'll Praise My Maker While I've Breath

Author: John Wesley, 1703-1791; Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Meter: Appears in 528 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:6 Lyrics: 1 I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath, and when my voice is lost in death, praise shall employ my noblest powers; my days of praise are never past while life and thought and being last or immortality endures. 2 Happy are those whose hopes rely on God the Lord, who made the sky, and earth, the sea, the night and day; his truth forever stands secure, he keeps his promise to the poor, and none who seeks is turned away. 3 The Lord gives eyesight to the blind, he calms and heals the troubled mind; he sends the wounded conscience peace; he helps the stranger in distress, the widow and the fatherless, and grants the prisoner glad release. 4 I’ll praise him while he lends me breath, and when my voice is lost in death, praise shall employ my noblest powers; my days of praise are never past while life and thought and being last or immortality endures. Used With Tune: OLD 113th
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God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven

Author: Reginald Heber; William Mercer; Richard Whately Meter: Appears in 475 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:5 Lyrics: 1. God, who made the earth and heaven, darkness and light: you the day for work have given, for rest the night. May your angel guards defend us, slumber sweet your mercy send us, holy dreams and hopes attend us all through the night. 2. And when morn again shall call us to run life's way, may we still, whate'er befall us, your will obey. From the power of evil hide us, in the narrow pathway guide us, never be your smile denied us all through the day. 3 Guard us waking, guard us sleeping, and, when we die, maywe in your mighty keeping all peaceful lie. When the last dread call shall wake us, then, O Lord, do not forsake us, but to reign in glory take us with you on high. 4 Holy Father, throned in heaven, all holy Son, Holy Spirit, freely given, blest Three in One: grant us grace, we now implore you, till we lay our crowns before you, and in worthier strains adore you while ages run. Topics: Passing Days; God Guide; God Redeemer; Labor Used With Tune: AR HYD Y NOS
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Thou, whose Almighty word

Author: John Marriott Meter: Appears in 447 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:7 Used With Tune: MOSCOW
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Jesus, the name high over all

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 300 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:7 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the name high over all, in hell, or earth, or sky; angels and mortals prostrate fall, and devils fear and fly, and devils fear and fly. 2 Jesus, the name to sinners dear, the name to sinners giv'n; it scatters all their guilty fear, it turns their hell to heaven, it turns their hell to heaven. 3 Jesus, the pris'ner's fetters breaks, and bruises Satan's head; pow'r into strengthless souls he speaks, and life into the dead, and life into the dead. 4 O, that the world might taste and see the riches of his grace! The arms of love that compass me, hold all the human race, hold all the human race. 5 His only righteousness I show, his saving truth proclaim; 'tis all my business here below to cry, 'Behold the Lamb!' to cry, 'Behold the Lamb!' 6 Happy, if with my latest breath I may but gasp his name; preach him to all, and cry in death: 'Behold, behold the Lamb!' 'Behold, behold the Lamb!' Topics: Easter; Joy, Praise and Thanksgiving; Year A Christ the King Used With Tune: LYDIA
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Now Be the Gospel Banner

Author: Thomas Hastings Meter: D Appears in 267 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-4 Lyrics: 1 Now be the gospel banner In ev'ry land unfurled; And be the shout, Hosanna! Re-echoed through the world; Till ev'ry isle and nation, Till ev'ry tribe and tongue, Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. 2 Yes, Thou shalt reign forever, O Jesus, King of kings! Thy light, Thy love, Thy favor, Each ransomed captive sings: The isles for Thee are waiting, The deserts learn Thy praise, The hills and valleys, greeting, The song responsive raise. Amen. Topics: Missions Foreign; A Missionary Service Used With Tune: O, DU MITT HJÄRTAS TRÄNGTAN
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Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart

Author: Sir Edward Denny Meter: Appears in 143 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:4-10 Used With Tune: EAGLEY

To the name of our salvation

Author: John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Meter: Appears in 119 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-9 Lyrics: 1 To the name of our salvation laud and honour let us pay, which for many a generation hid in God's foreknowledge lay, but with holy exultation we may sing aloud to-day. 2 Jesus is the name we treasure, name beyond what words can tell; name of gladness, name of pleasure, ear and heart delighting well; name of sweetness passing measure, saving us from sin and hell. 3 'Tis the name that whoso preacheth speaks like music to the ear; who in prayer this name beseecheth sweetest comfort findeth near; who its perfect wisdom reacheth heavenly joy possesseth here. 4 Jesus is the name exalted over every other name; in this name, whene'er assaulted, we can put our foes to shame: strength to them who else had halted, eyes to blind, and feet to lame. 5 Therefore we in love adoring this most blessed name revere, holy Jesu, thee imploring so to write it in us here, that hereafter heavenward soaring we may sing with angels there. Topics: Adoration; Jesus Name Used With Tune: ORIEL Text Sources: Based on Gloriosi salvatoris nominis praeconia, (Latin, c. 15th century)

Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Author: Thomas A. Dorsey, 1899-1993 Meter: 6.6.9 D Appears in 114 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:6 Used With Tune: PRECIOUS LORD

Spirit of the Living God

Author: Daniel Iverson, 1890-1977; Hubertus Tommek, SJ Appears in 105 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:5-7 First Line: Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me Topics: Discernment; Holy Spirit; Prayer; Renewal; Spirituality; Transformation; Vulnerable; Yearning Used With Tune: IVERSON Text Sources: Fr. tr.: Moody Bible Institute; Kor. tr.: The United Methodist Korean Hymnal Committee
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Light in Darkness

Author: Rev. Leonard Bacon (1802-1881) Appears in 98 hymnals Scripture: Isaiah 42:7 First Line: Though now the nations sit beneth Topics: Church Triumph of; Missions Foreign


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