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Showing 51 - 60 of 73Results Per Page: 102050
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My God, I know that I must die

Author: Benjamin Schmolk, d. 1737; Jane Borthwick Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 My God, I know that I must die: My mortal life is passing hence; On earth I neither hope nor try To find a lasting residence. Then teach me by Thy heavenly grace With joy and peace my death to face. 2 My God, I know not when I die; What is the moment or the hour; How soon the clay may broken lie, How quickly pass away the flower: Then may Thy child preparéd be Through time to meet eternity. 3 My God, I know not how I die; For death has many ways to come, In dark mysterious agony, On gently as a sleep to some. Just as Thou wilt, if but it be To bring me, blessed Lord, to Thee! 4 My God, I know not where I die, Where is my grace, beneath what strand; Yet from its gloom I do rely To be delivered by Thy hand. Content, I take what spot is mine, Since all the earth,, my Lord, is Thine. 5 My gracious God, when I must die, O bear my happy soul above, With Christ, my Lord, eternally To share Thy glory and Thy Love: Then comes it right and well to me, When, where, and how my death shall be. Used With Tune: MACCABAEUS
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When my last hour is close at hand

Author: Edgar Alfred Bowring; Nikolaus Hermann Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 When my last hour is close at hand, My last sad journey taken, Do Thou, Lord Jesus! by me stand, Let me not be forsaken. O Lord, my spirit I resign Into Thy loving hands divine; 'Tis safe within Thy keeping. 2 Countless as sands upon the shore, My sins may then appall me; Yet, though my conscience vex me sore, Despair shall not enthrall me: For as I draw my latest breath, I'll think, Lord Christ! upon Thy Death, And there find consolation. 3 I shall not in the grave remain, Since Thou death's bonds hast severed; But hope with Thee to rise again, From fear of death delivered, For where Thou art, there I shall be. That I may ever live with Thee: This is my joy in dying. 4 And so to Jesus Christ I'll go, My longing arms extending; So fall asleep in slumber deep, Slumber that knows no ending, Till Jesus Christ, God's only Son, Opens the gates of bliss, leads on To heaven, to life eternal. Used With Tune: WENN MEIN STÜNDLEIN VORHANDEN IST
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Jesus, Thy soul, for ever blest

Author: Isaac Williams Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Thy soul, for ever blest, Hath gone among the dead, And to his peaceful place of rest The dying thief hath led. 2 And all for us; that when, ere long, We shall resign our breath, We may not fear to go among The unseen shades of death. 3 In death's dark vale I soon must be, But I will nothing fear; Thy rod and staff will comfort me; Thou hast Thyself been there. Used With Tune: DOMINE CLAMAVI
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Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God

Author: Miss Winkworth; Paul Eber Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, Who borest anguish, scorn, the rod, And diedst at last upon the Tree, To bring Thy Father's grace for me: I pray Thee through that bitter woe, Let me, a sinner, mercy know. 2 When comes the hour of failing breath, And I must wrestle, Lord, with death. When from my sight all fades away, And when my tongue no more can say, And when mine ears no more can hear, And when my heart is racked with fear, 3 When all my mind is darkened o'er, And human help can do no more; Then come, Lord Jesus! come with speed, And help me in my hour of need; Lead me from this dark vale beneath, And shorten then the pangs of death. 4 Joyful my Resurrection be, Thou in the Judgment plead for me, And hide my sins, Lord, from Thy face, And give me Life, of Thy dear grace! I trust Thee utterly, my Lord, For Thou hast promised in Thy Word! 5 Dear Lord, forgive us all our guilt; Help us to wait until Thou wilt That we depart; and let our faith Be brave, and conquer e'en in death: Firm resting on Thy sacred Word, Until we sleep in Thee, our Lord. Used With Tune: HERR JESU CHRIST, WAHR MENSCH U. GOTT
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Rest of the weary! Thou

Author: Solomon Frank; Miss Winkworth Meter: 6.6.10 Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Rest of the weary! Thou Thyself art resting now, Where lowly in Thy sepulchre Thou liest; From out her deathly sleep My soul doth start, to weep So sad a wonder, that Thou, Saviour, diest! 2 Thy bitter anguish o'er, To this dark tomb they bore Thee, Life of life--Thee, Lord of all creation! The hollow rocky cave Must serve Thee for a grave, Who wast Thyself the Rock of our salvation! 3 O Prince of Life! I know That when I too lie low, Thou wilt at last my soul from death awaken; And thus I will not shrink From the grave's awful brink; The heart that trusts in Thee shall ne'er be shaken. 4 To me the darksome tomb Is but a narrow room, Where I may rest in peace, from sorrow free. Thy Death shall give me power To cry in that dark hour, O Death! O Grave! where is your victory? 5 The grave can naught destroy; Only the flesh can die, And e'en the body triumphs o'er decay: Clothed by Thy wondrous might In robes of dazzling light, This flesh shall burst the grave at that Last Day. 6 My Jesus, day by day, Help me to watch and pray, Beside the tomb where in my heart Thou'rt laid. Thy bitter Death shall be My constant memory, My guide at last into death's awful shade. Used With Tune: EASTER EVE
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O what terror in thy forethought

Author: Peter Damian, d. 1072; John Mason Neale Meter: 8.7 Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O what terror in thy forethought, Ending scene of mortal life! Heart is sickened, reins are loosened, Thrills each nerve, with terror rife, When the anxious heart depicteth All the anguish of the strife! 2 Christ, unconquered King of glory! Thou my wretched soul relieve In that last extremest terror When the body she must leave: Let the Accuser of the brethren O'er me then no power receive! 3 Let the Prince of darkness vanish, And Gehenna's legions fly! Shepherd, Thou Thy sheep, thus ransomed, To Thy country lead on high, Where for ever in fruition I may see Thee eye to eye! Used With Tune: ST. PETER'S
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When the last agony draws nigh

Author: John Andew Gramlich; Miss Winkworth Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 When the last agony draws nigh, My spirit sinks in bitter fear: Courage! I conquer though I die, For Christ with Death once wrestled here. Thy strife, O Christ, with death's dark power Upholds me in this fearful hour. 2 In faith I hide myself in Thee; I shall not perish in the strife; I share Thy war, Thy victory, And death is swallowed up in Life. Thy strife, O Christ, with death of yore Hath conquered, and I fear no more. Used With Tune: WINKWORTH
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O hear me, Lord, for I am poor

Author: John Mason Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O hear me, Lord, for I am poor, And seek salvation at Thy door; Bow down Thy gentle ear to me, Who am opprest with misery. 2 Let mercy come from God on high, The object of my daily cry; I daily knock, I daily wait, For mercy's alms, at mercy's gate. 3 Thou, Lord, art good, and Thou dost stand With sealéd pardons in Thy hand; O how the dews of mercy fall, And answer at Thy people's call! 4 Lord, guide me in Thy secret way; With such a Guide I shall not stray: Bring me into a heavenly frame, Unite my heart to fear Thy Name. 5 O King of Nations, Lord of all, Before Thee shall all nations fall; And every language shall confess Thy glorious everlastingness! Scripture: Psalm 86 Used With Tune: ST. CATHERINE
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Sørger ei for dem, som sove

Author: Grundtvig Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Tjuefemte Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste; Twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Sextende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Sixteenth Sunday after Epiphany; Tjuefjerde Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Twenty fourth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Twenty fourth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Opstandelsen; Resurrection; Tjuefjerde Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel Lyrics: 1 Sørger ei for dem, som sove Med Guds Fred i Gravens Skjød! De paa ny skal Herren love, Takke høit for Hvile sød, Ja for Seier over Døden, Ungdoms-Liv i Morgenrøden, Høitids-Færd ad Himmel-Vei Til den Sal, som synker ei. 2 Selv han har os aabenbaret Til de ømme Hjerters Trøst, At, naar han i Sky forklaret Skrider frem med Torden-Røst, Først han, som Basunen gjalder, Gravens Folk til Lyset kalder, Vinker saa fra Mark og By Alle sine op i Sky. 3 Kristne! hvilken Morgenrøde, Mange mørke Timer værd, Naar vi, Levend og Døde, Mødes med vor Herre kjær, Skal i Himlens Glans og Ære Evig hos vor Frelser være, Love Gud med Engle-Røst! Husker, det er Herrens Trøst!
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Affliction is a stormy deep

Author: Nathaniel Cotton Meter: Appears in 86 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Affliction is a stormy deep, Where wave resounds to wave; Though o'er my head the billows roll, I know the Lord can save. 2 The hand that now withholds my joys Can reinstate my peace: And He who bade the tempest roar, Can bid that tempest cease. 3 In the dark watches of the night, I'll count His mercies o'er; I'll praise Him for ten thousand past, And humbly sue for more. 4 When darkness and when sorrows rose And pressed on every side, The Lord has still sustained my steps, And still has been my Guide. 5 Here will I rest, and build my hopes, Nor murmur at His rod; He's more than all the world to me, My Health, my Life, my God! Scripture: Psalm 42 Used With Tune: DOMINE CLAMAVI


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