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Hymnal, Number:elh1996

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Showing 581 - 590 of 594Results Per Page: 102050

He's Risen, He's Risen

Author: C. F. W. Walther, 1811-187; A. M. Meyer, 1867-1941 Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: He's risen, He's risen, Christ Jesus, the Lord Refrain First Line: Have mercy on us, Lord Topics: Resurrection Used With Tune: WALTHER
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O Father, May Thy Word Prevail

Author: H. A. Brorson, 1694-1764; G. A. T. Rygh, 1860-1942 Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Father, may Thy Word prevail Against the gates of hell! Behold the vineyard Thou hast tilled With thorns and thistles filled. 'Tis true, Thy plants are there; But, ah, how weak and rare! How slight the pow'r in evidence Of Word and Sacraments! 2 Come, Jesus, come and contemplate Thy vineyard's sad estate; Baptized are millions in Thy name, But where is faith's pure flame? Of what avail that we Know of Thine agony So long as we do not o'erthrow In faith the wicked foe? 3 O Holy Ghost, to Thee, our light, We cry by day, by night: Come, grant us of the light and pow'r Our fathers had of yore; When Thy dear Church did stand A tree, deep-rooted, grand; Full-crowned with blossoms white as snow, With purple fruits aglow! Topics: Church Militant; Epiphany 5 Used With Tune: AK, FADER, LAD DIT ORD

My Course Is Run

Author: A. Gryphius, 1616-64; A. F. Zich, 1868-1939 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: My course is run. Praise God, my course is run Topics: Death: A Sleep; Trinity 24 Used With Tune: ES IST GENUG
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Thy Way and All Thy Sorrows

Author: P. Gerhardt, 1607-76; A. T. Russell, 1806-74 Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thy way and all thy sorrows, Give thou into His hand, His gracious care unfailing, Who doth the heav’ns command; Their course and path He giveth To clouds and air and wind; A way thy feet may follow, He too for thee will find. 2 On Him be Thy reliance, As thou would'st prosper well; To make thy work enduring Thy mind on His must dwell. God yieldeth naught to sorrow And self tormenting care; Naught, naught with him availeth; No power save that of pray'r. 3 Thy truth and grace, O Father, Behold and surely know, Both what is good and evil, For mortal man below: And whatso'e'er Thou choosest Thou dost, great God, fulfill, And into being bringest Whate'er is in Thy will. 4 Thy way is ever open; Thou dost on naught depend; Thine act is only blessing, Thy path light without end. Thy work can no man hinder; Thy purpose none can stay, Since Thou to bless Thy children Through all dost make a way. 5 In vain the pow'rs of darkness Thy will, O God, oppose; High over all undoubting, Thy pleasure onward goes. Whate'er Thy will resolveth, Whate'er Thou dost intend, Its destined work performeth True to its aim and end. 6 Then hope, my feeble spirit, And be thou undismayed; God helps in ev'ry trial, And makes thee unafraid. Await God's time with pleasure, Then shall thine eyes behold The sun of joy and gladness His brightest beams unfold. 7 Arise, arise! thy sadness, Thy cares send far away; Away each thought afflicting That on the heart doth prey. Not in thy hands the guidance Of all events doth dwell; God on His throne o'erruleth, He guideth all things well. 8 Leave all to His direction; In wisdom He doth reign; Thy wonder far exceeding, He will His course maintain; So He as Him beseemeth, With wonder-working skill, Shall put away the sorrows That now thy spirit fill. 9 Awhile His consolation He will to thee deny, And seem as though in spirit He far from thee would fly; Awhile distress and anguish Shall compass thee around, Nor to thy supplication An answ'ring voice be found. 10 But if thou ne'er forsake Him, Thou shalt deliv'rance find; Behold all unexpected, He will thy soul unbind. He from thy heavy burden Will soon thy heart set free; Yea, from that weight no evil Hath yet befallen thee. 11 Thou child of truth, how blessed! A conqu'ror soon shalt be, With songs of glad thanksgiving A crown awaiteth thee. To thee the palm triumphal By god's own hand is giv'n, Thine, to His name who saved thee, To sing the songs of heav'n. 12 Give, Lord, this consummation To all our hearts’ distress, Our hands, our feet, O strengthen, In death our spirits bless. Thy truth and Thy protection For evermore we pray; With these in heav’nly glory Shall end our certain way. Topics: Epiphany 4 Scripture: Psalm 37 Used With Tune: BEFIEHL DU DEINE WEGE

O Sing with Exultation

Author: A. C. Arrebo, 1587-1637 ; C. Døving, 1867-1937 Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O sing with exultation, Sing to the Lord, rejoice! And in His congregation Shout with triumphant voice! For, lo, at God's right hand Is Christ in glory seated; With death and hell defeated, As victor He doth stand. 2 Since Christ, our Lord, is living, We nevermore shall die; To God the glory giving, We rise to Him on high; Though chastened we may be, And to our graves be taken, We unto life shall waken And live eternally. 3 Christ is the sure Foundation The builders did reject, But He for our salvation Is precious and elect And made the cornerstone On which the Church is founded; This marvel now is sounded, The work of God alone. 4 To Thee, O Christ, be glory, Who camest in His name! Thy people sing the story Thy praises to proclaim; We thank Thee and adore, O Christ, our Lord and Savior; Thy grace and boundless favor Stand fast forevermore. Topics: Easter 2 Used With Tune: THOMISSØN

Triumphant from the Grave

Author: W. H. Franzmann, 1905-96 Meter: with refrain Appears in 3 hymnals Refrain First Line: Now sing your glad song Topics: Resurrection Used With Tune: TRIUMPH

O Lord, Our Father

Author: J. Heermann, 1585-1647; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: O Lord, our Father, shall we be confounded Lyrics: 1 O Lord, our Father, shall we be confounded Who, though by trials and by woes surrounded, On Thee alone for help are still relying, To Thee are crying? 2 Lord, put to shame Thy foes who breathe defiance And vainly make their might their sole reliance; In mercy turn to us, the poor and stricken, Our hope to quicken. 3 Be Thou our Helper and our strong Defender; Speak to our foes and cause them to surrender. Yea, long before their plans have been completed, They are defeated. 4 'Tis vain to trust in man; for Thou, Lord, only Art the Defense and Comfort of the lonely. With Thee to lead, the battle shall be glorious And we victorious. 5 Thou art our Hero, all our foes subduing; Save Thou Thy little flock they are pursuing. We seek Thy help; for Jesus' sake be near us. Great Helper, hear us! Topics: Church Militant; Epiphany 5
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When Israel Through the Desert Passed

Author: B. Beddone, 1717-95 Meter: Appears in 92 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When Israel through the desert passed, A fiery pillar went before To guide them through the dreary waste And lessen the fatigue they bore. 2 Such is Thy glorious Word, O God! 'Tis for our light and guidance giv'n; It sheds its luster all abroad And points the path to bliss and heav'n. 3 It fills the soul with sweet delight The heart with living faith empow'rs; It sets our wand'ring footsteps right, Displays Thy love, and kindles ours. 4 Its promises rejoice our hearts, Its doctrines are divinely true; While highest wisdom it imparts, It comforts and instructs us too. 5 Ye favored lands that have this Word, Ye saints who feel its saving power, Unite your tongues to praise the Lord And His distinguished grace adore! Topics: Sexagesima
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Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior Blest

Author: H. C. Sthen; H. R. K. Spaeth , 1845-1925 Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior blest, My Hope and my Salvation! I trust in Thee; Deliver me From misery; Thy Word's my consolation. 2 As Thou dost will, Lead Thou me still That I may truly serve Thee, My God, I pray, Teach me Thy way, To my last day In Thy true faith preserve me. 3 Most heartily I trust in Thee; Thy mercy fails me never. Dear Lord, abide; My Helper tried, Thou Crucified, From evil keep me ever. 4 Now henceforth must I put my trust In Thee, O dearest Savior. Thy comfort choice, Thy Word and voice, My heart rejoice Despite my ill behavior. 5 When sorrows rise, My refuge lies In Thy compassion tender. Within Thine arm Can naught alarm; Keep me from harm, Be Thou my strong Defender. 6 I have Thy Word, Christ Jesus, Lord; Thou never wilt forsake me. This will I plead In time of need. Oh, help me speed When troubles overtake me! 7 Grant, Lord, we pray, Thy grace each day That we, Thy Law revering, May live with Thee And happy be Eternally, Before Thy throne appearing. Topics: Persistent Faith; Lent 2 Used With Tune: HERRE JESU KRIST
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O Christ, Who Art the Light and Day

Author: Unknown; W. J. Copeland, 1804-85 Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Christ, who art the Light and Day, Thou drivest night and gloom away; O Light of light, whose Word doth show The light of heav'n to us below. 2 All-holy Lord, in humble prayer, We ask tonight Thy watchful care. O grant us calm repose in Thee, A quiet night, from perils free. 3 Our sleep be pure from sinful stain; Let not the Tempter vantage gain, Or our unguarded flesh surprise And make us guilty in Thine eyes. 4 Asleep though wearied eyes may be, Still keep the heart awake to Thee; Let Thy right hand outstretched above Guard those who serve the Lord they love. 5 Behold, O God, our Shield, and quell The crafts and subtleties of hell; Direct Thy servants in all good, Who Thou hast purchased with Thy blood. 6 O Lord, remember us who bear The burden of the flesh we wear; Thou who dost e'er our souls defend, Be with us even to the end. 7 All praise to God the Father be, All praise, eternal Son, to Thee, Whom with the Spirit we adore Forever and forevermore. Used With Tune: CHRISTE, DER DU BIST TAG UND LICHT


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