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Meter: d

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Showing 71 - 80 of 397Results Per Page: 102050

Savior, I Have Need of Thee

Author: T. S. Perry Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Savior, I have need of Thee; Faith is faint, and hope is weak; Far and farther seems to be That fair home of Thine I seek; Home and rest, and peace divine From my seeking seem to flee; Yet, dear Savior, I am Thine; Come, for I have need of Thee. 2. Let me know that love of Thine Which all knowledge passeth still; Let me feel Thy peace divine: All my spirit sweetly fill; Life of my life wilt Thou be; Then betide whatever may, It shall be enough for me, I shall walk with Thee today. Used With Tune: REMSBERG Text Sources: Hymns of Christian Endeavor, by S. W. Adriance (Boston, Massachusetts: The United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1888), number 81

Go, Ye Messengers of God

Author: Joshua Marsden Meter: D Appears in 122 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Go, ye messengers of God! Like the beams of morning fly, Take the wonder working rod, Wave the banner cross on high; Where the lofty minaret Gleams along the morning skies, Wave it till the crescent set, And the Star of Jacob rise! 2. Go to many a tropic isle In the bosom of the deep, Where the skies forever smile And the oppressed forever weep: O’er their gloomy night of care Pour the living light of Heaven; Chase away their dark despair, Bid them hope to be forgiven! 3. Where the golden gates of day Open on the palmy East, Wide the bleeding cross display, Spread the Gospel’s richest feast: Bear the tidings round the ball, Visit every soil and sea: Preach the cross of Christ to all, Jesus’ love is full and free! Used With Tune: CULFORD Text Sources: Amusements of a Mission (New York: 1812)

Come, My Soul, and Bless the LORD

Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Chastisement; God Mercy of; Life Brevity of; Sin and Forgiveness; Thankfulness Scripture: Psalm 103 Used With Tune: KEESEE Text Sources: OPC/URCNA 2016

Jesu, Name Of Sweetest Thought

Author: Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th century; Alfred Edersheim, 1825-1889 Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesu, name of sweetest thought, Name with every blessing fraught— But beyond all blessings here, Is Thy presence, Jesu, dear. 2 O Thou richest song of all, Sweetest sound that e’er can fall, Charmèd thought forever nigh— Jesu, Son of God, on high! 3 Hope of contrite hearts and meek, Jesu, near to them that seek— If to those who ask so kind, Lord, what is it Thee to find! 4 Jesu, joy of hearts, most bright, Spring of truth and inward light, Sweetest joy of Heaven above, Far exceeding human love. 5 Human speech it cannot say, Pen it cannot e’er portray, He who loves alone can sing What it means to Him to cling! 6 Shut thy door, my weary heart, Seek at night the better part— Day or night, where’er I be, Seeks my love Thy face to see. 7 Magdalene, in morning gray, Goes to see where Jesus lay— Longs my heart for vision bright, Longs my heart for better sight. 8 Fills my voice the empty tomb, Jesus is not in its gloom— Let me at His feet be cast, Holds my love the Risen fast. 9 Jesu, wondrous king art Thou! Victor-laurels deck Thy brow; Thou art altogether fair, Bliss in Thee beyond compare. 10 With us stay, Redeemer dear, On us shed Thy brightness here; Chase the darkness of the night, Fill the world with sweetest light! 11 For Thy blessèd presence, Lord, Gives the knowledge of Thy word; Fetters of the earth it breaks, Ardent love within awakes. 12 Love of Jesus, oh, how meet! Love of Jesus, oh, how sweet! Thousand times more glorious far, Than our highest praises are. 13 This Thy bitter passion shows, And the precious blood that flows— Gracious pardon now is sealed, And the Father’s face revealed. 14 Jesus, then, let all adore, Now let all His grace implore; Seek in Him to have your part— Seeking, love shall fill your heart. 15 Thus we feebly own the love Richly pourèd from above; Own, in grace, His precious grace, Haste to see His blessèd face. 16 Jesu, spring of pity high, Jesu, hope of every joy, Source of grace and glory bright, Thou of hearts the true delight! 17 Who may fully sing Thy praise? Faltering voices here we raise— Dare we, filled with joyous love, Mingle songs with saints above? 18 Oh, then, let me taste and see, Lord, Thy gracious love to me— Jesus, by Thy presence dear, Let me feel Thy glory here! 19 Jesu, Thy dilection, Sweetest heart’s reflection, Never satiates, ever fills, Longing meets but never stills. 20 They who eat will hunger more, Thirst anew who drank before— Oh, the longing luxury Of the heart that pants for Thee! 21 Wouldst the joy of Jesus know? Must thy heart in love o’erflow— Satisfied in Him, and blest, Finds the soul eternal rest. 22 Jesus, praise of angels high, Song of sweetest melody, Honey from the rock Thou art, Heavenly nectar in the heart. 23 Thousand times I long for Thee, Come, O Jesus, come to me; Gladden, Lord, my heart in grace, Satisfy me with Thy face! 24 Ever-flowing stream of love, Ever wafting hearts above— Love that sweetest fruit will bear, Fruit of life eternal there. 25 O Thou depth of love untold, Joy that e’er the heart doth hold, Sovereign mercy unsurpassed, Let Thy kindness hold me fast. 26 Yes, to love, it is most blest— Lord, Thyself my sole request; Let all vanish then and flee, Let me live, from hence, in Thee! 27 Thou art my eternal part, Hope of every praying heart— Inmost longing of the meek, Tears of penitence Thee seek! 28 Though I wander far and wide, Will I seek Thee by my side; Oh what joy to find Thee near! Oh what bliss to hold Thee here! 29 Fills the heart delight untold, Heavenly fellowship I hold; Could such joys forever last, All too quickly they are past! 30 What so long I asked, I see What I sought I have in Thee; And, while joying in Thy love, Long the more for Thee above. 31 Love which from Thy loving flows, Neither change nor end it knows, Fails not, loses not its glow, Evermore must brighter grow. 32 Love that fresh desire awakes, Meeting it most blessèd makes; Love, delighting, knows aright, Knowing, tastes of fresh delight. 33 Love which heavenly love imparts, Love which dwells in inmost hearts, Love which lightens up the mind, Pleasure true alone can find. 34 Oh what sweet and holy fire, Oh what ardent, blest desire, Oh what rich reflection, Loving Thee, eternal Son! 35 Blossom of the virgin womb, Heavenly light in earthly gloom; Humbled once, to glory raised, And in songs eternal praised! 36 Come, oh come, most glorious King, Thou, whose praises angels sing; Ever longs our soul for Thee, Help us clearer now to see! 37 Brighter than the sunlight calm, Fragrant more than sweetest balm; Better Thou, more precious, dear, Than our broken pleasures here. 38 Every sense and taste is filled, Every yearning, Lord, is stilled Thou alone canst be the part, Jesu, of each loving heart. 39 Thou, heart’s delectation, Thou, love’s consummation, Thou, best consolation, Jesu, our salvation! 40 Thou hast conquered, glorious, And returned victorious; Yet though now enthroned on high, Ever Thou to us art nigh! 41 Art Thou risen, and reign’st above? I am bound to Thee in love; Never art Thou far from me— Gracious Lord, I follow Thee! 42 Heavenly denizens draw nigh, Lift the jeweled gates on high, And to Christ triumphant sing: Jesus, hail! of glory King! 43 King of glory, King of might, King of victory most bright; Blessèd Jesu, full of grace, Image of the Father’s face— 44 Thou, the Truth, the Life, the Way— Thou, the Sun of endless day, Chase our sorrow’s darksome night, Pouring down Thy glorious light! 45 Praise the Lord, thou heavenly choir, Answer, thou seraphic lyre, While a joyous, ransomed earth Sings the story of her birth. 46 Reign, O Lord! in peace most blest— Reign in sweet, unbroken rest; Ah! how longs each weary heart There to have its joyous part. 47 To the Father gone art Thou, Entered Heaven’s glory now; And my heart is gone from me, Bound, O Christ, in love to Thee! 48 Lord, we follow with our praise— Vows, and prayers, and hymns we raise; Grant, O Christ, eternally There to dwell in light with Thee! Used With Tune: CULFORD

What could your Redeemer do

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 77 hymnals
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Galilee, bright Galilee

Author: William Fisk Sherwin Meter: D Appears in 58 hymnals Topics: Christ Living Lord; Christ The Great Physician; Comfort; Life Of Jesus Used With Tune: GALILEE (SHERWIN)

Clothed With Immortality

Author: James Montgomery Meter: D Appears in 62 hymnals First Line: Spirit, leave thy house of clay

Lord, Have Mercy When We Pray

Author: Henry H. Milman Meter: D Appears in 27 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, have mercy when we pray, Strength to seek a better way; When our wakening thoughts begin First to loathe their cherished sin; When the earliest gleam is giv’n, Of the bright but distant Heav’n, Then Thy fostering grace afford, Then, oh, then! Have mercy, Lord. 2 Lord, have mercy when we know First how vain this world below; When its darker thoughts oppress, Doubts perplex, and fears distress; Sigh for death, yet fear it still, From the dread of future ill; When the dim, advancing gloom Tells us that our hour is come. 3 Lord, have mercy when we lie On the restless bed, and sigh— When our weary spirits fail, And our aching brows are pale; When all other hope is gone, When our course is almost done, When is loosed the silver cord— Then, oh, then! have mercy, Lord. Used With Tune: MADRID Text Sources: Hymns Written and Adapted to the Weekly Church Service of the Year by Reginald Heber (London: J. Murray, 1827)

I rejoiced to hear them say

Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals

Trusting Jesus

Author: Edgar P. Stites Meter: D Appears in 285 hymnals First Line: Simply trusting every day Refrain First Line: Trusting as the moments fly Lyrics: 1 Simply trusting every day, Trusting through a stormy way; Even when my faith is small, Trusting Jesus, that is all. Refrain: Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by; Trusting Him whate’er befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all. [Refrain] 2 Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine; While He leads I cannot fall; Trusting Jesus, that is all. [Refrain] 3 Singing if my way is clear, Praying if the path be drear; If in danger for Him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all. [Refrain] 4 Trusting Him while life shall last, Trusting Him till earth be past; Till within the jasper wall, Trusting Jesus, that is all. [Refrain] Scripture: John 14:1 Used With Tune: [Simply trusting every day] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Trusting_Jesus); Anonymous/Unknown, The Blue Book (180)


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