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"It is well"

Author: John Kent Appears in 146 hymnals Topics: Covenant Divine First Line: What cheering words are these Lyrics: 1 What cheering words are these; Their sweetness who can tell? In time, and to eternal days, "'Tis with the righteous well!" 2 Well when they see his face, Or sink amidst the flood; Well in affliction's thorny maze, Or on the mount with God. 3 'Tis well when joys arise, 'Tis well when sorrows flow, 'Tis well when darkness vails the skies, And strong temptations grow. 4 'Tis well when Jesus calls,-- "From earth and sin arise, To join the hosts of ransomed souls, Made to salvation wise!" Used With Tune: LUTHER
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Author: Isaac Watts Appears in 352 hymnals Topics: Covenant Divine First Line: Behold! what wondrous grace Lyrics: 1 Behold! what wondrous grace The Father has bestowed On sinners of a mortal race, To call them sons of God! 2 Nor doth it yet appear How great we must be made; But when we see our Saviour here, We shall be like our Head. 3 A hope so much divine May trials well endure, May purge our souls from sense and sin, As Christ the Lord is pure. 4 If in my Father's love I share a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove, To rest upon my head. 5 We would no longer lie Like slaves beneath the throne; Our faith shall Abba, Father! cry, And thou the kindred own. Scripture: Romans 8:15 Used With Tune: FERGUSON

Praise to the Living God

Author: Max Landsberg, 1845-1928; Newton Mann, 1836-1926 Appears in 65 hymnals Topics: Doctrine and Covenants First Line: Praise to the living God! All praised be thy name Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8:6 Used With Tune: LEONI Text Sources: Based on the Yigdal of Daniel Ben Judah, 14th century
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I'm not ashamed to own my Lord

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 681 hymnals Topics: Covenant Lyrics: 1 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, Or to defend His cause, Maintain the honor of His word, The glory of His cross, The glory of His cross. 2 Jesus, my God!--I know His name-- His name is all my trust; Nor will He put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. 3 Firm as His throne His promise stands, And He can well secure What I've committed to His hands, Till the decisive hour, Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will He won my worthless name Before His Father's face, And in the new Jerusalem Appoint my soul a place, Appoint my soul a place. Amen. Used With Tune: LYDIA
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By Grace I'm Saved

Author: Christian L. Scheidt Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Covenant of Grace First Line: By grace I'm saved, grace free and boundless Lyrics: 1 By grace I'm saved, grace free and boundless; my soul, believe and doubt it not. Why stagger at this word of promise? Has Scripture ever falsehood taught? No; then this word must true remain: by grace you too shall heav'n obtain. 2 By grace! None dare lay claim to merit; our works and conduct have no worth. God in his love sent our Redeemer, Christ Jesus, to this sinful earth; his death did for our sins atone, and we are saved by grace alone. 3 By grace God's Son, our only Savior, came down to earth to bear our sin. Was it because of your own merit that Jesus died your soul to win? No, it was grace, and grace alone, that brought him from his heav'nly throne. 4 By grace! O mark this word of promise when you are by your sins oppressed, when Satan plagues your troubled conscience, and when your heart is seeking rest. What reason cannot comprehend God by his grace to you will send. 5 By grace to timid hearts that tremble, in tribulation's furnace tried, by grace, in spite of fear and trouble, the Father's heart is open wide. Where could I help and strength secure, if grace were not my anchor sure? 6 By grace! On this I'll rest when dying; in Jesus' promise I rejoice; for though I know my heart's condition, I also know my Savior's voice. My heart is glad, all grief has flown, since I am saved by grace alone. 7 By grace! This ground of faith is certain; so long as God is true, it stands. What saints have penned by inspiration, what in his Word our God commands, what our whole faith must rest upon, is grace alone, grace in his Son. Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-9 Used With Tune: MENTZER
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Motives to Gratitude

Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Covenant Promises First Line: O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker Refrain First Line: Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might Lyrics: 1 O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker, And all within me, bless His holy Name; Bless thou the Lord, forget not all His mercies, His pard'ning grace and saving love proclaim. Refrain: Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might, Bless Him, His servants that in His will delight. 2 Good is the Lord and full of kind compassion, Most slow to anger, plenteous in love; Rich is His grace to all that humbly seek Him, Boundless and endless as the heav'ns above. [Refrain] 3 His love is like a father's to his children, Tender and kind to all who fear His Name; For well He knows our weakness and our frailty, He knows that we are dust, He knows our frame. [Refrain] 4 We fade and die like flow'rs that grow in beauty, Like tender grass that soon will disappear; But evermore the love of God is changeless, Still shown to those who look to Him in fear. [Refrain] 5 High in the heav'ns His throne is fixed forever, His kingdom rules o'er all from pole to pole; Bless ye the Lord through all His wide dominion, Bless His most holy Name, O thou my soul. [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 103 Used With Tune: TUNBRIDGE
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All ye that fear Jehovah's Name

Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Covenant of Grace Lyrics: 1 All ye that fear Jehovah's Name, His glory tell, his praise proclaim; Ye children of his chosen race, Stand ye in awe before his face, Stand ye in awe before his face. 2 The suff'ring One he has not spurned, Who unto him for succor turned; From him he has not hid his face, But answered his request in grace, But answered his request in grace. 3 O Lord, thy goodness makes me raise Amid thy people songs of praise; Before all them that fear thee, now I worship thee and pay my vow, I worship thee and pay my vow. 4 For all the meek thou wilt provide, They shall be fed and satisfied; All they that seek the Lord shall live And never-ending praises give, And never-ending praises give. 5 The Lord's unfailing righteousness All generations shall confess, From age to age shall men be taught What wondrous works the Lord has wrought, What wondrous works the Lord has wrought. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 22:23 Used With Tune: PARK STREET Text Sources: The Psalter, 1912
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How vast the benefits divine

Author: Augustus M. Toplady Meter: D Appears in 26 hymnals Topics: Covenant of Grace Lyrics: 1 How vast the benefits divine Which we in Christ possess! We are redeemed from guilt and shame And called to holiness. But not for works which we have done, Or shall hereafter do, Hath God decreed on sinful men Salvation to bestow. 2 The glory, Lord, from first to last, Is due to thee alone; Aught to ourselves we dare not take, Or rob thee of thy crown. Our glorious Surety undertook To satisfy for man, And grace was given us in him Before the world began. 3 This is thy will, that in thy love We ever should abide; That earth and hell should not prevail To turn thy Word aside. Not one of all the chosen race But shall to heav'n attain, Partake on earth the purposed grace And then with Jesus reign. Amen. Scripture: Ephesians 1:4 Used With Tune: ST. MATTHEW

God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens

Author: Catherine C. Arnott, b. 1917 Appears in 46 hymnals Topics: Covenant Used With Tune: HOLY MANNA

Come, and let us sweetly join

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Meter: Appears in 128 hymnals Topics: The Church Lovefeast and Covenant Services Used With Tune: HART'S


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