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Scripture:John 3

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Felice Giardini

1716 - 1796 Person Name: Felice Giardini (1716-1796) Scripture: John 3:14 Composer of "ATHENS" in Songs of Praise with Tunes Felice Giardini, born in Italy. When young, he studied singing, harpsichord, and violin. He became a composer and violin virtuoso. By age 12 he was playing in theatre orchestras. His most instructive lesson: While playing a solo passage during an opera, he decided to show off his skills by improvising several bravura variations that the composer, Jommelli, had not written . Although the audience applauded loudly, Jomelli, who happened to be there, went up and slapped Giardini in the face. He learned a lesson from that. He toured Europe as a violinist, considered one of the greatest musical artists of his time. He served as orchestra leader and director of the Italian Opera in London, giving concerts. He tried to run a theatre in Naples, but encountered adversity. He went to Russia, but had little fortune there, where he died. John Perry

George Matheson

1842 - 1906 Person Name: George Matheson (1842-1906) Scripture: John 3:14-15 Author of "O Love that wilt not let me go" in Church Hymnary (4th ed.) Matheson, George, D.D., was born at Glasgow, March 27, 1842, and although deprived of his eyesight in youth he passed a brilliant course at the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated M.A. in 1862. In 1868 he became the parish minister at Innellan; and subsequently of St. Bernard's, Edinburgh. He was the Baird Lecturer in 1881, and St. Giles Lecturer in 1882. He has published several important prose works. His poetical pieces were collected and published in 1890 as Sacred Songs, Edinburgh: W. Blackwood. In addition to his hymn "O Love that wilt not let me go" (q. v.), four others from his Sacred Songs are in Dr. A. C. Murphey's Book of Common Song, Belfast, 1890. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ======================= Matheson, G., p. 1579, i. In addition to Dr. Matheson's hymn, "O Love, that wilt not let me go," p. 1583, i,, the following from his Sacred Songs, 1890, have come into common use since 1892:— 1. Come, let us raise a common song. Brotherhood. 2. Father divine, I come to Thee. Strength for Life. This, in Horder's Worship Song, 1905, is altered to”Saviour divine, I come to Thee." 3. Gather us in, Thou Love that fillest all. One in Christ. 4. Jesus, Fountain of my days. Christian's Polestar. 5. Lend me, O Lord, Thy softening cloud. The Fire and the Cloud. In the Sunday Magazine, 1875. 6. Lord, Thou hast all my frailty made. Strength for the Day. 7. Make me a captive, Lord. Christian Freedom. 8. There are coming changes great. The Glad New Time. 9. Three doors there are in the temple. Prayer. Dr. Matheson informed us that these hymns, together with the rest of his Sacred Songs, 1890, were written at Bow, Dumbartonshire, in 1890. The 3rd ed. of the Sacred Songs was published in 1904. He died suddenly at Avenelle, North Berwick, Aug. 28, 1906. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Christopher Wordsworth

1807 - 1885 Person Name: Bp. Christopher Wordsworth (1807-1885) Scripture: John 3:16 Author of "Christian Giving" in Many Voices; or, Carmina Sanctorum, Evangelistic Edition with Tunes Christopher Wordsworth--nephew of the great lake-poet, William Wordsworth--was born in 1807. He was educated at Winchester, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A., with high honours, in 1830; M.A. in 1833; D.D. in 1839. He was elected Fellow of his College in 1830, and public orator of the University in 1836; received Priest's Orders in 1835; head master of Harrow School in 1836; Canon of Westminster Abbey in 1844; Hulsean Lecturer at Cambridge in 1847-48; Vicar of Stanford-in-the-Vale, Berks, in 1850; Archdeacon of Westminster, in 1865; Bishop of Lincoln, in 1868. His writings are numerous, and some of them very valuable. Most of his works are in prose. His "Holy Year; or, Hymns for Sundays, Holidays, and other occasions throughout the Year," was published in [1862], and contains 127 hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. =================== Wordsworth, Christopher, D.D., was born at Lambeth (of which parish his father was then the rector), Oct. 30, 1807, and was the youngest son of Christopher Wordsworth, afterwards Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Priscilla (née Lloyd) his wife. He was educated at Winchester, where he distinguished himself both as a scholar and as an athlete. In 1826 he matriculated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where his career was an extraordinarily brilliant one. He swept off an unprecedented number of College and University prizes, and in 1830 graduated as Senior Classic in the Classical Tripos, and 14th Senior Optime in the Mathematical, won the First Chancellor's Medal for classical studies, and was elected Fellow of Trinity. He was engaged as classical lecturer in college for some time, and in 1836 was chosen Public Orator for the University. In the same year he was elected Head Master of Harrow School, and in 1838 he married Susan Hatley Freere. During his head-mastership the numbers at Harrow fell off, but he began a great moral reform in the school, and many of his pupils regarded him with enthusiastic admiration. In 1844 he was appointed by Sir Robert Peel to a Canonry at Westminster; and in 1848-49 he was Hulsean lecturer at Cambridge. In 1850 he took the small chapter living of Stanford-in-the-Vale cum Goosey, in Berkshire, and for the next nineteen years he passed his time as an exemplary parish priest in this retired spot, with the exception of his four months' statutable residence each year at Westminster. In 1869 he was elevated to the bishopric of Lincoln, which he held for more than fifteen years, resigning it a few months before his death, which took place on March 20th, 1885. As bearing upon his poetical character, it may be noted that he was the nephew of the poet-laureate, William Wordsworth, whom he constantly visited at Rydal up to the time of the poet's death in 1850, and with whom he kept up a regular and lengthy correspondence. Christopher Wordsworth was a very voluminous writer, his principal works being:— (1) Athens and Attica, 1836; (2) Pompeian Inscriptions, 1837; (3) Greece Pictorial and Descriptive, 1839; (4) King Edward VIth's Latin Grammar, 1841; (5) Bentley's Correspondence, 1842; (6) Theophilus Anglicanus, 1843; (7) Memoirs of William Wordsworth, 1851; (8) Hippolytus, 1853; (9) Notes at Paris, 1854; (10) A Commentary on the whole Bible, 1856-1870; (11) The Holy Year, 1862; (12) Church History, 1881-1883; many volumes of Sermons, and an enormous amount of Pamphlets, Addresses, Letters, Speeches, on almost every subject in which the interests of the church were concerned, and also on subjects connected with classical literature. Of his many works, however, the only one which claims notice from the hynmologist's point of view is The Holy Year, which contains hymns, not only for every season of the Church's year, but also for every phase of that season, as indicated in the Book of Common Prayer. Dr. Wordsworth, like the Wesleys, looked upon hymns as a valuable means of stamping permanently upon the memory the great doctrines of the Christian Church. He held it to be "the first duty of a hymn-writer to teach sound doctrine, and thus to save souls." He thought that the materials for English Church hymns should be sought (1) in the Holy Scriptures, (2) in the writings of Christian Antiquity, and (3) in the Poetry of the Ancient Church. Hence he imposed upon himself the strictest limitations in his own compositions. He did not select a subject which seemed to him most adapted for poetical treatment, but felt himself bound to treat impartially every subject, and branch of a subject, that is brought before us in the Church's services, whether of a poetical nature or not. The natural result is that his hymns are of very unequal merit; whether his subject inspired him with poetical thoughts or not, he was bound to deal with it; hence while some of his hymns (such as "Hark! the sound of holy voices," &c, “See the Conqueror mounts in triumph," &c, "O, day of rest and gladness") are of a high order of excellence, others are prosaic. He was particularly anxious to avoid obscurity, and thus many of his hymns are simple to the verge of baldness. But this extreme simplicity was always intentional, and to those who can read between the lines there are many traces of the "ars celans artem." It is somewhat remarkable that though in citing examples of early hymnwriters he almost always refers to those of the Western Church, his own hymns more nearly resemble those of the Eastern, as may be seen by comparing The Holy Year with Dr. Mason Neale's Hymns of the Eastern Church translated, with Notes, &c. The reason of this perhaps half-unconscious resemblance is not far to seek. Christopher Wordsworth, like the Greek hymnwriters, drew his inspiration from Holy Scripture, and he loved, as they did, to interpret Holy Scripture mystically. He thought that ”the dangers to which the Faith of England (especially in regard to the Old Testament) was exposed, arose from the abandonment of the ancient Christian, Apostolic and Patristic system of interpretation of the Old Testament for the frigid and servile modern exegesis of the literalists, who see nothing in the Old Testament but a common history, and who read it (as St. Paul says the Jews do) ‘with a veil on their heart, which veil' (he adds) 'is done away in Christ.'" In the same spirit, he sought and found Christ everywhere in the New Testament. The Gospel History was only the history of what "Jesus began to do and to teach" on earth; the Acts of the Apostles and all the Epistles were the history of what he continued to do and to teach from Heaven; and the Apocalypse (perhaps his favourite book) was "the seal and colophon of all." Naturally he presents this theory, a theory most susceptible of poetical treatment, in his hymns even more prominently than in his other writings. The Greek writers took, more or less, the same view; hence the resemblance between his hymns and those of the Eastern Church. [Rev. J. H. Overton, D.D.] During the time that Bishop Wordsworth was Canon of Westminster, and Vicar of Stanford-in-the-Vale cum Goosey, he published his collection of hymns as:— The Holy Year; or Hymns for Sundays and Holy-days, And other Occasions. London, Rivingtons, 1862. This work contained an extended Preface; a Calendar of Hymns; 117 Original Compositions; and a Supplement of 82 hymns from other sources. In the 3rd edition, 1863, the Supplement was omitted, and the Original hymns were increased to 127. Several of these hymns are annotated under their respective first lines, the rest in common use are:— From The Holy Year, first edition, 1862:— 1. Five pebbles from the brook. Temptation. Stanza ix. added in 1863. 2. Giver of law is God's [Thy] dear Son. Circumcision. Doxology added in 1863. 3. Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost. Quinquagesima. 4. Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of Hosts, Eternal King. Holy Trinity. 5. Holy of Holies! awful name. Epistle 5th Sunday in Lent. 6. How blest are hearts which Christ the Lord. Holy Matrimony. In 1863 in two parts, Pt. ii. being "Bless these Thy servants, gracious Lord." 7. How blessed is the force of prayer. St. Peter. In 1863, in two parts, Pt. i. being "Behold! at hand is Herod's doom." 8. How wondrous and mysterious are. Holy Baptism. In the 1863 ed. it is divided into four parts:— Pt. ii. "In Jordan Thou didst sanctify"; Pt. iii. "Thee, risen in triumph from the grave"; Pt. iv." Baptized in Christ we put on Christ." The cento, "By Water and the Holy Ghost," is also from this hymn. 9. In sorrow and distress. Ash Wednesday. 10. In Thy glorious Resurrection . Easter. In the 1863 ed. it begins, "Lord, Thy glorious Resurrection," and the doxology was added. 11. Lord, may we never, save to One. Against False Worship. Stanza viii. was added in 1863. 12. Lord not with [by] poor and paltry gifts. Offertory. 13. Lord, Who didst the Prophets teach. 2nd Sunday in Advent, or, Holy Scripture. The doxology was added in 1863. 14. Man fell from grace by carnal appetite. Gospel 1st S. in Lent. 15. Mankind in Adam fell. Good Friday. In the 1863 ed. it is divided into three parts: Pt. ii. being "We fell by Adam's sin;" and Pt. iii. "Thy Cross a Trophy is." 16. Not bound by chains, nor pent in cells. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost. This hymn is preceded by a special note on the Holy Spirit and His gifts. 17. Not gifts of prophecy can save. Self Discipline, or, 8th Sunday after Trinity. 18. 0 Jerusalem beloved, joyful morn has dawned on Thee. Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary, or, The Presentation. In the 1863 edition it is divided into two parts, Pt. ii. Being “Light the Gentile world to lighten, and thy glory Israel." 19. 0 Saviour, Who at Nain's gate. The Raising of the Widow's Son. 20. 0 Son of God, the Eternal Word. The Queen's Accession. 21. Once all the nations were as one. Babel and Sion a Contrast. 22. Sing, 0 sing this blessed morn. Christmas. In the 1863 edition a doxology was added, and the hymn was divided into two parts, Pt. ii. being, "God comes down that man may rise." 23. The banner of the Cross. Missions. In the 1863 ed. it is in three parts, Pt. ii., "Now for the Lord our God"; Pt. iii. "The earth from East to West." 24. The Galilean Fishers toil. Collect 4th Sunday in Advent. From this "0 Lord, when storms around us howl" is taken. 25. Thou bidd'st us visit in distress. The Promise of the Comforter, or, Sunday before Ascension. In the 1863 edition it is in two parts, Pt. ii. being “At Thy first birth, Thou, Lord, didst wait." 26. Thou hast a Temple founded. The Christian Temple; or, Epistle 11th Sunday after Trinity. 27. To-day, 0 Lord, the Holy James. St. James. In the 1863 ed. in two parts, Pt. ii. being "God in His word does not display." 28. Today with bright effulgence shine. Conversion of St. Paul. In the 1863 ed. it begins "Today in Thine Apostle shine," and is in two parts, Pt. ii being "From East to West, from North to South." 29. Upon the sixth day of the week. Easter Eve. Stanzas x., xi. of the 1863 text were added then, and the hymn was given in two parts, Pt. ii. being "By tasting the forbidden fruit." 30. We hear the tolling bell. Burial. The doxology was added in 1863, and the hymn was divided, Pt. ii. being "0 gracious Lord, to Thee." The cento "We see the open grave" is from this hymn. 31. When from the City of our God. The Good Samaritan. From this is taken “What beams of grace and mercy, Lord." 32. When Thou, 0 Lord, didst send the Twelve. SS. Simon and Jude. In the 1863 ed. stanza x. is new, and Pt. ii. begins, "Zeal, swollen with passion's cloudy smoke." ii. From the Holy Year, 3rd ed., 1863. 33. Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing. For Schools. In extensive use. 34. Holy, holy, holy Lord, Maker of this worldly frame. Septuagesima. Based on the Epistle and Gospel of the week. 35. Lo He comes! Whom every nation. Advent. This is headed "The First Advent of Christ, coming to save." 36. 0 fear not though before thee lies. Communion of the Sick. Pt. ii. begins, "The Resurrection and the Life." 37. On every new-born babe of earth. Churching of Women. Pt. ii. begins, "Bright angels of the King of kings." 38. Peace to this house! O Thou Whose way. Visitation of the Sick. Pt. ii. "0 Conqueror by suffering; Pt. iii. "Restore us to Thine house of prayer." 39. The day is gently sinking to a close. Evening. A beautiful hymn. 40. We all, 0 God, unrighteous are. The Lord our Righteousness. Sometimes "We all, O Lord, unrighteous are." Based upon the Epistle of the Sunday next before Advent. Pt. ii. begins "Behold the day, the glorious day." In addition to many of the hymns in the 1863 edition of The Holy Year being divided into parts, the texts of most of them were revised by the author, and are authorized. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Wordsworth, Bp. C. (Lincoln) , p. 1294, i. Of his hymns, noted on p. 1294, i., ii., we find that No. 39 appeared in his Holy Year in 1864; and Nos. 34, 35, and 40 in 1862. The first edition in which the longer hymns were divided into parts was that of 1868. With regard to the date of Bp. Wordsworth's death, we find this reference thereto in his Biography: "He expired soon after midnight on Friday, March 20, or perhaps, it might be said, early on the Saturday morning." This gives the date of his death as March 21, 1885. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) =========================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

William Croft

1678 - 1727 Person Name: William Croft, 1678-1727 Scripture: John 3:16 Composer of "CROFT"S 136TH" in Common Praise William Croft, Mus. Doc. was born in the year 1677 and received his musical education in the Chapel Royal, under Dr. Blow. In 1700 he was admitted a Gentleman Extraordinary of the Chapel Boyd; and in 1707, upon the decease of Jeremiah Clarke, he was appointed joint organist with his mentor, Dr. Blow. In 1709 he was elected organist of Westminster Abbey. This amiable man and excellent musician died in 1727, in the fiftieth year of his age. A very large number of Dr. Croft's compositions remain still in manuscript. Cathedral chants of the XVI, XVII & XVIII centuries, ed. by Edward F. Rimbault, London: D. Almaine & Co., 1844

John Wilson

1905 - 1992 Person Name: John Whitridge Wilson (1905-1992) Scripture: John 3:8 Composer of "LAUDS" in Church Hymnary (4th ed.) Born January 21, 1905, in Bournville, Birmingham, England; died July 16, 1992, in Guildford, Surrey, England. He served as Vice President of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and was a Fellow of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada. Leland Bryant Ross from a biographical article in the journal of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland:

Timothy Rees

1874 - 1939 Person Name: Timothy Rees (1874-1939) Scripture: John 3:16 Author of "God is Love, let heaven adore him" in Church Hymnary (4th ed.)

Melody Green

b. 1946 Person Name: Melody Green, 1946- Scripture: John 3:16 Author of "There Is a Redeemer" in Worship and Rejoice Born: August 25, 1946, Hollywood, California. Melody Green is probably most loved for the songs she’s written. “There Is A Redeemer” is found in church hymn books around the world, and reports of it being sung in villages in Africa and Asia are plentiful. She has also composed many other standards including, "Make My Life A Prayer To You," “You Are The One,” Rushing Wind,” and "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Looking back, although Melody was born in Hollywood, she came into this world quietly and without fanfare. She grew up in Venice in a funky little apartment facing an alley, called Speedway. With no safe place to play, and the beach just a few hundred feet away, the sand became her only playground. As a young girl who always watched the shifting tides, the star patterns, and the sunsets, Melody realized there must be a Creator for such perpetual beauty, universal order and symmetry to exist. Her father was a WWII Navy Seals Veteran, a hunter and fisherman, and a factory worker by trade. Her mom worked at a CPA firm, and was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family, the child of Russian refugees. Melody’s grandfather was a Rabbi, her grandmother, the child of a Grand Rabbi. Escaping Czarist persecution, her grandparents bundled up their five children and took a train to the shipyard in Odessa. Melody says, “It’s a miracle I’m even alive! My family barely escaped death in Odessa, then on the train ride to the port they were ducking bullets shot at them through the windows. My precious grandparents put the kids on the floor and laid on top of them, covered with pillows for protection. They made it to the port and actually escaped on the every last ship that would allow fleeing refugees on board! My mom was their sixth child, but the very first child to be born in America.” Today Melody says, "My family history has played a large part in shaping my heart to absolutely disdain all types of persecution, prejudice, and injustice. Some things are just wrong. My spirit told me this long before I even met the Lord.” After college, Melody designed clothing in the famed Garment District of Los Angeles. Later she took a job at a Production Company. It was there that she met Keith Green, an aspiring musician who was on a very similar spiritual journey. Within a year they were married and continued their spiritual search together. Now Melody designed and made unique clothing for herself and Keith for his nightclub gigs in Hollywood and his record label auditions. In 1975 they were invited to a small bible study in upscale Bel Air and their lives were forever changed. Melody finally found the truth she’d been looking for, but in an unexpected package. However, both Melody and Keith understood that in Jesus they had found their one and only true Messiah. Calling herself a Jewish Christian, Melody decided to just do what the bible said. So she and Keith opened the doors of their small home and took in kids with drug problems and surprise pregnancies, usually leading them to the Lord. They also had Pot Luck dinners and bible studies for their whole neighborhood... going door to door to invite people. Before long more space was needed, so they bought or rented a total of six more homes, built triple high bunks, ate donated mystery food (cans without labels) and just kept on growing. In 1979, feeling a need to leave "the city'" because of the rehab work they were doing, they moved their flourishing ministry to a 120-acre ranch in East Texas. Melody still traveled on Keith's concert tours where she ran the soundboard, sold albums, and as always, she and Keith wrote music wherever they could. Back at the ranch she oversaw the “women’s ministries,” wrote hundreds of counseling letters, and took care of her young and growing family. By 1982 the ministry had a worldwide impact, with nearly 100 people on staff. Melody was busy editing The Last Days Magazine, as well as writing many of its articles. Keith’s music was at the top of the charts and new facilities were built and more were in the planning stages. Then one day in July a tragic accident changed Melody’s life forever. Keith and two of their young children, with some visiting friends, went for a short ride in a small plane. It was the LDM weekly fast day, and the ministry pilot had just returned. Keith met the pilot on the runway and everyone jumped into the plane. But the plane did not get the needed lift, and just 20 seconds later it crashed in a neighboring field and burst into flames. There were no survivors. When Keith died he was just 28 years old. Melody's first born, Josiah, was almost four and Bethany was two years old. At the time, Melody was at home with their one year old daughter Rebekah Joy and six weeks pregnant with their fourth child. Melody says, “The rug was yanked out from under my whole world that day. Without the Lord and the support of my friends and the LDM community I never would have made it.” But she did make it, pressing in to lead LDM through the crisis, while caring for her surviving daughter. In the fall of 1982 Melody traveled across America with the Keith Green Memorial Concert, reaching over 300,000 people face to face. Since the mission field was the last burden she and Keith shared, she was the one left to carry that challenge. Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth With A Mission said, "This was the largest missions challenge in history that I know of." In March of 1983 Melody took some time off to give birth to her new daughter, Rachel Hope. Now Melody was a single mom with two little girls... and leading a large international ministry. It was at a time when women leaders were few and not readily accepted, but the Lord gave Melody great favor and continued to use both her and LDM in incredible ways. In 1985 Melody became a forerunner in the tiny but budding Pro Life Movement. She says. "The Lord told me to move abortion up to the front burner," and of course she took all of LDM with her. She launched Americans Against Abortion at a time when pastors rarely mentioned abortion or felt believers should even address it. But Melody put a fresh face and a non-stoppable energy into being Pro-Life... and she drove the message home, squarely into millions of evangelical hearts. In this season Melody crossed the nation teaching the biblical perspective on caring for Life, and urging all believers to take a determined stand. Supporting only non-violent means, and wearing a bullet proof vest because of death threats, Melody spoke in churches, held rallies on Capital steps, called secular press conferences, led city wide marches, and picketed abortion clinics. She was even arrested once during a peaceful protest, spending the night in an inner city jail and going home with a head injury. In the following years God opened many unforeseen doors for Melody. She went to India and met Mother Theresa visiting her “Home For The Destitute and Dying.” She was also invited to the White House to meet with Presidents, Senators, and others in political office. None of it really phased her. She likes to say, "I sat in dirt in India and wore silk to the White House. How weird is that?" Today Melody still oversees LDM where her voice can be heard on numerous relevant topics from a biblical perspective. Loving to expose people to what she believes is important, she continues to bring LDM readers the teachings of others who she believes have something vital to say. Believing that caring for others is not an option, Melody established the Good Neighbor Mercy Fund, enabling LDM to raise donations for disaster victims, the sick, and the needy. LDM has already given to victims of the Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina as well as others with pressing needs. Melody lives in Kansas City, Missouri. Her daughters are happily married and following the Lord with their husbands. (excerpts)

María Eugenia Cornou

b. 1969 Person Name: María Eugenia Cornou, b. 1969 Scripture: John 3:16-17 Translator (Spanish) of "He Came Down That We May Have Love (Él vino su amor a darnos)" in Santo, Santo, Santo

Doreen Potter

1925 - 1980 Scripture: John 3:21 Composer of "BARONITA" in The Presbyterian Hymnal Doreen Potter was born in 1925 in Panama, but lived in Jamaica during her childhood. She studied music at St. Katharine's College in Liverpool, UK and at Trinity College, London. She was a violinist, pianist, and teacher. She married Philip Potter, general secretary of the World Council of Churches in Geneva. Through her husband she met Fred Kaan and composed tunes for Kaan's texts, as well as other hymn tunes. Dianne Shapiro, from biography published by Hope Publishing Company (accessed online 8/5/2020)

R. E. Hudson

1843 - 1901 Scripture: John 3:14-15 Composer of "[Me hirío el pecado]" in Himnos de Gloria Ralph Hudson (1843-1901) was born in Napoleon, OH. He served in the Union Army in the Civil War. After teaching for five years at Mt. Union College in Alliance he established his own publishing company in that city. He was a strong prohibitionist and published The Temperance Songster in 1886. He compiled several other collections and supplied tunes for gospel songs, among them Clara Tear Williams' "All my life long I had panted" (Satisfied). See 101 More Hymn Stories, K. Osbeck, Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1985). Mary Louise VanDyke


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