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Tune Identifier:"^o_gott_du_frommer_gott_33654$"

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O Gott, du frommer Gott

Appears in 102 hymnals Used With Tune: [O Gott, du frommer Gott]
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O God, Thou faithful God

Meter: Appears in 62 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God, Thou faithful God, Thou Fountain ever-flowing, Without whom nothing is, All perfect gifts bestowing; A pure and healthy frame O give me, and within A conscience free from blame, A soul unhurt by sin. 2 And grant me, Lord, to do, With ready heart and willing, Whate'er Thou shalt command, My calling here fulfilling, To do it when I ought, With all my strength, and bless The work I thus have wrought, For Thou must give success. 3 And let me promise naught But I can keep it truly, Abstain from idle words, And guard my lips e'er duly; And grant, when in my place I must and ought to speak, My words due power and grace, Nor let me wound the weak. 4 If dangers gather round, Still keep me calm and fearless; Help me to bear the cross, When life is dark and cheerless; To overcome my foe With words and actions kind; When counsel I would know, Good counsel let me find. 5 And let me be with all In peace and friendship living, As far as Christians may; And if Thou aught art giving Of wealth and honors fair, O this refuse me not, That naught be mingled there Of goods unjustly got. 6 And if a longer life Be here on earth decreed me, And Thou through many a strife To ripe old age wilt lead me, Thy patience in me shed, Avert all sin and shame, And crown my hoary head With pure, untarnished fame. 7 Let nothing here on earth Me from my Saviour sever; And when I die, O take My soul to Thee forever; And let my body have A little space to sleep Beside my kindred's grave, And o'er it vigil keep. 8 And when the Day is come, And all the dead are waking, O reach me down Thy hand, Thyself my slumbers breaking; Then let me hear Thy voice, And change this earthly frame, And bid me aye rejoice With those who love Thy name. Topics: Friendship; Holiness; Christian Joy; The Christian Life; Prayer General Petition; Sickness, Death, and Burial; Christian Work Used With Tune: O GOD, THOU FAITHFUL GOD
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Most Gracious God and Lord

Author: Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf; Abraham von Gersdorf Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Most gracious God and Lord, the world's almighty Savior, worthy to be adored by all, both now and ever! Those souls are blessed indeed who cling to you in faith, as you for us were laid low in the dust of death. 2 In you I trust by faith, my Jesus, God and Savior; on your atoning death I shall rely forever. Your suff'rings shall remain deep on my heart impressed, O Son of God and man, till I with you shall rest. 3 Eternal thanks we sing, great author of salvation, who sinful hearts did bring to heed your invitation. We are your property. O may we yours remain; this is our only plea, since you for us was slain. Topics: Christ; Christ--All in all; Christ--Atonement; Christ--Sacrifice of; Christian year--Lent; Faith; Salvation Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2 Used With Tune: O GOTT DU FROMMER GOTT Text Sources: Moravian tr. (1746-1748, recast 1801), alt.
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O Jesus, Saviour Dear

Author: Johann Heermann, (1585-1647) Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, Saviour dear, How shall Thy Name be praised! Thy sacred table now Is spread with gifts most blessed. Within that holy cup Is healing for my soul; Thou art the Bread of Life, Broken to make me whole. 2 The burden of my sins Hast Thou in mercy taken; Thou touchest but my heart, And Christian graces waken. The feeble flame of faith Is quickened by Thy grace; My soul to peace restored, With Thee at hand to bless. 3 My Austere, Lord, Thou art, The Fount of every blessing; If Thou be in my heart, All else am I possessing. Be and abide with me, A constant Eucharist, Then death to me is life With Thee, O Jesus Christ. Amen. Topics: The Means of Grace The Lord's Supper; Names and Office of Christ Bread; Names and Office of Christ Fount; Names and Office of Christ Treasure; Mystical union; Christ our Treasure Used With Tune: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT (MEININGEN)

O Source of All That Is

Author: Madeleine Forrell Marshall; Johann Heermann Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Consecration; Prayer; Service; Year A Epiphany 2; Year C Proper 24; Year C Proper 28 Used With Tune: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT (DARMSTADT)
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Lord God, We Worship Thee

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Johann Franck Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals First Line: Lord God, we worship Thee! Lyrics: 1 Lord God, we worship Thee! In loud and happy chorus, We praise Thy love and pow'r, Whose goodness reigneth o’er us; To heav’n our song shall soar, Forever shall it be Resounding o’er and o’er; Lord God, we worship Thee! 2 Lord God, we worship Thee! For Thou our land defendest, Thou pourest down Thy grace, And strife and war Thou endest; Since golden peace, O Lord, Thou grantest us to see, Our land with one accord, Lord God, gives thanks to Thee! 3 Lord God, we worship Thee! We pray Thee, who hast blessed us, That we may live in peace, And none henceforth molest us; O crown us with Thy love And heed our cry to Thee; O Father, grant our prayer; Lord God, we worship Thee! Topics: National Used With Tune: MUNICH
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How Can I Thank You, Lord

Author: David Denicke, 1603-80; August Crull, 1845-1923 Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1 How can I thank You, Lord, For all Your loving-kindness, That You have patiently Borne with me in my blindness! When dead in many sins And trespasses I lay, I kindled, holy God, Your anger ev'ry day. 2 It is Your work alone That I am now converted; O'er Satan's work in me You have Your pow'r asserted. Your mercy and Your grace That rise afresh each morn Have turned my stony heart Into a heart newborn. 3 Lord, You have raised me up To joy and exultation And clearly shown the way That leads me to salvation. My sins are washed away; For this I thank You, Lord. Now with my heart and soul All evil I abhor. 4 Grant that Your Spirit's help To me be always given Lest I should fall again And lose the way to heaven. Grant that He give me strength In my infirmity; May He renew my heart To serve You willingly. 5 O Father, God of love, Now hear my supplication; O Savior, Son of God, Accept my adoration; O Holy Spirit, be My ever faithful guide That I may serve You here And there with You abide. Scripture: Colossians 1:12-14 Used With Tune: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT
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Lord Jesus, Who Art come

Author: Eberhard L. Fischer Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus, who art come A Teacher sent from heaven And by both word and deed God's truth to us hast given. Thou wisely hast ordained The holy ministry That we, Thy flock, may know The way to God thro' Thee. 2 Thou hast, O Lord, returned, To God's right hand ascending; Yet Thou art in the world, Thy kingdom here extending. Thro' preaching of Thy Word In ev'ry land and clime Thy people's faith is kept Until the end of time. 3 O blessed ministry Of reconciliation, That shows the way to God And brings to us salvation! By Thine evangel pure, Lord, Thou preserv'st Thy fold, Dost call, enlighten, keep, Dost comfort and uphold. 4 Preserve this ministry While harvest-days are keeping; And since the fields are white And hands are few for reaping, Send workers forth, O Lord, The sheaves to gather in That not a soul be lost Which Thou art come to win. 5 The servants Thou hast called And to Thy Church art giving Preserve in doctrine pure And holiness of living. Thy Spirit fill their hearts, Endue their tongues with power; What they should boldly speak, Oh, give them in that hour! 6 Yea, bless Thy Word alway, Our souls forever feeding; And may we never lack A faithful shepherd's leading! Seek Thou the wandering sheep, Bind up the sore opprest, Lift up the fallen ones, And grant the weary rest. 7 Bring those into Thy fold Who still to Thee are strangers; Guard those who are within Against offense and dangers. Press onward with Thy Word Till pastor and his fold Through faith in Thee, O Christ, Thy glory shall behold. Amen. Topics: The Church Ministry Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:1 Used With Tune: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT Text Sources: Tr. composite

Where is your God they say

Author: James Martineau Appears in 10 hymnals Used With Tune: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT
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O Thou Essential Word

Author: Laurentius Laurenti; Catherine Winkworth Appears in 18 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Thou Essential Word, Who wast from the beginning With God, for Thou wast God; Thou hope of all the sinning, Sent down to save our race, Most welcome, Lord, Thou art, Redeemer, Fount of grace, To this my longing heart. 2 Come, self-existent Word, And speak Thou in my spirit! The soul where Thou art heard Doth endless peace inherit. Thou Light that lightenest all, Abide through faith in me, Nor let me from Thee fall, And seek no guide but Thee. 3 Ah! what hath stirred Thy heart, What cry hath mounted thither, And reached Thy heavenly throne, And drawn Thee, Savior, hither? It was Thy wondrous love, And my most utter need, Made Thy compassions move, Stronger than death indeed. 4 Then let me give my heart To Him who loved me, wholly; And live, while here I dwell, To show His praises solely: Yes, Jesus, form anew This stony heart of mine, Make it till death still true To Thee, forever Thine. 5 Let naught be left within But what Thy hand hath planted; Root out the weeds of sin, And quell the foe who haunted My soul, and sowed the tares; From Thee comes nothing ill, O save me from his snares, Make plain my pathway still. 6 Thou art the Life, O Lord, And Thou its Light art only! Let not Thy blessed rays Still leave me dark and lonely. Star of the East, arise! Drive all my clouds away, Till earth’s dim twilight dies Into the perfect day. Topics: The Catechism The Redeemer; Fourth Sunday of Advent; Fifth Sunday in Lent; Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Used With Tune: MUNICH (O Gott, du frommer Gott)


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