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Tune Identifier:"^tidings_walch$"

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Person Name: Anon. Author of "Love thyself last. Look near; behold thy duty" in The Evangelical Hymnal In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Mary Ann Thomson

1834 - 1923 Person Name: Mrs. Mary Ann Thomson Author of "Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace" in Christian Song Thomson, Mary Ann, wife of Mr. John Thomson, Librarian of the Free Library, Philadelphia, was born in London, England, December 5, 1834. She has written about forty hymns, which have appeared mostly in the Churchman, New York, and in the Living Church, Chicago. Four of her hymns are found in the Protestant Episcopal Hymnal, 1892. Of the origin of the missionary hymn by Mrs. Thomson which is found in our Hymnal she writes as follows: I wrote the greater part of the hymn, "O Zion, haste," in the year 1868. I had written many hymns before, and one night, while I was sitting up with one of my children who was ill of typhoid fever, I thought I should like to write a missionary hymn to the tune of the hymn beginning "Hark, hark, my soul, angelic songs are swelling," as I was fond of that tune; but as I could not then get a refrain I liked, I left the hymn unfinished, and about three years later I finished it by writing the refrain which now forms part of it. By some mistake 1891 is given instead of 1871 as the date of the hymn in the (Episcopal) Hymnal. I do not think it is ever sung to the tune for which I wrote it. Rev. John Anketell told me, and I am sure he is right, that it is better for a hymn to have a tune of its own, and I feel much indebted to the composer of the tune "Tidings" for writing so inspiring a tune to my words. Hymn Writers of the Church by Wilber F. Tillett and Charles S. Nutter, 1915 ================== Thomson, Mary Ann, wife of John Thomson, Librarian of the Free Library, Phila., was born in London, England, Dec. 5, 1834. She has written several hymns and poems. To 1895, eight of these appeared in The Churchman (New York); and thirty-four in The Living Church (Chicago). Of her hymns the following were included in The Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged .. . The P. E. Church, U.S.A., 1892 :— 1. Now the blessed Dayspring. [Annunciation B. V. M.] Begins with stanza ii. of "Through the sins and sorrows," which appeared in The Living Church, March 29, 1890. 2. O King of saints, we give Thee praise and glory. [All Saints.] First published in The Living Church, Nov. 8, 1890. In the first ed. of The Book of Praise, N.Y., 1894, it was attributed to Bp. W. W. How in error. 3. O Sion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling. [Missions.] No. 249 in The Hymnal, &c., 1892. 4. Saviour, for the little one. [Burial of a Child.] The Hymnal, &c., 1892, No. 247. Mrs. Thomson's Christmas Carol, "Lo! amid the shades of night," appeared, with music by B. Cecil Klein, in The Churchman, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1891, and separately at Phila. in 1892. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Vasile Prodan

1894 - 1949 Translator of "O Sionae Cu Vestea Ta Grăbeşte" in The Cyber Hymnal

James Walch

1837 - 1901 Composer of "TIDINGS" in Baptist Hymnal 1991 James Walch was a musician and composer, born near Bolton, Lancashire, England in 1837. He spent his early life in the town and was organist in several churches there, including the parish church of St George’s. From 1870-1877, he was conductor for the Bolton Philharmonic Society. He also composed at least four published hymn tunes, the best known of which is called “Tidings”. Written in 1875, it’s usually used as the tune to a hymn called “O Zion Haste”. James Walch was a musical instrument dealer by trade, and moved to Barrow-in-Furness in 1877. He later moved to Llandudno Junction in North Wales, where he died in August 1901 and was buried locally. His wife later donated money to pay for the organs in two local churches, St Paul's Llandudno and All Saints Deganwy, in his memory. Three decades later, an article in the London Gazette reported on a dispute arising from his will, and mentioned that he had a son, Harry West Walch, who was a pianist and lived in Hereford. St Paul's Church, Llandudno newsletter; used by permission of Christ Dearden (Walch's wife paid for the organ at St. Paul's Church)

George William Warren

1828 - 1902 Person Name: George W. Warren Composer of "TIDINGS" in El Himnario George W. Warren (b. Albany, NY, 1828; d. New York, 1902) received his general education at Racine College in Wisconsin, but as a musician he was largely self-trained. An organist in a number of Episcopal churches, he played the organ for thirty years (1870-1900) at St. Thomas Church in New York City. Warren composed anthems and liturgical service music; his hymn tunes were collected in Warren's Hymns and Tunes as Sung in St. Thomas Church (1888). Bert Polman

Federico J. Pagura

1923 - 2016 Author (estr.) of "Cuando las bases" in Celebremos Su Gloria Federico José Pagura was an Argentine Methodist bishop and author and translator of hymns. Leland Bryant Ross

John Page Hopps

1834 - 1911 Person Name: J. Page Hopps Author of "Father of mercy, Father of love" in The Spirit of Praise Hopps, John Page, was born in London, Nov. 6, 1834, and educated at the G. Baptist College, Leicester. Commencing public work in 1856, after a brief ministry at Hugglescote and Ibstock, in Leicestershire, he became colleague with George Dawson at the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham. From 1860 to 1876 he ministered to Unitarian congregations at Sheffield, Dukinfield, and Glasgow. Since 1876 he has preached in Leicester. Mr. Hopps has published many books and pamphlets, chiefly volumes of Sermons and Lectures. Most of his smaller works are controversial. In 1863 he commenced a monthly periodical called The Truthseeker. He has compiled the following hymnbooks for Congregational, Mission, or School purposes:— (1) Hymns for Public Worship and the Home, 1858; (2) Hymns of Faith and Progress, c. 1865; (3) Hymns for Public Worship, 1873; (4) One hundred Hymns for Sunday Schools, 1873; (5) Hymns, Chants and Anthems for Public Worship, 1877; (6) The Children's Hymn Book, 1879; (7) The Young People's Book of Hymns, 1881; (8) and six different editions of Hymns for Special Services (for Sunday afternoon and evening gatherings in the Temperance Hall and Floral Hall, Leicester). Mr. Hopps has himself written various hymns, some of considerable merit. Several have appeared in Congregational, Baptist, Unitarian and other collections. Among the best known are the following:— 1. Cold and cheerless, dark and drear. Winter. 2. Father, lead me day by day. Child's Prayer for Divine Guidance. 3. Father, let Thy kingdom come. God's Kingdom desired. 4. God bless the little children. Prayer for Children. 5. We praise Thee oft for hours of bliss. The blessings of Sorrow. These hymns are from his Hymns, Chants, and Anthems, &c. 1877, and the Hymns for Special Services. The most popular is No. 2. [Rev. W. R .Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Eugene Butler

b. 1894 Arranger of Last vs. Harmony of "TIDDINGS" in Hymns for the Family of God

Martin E. Leckebusch

b. 1962 Person Name: Martin Leckebusch Author of "We Worship You, Whose Splendor Dwarfs the Cosmos" in Psalms for All Seasons

Vicente P. Mendoza

1875 - 1955 Person Name: V. Mendoza Author of "Pueblo Cristiano, Tu Mision Realiza" in Himnos Selectos Vicente Mendoza Born: De­cem­ber 24, 1875, Guad­a­la­ja­ra, Mex­i­co. Died: 1955, Mex­i­co Ci­ty, Mex­i­co. Mendoza stu­died in­i­tial­ly un­der Don Au­re­lio Or­te­ga. At age of 11 he went to work in a Pro­test­ant print shop in Mex­i­co Ci­ty and helped pro­duce El Evan­gel­is­ta Mex­i­ca­no (The Mex­i­can Evan­gel­ist) for the Meth­od­ist Church of the South; he rose to be­come its di­rect­or for 17 years. Look­ing to im­prove him­self, Men­do­za en­tered a night school for work­ers, but lat­er feel­ing the call to preach the Gos­pel, he en­tered the Pres­by­ter­i­an Sem­in­a­ry in Mex­i­co Ci­ty. When the sem­in­a­ry closed temp­o­rar­i­ly, Men­do­za en­tered the Meth­od­ist In­sti­tute of Pueb­la, where he fin­ished the course in the­ol­o­gy. In 1898 he be­came a mem­ber of the An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Mex­i­can Meth­od­ist Church. From 1915 to 1917, he be­longed to the South­ern Meth­od­ist Con­fer­ence of Cal­i­for­nia. Men­do­za worked on sev­er­al per­i­od­i­cals, in­clud­ing El Mun­do Crist­i­a­no (The Chris­tian World), El Abo­ga­do Crist­i­a­no (The Chris­tian Ad­vo­cate), and El Evan­gel­is­ta Crist­i­a­no (The Chris­tian Evan­gel­ist). © The Cyber Hymnal™ (


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