F. A. Blackmer

Short Name: F. A. Blackmer
Full Name: Blackmer, F. A. (Francis Augustus), 1855-1930
Birth Year: 1855
Death Year: 1930

Blackmer, Francis Augustus. (Ware, Massachusetts, February 17, 1855--October 8, 1930, Somerville, Massachusetts). Advent Christian musician. His parents, Augustus and Jane Blackmer, were among those caught up in the excitement of the Millerite Movement. One son, Fred, became an Advent Christian minister. Francis, with a talent recognized at an early age, consecrated his own life to Christian service as a musician. He was immersed in baptism at the Adventist campmeeting in Springfield, Massachusetts, by Elder Miles Grant.

His early years were spend in central Massachusetts, his schooling at Wilbraham Academy. He was largely self-taught in harmony and musical composition. He wrote the words and music to his first gospel song, "Out on the fathomless sea," at the age of sixteen. Altogether he wrote over 300 gospel songs about the Second Coming, witnessing and working for the Lord, and praises to God's Holy Name. A few of these have circulated widely outside his own denomination. His final text, "I shall see him, And be like him," came when he was so weak that his friend, Clarence M. Seamans, had to supply the music. He used the pseudonym, A. Francis, with some of his early songs.

Blackmer's first anthology was The Gospel Awakening, (1888). Subsequent gospel songbooks with which he was associated were: Singing by the Way (1895), Carols of Hope (1906), The Golden Sheaf, No. 2 (1916), and Songs of Coming Glory (1926).

Most of his adult life was spent in Somerville, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston, where he had a prosperous piano business. In the 1890s, his "Francis A. Blackmer Pianos" were made for him by the Washington Hall Piano Company of Boston. Later, his "Good as Gold Pianos" were manufactured by the Christman Piano Company of New York City and shipped directly to his customers throughout New England.

In Somerville, Blackmer served as choirmaster and song-leader in the Advent Christian Church for many years. He was also an elder of the church until his death. From 1914 until his death, he was songleader at the mid-summer Alton Bay Campmeeting on Lake Winnepesaukee, New Hapshire. There his High Rock Hill was both a salesroom and a summer cottage over the years. He was a member of the board of directors of the campmeeting association for several years. Very popular were his singing sessions on the campground square between suppertim and evening services, and a final sing into the small hours of the night following the final service of the campmeeting.

--Leonard Ellinwood, DNAH Archives

Texts by F. A. Blackmer (126)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A land by faith I seeF. A. B. (Author)English29
A little more rough tossingF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
A pilgrim worn and wearyF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
A warfare is ragingF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
All glory to the Savior's name, A sinner is forgivenF. A. B. (Author)English3
All praise to the Son for what he has doneF. A. B. (Author)English3
An angel came down to Bethesda's poolFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English6
Are you lonely and worn and sadF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
As a Christian bandF. A. B. (Author)English8
"At some convenient season," a young man saidF. A. B. (Author)English7
Bear the cross for Jesus, bear the cross todayF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
Behold that mother's wayward boyF. A. Blackmer (Author)English6
Behold, what love! what boundless love, The Father hath bestowed Upon His servants that they shouldF. A. Blackmer (Author)English17
Behold, what love, what boundless love, The Father hath bestowed, On sinners lost, that we should be (M. S. S.)Francis A. Blackmer (Author)English1
Bless the Lord! praise His name! hallelujah!F. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
Brother to a feast invitedF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Christian, are you growing wearyF. A. B. (Author)English10
Christian soldier, worn with serviceF. A. Blackmer (Author)English8
Come over, lost one, come Over the line todayF. A. B. (Author)English4
Der Trübsal Hitze mich erschüttertF. A. Blackmer (Author)German1
Drifting on to judgmentF. A. B. (Author)English2
Father, now hear me prayF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Glorious scene, those three appallingF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
Glory to Jesus, He saves even meF. A. B. (Author)English10
Go, when the morning shinethF. A. Blackmer (Author (v. 3))English1
Hail, thou once rejected Jesus, Now the everlasting KingF. A. Blackmer (Author)English1
How far, how far to the city of gold?Francis A. Blackmer (Author (v. 4))English5
How precious the thought when with sorrows we meetF. A. B. (Author)English4
I came to the Savior, found rest to my soulF. A. B. (Author)English2
I do believe the Bible, the blessed word of GodFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English19
I have been redeemed from the power of sin, By the blood of Christ my Lord (Blackmer)F. A. B. (Author)English2
I hear Thy voice, O LordF. A. Blackmer (Author)English5
I know that Jesus saves me, O wondrous, wondrous thoughtF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
I shall see him and be like himFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English2
I will bless the Lord forevermoreF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
I will build my house upon the rockF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
I will not shrink from fiery trialsF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
I would do each duty hereF. A. Blackmer (Author)English11
In darkness I wandered till Jesus I foundF. A. B. (Author)English6
In that country which lies over JordanF. A. B. (Author)English7
In the dark and cloudy dayF. A. B. (Author)English3
It is sweet to think of the Savior's wordsF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Jesus calls, your heart would winF. A. Blackmer (Author)English5
Jesus is calling thee, O, hear His voiceF. A. B. (Author)English3
Jesus, my Savior, is coming againF. A. B. (Author)English5
Just beyond these earthly scenes, Past the vail that intervenesF. A. B. (Author)English3
Like Lot and his kindred vain worldlingF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
List to the sentry's call Who goes thereF. A. B. (Author)English2
Lo, here another Christmas dawnsF. A. B. (Author)English3
Look away to Calvary there behold the agonyFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English5
Lord, in thy vineyard as helpers each dayF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Mit dem Herrn glaubt ich zu wandelnF. A. Blackmer (Author)German1
My feet are so weary with the marchF. A. B. (Alterer)English5
Not wailing cries nor bells that tollF. A. B. (Arranger)English1
Now will I praise Thy name, And sing Thy wondrous fameFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English3
O beautiful city, O glorious cityF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
O come to the blessed SaviorF. A. B. (Author)English3
O prodigal, now returnF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
O the peace my Savior gives (Chorus)F. A. Blackmer (Author)English1
O the promise of the blessed wordFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English3
O what a loving Friend have IF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
O where are the toilers for Jesus todayF. A. B. (Author)English3
O, would you share the blessings that are promisedFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English3
Oft when tossed on ocean's foamF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
O soul oppressed with sin and guiltF. A. B. (Author)English3
O the promise, blessed promiseF. A. B. (Author)English6
O while the moments lingerF. A. B. (Author)English4
On sin's dark mountain lyingF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
On the Savior I've believedF. A. B. (Author)English3
On thy journey to the homelandF. A. Blackmer (Author)English6
Once again on the old camp meeting groundF. A. B. (Author)English3
Once I thought I walked with JesusF. A. B. (Author)English43
Once to the Lord, there came a trembling soulF. A. B. (Author)English3
Only believ, How can I, LordF. A. B. (Arranger)English1
Our God shall pour on us a blessingF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Out on the highways wherever we goF. A. Blackmer (Author (vs. 3))English1
Paz con Dios, busqué ganarlaF. A. Blackmer (Author)Spanish4
Pilgrims in a hostile landF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Rejoice, ye sons of men and singF. A. B. (Author)English2
Save Master that we perish notF. A. B. (Author)English2
Savior, dear, I have heard of Thy wonderful wordF. A. B. (Author)English3
Say, is your lamp burning, my brotherF. A. B. (Alterer)English1
See, a sail amid the fearful breakersF. A. B. (Author)English7
Seek the Lord, we invite youF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Simply trusting Christ my LordFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English5
Swing back for one moment, fair portalsF. A. B. (Author)English18
Take my hand, O Father, take itF. A. B. (Arranger)English1
Tell me the old, sweet story of JesusF. A. B. (Author)English4
The Crucified of Calvary has taken all my loadF. A. B. (Author)English9
The great day is nearingF. A. B. (Author)English5
The love of Christ is boundlessF. A. B. (Author)English4
The Savior knocks at thy proud heartF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
There are memories that cluster in my heartF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
There is a country just over thereFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English4
There is a place most dear to thoseF. A. B. (Author)English3
There is no work that I can doF. A. B. (Author)English2
There was no room for Him in the innF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
There'll be a shout in the camp some dayF. A. B. (Author)2
There's a better world than this, Just over yonderF. A. B. (Author)English3
There's a glad song welling up within my soulF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
There's a pathway that leads unto lifeF. A. B. (Author)English2
There's a promised future, a golden ageF. A. B. (Author)English2
There is never a day so sunnyF. A. B. (Author)English5
They crucified my blessed LordF. A. B. (Author)English2
This is the old time gospelF. A. B. (Author)English2
Thou dear Redeemer, dying LambF. A. B. (Author)English1
Together they are growingF. A. Blackmer (Alterer)English2
Unto thy Father's dwellingF. A. B. (Author)English3
Upon the broad highway, brotherF. A. B. (Author)English4
Upon the King's highwayF. A. B. (Author)English5
Wanderer, Jesus calls, O hear his voiceF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
We are marching along, Bound for Canaan and gloryF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
We shall not all sleep the Bible declaresF. A. B. (Author)English2
Wenn dereinst die Erlösten sich scharenF. A. Blackmer (Author)German3
What is that in thine hand, child, discouraged and sad?Francis A. Blackmer (Author)English5
When our Lord was here in the olden timeFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English5
When the hosts redeemed to Zion come With gladness and with songF. A. B. (Author)English5
When the Savior in his gloryF. A. B. (Author)English4
When the servants of God have been called from their toilF. A. Blackmer (Author)English3
When we enter the portals of glory, And the great host of ransomed we seeF. A. B. (Author)English27
When we gather at last over JordanF. A. B. (Author)English15
While here on the earth as a pilgrimF. A. B. (Author)English3
Who are those pilgrims in plain attireF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Why in darkness grope, soul bereft of hopeF. A. Blackmer (Author)English2
Wondrous the favor of Christ to meF. A. B. (Author)English3
Would you have the Lord in the last great dayFrancis A. Blackmer (Author)English5

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