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Scripture:1 Kings 8:41-43

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Showing 1 - 10 of 11Results Per Page: 102050
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God's Belssing invoked

Author: William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) Appears in 240 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8 First Line: O thou whose own vast temple stands Topics: Dedication of Church Used With Tune: ST. ETHELDREDA
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On opening a Place of Worship

Author: James Montgomery (1771-1854) Appears in 206 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8 First Line: Lord of hosts, to thee we raise Topics: Dedication of Church Used With Tune: COLUMBA

God of light and life’s creation

Author: Michael Perry (born 1942) Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8 Topics: Epiphany 4, Revelation The New Temple; God's Church Anniversary, Special Occasions; Pentecost 15 Those in Authority; The Election of God's People Abraham; Trinity Sunday The Trinity Used With Tune: BUSHEY HALL

O God of Bethel, by whose hand

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-51 Meter: Appears in 380 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8:22-53 Lyrics: 1 O God of Bethel, by whose hand your people still are fed, who through this weary pilgrimage have all our forebears led: 2 our vows, our prayers, we now present before your throne of grace; God of our people, be the God of each succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life our wandering footsteps guide; give us each day our daily bread, for all our needs provide. 4 O spread your covering wings around, till all our wanderings cease, and at our Father's loved abode our souls arrive in peace. Topics: Anniversary of a Church; Covenant; Forebears; Heaven; Pilgrimage; Providence Used With Tune: SALZBURG
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Great Shepherd of thy people

Author: John Newton, 1725-1807 Meter: Appears in 213 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8:30-53 First Line: Great Shepherd of thy people, hear Lyrics: 1 Great Shepherd of thy people, hear, thy presence now display; as thou hast giv'n a place for pray'r, so give us hearts to pray. 2 Within these walls let holy peace and love and concord dwell; here give the troubled conscience ease, the wounded spirit heal. 3 May we in faith receive thy word, in faith present our pray'rs, and in the presence of our Lord unbosom all our cares. 4 The hearing ear, the seeing eye, the contrite heart, bestow; and shine upon us from on high, that we in grace may grow. Topics: Healing; The Witnessing Community Used With Tune: OSWALD'S TREE
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Christ is our corner stone

Author: John Chandler Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8:22-53 Topics: Special Occasions Church-Building and Dedication Used With Tune: STOWE
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When the weary, seeking rest

Author: Horatius Bonar Appears in 132 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8:22-53 Topics: The Church Worship - Praise and Prayer Used With Tune: INTERCESSION
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Only-Begotten Word of God Eternal

Author: M. J. Blacker Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8:43 Lyrics: 1 Only-begotten, Word of God eternal, Lord of Creation, merciful and mighty, hear now thy servants when their joyful voices rise to thy presence. 2 Here in our sickness healing grace aboundeth; light in our blindness, in our toil refreshment: sin is forgiven, hope o'er fear prevaileth, joy over sorrow. 3 Hallowed this dwelling where the Lord abideth; this is none other than the gate of heaven; strangers and pilgrims seeking homes eternal, pass through its portals. 4 Lord, we beseech thee, as we throng thy temple, by thy past blessings, by thy present bounty, smile on thy children, and with tender mercy hear our petitions. 5 God in three persons, Father everlasting, Son co-eternal, ever-blessèd Spirit, thine be the glory, praise, and adoration, now and for ever. Topics: Conclusion of Worship; Pilgrimage and Conflict Used With Tune: ISTE CONFESSOR Text Sources: Christe sanctorum Dominator alme, Latin, c. 9th century

Christians, Lift Up Your Hearts

Author: John E. Bowers Meter: Irregular Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8:41 Topics: Church Anniversaries and Dedications; Hymns with Descants Used With Tune: SALVE FESTA DIES
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O Jesus, fra det Høie

Author: Ludv. M. Bjørn Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: 1 Kings 8:15-62 Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, fra det Høie Hid vende du dit Fjed, Lad Naade for dit Øie Ske vort Forsamlingsted. O, Herre, kom at tage Dit Sæde i vor Kreds, Da krones vore Dage, Da er vi fuldt tilfreds. 2 Ei Sten paa Sten der findes Af Zions Tempels Pragt, Ak, vel vi alle mindes Hin Naadetids Foragt! Ak, du vort Hjerte drage ved Ordets tille Magt, At aldrig vi skal tabe Vor Daabes dyre Pagt! 3 O Herre, vær vor Styrke, Led os paa rette Sti, Lær os dig ret at dyrke, lad Trængsel gaa forbi. Her ved dit Huses Tærskel, Der slaa vi os til Ro, Herfra til Livets Færdsel Gaa vi med styrket Tro! 4 Mit Hjerte, det skal sjunge Til Herrens Miskunds Pirs, Min Røst skal høres runge Til Herrens paradis! Thi Ynk for os sig rørte I Herrens milde Sind; Fra fremmed Sti han førte Os til Gudsfolket ind! 5 Se, Porten nu er aaben, O Brødre, Søstre kom! Ak, hører Jesu naaden Fra Himlens Helligdom; Ei Nogen staa tilbage, Men fly fra VredensDom, Du Stærke, støt den Svage, Og begge sammen kom! 6 Med Lov og Tak vi mindes, Du Frelser, for os bad, At Intet maatte findes, Som skiller Hjerter ad! Kom, Haand i Haand vi vandre Den store Pilgrimsgang, Indtil vi med hverandre Istemme Lammets Sang. 7 O, snart, o snart han kommer, Vor Sjæles Brudgom hid Og gjør en liflig Sommer, Af al vor Nød og Strid. Med Jubel vi da ile Ad Perleporten skjøn, Hos Gud vi finde Hvile I Huset hos hans Søn! Topics: Tilføiede Salmer; Added Hymns; Menighedens Gudstjeneste; The Church Service; Pilgrimsvandring, de Kristnes; The Christian Pilgrimage


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