Author: Benjamin Webb (1819-1885) Meter: Appears in 142 hymnals Scripture: Acts 10:38 Lyrics: 1 O Love, how deep, how broad, how high!
Surpassing thought and fantasy
that God, the Son of God, should take
our mortal form for mortals' sake.
2 For us baptized, for us he bore
his holy fast, and hungered sore;
for us temptations sharp he knew;
for us the tempter overthrew.
3 For us he prayed, for us he taught,
for us the lost with love he sought,
by words, and signs, and actions, he
brought health and hope to set us free.
4 For us to wicked men betrayed,
scourged, mocked, in crown of thorns arrayed,
he bore the shameful cross and death;
for us at length gave up his breath.
5 For us he rose from death again,
for us he went on high to reign,
for us he sent his Spirit here
to guide, to strengthen, and to cheer.
6 To him whose boundless love has won
salvation for us through his Son,
to God the Father, glory be
both now and through eternity. Topics: Christian Year Lent; Creed Used With Tune: EISENACH (LEIPZIG) Text Sources: Latin, 15th century
O Love, how deep, how broad, how high!