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Scripture:Acts 7:55-60

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The Son of God Goes Forth to War

Author: Reginald Heber Meter: D Appears in 840 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:59-60 Lyrics: 1 The Son of God goes forth to war, a kingly crown to gain; his blood-red banner streams afar: who follows in his train? Who best can drink his cup of woe, triumphant over pain, who patient bears his cross below, he follows in his train. 2 The martyr first, whose eagle eye could pierce beyond the grave, who saw his Master in the sky, and called on him to save; like him, with pardon on his tongue in midst of mortal pain, he prayed for them that did the wrong: who follows in his train? 3 A glorious band, the chosen few on whom the Spirit came, twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew, and mocked the cross and flame: they met the tyrant's brandished steel, the lion's gory mane; they bowed their necks the death to feel: who follows in their train? 4 A noble army, men and boys, the matron and the maid, around the Savior's throne rejoice, in robes of light arrayed: they climbed the steep ascent of heav'n through peril, toil, and pain: O God, to us may grace be giv'n to follow in their train. Topics: The Christian Life Christian Warfare; Christ Example of; The Nation; Patience of Christians; Rewards Used With Tune: ALL SAINTS NEW

God, We Praise You!

Author: Christopher Idle, 1938- Meter: D Appears in 30 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:55 First Line: God, we praise you! God we bless you! Lyrics: 1 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! God, we name you sovereign Lord! Mighty King whom angels worship, Father, by your church adored: all creation shows your glory, heaven and earth draw near your throne singing "Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts, and God alone!" 2 True apostles, faithful prophets, saints who set their world ablaze, martyrs, once unknown, unheeded, join one growing song of praise, while your church on earth confesses one majestic Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God, our hope eternally. 3 Jesus Christ, the King of glory, everlasting Son of God, humble was your virgin mother, hard the lonely path you trod. By your cross is sin defeated, hell confronted face to face, heaven opened to believers, sinners justified by grace. 4 Christ, at God's right hand victorious, you will judge the world you made; Lord, in mercy help your servants for whose freedom you have paid. Raise us up from dust to glory, guard us from all sin today; King enthroned above all praises, save your people, God, we pray. Topics: Adoration Used With Tune: RUSTINGTON Text Sources: Te Deum Laudamus, para.
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Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep

Author: Mrs. Mackay Meter: Appears in 1,063 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:60 Lyrics: 1 Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep-- A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. 2 Asleep in Jesus! oh, how sweet To be for such a slumber meet! With holy confidence to sing, That death has lost its venomed sting. 3 Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely blest: No fear, no woe, shall dim the hour That manifests the Saviour's power. 4 Asleep in Jesus! oh, for me May such a blissful refuge be: Securely shall my ashes lie, And wait the summons from on high. 5 Asleep in Jesus! time nor space Affects this precious hiding-place: On Indian plains or Lapland snows Believers find the same repose. 6 Asleep in Jesus! far from thee Thy kindred and their graves may be: But thine is still a blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep. Topics: Life and Death; Them which Sleep in Jesus

Jesus, lover of my soul

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: D Appears in 3,243 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:59 Topics: Jesus Christ the Saviour: Lord of All Used With Tune: ABERYSTWYTH
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Prayer is the soul's sincere desire

Author: James Montgomery (1771-1854) Meter: Appears in 850 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:59-60 Lyrics: 1 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, unuttered or expressed, the motion of a hidden fire that trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, the falling of a tear, the upward glancing of an eye when none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech that infant lips can try; prayer the sublimest strains that reach the Majesty on high. 4 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, the Christian's native air, their watchword at the gates of death, they enter heaven with prayer. 5 Prayer is not made by us alone: the Holy Spirit pleads, and Jesus, on the eternal throne, for sinners intercedes. 6 O Christ, by whom we come to God, the Life, the Truth, the Way, the path of prayer yourself have trod, Lord, teach us how to pray. Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Devotion; Prayer Used With Tune: COLESHILL
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Once in royal David's city

Author: Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-1895) Meter: Appears in 410 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:55-56 Lyrics: 1 Once in royal David's city stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her Baby in a manger for his bed. Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. 2 He came down to earth from heaven who is God and Lord of all, and his shelter was a stable, and his cradle was a stall. With the poor and meek and lowly lived on earth our Saviour holy. 3 And our eyes at last shall see him, through his own redeeming love; for that Child so dear and helpless is our Lord in heaven above; and he leads his children on to the place where he is gone. 4 Not in that poor lowly stable, with the oxen standing by, we shall see him; but in heaven, set at God's right hand on high, where his children gather round, bright like stars, with glory crowned. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Christmas and Epiphany Used With Tune: IRBY
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O Sacred Head! sore wounded

Author: James Waddell Alexander (1804-1859); Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676) Meter: Appears in 728 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:54-56 Lyrics: 1 O Sacred Head! sore wounded, with grief and shame weighed down! O Kingly Head, surrounded with thorns, thine only crown! How pale art thou with anguish, with sore abuse and scorn! How does that face now languish, which once was bright as morn! 2 O Lord of life and glory, what bliss till now was thine! I read the wondrous story; I joy to call thee mine. Thy grief and bitter Passion were all for sinners' gain; mine, mine was the transgression, but thine the deadly pain. 3 What language shall I borrow to praise thee, heavenly Friend, for this, thy dying sorrow, thy pity without end? O make me thine for ever, and, should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never outlive my love for thee. 4 Be near me, Lord, when dying; O show thy cross to me; and, my last need supplying, come, Lord, and set me free; these eyes, new faith receiving, from thee shall never move; for they who die believing die safely through thy love. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnante - Passion and Death; Christian Year Good Friday; Death and Bereavement; Devotion Used With Tune: PASSION CHORALE

My Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Author: Julia Ward Howe Meter: Irregular Appears in 556 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:55-59 First Line: My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord Refrain First Line: Glory, glory hallelujah! Lyrics: 1 My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, who is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored, And has loosed the fateful lightning of a terrible swift sword; God's truth is marching on. Refrain: Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! God's truth is marching on. 2 God has been there in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps, where they built a sacred altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read the righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps; God's day is marching on. [Refrain] 3 God has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; and is sifting out the hearts of all before the judgment seat; O be swift, my soul, to answer and be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. [Refrain] 4 In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, with a glory in whose bosom that transfigures you and me; As Christ died to make us holy, let us die to make all free; While God is marching on. [Refrain] Topics: God Judgment of; Gospel Call and Response; Heritage; Realm of God; Truth; Year A Proper 28 Used With Tune: BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC
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The Lord is King! Lift up thy voice!

Author: Josiah Conder (1789-1855) Meter: Appears in 256 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:55-56 Lyrics: 1 The Lord is King! lift up your voice! Let earth and all the heavens rejoice. From world to world the joy shall ring, 'The Lord omnipotent is King!' 2 The Lord is King! who then shall dare resist his will, distrust his care, or murmur at his wise decrees, or doubt his royal promises? 3 The Lord is King! child of the dust, the judge of all the earth is just; holy and true are all his ways: let every creature speak his praise. 4 Come, make your wants, your burdens known; Christ will present them at the throne; for he is at the Father's side, the Man of Love, the Crucified. 5 One Lord, one empire, all secures; he reigns, and life and death are yours; through earth and heaven one song shall ring, 'The Lord omnipotent is King!' Topics: The Being of God Holy and One; Christ Risen Reign and Priesthood; God in judgement and justice; God in majesty; Prayer Used With Tune: CHURCH TRIUMPHANT
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Fearless in the fire of tribulation

Appears in 196 hymnals Scripture: Acts 7:59 First Line: Head of the Church triumphant Topics: Rejoicing Deliverance from Trouble Used With Tune: TRIUMPH


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