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Hymnal, Number:alh1930

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Great Is The Lord Our God

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 302 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Great is the Lord our God, And let His praise be great; He makes the Church His abode, His most delightful seat. 2 In Zion God is known, A refuge in distress: How bright has His salvation shone Thro' all her palaces! 3 When kings against her joined And saw the Lord was there, In wild confusion of the mind They fled with hasty fear. 4 Oft have our fathers told, Our eyes have often seen How well our God secures the fold Where His own sheep have been. 5 In ev'ry new distress We’ll to His house repair; We'll call to mind His wondrous grace And seek deliverance there. Amen. Topics: The Means of Grace The Christian Church Used With Tune: DURHAM (DOVER)
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A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Author: Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Lyrics: 1 A Mighty Fortress is our God, A trusty Shield and Weapon! He is our help in ev'ry need That hath us now o'ertaken. The old bitter foe Now means deadly woe; Deep guile and cruel might Are his dread arms in fight: On earth is not his equal. 2 With might of ours can naught be done, Soon were our loss effected; But for us fights the Valiant One Whom God Himself elected. Ask ye, who is He? Christ Jesus here see. As Lord of hosts adored, Our only King and Lord: He holds the field forever. 3 Tho' devils all the world should fill, All watching to devour us, We tremble not, we fear no ill, They cannot overpow'r us. This world's prince may still Scowl fierce as he will; He yet can harm us none, For he is judged, undone! One little word o'erthrows him. 4 The Word of God they shall let stand Nor any thanks have for it; Here Christ Himself leads the command With His good gifts and Spirit. Take they then our life, Goods, fame, child and wife; When they their worst have done, They yet have nothing won: The Kingdom ours remaineth. Topics: The Church Year Reformation Used With Tune: EIN FESTE BURG Text Sources: Tr. Composite, 1866
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I Know Whom I Believe In

Author: Ernst Moritz Arndt Meter: D Appears in 9 hymnals Lyrics: 1 I know whom I believe in, I know what firm abides, When all around me fading Away like vapor glides. I know what lasts forever, When all things shake and fall, When wit the wise forsaketh, And craft doth craft forestall. 2 It is the Light of Glory; It is my Jesus, King; It is the Rock I stand on; It is of this I sing. He nevermore shall fail me, Deliv'rer, Shepherd mine, He lighteth all my darkness, He makes my path to shine. 3 He whom blood-stained they buried In the still twilight hour, He whom God waked from slumber, He who arose in pow''r: He for my guilt atoneth, To me His Spirit gives, Me with His grace He crowneth: I live because He lives. 4 I know what I believe in, I know what standeth fast, And what, when earth shall crumble, Uncrumbled, still shall last; Thro' sorrow it bides with me, Mine when to death I bow, In heav'n it will assure me A crown to deck my brow. Amen. Topics: Faith; Processionals and Recessionals General Used With Tune: WEBB
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A Pilgrim And A Stranger

Author: Jane Borthwick; Paul Gerhardt Meter: D Appears in 76 hymnals Lyrics: 1 A pilgrim and a stranger, I journey here below, Far distant is my country, The home to which I go. Here I must toil and travail, Oft weary and oppressed, But there my God shall lead me To everlasting rest. 2 There still my tho'ts are dwelling, 'Tis there I long to be; Come, Lord, and call Thy servant To blessedness with Thee! Come, bid my toils be ended, Let all my wand'rings cease; Call from the wayside lodging To Thy sweet home of peace! 3 There I shall dwell forever, No more a stranger guest, With all Thy blood-bought children In everlasting rest: The pilgrim toils forgotten, The pilgrim conflicts o'er, All earthly griefs behind us, Eternal joys before! Topics: The Christian Life Heaven Used With Tune: MEIROMYDD
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Thy Soul, O Jesus, Hallow Me

Author: M. Loy; Johann Scheffler Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thy soul, O Jesus, hallow me, Thy Spirit steep me all in Thee; Thy body, pierced by ruthless steel, My wretched soul and body heal. 2 The water from Thy side that poured For me a cleansing bath afford, And all Thy blood, with life divine, Revive these sluggish pow'rs of mine. 3 The bloody sweat upon Thy face Deliver me from death's embrace, And all Thy passion, cross and pain, With strength my feebleness sustain. A-men. 4 O Christ! turn not away from me, Accept and hide me quite in Thee, Within Thy holy wounds enclose And keep me safe when foes oppose. 5 In death's dark hour with me abide, And place me, Savior, at Thy side, With all Thy blessed saints on high To sing Thy praise, and never die. Topics: The Church Year Passion Used With Tune: BRESLAU
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Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word

Author: H. Brueckner; T. Clausnitzer; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 146 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Blessed Jesus, at Thy word We are gathered now to hear Thee; Let our hearts and souls be stirred Now to seek and love and fear Thee, By Thy teachings sweet and holy Drawn from earth to love Thee solely. 2 All our knowledge, sense and sight Lie in deepest darkness shrouded Till the Spirit breaks our night With the beams of truth unclouded. Thou alone to God canst win us, Thou must work all good within us. 3 Glorious God, Thyself impart! Light of light, from God proceeding, Open Thou our ears and heart, Help us by Thy Spirit’s pleading; Hear the cry Thy people raises, Hear and bless our prayers and praises. 4 Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Praise to Thee and adoration! Give us what our hearts need most, Be Thy Word our consolation! For Thy blessings we implore Thee Till in heaven we adore Thee. Topics: Opening of Worship Used With Tune: NUREMBERG
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To Our Redeemer's Glorious Name

Author: Anne Steele Meter: Appears in 359 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To our Redeemer's glorious name Awake the sacred song! O may His love, immortal flame, Tune ev'ry heart and tongue, Tune ev'ry heart and tongue. 2 His love what human tho't can reach, What mortal tongue portray? Imagination's utmost stretch In wonder dies away, In wonder dies away. 3 He left His radiant throne on high, Bright realms of heav'nly bliss, And came to earth to bleed and die-- Was ever love like this? Was ever love like this? 4 Dear Lord, while we adoring pay Our humble thanks to Thee, May ev'ry heart with rapture say, The Savior died for me, The Savior died for me. 5 O may the sweet, the blissful theme Fill ev'ry heart and tongue, Till strangers love Thy charming name And join the sacred song! And join the sacred song! Amen. Topics: The Church Year Passion Used With Tune: SWANWICK
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Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadows

Author: Paul Gerhardt Meter: Appears in 31 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Now rest beneath night's shadows The woodlands, fields and meadows, The world in slumber lies; But thou, my soul, awake thee, To song and prayer betake thee, Let praise to thy Creator rise. 2 The radiant sun hath vanished, Its golden rays are banished By night, the foe of day; But Christ, the Sun of gladness, Dispelling all my sadness, Within my heart holds constant sway. 3 The rule of day is over, And shining jewels cover The sky above so blue. Thus I shall shine in heaven, Where crowns of gold are given To all who faithful prove and true. 4 My body lies divested Of garments that have rested Upon this form of clay. But I in rapture ponder How Christ shall clothe me yonder With glory that endures for aye. 5 Lord Jesus, who dost love me, Thy pinions spread above me, And shield me well from harm. Let angel guards attend me And from the foe defend me, That I may rest without alarm. 6 My loved ones, rest securely, For God will keep you surely From pain and perils sore. Sweet slumbers may He send you, And may His hosts defend you With golden weapons evermore. Topics: Evening Used With Tune: INNSPRUCK Text Sources: Tr. Composite
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Our Heavenly Father, Hear

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 203 hymnals First Line: Our heav'nly Father, hear Lyrics: 1 Our heav'nly Father, hear The prayer we offer now; Thy name he hallowed far and near, To Thee all nations bow. 2 Thy kingdom come; Thy will On earth be done in love, As saints and seraphim fulfill Thy holy will above. 3 Our daily bread supply While by Thy word we live: The guilt of our iniquity Forgive, as we forgive. 4 From dark temptation's pow'r, From Satan's wiles defend; Deliver in the evil hour, And guide us to the end. 5 Thine shall forever be Glory and pow'r divine, The scepter, throne, and majesty, Of heav'n and earth are Thine. Amen. Topics: The Means of Grace The Lord's Prayer Used With Tune: STILLINGFLEET
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If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee

Author: Catherine Winkworth; George Neumark Meter: Appears in 182 hymnals Lyrics: 1 If thou but suffer God to guide thee And hope in Him thro' all thy ways, He'll give thee strength whate'er betide thee And bear thee through the evil days; Who trusts in God's unchanging love, Builds on the rock that naught can move. 2 What can these anxious cares avail thee, These never-ceasing moans and sighs? What can it help, if thou bewail thee O'er each dark moment as it flies? Our cross and trials do but press The heavier for our bitterness. 3 Only be still and await His leisure In cheerful hope, with heart content To take whate'er thy Father's pleasure And all-deserving love hath sent; Nor doubt our inmost wants are known To Him Who chose us for His own. 4 Sing, pray and keep His ways unswerving; In all thy labor faithful be, And trust His Word; though undeserving, Thou yet shalt find it true for thee: God never will forsook in need The soul that trusts in Him indeed. Topics: The Christian Life Cross and Comfort Used With Tune: NEUMARK


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