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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1752

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Great is the Lord, supreamy great

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. Great is the Lord, supreamly great, And greatly to be prais'd; In Zion, in that holy Mount, Let high his Fame be rais'd. 2. Mount Zion, Joy of all the Earth, Seated in beauteous wise; Th' imperial Seat of the great King, On her North Quarter lies. 3. God, in her Palaces is known, To be a Refuge high. 4. Confed'rate Kings against her came, But hastily pass'd by. 5. For when they saw, they were amaz'd And in Confusion fled. 6. Sudden, as Women with their Pains, There, were they seiz'd with Dread. 7. So the tempestuous Eastern Winds, When thou the Word do'st speak, Rouse up the Mid-land Seas to Rage, And Ships of Tarshish break. 8. In City of the Lord of Host, We've seen, what we had heard; God, his lov'd City, still preserves, And is her constant Guard. Second Part 9. Therefore we, in thy Temple, bow, Whenever we're afraid; Think on thy former Acts of Grace, And silent wait thine Aid. 10. Thy Praise, O God, thro' Earth extends. Far as thy Name is known; Thy Right-hand's full of Righteousness, Thou faithfully hast done. 11. Zion, and Judah's Towns, rejoice, Because thy Works are true. 12. Thro' Zion walk, go round her Walls, And all her Towers view; 13. Mark well her Forts, and Palaces; Nor from your Sons it hide. 14. This God, forever, is our God; To Death will be our Guide. Scripture: Psalm 48
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Hark, 'tis the Voice of Wisdom cries

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: Hark, 'Tis the Voice of Wisdom cries, In ev'ry publick Place; To you, O Sons of Men, I call, Come, taste my heav'nly Grace. Silver, and Gold, and precious Stones; And all thou can'st desire, Bear no Proportion to the Gifts My Votaries acquire. Ere Earth, and Seas, and Heav'ns wide Arch. Their Being did receive, I, with the Lord, his chief Delight, From everlasting live. The habitable Earth, with Joy, Appeared in my Sight: I then beheld the Sons of Men, And in them took Delight. Come then, ye Children, hear my Voice; Be wise, and keep my Ways: He's bless'd that hears, and at my Gates, There daily watching, stays. Who finds me, wins immortal Life, And with the Lord finds Grace; But he that sins, wrongs his own Soul; Who hate me, Death embrace. Scripture: Proverbs 8
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He that, the Highest's secret Place

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. He that, the Highest's secret Place, His sure Retreat, has made. Secure shall rest, from threat'ning Ills, Beneath th' Almighty's Shade. 2. Of this Jehovah, I will say, "He is my Refuge high, "My strong Munition, and my God; "On him I will rely. 3. Surely; he shall deliver thee, Out of the Fowler's Snare; And save thee, when the noisome Plague Infests the vital Air. 4. His Feathers shall thee cover o'er. His Wings Protection yield; His never-failing Truth shall be Thy Buckler, and thy Shield. 5. Thou shalt no nightly Terrors fear; Nor Shafts that fly by Day: 6. No fatal Plague, that darkly walks; Nor Noon's malignant Ray. 7. Thousands shall fall around thee slain; Yet shall it not touch thee. 8. Thine Eyes shall only this behold, And Sinners Portion see. Second Part 9. Because my Refuge, God, Most-high, Thy Dwelling thou hast made; 10. Therefore, no Ill shall thee befall, Nor Plague thy House invade. 11. He'll charge his Angels, thee to keep, In all thy Ways, from Harms, 12. They, lest a Stone offend thy Feet, Shall bear thee in their Arms. 13. On th' Asp, and Lyon, thou shalt tread, Fearless, when e'er ye meet; The Lyon young, and Dragons fierce, Shalt trample under Feet. 14. "Because his Love is fix'd on me, "His Freedom I proclaim; "I'11 set him high, from Dangers safe, "For he hath known my Name. 15. "Whene'er he calls, I'll answer him; "In Troubles I'll be nigh, "To rescue him from ev'ry Ill; "And raise his Honour high. 16. "With Length of Days, as best shall be, "I'll satisfy his Soul; "Then my Salvation to him shew, "Where endless Pleasures rowl. Scripture: Psalm 91
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Hear, Lord, my Pray'r, to my Request

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. Hear, Lord, my Pray'r, to my Request, Let thy kind Ear attend; And in thy Truth, and Righteousness, A gracious Answer send. 2. Let not thy Servant, by strict Rules, Of Justice, Lord, be try'd; For in thy Sight, no Man alive, Could so be justify'd. 3. The Foe pursu'd my Soul, my Life Down to the Ground did tread, In Darkness made to dwell, as those That Ages have been dead. 4. Therefore my Spirit sinks in me; My Heart is desolate. 5. Past Times I call to Mind, and on Thy, Works I meditate. 6. With out stretch'd Hand, thine Aid I crave; For Thee my Soul doth pant, As thirsty Lands, in Summer's Heat, That cooling Showers want. Second Part 7. Hear me with Speed, hide not thy Face, My sinking Spirit save; Lest I should soon become like them, That lye down in the Grave. 8. Let me thy Kindness early hear, For I in Thee confide; Shew me the Way where I should go: I look to Thee, my Guide. 9. From all my threat'ning Enemies, O Lord deliver me; For Shelter, from their Rage, I fly, To hide myself with Thee. 10. Thou art my God, teach me thy Will Forever to obey; Let thy good Spirit me conduct, In thy most righteous Way. 11. Revive me, Lord, and spare my Life. That all thy Name may sing; For th' Honour of thy faithful Word, My Soul from Trouble bring. 12. In Mercy to me, rout my Foes, Thy gracious Aids afford, Destroy all that afflict my Soul; For I'm thy Servant Lord. Scripture: Psalm 143
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Hear this all People, and give Ear

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. Hear this, all People, and give Ear, All ye that dwell on Earth; 2. You're all concerned, both high, and low, Of base, or noble Birth. 3. My Mouth shall speak of weighty Things, Which Wisdom will impart; Of sacred Understanding are The Musings of my Heart. 4. To search out secret Parables, I will incline mine Ear: And with soft Touches of my Harp, Mysterious Truths declare. 5. Wherefore should I, in evil Days, Be overwhelmed with Fears; When the Transgressions of my Heels Encompass me with Snares? 6. There's none of those who trust in Wealth, And in their Riches boast, 7. Their Brother can redeem; or give To God sufficient Cost; 8. (Life's of too great a Price for Wealth, No Sum can equal be;) 9. That he should still forever live. And no Corruption see. 10. 'Tis daily seen, that Wise, and Fools, Alike go to the Grave; And all their Wealth, tho' ne'er so loth, To their Successors leave. Second Part 11. Man vainly thinks, his House shall stand, Forever fix'd in Fame; And therefore calls his dwelling Place, And Lands, by his own Name. 12. But Man, in Honour, soon decays; And, like the Beasts, he dies. 13. Their Folly's great; and yet their Sons Still think their Sayings wise. 14. Like Sheep, they're crowded in the Grave, Death's Prey; o'er them the Just Reign in the Morn; their Strength's consum'd, Whose Dwelling's in the Dust. 15. But God will, in that glorious Day, Me from the Grave retrieve; Redeem me from the Pow'r of Death, And to himself receive. 16. Then be'nt concern'd if Men grow rich; Their House in Glory rise. 17. Death drips them of their former Pomp, Their Glory, with them, dies. 18. Tho' while he liv'd, he bless'd himself; And Men his Skill shall praise. 19. He shall go to his Father's Race; And ne'er see happy Days. 20. Man, that to Honour is advanc'd, And is not truly wise; As void of Understanding lives, So like a Beast he dies. Scripture: Psalm 49
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How amiable, Lord of Hosts

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. How amiable. Lord of Hosts, How pleasant is the Place, Where thou, on Earth, art wont to shew The Glories of thy Face? 2. My Soul doth long, yea, faint to see Jehovah's chosen Seat; My Heart, and Flesh, spring up for Joy, The living God to meet. 3. The Birds, near to thine Altars, build Their Nests, for their Abode; There hatch their Young; O Lord of Hosts, My Sov'reign, and my God. 4. O happy Men, who in thy House Abide; still they'll Thee praise: 5. Whose Strength's in Thee, and Hearts are bent To travel Sion's Ways. 6. Who, passing Baca's thirfty Vale, Provide themselves with Wells, And Cisterns; which the Rain from Heav'n, For their Refreshment, fills. 7. Strengthen'd they go, till they, with God^, In Sion's Mount appear. 8. Lord, God of Hosts, my Pray'r regard, O Jacob's God give Ear. Second Part 9. O God, who art our only Shield, Look graciously on me; And, with thy wanted Smiles, the Face Of thine anointed see. 10. For in thy sacred Courts, a Day, A Thousand does excell; My God's House Doors I'd rather keep, In wicked Tents, than dwell, 11. Jehovah is our Sun, and Shield, Will Grace, and Glory, give; And, no Good Thing, will he deny, Those who uprightly live, 12. O thou, the sov'reign Lord of all The Hosts in Heav'n, Earth, Sea; That Man is truly bless'd, who puts His Trust alone in Thee. Scripture: Psalm 84
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I Cry'd aloud, unto the Lord

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. I Cry'd aloud, unto the Lord, And fervently I pray'd. 2. To him I pour'd out my Complaint; My Griefs before him laid. 3. When Sorrows overwhelm'd my Soul, Then thou my Path didst know: They laid their private Snares for me, Wherever I should go. 4. On my Right-hand I look'd, and saw, That not one Friend was there; All Refuge fail'd, ev'n Flight was fled, None for my Soul did care. 5. To Thee, O Lord, I cry'd, and said, "Thou art my Hope alone; "My Portion, while on Earth I live, "And when from hence I'm gone. 6. I, to the last Extreams, am brought, O hear my earnest Cry; Me from my Persecutors save, Who stronger are than I. 7. From this dark Prison bring my Soul, That I thy Name may praise; The Just shall me surround, for thou Shalt me reward with Grace. Scripture: Psalm 142
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I did resolve to guard my Ways

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. I Did resolve to guard my Ways, And lest my Tongue grow loose, and vain, To put the Bridle to my Mouth; When e'er I mix'd with the Profane. 2. Profoundly silent, for a while, I heard their Talk, and held my Peace, Nor utter'd my devouter Thoughts; But this did inward Pain increase. 3. My Heart, with Indignation, glow'd. And, while I mus'd, the mighty Force Of Zeal, which burn'd within my Breast, Broke forth in this divine Discourse. 4. Teach me, O Lord, to know mine End, And what's the Measure of my Days, How they will issue; may I see How swift my fleeting Time decays. 5. Behold thou mad'st my Days a Span, My greatest Age is nought with Thee; Sure ev'ry Man, at his best State, Is altogether Vanity, 6. Man, like an empty Shadow, stalks; Lo! with what Noise, and Toil, and Cares, He heaps up Wealth, but all in vain: He knows not who shall be his Heirs. Second Part 7. What then, O Lord, can I expect, From such a fading World as this My Hopes are plac'd on Thee alone, The Source, and Centre, of my Bliss. 8. From all my Guilt, and Punishment, In Mercy, Lord, my Soul redeem; And make me not the Scorn of Fools, Who me reproach, and Thee blaspheme. 9. But, Lord, because 'tis thou corrects't; I would be dumb, and not complain. 10. Yet, lest thine Hand consume me quite, Thy heavy Strokes from me restrain. 11. For if thou speak'st an angry Word, When ever Man offendeth Thee; His Beauty blasts, as eat by Moths, Sure ev'ry Man is Vanity. 12. O hear my Pray'r, attend my Cry, With Pity Lord my Tears behold; I, as a Stranger sojourn here, As, all my Fathers did of old. 13. O Spare me, Lord, in Mercy spare, My wasted Strength to me restore; E'er by thy final Summons call'd, I hence shall go, and be no more. Scripture: Psalm 39
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I Love the Lord, who heard the Voice

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. I Love the Lord, who heard the Voice Of my Requests for Grace. 2. Because he bow'd to me his Ear, I'll pray, thro' all my Days. 3. Sorrows intense, like Bands of Death, Encompass'd me around; The Grave's strong Terrors seiz'd on me, Distress, and Grief, I found. 4. Then on Jehovah's Name I call'd. In this most fervent Speech; "Deliver thou my Soul, O Lord, "I humbly Thee beseech. 5. The Lord is kind, and just from him, Our God, all Mercies flow. 6. He keeps the harmless; he me help'd. When I was very low. 7. Return, my Soul, unto thy Rest, The Lord dealt well with thee. 8. For thou hast from the Snares of Death, My trembling Soul set free; My Feet from Falls, thou hast preserv'd, And wip'd mine Eyes from Tears. 9. I'll walk before Jehovah's Face, Thro' all my coming Years. 10. I did believe, and therefore spake; Tho' I was greatly griev'd. 11. And, in my Consternation, said, I am by all deceiv'd. Second Part 12. What shall I render to the Lord, Whence all my Mercies came? 13. Salvation's Cup I'll take, and call Upon Jehovah's Name. 14. My Vows to God, before his Saints, I'll pay with great Delight. 15. The Death of all his holy ones. Is precious in his Sight. 16. I am thy Servant, Lord, I'm thine. Devoted to thy Use; Thine humble Hand-maids Son, my Bonds Thou kindly did'st unloose. 17. Off 'rings of Praise I'll Sing to Thee, And on the Lord's Name call. 18. My Vows I'll pay Jehovah, now, Before his People all. 19. Within his sacred Courts, where they Their grateful Voices raise; In Midst of Thee, Jerusalem, Let all Jehovah praise. Scripture: Psalm 116
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I'll thee extol, my God, and King

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. I'll Thee extol, my God, and King, And ever bless thy Name. 2. I'll bless Thee ev'ry Day, and sing, With endless Songs, thy Fame, 3. The Lord is great, all Praise his due, His Greatness Thought exceeds. 4. One Age the next, thy Works, shall shew; And sing thy mighty Deeds. 5. I'll speak the Glories of thy State, And Wonders thou hast done. 6. While Men thy Terrors shall relate; Thy Greatness I'll make known. 7. Thy matchless Goodness, they shall praise With chearful Heart, and Tongue; Thy Righteousness, in all thy Ways, Shall be their constant Song. 8. God's good, and kind, and rich in Grace; But unto Anger show. 9. He's good to all; in ev'ry Place, His tender Mercies flow. 10. Thee, all thy Works, O Lord, shall praise; And Thee thy Saints shall bless: 11. Abroad thy Kingdom's Glory blaze, Thy mighty Pow'r confess. 12. To make all Nations know his Pow'r; And Kingdom's glorious State. 13. Thy Kingdom ever shall endure; Thy Reign's of endless Date. Second Part 14. The Lord preserveth all that fall; And raiseth up the low. 15. All look to Thee; Thou Food to all, In Season, dost bestow. 16. Thine open Hand to all conveys. According to their Needs. 17. Thou, Lord, art just in all thy Ways, And bountiful in Deeds. 18. The Lord is nigh, to help them all That his kind Aid implore; He'll none reject that on him call, And him in Truth adore. 19. But he'll their just Desires fulfill, That his great Name revere; To their Request attend he will, And save them from their Fear. 20. All, who the Lord sincerely love, Protection shall enjoy; But who perversly wicked prove, He'll utterly destroy. 21. Raptures divine my Tongue inspire, To sing Jehovah's Fame; Let all Flesh join the sacred Quire, And ever bless his Name. Scripture: Psalm 145


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