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Scripture:Jeremiah 23

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The God of Abraham Praise

Author: Thomas Olivers Meter: D Appears in 454 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:6 Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above, the Ancient of eternal days, the God of love! The Lord, the great I AM, by earth and heaven confessed we bow before his holy name forever blest. 2 He by his name has sworn, on this we shall depend, and as on eagles' wings upborne to heaven ascend. There we shall see his face, his power we shall adore and sing the wonders of his grace forevermore. 3 The goodly land I see, with peace and plenty blest, a land of sacred liberty and endless rest. There milk and honey flow, and oil and wine abound; the tree of life forever grows with mercy crowned. 4 There rules the Lord our King, the Lord our Righteousness, victorious over death and sin, the Prince of Peace. On Zion's sacred height his kingdom he maintains, and glorious with his saints in light forever reigns. 5 Triumphant hosts on high give thanks to God and sing, and "Holy, holy, holy" cry, "Almighty King!" Hail, Abraham's God and ours! One mighty hymn we raise. All power and majesty be yours and endless praise! Topics: Doxologies; Biblical Names & Places Abraham; King, God/Christ as; The New Creation; Angels; Biblical Names & Places Abraham; Doxologies; King, God/Christ as; New Creation Used With Tune: LEONI Text Sources: Hebrew doxology (based on a )
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Imputed Righteousness

Meter: Appears in 500 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:6 First Line: Jesus, thy blood and righteousness Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in these array'd, With Joy shall I lift up my head. 2 When from the dust of death I rise To take my mansion in the skies, E'en then shall this be all my plea "Jesus hath liv'd and dy'd for me." 3 Bold shall I stand in thy great day, For who aught to my charge shall lay? While thro' thy blood absolv'd I am, From sins' tremendous curse and shame. 4 Thus Abraham the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood, Savior of sinners thee proclaim, Sinners, of whom the chief I am. 5 This spotless robe the same appears When ruin'd nature sinks in years: No age can change its glorious hue, The robe of Christ is ever new. 6 O! let the dead now hear thy voice, Bid, Lord, thy banish'd ones rejoice, Their beauty this, their glorious dress, Jesus, the Lord our righteousness. Topics: Scripture Doctrines and Blessings Justification; Justification; Righteousness imputed Text Sources: Madan's Collecition
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I once was a stranger to grace and to God

Author: R. M. McCheyne Meter: Appears in 105 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:6 Topics: The Christian Life Courage and Cheer Used With Tune: STANLEY
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All hail the power of Jesu's name

Author: Edward Perronet, 1726-1792 Meter: Appears in 3,448 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:5 Lyrics: 1 All hail the power of Jesu's name; let angels prostrate fall; bring forth the royal diadem to crown him Lord of all. *2 Crown him, ye morning stars of light, who fixed this floating ball; now hail the Strength of Israel's might, and crown him Lord of all. 3 Crown him, ye martyrs of your God, who from his altar call; praise him whose way of pain ye trod, and crown him Lord of all. 4 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race, ye ransomed of the fall, hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him Lord of all. 5 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget the wormwood and the gall, go spread your trophies at his feet, and crown him Lord of all. 6 Let every tribe and every tongue to him their hearts enthral, lift high the universal song and crown him Lord of all. Topics: Ascension; Lent IV Year B; Easter VII Year A; Proper 21 Year A Used With Tune: MILES LANE
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Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

Author: Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Appears in 1,869 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:5 Lyrics: 1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come! let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns! let all their songs employ; while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy. 3 He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness and wonders of his love, and wonders of his love, and wonders, wonders of his love. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Christmas and Epiphany; Jesus coming again Used With Tune: ANTIOCH (COMFORT (Mason))
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Hail to the Lord's Anointed

Author: James Montgomery Appears in 847 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:5-6 First Line: Hail to the Lord's anointed! Lyrics: 1 Hail to the Lord's anointed! Great David’s greater Son! Hail, in the time appointed, his reign on earth begun! He comes to break oppression, to set the captive free, to take away transgression, and rule in equity. 2 He comes with rescue speedy to those who suffer wrong, to help the poor and needy and bid the weak be strong, to give them songs for sighing, their darkness turn to light, whose souls, condemned and dying, were precious in his sight. 3 He shall come down like showers upon the fruitful earth, and love, joy, and hope, like flowers, spring in his path to birth; before him on the mountains shall Peace, the herald, go; and righteousness, in fountains, from hill to valley flow. Topics: Advent; Christ--Victorious; Christian year--Advent; Christian year--Advent; Christian year--Palm Sunday; Christian year--Reign of Christ; Christian year--Return of Christ; God--Kingdom of Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE
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O come, O come, Emmanuel

Author: J. M. Neale, 1818-1866 Meter: Appears in 511 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:5 Lyrics: 1 O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear: Refrain: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. 2 O come, thou Rod of Jesse, free thine own from Satan's tyranny; from depths of hell thy people save, and give them victory o'er the grave: [Refrain] 3 O come, thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by thine advent here; disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death's dark shadows put to flight: [Refrain] 4 O come, thou Key of David, come, and open wide our heavenly home; make safe the way that leads on high, and close the path to misery: [Refrain] 5 O come, O come, thou Lord of Might, who to thy tribes, on Sinai's height, in ancient times didst give the law in cloud and majesty and awe: [Refrain] Topics: Advent; Advent I Year B; Advent I Year C; Advent IV Year A Used With Tune: VENI EMMANUEL Text Sources: Latin Advent Antiphons
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The hammer of God's Word

Meter: Appears in 110 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:29 First Line: Come, O thou all-victorious Lord Topics: The Sinner Awakening
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Oh, that I could repent! Oh, that I could believe!

Author: C. Wesley Appears in 87 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:27 Lyrics: 1 Oh, that I could repent! Oh, that I could believe! Thou, by thy voice, the marble rent, The rock in sunder cleave! Thou, by thy two-edge sword, My soul and spirit part; Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break my stubborn heart. 2 Saviour, and Prince of peace, The double grace bestow, Unloose the bands of wickedness, And let the captive go; Grant me my sins to feel, And then the load remove; Wound, and pour in my wounds, to heal, The balm of pardoning love. 3 For thine own mercy's sake, The hindrance now remove, And into thy protection take The prisoner of thy love; In every trying hour Stand by my feeble soul, And screen me from my nature's power, Till thou hast made me whole. 4 This is thy will, I know, That I should holy be, Should let my sins this moment go, This moment turn to thee: Oh, might I now embrace Thine all-sufficient power, And nevermore to sin give place, And never grieve thee more. Topics: The Christian System Repentance and Faith; Godly Sorrow

Still, Still with Thee

Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe Meter: Appears in 349 hymnals Scripture: Jeremiah 23:23-24 First Line: Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh Topics: Christians Assurance; Funeral Used With Tune: CONSOLATION


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