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Tune Identifier:"^blott_en_dag_ahnfelt$"

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Meter: Irregular Appears in 76 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Oscar Ahnfelt Tune Key: E Flat Major Incipit: 32111 12332 21777 Used With Text: Day by Day


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Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment

Author: Carolina Sandell Berg; Andrew L. Skoog Meter: Irregular Appears in 53 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here; trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. He whose heart is kind beyond all measure gives unto each day what he deems best—- lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure, mingling toil with peace and rest. 2 Every day, the Lord himself is near me, with a special mercy for each hour; all my cares he wants to bear, to cheer me, he whose name is Counselor and Power. The protection of his child and treasure is a charge that on himself he laid: “As your days, your strength shall be in measure,” this the pledge to me he made. 3 Help me then in every tribulation so to trust thy promises, O Lord, that I lose not faith’s sweet consolation offered me within thy holy Word. Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting, e'er to take, as from a father’s hand, one by one, the days, the moments fleeting, till I reach the promised land. Topics: Pleasure; Passing Days; God Faithfulness; God Presence of; God Redeemer; Pleasure; Trials; Trust Scripture: Deuteronomy 33:25 Used With Tune: BLOTT EN DAG

Gather Jewels for the King

Author: Myra Goodwin Plantz, 1856-1914 Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: O eager hand, what are you seeking? Lyrics: 1. O eager hand, what are you seeking? For the gold the rugged mountains keep? For the pure white pearls, their beauty lying ’Neath the tangled seaweed of the deep? Do you search the sands of distant river, Where the precious star-like diamonds hide? Do you wait beside some ocean ever, For the ships that left with morning tide? 2. O restless brain, what keeps you burning? Is it secrets hid in ancient lore? Or the mystic leaves of nature turning, Reading where so many failed before? Do you strive that ere the struggle closes Laurel crown at last may grace your head? For a glorious name enwreathed with roses, To live on when others are all dead? 3. O ransomed soul, for what the living? For what your labors, prayers and tears? Oh, what is worth the priceless giving— Time preparing for immortal years? Do you gather flowers that fade while blowing All their sweetness on the air of June? Do you rest where ripened grain is growing, Though the night-time cometh all too soon? 4. The gold of mountain, gems of ocean, Were worth struggling if life meant much less; But what repays a soul’s devotion, But that which eternal years will bless? Can the gold and gems of earth be taken When the King comes for His jewels bright? When the crowns of earth are all forsaken, And the spirit takes it upward flight? 5. There are jewels worth a life’s hard toiling Lost in sin and shame’s dark ocean waves, And gems that worldly rust is spoiling, And gold buried deep in living graves; Gather them, though billows cold are breaking, And the tempest bitterness may bring; Save those precious gems, though heart be aching; O, gather jewels for the King! 6. There is not a soul so black with sinning That the Lamb’s pure blood cannot restore; Then let all your strength be spent in winning The lost to loving arms once more. Then will life be like a peaceful river, And then death Well done! and crown will bring, While in His bright homes will shine forever All the jewels you gathered for the King. Used With Tune: BLOTT EN DAG Text Sources: Appeared posthumously in her Songs for Quiet Hours (New York: The Methodist Book Concern, 1915), pages 67-8

Lord, How Sweet Thy Joy That Ever Floweth

Author: Stephen Popovich Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Lord, how sweet Thy joy that ever floweth Through Thy servants if Thy word we keep. For Thy Spirit in us will but flourish If Thy voice is cherished by Thy sheep. ’Twas the hour when first my knees were bended, As by faith I knelt before Thy call, That Thy joy this sinner first attended, And still sets, more deeply, as my goal. 2 Son of God, Thou stillest seas of anguish, As in Thee my fears and trouble cease. By Thy blood the evil one was vanquished. By Thy blood I know a heav’nly peace. For the cross hath torn the veil asunder To reveal God’s comfort in Thy face, If my mind Thy word of hope is under, And my heart is shielded by the faith. 3 Seed of Life, Thy word in me was planted That Thy Spirit once did germinate, And Thy love therein to me was granted, As to all who from death’s hold escape. O Thy love’s first sprouting I remember; May that memory help me cling to Thee, That my service to Thy body’s members Might a steady light of witness be. 4 In my heart the Spirit’s Abba, Father Lifts my eye to watch beyond the clouds, Where the fearsome Judge of Sinai’s altar Bends to dine with me ’neath Mamre’s bough. Love has banished fear of condemnation, For I know the cleansing of Thy blood, That secured divine propitiation And acceptance full in God’s Beloved. 5 Father God, Thou givest life in Jesus And have saved me from the wrath to come. I confess Thy ransom for my service Daily pales the labor I have done. May Thy Spirit strengthen me yet further And my life display Thy settled love, ’Till the praise of peace arise in fervor With resounding joy sent from above. Used With Tune: BLOTT EN DAG


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Published text-tune combinations (hymns) from specific hymnals

Blott En Dag

Author: Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15491 First Line: Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder, Lyrics: 1 Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder, Vilken tröst vad än som kommer på! Allt ju vilar i min Faders händer, Skulle jag, som barn, väl ängslas då? Han som bär för mig en Faders hjärta, Han ju ger åt varje nyfödd dag Dess beskärda del av fröjd och smärta, Möda, vila och behag. 2 Själv han är mig alla dagar nära, För var särskild tid med särskild nåd. Varje dags bekymmer vill han bära, Han som heter både Kraft och Råd. Morgondagens omsorg får jag spara, Om än oviss syns min vandrings stig. "Som din dag, så skall din kraft ock vara", Detta löfte gav han mig. 3 Hjälp mig då att vila tryggt och stilla Blott vid dina löften, Herre kär, Ej min tro och ej den tröst förspilla, Som i ordet mig förvarad är. Hjälp mig, Herre, att vad helst mig händer, Taga ur din trogna fadershand Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder, Tills jag nått det goda land. Languages: Swedish Tune Title: [Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder,]
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En dag i sänder

Hymnal: Andeliga Sånger (3. upplagan) #147 (1891) First Line: Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder Lyrics: Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder; O, hvad tröst, ehvad som kommer på! Allt ju hvilar i min Faders händer; Skulle jag som barn väl änglas då! Han, som bär för mig ett faders hjärta, O, han gifver ju åt hvarje dag Huldt dess lilla del af fr¨jod och smärta, Så af m¨da som behag. Languages: Swedish Tune Title: [Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder]
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En dag i sänder

Author: Lina Sandell Hymnal: Nya Psalmisten #319 (1903) First Line: Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder Languages: Swedish Tune Title: [Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder]


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Authors, composers, editors, etc.

A. L. Skoog

1854 - 1934 Person Name: Andrew L. Skoog, 1856-1934 Translator (from Swedish) of "Day by Day" in The Cyber Hymnal Skoog, Andrew L. (Gunnarskog, Sweden, December 17, 1856 [sic]--October 30, 1934, Minneapolis, Minnesota). Evangelical Covenant. Son of pietists. Tailor's apprentice at 10. Family emigrated to St. Paul, Minn., when Andrew was 13. Only formal music training was 12 lessons on a melodeon. Organist, choir director, and Sunday School superintendent in Swedish Tabernacle, Minneapolis, 1886-1916. Co-editor of hymnals: Evangelii Basun I & II, 1881-1883; Lilla Basunen, 1890; and Jubelklangen, 1896. Was in editorial committee of Covenant's first three hymnals: Sions Basun, 1908; De Ungas Sångbok, 1914; and Mission Hymns, 1921. Editor and publisher of Gittit 1892-1908, a monthly choir journal with music; a series of ten bound volumes of choir selections; and many hymns. --J. Irving Erickson, DNAH Archives

Carolina Sandell

1823 - 1903 Person Name: Karolina W. Sandell-Berg Author of "Day by Day" in The Cyber Hymnal Caroline W. Sandell Berg (b. Froderyd, Sweden, 1832; d. Stockholm, Sweden, 1903), is better known as Lina Sandell, the "Fanny Crosby of Sweden." "Lina" Wilhelmina Sandell Berg was the daughter of a Lutheran pastor to whom she was very close; she wrote hymns partly to cope with the fact that she witnessed his tragic death by drowning. Many of her 650 hymns were used in the revival services of Carl O. Rosenius, and a number of them gained popularity particularly because of the musical settings written by gospel singer Oskar Ahnfelt. Jenny Lind, the famous Swedish soprano, underwrote the cost of publishing a collection of Ahnfelt's music, Andeliga Sänger (1850), which consisted mainly of Berg's hymn texts. Bert Polman


Person Name: Unknown Translator of "Өдрөөс өдөрт" in The Cyber Hymnal In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.


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Published hymn books and other collections

Small Church Music

Editors: Carolina Sandell-Berg Description: The SmallChurchMusic site was launched in 2006, growing out of the requests from those struggling to provide suitable music for their services and meetings. Rev. Clyde McLennan was ordained in mid 1960’s and was a pastor in many small Australian country areas, and therefore was acutely aware of this music problem. Having also been trained as a Pipe Organist, recordings on site (which are a subset of the site) are all actually played by Clyde, and also include piano and piano with organ versions. All recordings are in MP3 format. Churches all around the world use the recordings, with downloads averaging over 60,000 per month. The recordings normally have an introduction, several verses and a slowdown on the last verse. Users are encouraged to use software: Audacity ( or Song Surgeon ( (see for more information) to adjust the MP3 number of verses, tempo and pitch to suit their local needs. Copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Non-commercial use of these recordings is permitted. For permission to use them for any other purposes, please contact Home/Music( List SongsAlphabetically List Songsby Meter List Songs byTune Name About  

Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary

Publication Date: 2007 Publisher: Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library