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Tune Identifier:"^les_commandemens_de_dieu_bourgeois$"

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Showing 1 - 10 of 75Results Per Page: 102050
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Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go

Appears in 346 hymnals Used With Tune: COMMANDMENTS
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Awake, my soul, and with the sun

Author: Bishop Ken, 1637-1711 Appears in 891 hymnals Used With Tune: OLD TEN COMMANDMENTS
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The day thou gavest, Lord is ended

Author: John Ellerton Meter: Appears in 288 hymnals Topics: Evening; Missions; Sunday next before Advent Evening Prayer Opening Used With Tune: COMMANDMENTS
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Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest

Author: E. Caswall Meter: Appears in 284 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, Vouchsafe within our souls to rest; Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid, And fill the hearts which Thou hast made. 2 To Thee, the Comforter, we cry: To Thee, the gift of God Most High; O fount of life, the fire of love, The soul's anointing from above. 3 The sacred sevenfold grace is Thine, Dread Finger of the Hand divine: The promise of the Father Thou! Who dost the tongue with power endow. 4 Thy light to every sense impart, And shed Thy love in every heart; Thine own unfailing might supply To strengthen our infirmity. 5 Drive far away our ghostly foe, And Thine abiding peace bestow, If Thou be our preventing guide, No evil can our steps betide. Amen. Topics: Whitsuntide; General; Guidance; Whitsuntide Used With Tune: COMMANDMENTS
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Bread of the world, in mercy broken

Meter: Appears in 340 hymnals Topics: The Lord's Supper Used With Tune: GOUDIMEL

The Ten Commandments

Author: Dewey Westra, 1899-1979 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: My soul, recall the rev'rent wonder Topics: Law of God; Service Music The Ten Commandments Scripture: Exodus 20:2-17 Used With Tune: LES COMMANDEMENTS DE DIEU Text Sources: Alt. in Psalter Hymnal, 1987

Father, we give you thanks, who planned

Appears in 62 hymnals Used With Tune: LES COMMANDEMENS DE DIEU
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When in the Hour of Utmost Need

Author: P. Eber, 1511-69 ; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When in the hour of utmost need We know not where to look for aid; When days and nights of anxious thought Nor help nor counsel yet have brought, 2 Then this our comfort is alone: That we may meet before Thy throne And cry, O faithful God, to Thee For rescue from our misery; 3 To Thee may raise our hearts and eyes, Repenting sore with bitter sighs, And seek Thy pardon for our sin And respite from our griefs within. 4 For Thou hast promised graciously To hear all those who cry to Thee Through Him whose name alone is great, Our Savior and our Advocate. 5 And thus we come, O God, today And all our woes before Thee lay; For sorely tried, cast down, we stand, Perplexed by fears on ev'ry hand. 6 Ah! hide not for our sins Thy face, Absolve us through Thy boundless grace, Be with us in our anguish still; Free us at last from ev'ry ill, 7 That so with all our hearts we may To Thee our glad thanksgiving pay, Then walk obedient to Thy Word And now and ever praise Thee, Lord. Topics: Persistent Faith; Lent 2 Used With Tune: WENN WIR IN HÖCHSTEN NÖTEN SEIN

O Lord Of Hosts, The Earth Is Thine

Author: William W. How Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord of Hosts, the earth is Thine, The nations bow beneath Thy sway; Thy wisdom, love and power divine All things in Heav’n and earth obey. 2 The famine, pestilence and sword, All these Thy righteous judgments are; Yet mark not our deservings, Lord, But lift from us the scourge of war. 3 The monarch’s haughtiness bow down, The loftiness of man make low; Let all the world Thy greatness own; And peace return to dwell below. 4 O’er passions fierce and hatred sore Shed down Thy healing love again: Bid angel choirs sing out once more "Peace on the earth, good will to men." 5 O Father, teach us brother’s love; O Savior, make us one in Thee; O Spirit, pour forth from above Thy mercy, peace and unity. Used With Tune: COMMANDMENTS Text Sources: Psalms and Hymns enlarged edition, 1865, alt.
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O pour Thy Spirit from on high!

Meter: Appears in 209 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O pour Thy Spirit from on high! Lord, Thine appointed servants bless; Thy promised power to each supply And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. 2 Wisdom and zeal and faith impart, Firmness with meekness from above; To bear Thy people on their heart, And love the souls whom Thou dost love: 3 To watch, and pray, and never faint; By day and night their guard to keep; To warn the sinner, cheer the saint, Protect Thy lambs, and feed Thy sheep. 4 And when their work is finished here, Let them in hope their charge resign, Before the throne with joy appear, And there with endless glory shine. Topics: Ministry, Ordination and Installation of Ministers Used With Tune: WHEN IN THE HOUR OF UTMOST NEED


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