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Samuel Wesley

1691 - 1739 Person Name: Samuel Wesley, Jr. Author of "The Lord of Sabbath Let Us Praise" in The Cyber Hymnal Samuel Wesley, M.A., the younger, was the eldest child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and was born in or near London in 1691. He received his early education from his mother, who always took a special interest in him as her firstborn. In 1704 he went to Westminster School, where he was elected King's Scholar in 1707. Westminster had, under the mastership of Dr. Busby for 55 years, attained the highest reputation for scholarship, and Samuel Wesley, as a classical scholar, was not unworthy of his school. In 1709, Dr. Spratt, Bishop of Rochester, patronised the young scholar, and frequently invited him to Bromley. In 1711 he went with a Westminster studentship to Christ Church, Oxford, and having taken his degree, returned to Westminster as an Usher. He then received Holy Orders and became an intimate friend of Bishop Atterbury, who was then Dean of Westminster. His intimacy with this prelate was a bar to his advancement, and he was bitterly disappointed at not being appointed undermaster at Westminster when that post was vacant. But he was faithful to his friend in his adversity, and the banished prelate warmly appreciated his attachment. In 1732 he was invited, without solicitation, to accept the headmastership of the Free School at Tiverton, and here he spent the remainder of his life. He strongly disapproved of John and Charles Wesley's proceedings; but though the brothers expressed their opinions to one another with characteristic frankness, the disagreement did not cause any interruption in the friendly relations between them. Samuel Wesley was universally acknowledged to be an honest, conscientious and deeply religious man. He was a most uncompromising High Churchman both in the political and the theological sense of that term; and there is no doubt that he was the mainstay of the Wesley family at Epworth. His kindness to his father and mother was unbounded, and he acted like a father to his younger brothers and sisters. He also took a great interest in works of charity, and was one of the first promoters of the Westminster Infirmary. He died at Tiverton in the 49th year of his age, Nov. 6, 1739. His epitaph in Tiverton Churchyard does not exaggerate his merits, when it describes him as— "a man for his uncommon wit and learning, For the benevolence of his temper, and simplicity of manner, Deservedly loved and esteemed by all: An excellent Preacher; But whose best sermon Was the constant example of an edifying life: So continually and zealously employed In acts of beneficence and charity, That he truly followed His blessed Master's example In going about doing good; Of such scrupulous integrity, That he declined occasions of advancement in the world, Through fear of being involved in dangerous compliances; And avoided the usual ways to preferment As studiously as many others seek them." Samuel Wesley published in 1736 A Collection of Poems on several occasions, some of which are full of a rather coarse humour, but all of a good moral and religious tendency. This work was reprinted in 1743, and again by W. Nichols in 1862. Dr. Adam Clarke specifies eight hymns of S. Wesley's composition which were in use among the Methodists of that time (1823). The Wesleyan Hymn Book of the present day contains five, the best-known of which is "The Lord of Sabbath let us praise." Six of his hymns are in common use, and are annotated as follows:— 1. From whence these dire portents around. 2. Hail, Father, Whose creating call. 3. Hail, God the Son in glory crowned. 4. Hail, Holy Ghost, Jehovah, Third. 5. The Lord of Sabbath, let ns praise. 6. The morning flowers display their sweets. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

James R. Murray

1841 - 1905 Person Name: Jas. R. Murray Composer of "[Thanks for the Sabbath school]" in Deseret Sunday School Songs L.P.M. (1905, April 12). Obituary. New Church Messenger, p.209. Murray.--At Cincinnati, March 10, 1905, James Ramsey Murray. Funeral services in the Church of the New Jersualem, March 13th. James R. Murray was widely known in the musical world as the author of many songs and song books, and in the New Church in Chicago and Cincinnati as an affectionate, intelligent, and loyal New Churchman. He was born in Andover (Ballard Vale), Mass., March 17, 1841. In early life he developed musical talent, and composed many minor pieces for local and special occasions. Later at North Reading, Mass., he attended Dr. George F. Root's School of Music, and was associated with William Bradbury and Dr. Lowell Mason. He enlisted in the Fourteenth Regiment of infantry, commonly known as the Essex County Regiment, and afterwards was changed to the First Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, which was engaged in most of the battles fought by the Second Army Corps up to the surrender of General Lee. "Daisy Deane," the first and most popular of his early song successes, was composed in 1863 in Virginia while in camp, words by his cousin, Thomas F. Winthrop. This song is known all over the world, and the Salvation Army is using an arrangement of it for one of their war cry songs. In 1868 Mr. Murray married Isabella Maria Taylor of Andover; and they removed to Chicago. Here three children were born to them, two passing early to their heavenly home, the youngest, Winthrop Root Murray, is still living. It was during these first years in Chicago that Mr. and Mrs. Murray became interested in the New Church, while he was engaged with Root and Cady as editor of the Long Visitor, afterwards merged with the Musical Visitor. After the great fire of 1871 Mr. and Mrs. Murray returned East, where he was engaged in teaching in Lawrence and Andover, and as organist at the Old South Church in Andover. In 1881 they removed to Cincinnati and Mr. Murray became the editor of the Musical Viistor [sic] and head of the publication department of the John Church Company. Among the most popular of his books are "Pure Diamonds," "Royal Gems," "The Prize" and "Murray's Sacred Songs." The following titles will recall some of his best loved sacred songs: "At Last," "Calm on the Listening Ear of Night," "I Shall Be Satisfied," "There Shall No Evil Befall Thee," "Thine, O Lord, Is the Greatness," "The Way Was Mine," "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains," "Angels from the Realms of Glory." His last great labor in the publishing department of the John Church Company was the seeing through the press five volumes of Wagner's music dramas, with full score and original German text, and an English translation. The immense and careful labor involved in the preparation of these volumes, with a really smooth and excellent English translation, had perhaps, as it was done under pressure, something to do with Mr. Murray's breakdown. Although for some reason Mr. Murray's name does not appear on the title page of these volumes, his friends knew of the place the work held in his affections and ambition. Mr. Murray was a member of the Church Council of the Cincinnati Society for the last four years and took a deep interest in the building of the New Church, and in the inauguration of services, with all the changes looking to the improvement of the musical part of the service. The vested choir, organized by Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, which Mr. Murray as councilman had urged from the beginning, in their entrance to the church each Sunday singing the processional hymn participated in the funeral service, with a congregation of brethren and friends, all moved by deep love and profound respect for the consistent life and faith of a worthy Churchman and beloved friend. --DNAH Archives =================================== For a discussion of Murray and the tune MUELLER, see: Stulken, M.K. (1981). Hymnal companion to the Lutheran Book of Worship. Philadelphia : Fortress Press, p.170. =================================== Also available in the DNAH Archives: 1. An excerpt from Christie, George A. (1927). New Free Church. In Music in Andover. Papers read at "Fagot Party" of the Andover Natural History Society. 2. Unsourced essay about Murray written soon after his death, likely from Andover, Mass., perhaps authored by Charlotte Helen Abbott.

John Stainer

1840 - 1901 Person Name: J. Stainer Composer of "[Hark, the Sabbath bells are ringing]" in The Children's Hymnal

Daniel Read

1757 - 1836 Composer of "LISBON" in African Methodist Episcopal hymn and tune book Daniel Read; b. 1757, Rehoboth, Mass.; d. 1837, New Haven, Conn.An American composer and a primary figure in early American classical music. He was one of the “Yankee Tunesmiths” (1st New England School of Music) when classical music was popular in Europe. Read was a private in Massachusetts militia and later a comb maker and owner of a general store in New Haven, CN. He was only the 3rd composer in the U. S. to put out a collection of his own music. His work, “The American Singing Book” went through 5 editions, making him the most popular composer in the nation. Others often plagarized his tunes in those days. Tunebook sales supplemented his general store income, including “The Columbian Harmonist” (3 volumnes) with 3 revisions, and “The New Haven Collection of Sacred Music” 1818. Read also published “The American Musical magazine” in 12 annual issues in 1786 and 1787. In later years he came to appreciate European music more and imitated that styling in devotional music. Some of Read's music is still being performed, and selections have been published in “The Sacred Harp”, 1991 Edition, and the “Stoughton Music Society” (Centennial Collection 1980). John Perry

B. D. Ackley

1872 - 1958 Composer of "[Beautiful Sabbath, day of our Lord]" in Church Service Hymns Bentley DeForrest Ackley was born 27 September 1872 in Spring Hill, Pennsylvania. He was the oldest son of Stanley Frank Ackley and the brother of A. H. Ackley. In his early years, he traveled with his father and his father's band. He learned to play several musical instruments. By the age of 16, after the family had moved to New York, he began to play the organ for churches. He married Bessie Hill Morley on 20 December 1893. In 1907 he joined the Billy Sunday and Homer Rodeheaver evangelist team as secretary/pianist. He worked for and traveled with the Billy Sunday organization for 8 years. He also worked as an editor for the Homer Rodeheaver publishing company. He composed more than 3000 tunes. He died 3 September 1958 in Winona Hills, Indiana at the age of 85 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warsaw, Indiana, near his friend Homer Rodeheaver. Dianne Shapiro (from by Ed Ackley and Allen C. Ackley)

M. B. C. Slade

1826 - 1882 Person Name: Mrs. M. B. C. Slade Author of "This is the Sabbath Day" in Minnetonka Songs Mary Bridges Canady Slade USA 1826-1882. Born in Fall River, MA, she was well-educated and became a minister's wife, teacher, and poet. She was assistant editor of The New England Journal of Education. She also authored hymns, Sunday school materials and books on education, primarily used for training teachers. She authored a children's magazine, “Wide-awake”. She and her husband were active in the underground railroad (helping slaves achieve their freedom). She spent her whole life living in the same town. John Perry

Ira B. Wilson

1880 - 1950 Composer of "[What shall we sing for Sabbath songs?]" in The Bible School Hymnal Ira Bishop Wilson, 1880-1950 Born: Sep­tem­ber 6, 1880, Bed­ford, Io­wa. Died: Ap­ril 3, 1950, Los An­ge­les, Cal­i­for­nia. Buried: For­est Lawn Me­mor­i­al Park, Glen­dale, Cal­i­for­nia. Pseudonym: Fred B. Hol­ton. Wilson’s sis­ter taught him to play the vi­o­lin and or­gan while still at home. Around 1902, Ira be­gan stu­dies at the Moo­dy Bi­ble In­sti­tute in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. In 1905, he went to work for the Lorenz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Day­ton, Ohio. His com­po­si­tions ap­peared in The Choir Lead­er and The Choir Her­ald; he al­so served as ed­it­or in chief of The Vol­un­teer Choir. His works in­clude: The King’s Mes­sage, with Ed­mund Lo­renz (New York: Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1910) The Be­gin­ners’ Choir, with Ed­mund Lor­enz (Day­ton, Ohio: Lor­enz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1911) Praise Ye, a Col­lect­ion of Sac­red Songs, with Ed­mund Lor­enz (New York: Lor­enz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1913) His Worthy Praise, with Ed­mund Lor­enz (Day­ton, Ohio: Lor­enz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1915) Sources-- Hall, pp. 413-5 Lyrics-- Go For­ward to Con­quer Look Above Make Me a Bless­ing © 1924 My Sav­ior’s Voice This Won­der­ful Christ Is Mine Trustingly Fol­low Music-- Across the Temp­led Hills Angels’ Chor­us, The Christ Is Born Christ the Lord Is Born Christmas Lull­a­by Conchita Exalt the King Give Praise God Is Good­ness, God Is Love God Is So Good He Arose To­day His Love Is Al­ways True Jesus Wants Us to Help Joy to the World Loving Je­sus Christ Marching For­ward May God De­pend on You? Night of Nights O Star of Match­less Splen­dor On Cal­va­ry’s Cross One Day Out in the High­ways and By­ways of Life Rejoice! Re­joice! Ring, Sweet Bells Song of the Morn­ing, The Stars of De­cem­ber Walking with Je­sus Was There Ev­er a Friend So True? We Come To­day What Do the Flow­ers Say? Who Will Our Pi­lot Be? Win One

Herbert Stanley Oakeley

1830 - 1903 Person Name: H. S. Oakeley Composer of "ABENDS" in Life-Time Hymns

Julia H. Johnston

1849 - 1919 Author of "The Happy Sabbath Day" Julia Harriet Johnston, who was born on Jan. 21, 1849, at Salineville, OH, in Columbiana County. Her father was a minister and he mother was a poet. She began writing when she was nine years old but really started writing verse in high school. She lived in Peoria, Ill. Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

Charlotte Elliott

1789 - 1871 Author of "The Sabbath Day Has Reached Its Close" in The Church Hymnal Elliott, Charlotte, daughter of Charles Elliott, of Clapham and Brighton, and granddaughter of the Rev. H. Venn, of Huddersfield, was born March 18, 1789. The first 32 years of her life were spent mostly at Clapham. In 1823 she removed to Brighton, and died there Sept. 22, 1871. To her acquaintance with Dr. C. Malan, of Geneva, is attributed much of the deep spiritual-mindedness which is so prominent in her hymns. Though weak and feeble in body, she possessed a strong imagination, and a well-cultured and intellectual mind. Her love of poetry and music was great, and is reflected in her verse. Her hymns number about 150, a large percentage of which are in common use. The finest and most widely known of these are, "Just as I am” and "My God, my Father, while I stray." Her verse is characterized by tenderness of feeling, plaintive simplicity, deep devotion, and perfect rhythm. For those in sickness and sorrow she has sung as few others have done. Her hymns appeared in her brother's Psalms & Hymns and elsewhere as follows:— (1) Psalms and Hymns for Public, Private, and Social Worship; selected by the Rev. H. V. Elliott, &c., 1835-48. In this Selection her signature is "C. E." (2) The Christian Remembrancer Pocket Book. This was originally edited by Miss Kiernan, of Dublin. Miss Elliott undertook the editorship in 1834. (3) The Invalid's Hymn Book. This was originally compiled by Miss Kiernan, but before publication was re-arranged by Miss Elliott, who also added 23 hymns in the first edition., 1834. These were increased in the following edition to the sixth in 1854, when her contributions amounted to 112. From that date no change was made in the work. (4) Hours of Sorrow Cheered and Comforted; or, Thoughts in Verse, 1836. (5) Morning and Evening Hymns for a Week, printed privately in 1839 for sale for a benevolent institution in Brighton, and published in 1842. (6) Thoughts in Verse on Sacred Subjects, 1869. Miss Elliott's Poems were published, with a Memoir by her sister, Mrs. Babington, in 1873, and an additional volume of Leaves from her unpublished Journals and Poems, also appeared in 1870. In addition to her more important hymns, which are annotated under their respective first lines, there are in common use:— i. From The Invalid's Hymn-book, 1834-1841:— 1. Clouds and darkness round about thee. (1841.) Resignation. 2. Not willingly dost Thou afflict [reject]. (1841.) Divine Chastisement. 3. O God, may I look up to Thee. (1841.) Teach us to Pray. 4. This is enough; although 'twere sweet. (1834.) On being debarred from Divine Worship. 5. With tearful eyes I look around. (1841.) The Invitation "Come Unto Me." ii. From H. V. Elliott's Psalms & Hymns, 1835-1839:— 6. Glorious was that primal light. Christmas. 7. Hail, holy day, most blest, most dear. Easter. 8. My only Saviour, when I feel. Jesus His people's Rest. 9. Now let our heavenly plants and flowers. Monday Morning. 10. The Sabbath-day has reached its close. Sunday Evening. iii. From Miss Elliott's Hours of Sorrow, 1836:— 11. Father, when Thy child is dying. Prayer for a Departing Spirit. 12. Leaning on Thee, my Guide, my Friend. Death Anticipated. 13. My God, is any hour so sweet? The Hour of Prayer. 14. O faint and feeble-hearted. Resignation enforced. 15. There is a holy sacrifice. The Contrite Heart. iv. From her Hymns for a Week, 1839:— 16. Guard well thy lips; none, none can know. Thursday Morning. 17. There is a spot of consecrated ground. Pt. i. 18. This is the mount where Christ's disciples see. Pt. ii. Monday Evening. 19. This is the day to tune with care. Saturday Morning. v. From Thoughts in Verse on Sacred Subjects, 1869:— 20. As the new moons of old were given. On a Birthday. 21. I need no other plea. Pt. i. 22. I need no prayers to saints. Pt. ii. Christ, All in All. 23. Jesus, my Saviour, look on me. Christ, All in All. Several of the earlier of these hymns were repeated in the later works, and are thus sometimes attributed to the wrong work. [Rev. James Davidson, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Elliott, Charlotte, p. 328, i. Other hymns are:— 1. O how I long to reach my home. Heaven desired. From the Invalid's Hymn Book, 1834. 2. The dawn approaches, golden streaks. Second Advent. From Thoughts in Verse, &c, 1869. Of her hymns noted on p. 328, Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, and 13, all appeared in the 1st edition of Elliott's Psalms & Hymns, 1835. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ======================== Elliott, Charlotte, pp. 328, i.; 1561, ii. Further research enables us to give amended dates to some of her hymns as follows:— 1. With tearful eyes I look around (No. 5). This is in the 1835 Appendix to The Invalid's Hymn Book. 2. My only Saviour, when I feel (No. 8). Also in the 1835 Appendix. 3. Father, when Thy child is dying (No. 11). In the 1833 Appendix. 4. I want that adorning divine, p. 559, i. In the Christian Remembrancer 1848, p. 22. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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