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My Inmost Heart Now Raises

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Georg Nigidius, c. 1588 Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Lyrics: 1 My inmost heart now raises In this fair morning hour A song of thankful praises To Thine almighty pow'r, O God, upon Thy throne. To honor and adore Thee, I bring my praise before Thee Thro' Christ, Thine only Son. 2 For Thou from me hast warded All perils of the night; From ev'ry harm hast guarded My soul till morning light. To Thee I humbly cry, O Savior, have compassion And pardon my transgression; Have mercy, Lord most high! 3 And shield me from all evil, O gracious God, this day, From sin, and from the devil, From shame and from dismay, From fire's consuming breath, From water's devastation, From need and consternation, From evil sudden death. 4 Let not Thine angel leave me While here on earth I stay Lest Satan's arts deceive me And lead my soul astray. Then keep Thine angel near At night and each new morrow Lest soul and body sorrow And falt'ring cost me dear. 5 God shall do my advising, Whose might with wisdom blends; May He bless rest and rising, My efforts, means, and ends! To God, forever blest, Will I with mine confide me, And willing let Him guide me As seemeth to Him best. 6 Amen I say, not fearing That God rejects my prayer; I doubt not He is hearing And granting me His care. Thus I go on my way And do not look behind me, But ply the task assigned me; God's help shall be my stay. Amen. Topics: Times and Seasons Morning Scripture: Psalm 118:1 Used With Tune: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE Text Sources: Tr. based on Catherine Winkworth, 1863
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From God shall naught divide me

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Lyrics: 1 From God shall naught divide me, For He is true for aye, And on my path will guide me, Who else should often stray; His ever-bounteous hand By night and day is heedful, And gives me what is needful, Where'er I go or stand. 2 When man's help and affection Shall unavailing prove, God grants me His protection, And proves His power and love; He helps me in my need, Delivers me from evil, From sin, and death, and Devil, He is my Friend indeed. 3 If sorrow comes, He sent it, In Him I put my trust; I never shall repent it, For He is true and just, And endeth every ill; My life and soul I render, To God, my strong Defender, Let Him do as He will. 4 Whate'er shall be His pleasure Is surely best for me; He gave His dearest Treasure, That our weak hearts may see How good His will is toward us; And in His Son He gave us Whate'er could bless and save us; Praise Him who loveth thus! 5 O praise Him, for He never Forgets our daily need; O blest the hour whenever Our thoughts to Him can speed; Yea, all the time we spend Without Him is but wasted, Till we His joy have tasted, The joy that hath no end. 6 The world away is passing With all its pomp and pride, All we have been amassing No longer may abide: But in our earthly bed, When safely we are sleeping, God hath us in His keeping, To wake us from the dead. 7 Our soul shall never perish, But in yon paradise The joys of heaven shall cherish; Our body shall arise Pure, holy, new-born, free From every sin and evil; The tempting of the Devil We then no more shall see. 8 Then, though on earth I suffer Much trial, well I know I merit ways still rougher, And 'tis to heaven I go; For Christ I know and love, To Him I now am hasting, And gladness everlasting With Him my heart shall prove. 9 Such is His will that made us, The Father seeks our good; The Son hath grace to rid us, And saves us by His blood; His Spirit rules our ways, Through faith in us abiding, To heaven our footsteps guiding; To Him be thanks and praise! Topics: Cross and Comfort
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Upon The Cross Down-Lying

Author: C. V. Pilcher; Hallgrim Petursson, 1614-1674 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Upon the cross down-lying, The Lord was crucified; In hate, kind love defying, Their task the soldiers plied: His limbs they stretched amain, The sacred hands outbending; His feet the nails were rending: Dread was that awful pain. 2 Toward Thy hands upgazing I whisper evermore, This agony amazing For me, for me He bore. He only thus could right My hands' misdeeds appalling; Cleansed by His blood down falling, Behold, my sins are white. 3 My feet too oft went straying Down luring paths of sin; Thy feet, close nailed, are paying This price God's grace to win. Henceforward let me cease To sing Thy praises never: Christ, guide my feet forever Into the way of peace. Topics: The Church Year Passion Used With Tune: THOMISSÖN

Now Sin, With Reign Unbroken

Author: Thomas Kingo; P. C. Paulsen Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals
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O sing with exulation

Author: A. C. Arrebo Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O sing with exultation, Sing to the Lord, rejoice! And in His congregation Shout with triumphant voice! For, lo, at God's right hand Is Christ in glory seated; With death and hell defeated As victor He doth stand. 2 Since Christ, our Lord, is living We never more shall die; To God the glory giving We rise to Him on high; Though chastened we may be, And to our graves be taken, We unto life shall waken And live eternally. 3 Christ is the sure foundation The builders did reject, But He for our salvation Is precious and elect, And made the cornerstone, On which the church is founded, This marvel now is sounded The work of God alone. 4 To Thee, O Christ, be glory, Who camest in His name! Thy people sing the story Thy praises to proclaim; We thank Thee and adore, O Christ, Our Lord and Savior, Thy grace and boundless favor Stand fast forevermore. Topics: The Church Year First Sunday after Easter; The Church Year First Sunday after Easter; Eternal Life; Praise and Prayer Used With Tune: [O sing with exultation]

The Kingdom Satan Founded

Author: Thomas Hansen Kingo; Carl Doving Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals
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Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth!

Author: Gottfried W. Sacer; Frances E. Cox Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lo, God to heav'n ascendeth! Throughout its regions vast With shouts triumphant blendeth The trumpet's thrilling blast: Sing praise to Christ the Lord; Sing praise with exultation, King of each heathen nation, The God of hosts adored! 2 With joy is heav'n resounding Christ's glad return to see; Behold the saints surrounding The Lord who set them free. Bright myriads, thronging, come; The cherub band rejoices, And loud seraphic voices All welcome Jesus home. 3 Our place he is preparing; To heav'n we, too, shall rise, With him his glory sharing, Be where our Treasure lies. Bestir thyself, my soul! Where Jesus Christ has entered, There let thy hope be centered; Press onward toward the goal. 4 Let all our thoughts be winging To where thou didst ascend, And let our hearts be singing: "We seek thee, Christ, our Friend, Thee, God's exalted Son, Our Life, and Way to heaven, To whom all pow'r is given, Our Joy and Hope and Crown." Amen. Topics: Blessed Hope; Christ, The Lord Jesus; Christ Ascension; Christ Exaltation of; Christ The Way, Truth, and Life; Heaven Anticipated; Heaven Redeemed in; Resurrection and Life Everlasting Scripture: Psalm 47:5 Used With Tune: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE

From God Can Nothing Move Me

Author: Gerald Thorson, b. 1921; Ludwig Helmbold, 1532-1598 Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Trust, Guidance; Pentecost 10; Trust, Guidance Used With Tune: VON GOTT WILL ICH NICHT LASSEN
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As Morning Dawns, Dear Savior

Author: Georg Niege, 1525-1588; Mark G. Schroeder, b. 1954 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Morning Scripture: Psalm 59:16 Used With Tune: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE

To God the Anthem Raising

Author: Paul Eber, 1511-69; Carl Döving, 1867-1937 Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To God the anthem raising, Sing, Christians, great and small; Sing out, his goodness praising, Oh, thank him, one and all! Behold how God this year, Which now is safely ended, Has in his love befriended His children far and near. 2 Let us consider rightly His mercies manifold, And let us not think lightly Of all his gifts untold. Let thankfulness recall How God this year has led us, How he has clothed and fed us, The great ones and the small. 3 To church and state he granted His peace in ev'ry place; His vineyard he has planted Among us by his grace. His ever-bounteous hand Prosperity has given And want and famine driven From this our native land. 4 O Father, Lord of heaven, For all your gifts of love Which you to us have given We lift our thanks above. In Jesus' name we here, To you our prayers addressing, Still ask you for your blessing: Grant us a joyful year. Topics: Name of Jesus/ Presentation; New Year Used With Tune: HELFT MIR GOTT'S GÜTE PREISEN
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Arise, Sons of the Kingdom

Author: Johann Rist; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals First Line: Arise, sons of the Kingdom! Lyrics: 1 Arise, sons of the Kingdom! The King is drawing nigh; Arise and hail with gladness The Ruler from on high. Ye Christians, hasten forth! Your praise and homage bring Him And glad hosannas sing Him; Naught else your love is worth. 2 Arise, ye drooping mourners! The King is very near; Away with grief and sorrow! For, lo! your Help is here. Behold, in many a place-- Oh, blessed consolation!-- You find Him, your Salvation, Within His means of grace. 3 Arise, ye much afflicted! The King is not afar. Rejoice, ye long dejected, Here comes the Morning Star! The Lord will give you joy; Tho' troubles now distress you, With comfort He will bless you, E’en death He will destroy. 4 Arise, ye poor and needy! The King provides for you; He comes with succor speedy, With mercy ever new. Receive your gracious King, The Giver of all blessing. Hail Him, His name confessing, And glad hosannas sing. 5 Be righteous, ye His subjects, The King is just and true; Prepare for Him a highway, Make all things straight and new. For, lo, He means it well; Then willing bear the crosses That He Himself imposes, Nor let your courage fail. 6 O rich the gifts Thou bringest, Thyself made poor and weak! O Love beyond expression, That thus can sinners seek! For this, O Lord, will we Our joyous tribute bring Thee And glad hosannas sing Thee, And ever grateful be. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Advent Scripture: Luke 19:38 Used With Tune: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE

O People, Rise and Labor

Author: F. Samuel Janzow; Valentin Thilo Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal
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See God to Heaven Ascending

Author: Martin L. Seltz, 1909-67; Gottfried W. Sacer, 1635-99 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 See God to heaven ascending In triumph to his throne, Great shouts in tumult blending With trumpets' thrilling tone! Sing praises to your Lord! Sing praises, bring ovations, To Christ, the King of nations, The God of hosts adored! 2 Lo, heaven with joy is sounding His glad return to see; Behold the saints surrounding The Lord who set them free; Now myriad angels come, The cherub band rejoices, And clearest seraph voices All welcome Jesus home. 3 We see the steps ascending That raised our Head on high; We see the highway wending To heaven's unending joy. Our Savior leads the way; Yet he would not bereave us, A well-marked path would leave us, Prepares our passageway. 4 Our minds are heavenward tending, Where he prepares our place; Our course on earth is ending, There to adore his grace. Bestir your heart and soul! Where Jesus Christ has entered, There let your hope be centered; There run to reach your goal! 5 Let all our thoughts be winging, With thee to heaven ascend; Let all our hearts be singing: "We seek thee, Savior, Friend, Thee, God's anointed Son, Our Life and Way to heaven, To whom all power is given, Our Joy and Hope and Crown." Topics: The Christian Year Ascensiontide Used With Tune: ZEUCH EIN ZU DEINEN TOREN

O Enter, Lord, Thy Temple

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals

Rise, Children of the Kingdom

Author: Johann von Rist; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals

The power of sin no longer

Author: Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703; J. C. Aaberg Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: The power of sin no longer Within my heart shall reign; Faith must grow ever stronger And carnal lust be slain; For when I was baptized, The bonds of sin were severed And I by grace delivered To live for Jesus Christ. Would I accept the merit Of my baptismal grace And with my faith and spirit The Savior’s cross embrace, How great would be my blame Should I abide in evil And not renounce the devil In Christ my Savior’s name. It can bestow no treasure On me that Christ arose. If I will not with pleasure The power of death oppose, And with my heart embrace The Savior, who is risen And has from error’s prison Redeemed me by His grace. Lord Jesus, help me ever To fight “the old man” so That he shall not deliver Me to eternal woe, But that I here may die From sin and all offences And, by the blood that cleanses, Attain my home on high.

MELE HOSANA (Children's Hosanna)

Author: Laiana (Lorenzo Lyons), 1807-1886 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Mele nani na poki'i Scripture: Matthew 6 Used With Tune: [Mele nani na poki'i]
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To thee we raise rejoicing

Author: E. Wilson Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Adoration; Guidance; Worship Beginning of Used With Tune: GAUDEAMUS

What vessel is that passing

Author: Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703; J. C. Aaberg Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: What vessel is that passing Across the boundless deep, On which the billows massing In foaming fury sweep? She seems in sore distress As though she soon would founder Upon the shoals around her And sink without redress. It is the storm-tossed vessel Of God’s own church on earth, With which the world doth wrestle, And send its fury forth, While Jesus oft appears As though He still were sleeping, With His disciples weeping And crying out in fears. But let the world with fury Against the church but rave, And spend its might to bury Her in the roaring wave! It only takes a word To hush the wild commotion And show the mighty ocean Her Lord is still aboard.
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Arise, Arise, Ye Christians

Author: J. Rist Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Arise, arise, ye Christians, The King is drawing nigh; Arise and hail with gladness The Ruler from on high. Come forth and sound the peal, To Him your praises bringing And glad hosannas singing With holy festive zeal. 2 Look up, desponding mourners, The King is very near; Away with grief and sadness, Your helper now is here. We find Him in His Word, The source of our salvation; And sweetest consolation His presence doth afford. 3 Be faithful, all ye subjects, Your King is just and true; Prepare for Him a highway, Make all things straight and new. He hath in mind our good, So let us bear our crosses And suffer all our losses In calm and fearless mood. 4 Rejoice, ye heavy-hearted, The King appears in might; He evermore hath loved us And brings us pure delight. Now let us fear no more, No evil shall befall us, His children God doth call us; We may His help implore. 5 How richly Thou dost bless us, Thyself made poor and weak! What love beyond expression That sinners thus can seek! O Lord, for this shall we, To Thee our tribute bringing And glad hosannas singing, Thy grateful people be. Topics: The Church Year Advent Used With Tune: EISLEBEN Text Sources: Tr. composite


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