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Scripture:Colossians 2:6-15

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The Strife is O'er, the Battle Done

Author: Francis Pott Meter: with alleluias Appears in 500 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:15 Refrain First Line: Alleluia Lyrics: Refrain: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 1 The strife is o’er, the battle done; now is the victor's triumph won; now be the song of praise begun: Alleluia! [Refrain] 2 The powers of death have done their worst, but Christ their legions has dispersed; let shouts of holy joy outburst: Alleluia! (Refrain) 3 The three sad days have quickly sped, he rises glorious from the dead; all glory to our risen Head! Alleluia! [Refrain] 4 He broke the age-bound chains of hell; the bars from heaven's high portals fell; let hymns of praise his triumph tell: Alleluia! [Refrain] 5 Lord, by the stripes which wounded thee, from death’s dread sting thy servants free, that we may live and sing to thee: Alleluia! [Refrain] Topics: Easter Season; Eternal Life; Jesus Christ Final Victory Used With Tune: VICTORY Text Sources: Latin hymn, c. 1695
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When Peace like a River

Author: Horatio Gates Spafford Meter: with refrain Appears in 484 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:14 First Line: When peace like a river attendeth my way Refrain First Line: It is well with my soul Lyrics: 1 When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, "It is well, it is well with my soul." Refrain: (may be sung after final stanza only) It is well with my soul; it is well, it is well with my soul. 2 Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control: that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, and has shed his own blood for my soul. [Refrain] 3 My sin– oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! my sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more; praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! [Refrain] 4 O Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend; even so, it is well with my soul. [Refrain] Topics: Biblical Names & Places Satan; Return of Christ; Temptation & Trial; Redemption; Assurance; Biblical Names & Places Satan; Confession of Sin; Forgiveness; Grace; Judgment; Peace; Pilgrimage & Conflct; Redemption; Return of Christ; Temptation & Trial Used With Tune: VILLE DU HAVRE

Hymn 107

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:15 First Line: Deceived by subtle snares of hell Lyrics: Deceived by subtle snares of hell, Adam, our head, our father, fell; When Satan, in the serpent hid, Proposed the fruit that God forbid. Death was the threat'ning: death began To take possession of the man His unborn race received the wound, And heavy curses smote the ground. But Satan found a worse reward; Thus saith the vengeance of the Lord "Let everlasting hatred be Betwixt the woman's seed and thee. "The woman's seed shall be my Son; He shall destroy what thou hast done; Shall break thy head, and only feel Thy malice raging at his heel." He spake; and bid four thousand years Roll on; at length his Son appears; Angels with joy descend to earth, And sing the young Redeemer's birth. Lo, by the sons of hell he dies; But as he hung 'twixt earth and skies, He gave their prince a fatal blow, And triumphed o'er the powers below.]

Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Author: Charles Wesley; Ruben Sailens, d. 1942; Federico J. Pagura; Eunae Chung; Reita Yazawa; Phoebe H'fe Meter: Appears in 1,747 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:14 Topics: Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Redeemer; Mission; Occasional Services Healing Service; Praise of Christ; Salvation; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration Used With Tune: AZMON

At the Name of Jesus

Author: Caroline M. Noel Meter: D Appears in 255 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:15 Lyrics: 1 At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess him King of glory now; 'tis the Father's pleasure we should call him Lord, who from the beginning was the mighty Word. 2 At his voice creation sprang at once to sight: all the angel faces, all the hosts of light, thrones and dominations, stars upon their way, all the heavenly orders in their great array. 3 Humbled for a season, to receive a name from the lips of sinners, unto whom he came; faithfully he bore it spotless to the last, brought it back victorious when from death he passed; 4 bore it up triumphant with its human light, through all ranks of creatures, to the central height, to the throne of Godhead, to the Father's breast; filled it with the glory of that perfect rest. 5 In your hearts enthrone him; there let him subdue all that is not holy, all that is not true. Look to him, your Savior, in temptation's hour; let his will enfold you in its light and power. 6 Christians, this Lord Jesus shall return again, with his Father's glory, o'er the earth to reign; for all wreaths of empire meet upon his brow, and our hearts confess him King of glory now. Topics: Ascension & Reign of Christ; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Return of Christ; Suffering of Christ; Temptation & Trial; Redemption; Ascension & Reign of Christ; Creation; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Redemption; Return of Christ; Suffering of Christ; Temptation & Trial Used With Tune: KING'S WESTON

Baptized in Water

Author: Michael Saward Meter: 5.5.8 D Appears in 48 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:12 First Line: Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit Lyrics: 1 Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit, cleansed by the blood of Christ, our King; heirs of salvation, trusting his promise, faithfully now God's praise we sing. 2 Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit, dead in the tomb with Christ, our King; one with his rising, freed and forgiven, thankfully now God's praise we sing. 3 Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit, marked with the sign of Christ, our King; born of one Father, we are his children, joyfully now God's praise we sing. Topics: Meeting with God's People Baptism Used With Tune: BUNESSAN

Lift High the Cross

Author: George William Kitchin; Michael R. Newbolt Meter: 10.10 with refrain Appears in 95 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2 First Line: Come, Christians, follow where our Savior led Refrain First Line: Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim Lyrics: Refrain: Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world adore his sacred name. 1 Come, Christians, follow where our Savior led, our King victorious, Jesus Christ, our Head. Refrain 2 All newborn servants of the Crucified bear on their brows the seal of him who died. Refrain 3 From north and south, from east and west we raise in growing unison our song of praise. Refrain 4 O Lord, once lifted on the tree of pain, draw all the world to seek you once again. Refrain 5 Let every race and every language tell of him who saves our lives from death and hell. Refrain 6 Set up your throne, that earth's despair may cease beneath the shadow of its healing peace. Refrain 7 So shall our song of triumph ever be: praise to the Crucified for victory! Refrain Topics: Commitment & Dedication; Cross of Christ; Suffering of Christ; Lent; Church; Close of Worship; Commitment & Dedication; Cross of Christ; Missions; Nation; Opening of Worship; Suffering of Christ; Victory Used With Tune: CRUCIFER

Hymn 37 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 44 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:15 First Line: The mighty frame of glorious grace Lyrics: The mighty frame of glorious grace, That brightest monument of praise That e'er the God of love designed, Employs and fills my lab'ring mind. Begin, my soul, the heav'nly song, A burden for an angel's tongue: When Gabriel sounds these awful things, He tunes and summons all his stungs. Proclaim inimitable love: Jesus, the Lord of worlds above, Puts off the beams of bright array, And veils the God in mortal clay! What black reproach defiled his name, When with our sins he took our shame! He whom adoring angels blessed Is made the impious rebel's jest. He that distributes crowns and thrones Hangs on a tree, and bleeds, and groans! The Prince of Life resigns his breath, The King of Glory bows to death! But see the wonders of his power, He triumphs in his dying hour; And while by Satan's rage he fell, He dashed the rising hopes of hell. Thus were the hosts of death subdued, And sin was drowned in Jesus' blood; Thus he arose, and reigns above, And conquers sinners by his love. Who shall fulfil this boundless song? The theme surmounts an angel's tongue: How low, how vain are mortal airs, When Gabriel's nobler harp despairs!

Buried with Jesus

Author: Daniel S. Warner Meter: D with refrain Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:12 First Line: Down into the flowing river Refrain First Line: Gently buried with my Savior Lyrics: 1 Down into the flowing river, Lo, the Lamb of God we see; There He speaks in clear example: “Take the cross and follow Me.” Refrain: Gently buried with my Savior, Let me sink beneath the wave; Crucified to earth forever, Hence alone to God I live. 2 Now the sacred waters cover O’er the holy Son of God; Thus He washed me in that fountain Of His sin-atoning blood. [Refrain] 3 Crucified with my Redeemer, Now I sink into the grave; I am dead to sin forever, By the life of God I live. [Refrain] 4 Here I witness a confession, As I merge from human sight In the tomb of yielding water, That the blood has made me white. [Refrain] 5 Oh, how sweet to follow Jesus In this ordinance, to show That we’re cleansed in life’s pure river, Even whiter than the snow. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Down into the flowing river] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Buried_with_Jesus); The Gospel Trumpet Company, Hymnal of the Church of God, 1953 (435); Faith Publishing House, Evening Light Songs, 1949, edited 1987 (291); The Gospel Trumpet Compan
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Now Thank We All Our God

Author: Martin Rinckart; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 694 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:7 Lyrics: 1 Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom his world rejoices; who from our mothers' arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today. 2 O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us, with ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us, to keep us in his grace, and guide us when perplexed, and free us from all ills of this world in the next. 3 All praise and thanks to God the Father now be given, the Son and Spirit blest, who reign in highest heaven the one eternal God, whom heaven and earth adore; for thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore. Topics: Doxologies; Praise & Adoration; Creation and Providence; Doxologies; Praise & Adoration; Providence; Refuge; Thanksgiving & Gratitude; Trinity Used With Tune: NUN DANKET

Bread of Heaven, on Thee We Feed

Author: Josiah Conder (1789-1855) Meter: Appears in 338 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:6-15 Lyrics: 1 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed, for thy flesh is food indeed; ever may our souls be fed with this true and living bread, day by day with strength supplied through the life of him who died. 2 Vine of heaven, thy blood supplies this blest cup of sacrifice; Lord, thy wounds our healing give; to thy cross we look and live: Jesus, may we ever be grafted, rooted, built on thee. Topics: Eucharist; Bread; Eucharist; Vine Used With Tune: JESU, MEINE ZUVERSICHT
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Complete in thee, no work of mine

Meter: Appears in 73 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:10 Topics: The Christian Graces; Completeness in Christ; Union of Saints To Christ
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"Complete in him"

Author: Samuel Medley Appears in 39 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:10 First Line: Come join, ye saints, with heart and voice Lyrics: 1 Come join, ye saints, with heart and voice, Alone in Jesus to rejoice, And worship at his feet; Come, take his praises on your tongues, And raise to him your thankful songs, "In him ye are complete!" 2 In him, who all our praise excels, The fullness of the Godhead dwells, And all perfections meet: The head of all celestial powers, Divinely theirs, divinely ours;-- "In him ye are complete!" 3 Still onward urge your heavenly way, Dependent on him day by day, His presence still entreat; His precious name for ever bless, Your glory, strength, and righteousness,-- "In him ye are complete!" Topics: Christ Resurrection of; Completeness Used With Tune: ARIEL
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The Lord ascendeth up on high

Author: Arthur Tozer Russell (1806-1874) Meter: 8.8.7 D Appears in 37 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:15 Lyrics: 1 The Lord ascendeth up on high, the Lord hath triumphed gloriously, in power and might excelling; the grave and hell are captive led, see him return, our glorious Head, to his eternal dwelling. 2 The heavens with joy receive their Lord, by saints, by angel hosts adored; O day of exultation! Come earth, adore thy glorious King! His rising, his ascension sing with grateful adoration! 3 Our great High Priest hath gone before, now on his Church his grace to pour, and still his love he giveth: oh, may our hearts to him ascend; may all within us upward tend to him who ever liveth! Topics: Christ Risen Ascension; Christian Year Ascension; Jesus priesthood Used With Tune: ASCENDIT DEUS

Nailed to the Cross

Author: Carrie E. Breck Meter: with refrain Appears in 96 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:14 First Line: There was One Who was willing to die in my stead Refrain First Line: They are nailed to the cross! They are nailed to the cross! Lyrics: 1 There was One Who was willing to die in my stead, That a soul so unworthy might live; And the path to the cross He was willing to tread, All the sins of my life to forgive. Refrain: They are nailed to the cross! They are nailed to the cross! Oh, how much He was willing to bear! With what anguish and loss Jesus went to the cross, But He carried my sins with Him there. 2 He is tender and loving and patient with me, While He cleanses my heart of the dross; But “there’s no condemnation”—I know I am free, For my sins are all nailed to the cross. [Refrain] 3 I will cling to my Savior and never depart, I will joyfully journey each day, With a song on my lips and a song in my heart, That my sins have been taken away. [Refrain] Topics: Crucifixion Used With Tune: [There was One Who was willing to die in my stead] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Nailed_to_the_Cross); Anonymous/Unknown, The Blue Book (148)
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Awake, My Heart, with Gladness

Author: Paul Gerhardt; John Kelly Meter: Appears in 26 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:15 Lyrics: 1 Awake, my heart, with gladness, See what today is done; Now, after gloom and sadness, Comes forth the glorious Sun. My Savior there was laid Where our bed must be made When to the realms of light Our spirit wings its flight. 2 The Foe in triumph shouted When Christ lay in the tomb; But, lo, he now is routed, His boast is turned to gloom. For Christ again is free; In glorious victory He who is strong to save Has triumphed o'er the grave. 3 This is a sight that gladdens; What peace it doth impart! Now nothing ever saddens The joy within my heart. No gloom shall ever shake, No foe shall ever take The hope which God's own Son In love for me hath won. 4 Now hell, its prince, the devil, Of all their pow'r are shorn; Now I am safe from evil, And sin I laugh to scorn. Grim Death with all his might Cannot my soul affright; He is a pow'rless form, Howe'er he rave and storm. 5 The world against me rageth, Its fury I disdain; Though bitter war it wageth, Its work is all in vain. My heart from care is free, No trouble troubles me. Misfortune now is play, And night is bright as day. 6 Now I will cling forever To Christ, my Savior true; My Lord will leave me never, Whate'er He passeth through. He rends Death's iron chain, He breaks through sin and pain, He shatters hell's dark thrall,-- I follow Him through all. 7 To halls of heavenly splendor With Him I penetrate; And trouble ne'er may hinder Nor make me hesitate. Let tempests rage at will, My Savior shields me still; He grants abiding peace And bids all tumult cease. 8 He brings me to the portal That leads to bliss untold, Whereon this rime immortal Is found in script of gold: "Who there My cross hath shared Finds here a crown prepared; Who there with Me hath died Shall here be glorified." Amen. Topics: The Church Year Easter Used With Tune: AUF, AUF, MEIN HERZ

When Jesus came to Jordan

Author: Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000 Meter: D with refrain Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:12 Topics: The Revealed Christ: Epiphany, Presentation and Baptism Used With Tune: DAY OF REST

Rise, Shine, You People

Author: Ronald A. Klug, b. 1939 Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:13-15 First Line: Rise, shine, you people! Christ the Lord has entered Topics: Mission and Witness Used With Tune: WOJTKIEWIECZ

Crown him with many crowns

Author: Matthew Bridges, 1800-1894; Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Appears in 802 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:15 Topics: Jesus Christ the Saviour: Lord of All Used With Tune: DIADEMATA
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Join all the glorious names

Author: Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Meter: Appears in 336 hymnals Scripture: Colossians 2:13-15 Lyrics: 1 Join all the glorious names of wisdom, love, and power, that mortals ever knew, that angels ever bore: all are too mean to speak his worth, too mean to set my Saviour forth. 2 Great Prophet of my God, my tongue would bless your name; by you the joyful news of our salvation came: the joyful news of sins forgiven, of hell subdued, and peace with heaven. 3 Jesus, my great High Priest, offered his blood and died; my guilty conscience seeks no sacrifice beside: his powerful blood did once atone, and now it pleads before the throne. 4 My dear Almighty Lord, my Conqueror and my King, your sceptre and your sword, your reigning grace, I sing: yours is the power: behold I sit in willing service at your feet. 5 Now let my soul arise, and tread the tempter down: my Captain leads me forth to conquest and a crown: a feeble saint shall win the day, though death and hell obstruct the way. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Risen - Reign and Priesthood; Jesus Names and images for Used With Tune: CROFT'S 136th


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