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Tune Identifier:"^ely_turton$"

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Showing 1 - 29 of 29Results Per Page: 102050
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What thanks and praise to Thee we owe

Author: W. D. Maclagan Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Matching Instances: 4 Lyrics: 1 What thanks and praise to Thee we owe, O Priest and Sacrifice divine, For Thy dear saint thro' whom we know So many a gracious word of Thine; 2 Whom Thou didst choose to tell the tale Of all Thy manhood's toils and tears, And for a moment lift the veil That hides Thy boyhood's spotless years. 3 And still the Church through all her days Uplifts the strains that never cease, The blessèd Virgin's hymn of praise, The aged Simeon's words of peace. 4 O happy saint! whose sacred page, So rich in words of truth and love, Pours on the Church from age to age This healing unction from above; 5 The witness of the Saviour's life, The great apostle's chosen friend Through weary years of toil and strife, And still found faithful to the end. 6 So grant us, Lord, like him to live, Beloved by man, approved by Thee, Till Thou at last the summons give, And we, with him, Thy face shall see. Amen. Topics: Other Feasts and Fasts St. Luke Used With Tune: ELY
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O wondrous type, O vision fair

Author: Rev. John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 Appears in 103 hymnals Matching Instances: 3 Topics: Christ Transfiguration; Church Triumphant Used With Tune: ELY
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Thee God we praise, Thee Lord confess

Appears in 5 hymnals Matching Instances: 3 Used With Tune: ELY

Lord, I was blind!

Author: William T. Matson Appears in 32 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 Used With Tune: ELY

Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord

Author: Joseph Hart, 1712-1768 Meter: Appears in 399 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 Topics: The Church The Sanctuary Used With Tune: ELY
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Divine Sovereignty

Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 First Line: Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad Lyrics: 1 Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad, And all the isles their joy make known; With clouds and darkness He is clad, On truth and justice rests His throne. 2 Consuming fire destroys His foes, Around the world His lightnings blaze; The trembling earth His presence knows, The mountains melt before His gaze. 3 The heav'ns His righteousness proclaim, Thro' earth His glory shines abroad; From idol worship turn with shame And bow before the living God. 4 Thy church rejoices to behold Thy judgments in the earth, O Lord; Thy glory to the world unfold, Supreme o'er all be Thou adored. 5 All ye that truly love the Lord, Hate sin, for He is just and pure; To saints His help He will accord And keep them in His love secure. 6 For good men light and joy are sown To bless them in the harvest-time; Ye saints, your joy in God make known And ever praise His Name sublime. Topics: Adoration; Anger of God Fearful; Character Value of Good; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Godhood of; Christ Power of; Christ Worshiped; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Duties of; Christians Graces of; Faith Blessedness of; Glory of God In Creation; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Holiness of; God Invisibility of; God the judge; God Kingly Character of; God Righteousness of; God Sovereignty of ; Grace Growth in; Holiness Of Christians; Idolatry; Judgment Day; Love For God; Missions Encouragements of; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Nations Ultimate Subjection of; Praise By Men; Praise Calls to; Praise For God's Holiness; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; The Christian's Reward; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Salvation Thanksgiving for; Seedtime and Harvest ; Sin Hatred of; Temperance Songs; Thanksgiving Due to God; Worship Call to Scripture: Psalm 97 Used With Tune: ELY

How Vain the Cruel Herod's Fear

Author: Caelius Sedulius; John M. Neale Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 Lyrics: 1. How vain the cruel Herod’s fear, When told that Christ the King is near! He takes not earthly realms away, Who gives the realms that ne’er decay. 2. The Eastern sages saw from far And followed on His guiding star; By light their way to Light they trod, And by their gifts confessed their God. 3. Within the Jordan’s sacred flood The heavenly Lamb in meekness stood, That He to whom no sin was known, Might cleanse His people from their own. 4. And oh, what miracle divine, When water reddened into wine! He spake the word, and forth it flowed In streams that nature ne’er bestowed. 5. All glory, Jesu, be to Thee For this Thy glad Epiphany: Whom with the Father we adore And Holy Ghost forevermore. Used With Tune: ELY

O Jesus, Lord of Heavenly Grace

Author: Ambrose of Milan, 340-397; John Chandler Meter: Appears in 85 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 Lyrics: 1. O Jesus, Lord of heavenly grace, [or, O Jesu, Lord of light and grace] Thou brightness of Thy Father’s face, Thou fountain of eternal light, Whose beams disperse the shades of night. 2. Come, holy sun of heavenly love, Shower down Thy radiance from above, And to our inward hearts convey The Holy Spirit’s cloudless ray. 3. So we the Father’s help will claim, And sing the Father’s glorious name, And His almighty grace implore That we may stand, to fall no more. 4. May He our actions deign to bless, And loose the bonds of wickedness; From sudden falls our feet defend, And bring us to a prosperous end. 5. May faith, deep rooted in the soul, Subdue our flesh, our minds control; May guile depart, and discord cease, And all within be joy and peace. 6. So let us gladly pass the day; Our thoughts be pure as morning ray; And faithful love our noonday light; And hope our sunset, calm and bright. 7. O Christ, with each returning morn Thine image to our hearts is borne: O may we ever clearly see Our Savior and our God in Thee. Used With Tune: ELY
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Be with me, Lord, where'er I go

Author: John Cennick (1718-1755) Appears in 96 hymnals Matching Instances: 2 Used With Tune: ELY (ST. CATHARINE)
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Upon Thy Table, Lord, We Place

Author: M. F. C. Willson Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 Upon thy table, Lord, we place these symbols of our work and thine, life's food won only by thy grace, who giv'st to all the bread and wine. 2 Within these simple things there lie the height and depth of human life, our prayer and thought, our tears and toils, our hopes and fears, our joy and strife. 3 Accept them, Lord; from thee they come; we take them humbly at thy hand. These gifts of thine for higher use we offer, as thou dost command. Used With Tune: ELY

When Jesus our great Master came

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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Bow down Thine ear, almighty Lord

Author: T. E. Powell Meter: Appears in 23 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 Bow down Thine ear, almighty Lord, And hear Thy Church's suppliant cry, For all who preach Thy saving word, And wait upon Thy ministry. 2 In mercy, Father, now give heed, And pour Thy quickening Spirit's breath On those whom Thou dost call to feed Thy flock redeemed by Jesus' death. 3 O Saviour, from Thy piercèd hand Shed o'er them all Thy gifts divine; That those who in Thy presence stand May do Thy will with love like Thine. 4 Blest Spirit, in their hearts abide, And give them grace to watch and pray; That as they seek Thy flock to guide, Themselves may keep the narrow way. 5 O God, Thy strength and mercy send To shield them in their strife with sin; Grant them, enduring to the end, The crown of life at last to win. Amen. Topics: Ordinations; The Clergy Used With Tune: ELY
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O Christ, the Healer, we have come

Author: F. Pratt Green, 1903-2000 Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Topics: Healing; Fifth Sunday Before Lent Year B; Proper 18 Year B Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:8 Used With Tune: ELY
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O God, thy loving care for man

Appears in 2 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Topics: The Christian Year Festivals and Other Holidays: General; Bishops Used With Tune: ELY Text Sources: Editors
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O Thou to whom in ancient time

Appears in 123 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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Ye dwellers all on earth, give ear

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 Ye dwellers all on earth, give ear, both rich and poor, and high and low! For musings deep I will declare, and wisdom from my tongue shall flow. Mind ear I bend to mystic lays; dark sayings on my harp expound. Why should I fear in evil days, when sinners hem me in around? 2 Mark those who on their wealth rely, and glory in their store's increase; not one a brother's life can buy, nor from his God procure him peace. The soul's redemption is so dear, that no man can sufficient have to purchase life for ever here, or 'scape corruption in the grave. 3 Men see the fool and wise man fall, and all their hoards to others passed; yet by their names their lands they call, and think their house will ever last. But man's vain honour soon decays, even as the brutish herd they die; and though their seed their sayings praise, their way is only vanity. 4 Like sheep they in the grave are laid, where hungry death shall on them prey; their glories in the dust shall fade, and just men rise more blest than they. But God my soul from death will free, and home receive me to himself: then fear thou not, if one thou see surpassing thee in place or pelf: 5 For though his life more blest he thought, and others did his path commend, he to his grave shall carry nought, nor shall his pomp to him descend. No; to his fathers he must pass, and lie in darkness out of sight. Man, foolish man, in honoured place, is like the beasts, which perish quite. Scripture: Psalm 49 Used With Tune: ELY
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Where high the heav'nly temple stands

Meter: Appears in 205 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Lyrics: 1 Where high the heav'nly temple stands, the house of God not made with hands, a great High Priest our nature wears, the guardian of mankind appears. 2 He who for men their surety stood, and pour'd on earth his precious blood, pursues in heav'n his mighty plan, the Saviour and the friend of man. 3 Though now ascended up on high, he bends on earth a brother's eye; partaker of the human name, he knows the frailty of our frame. 4 Our fellow-suff'rer yet retains a fellow-feeling of our pains; and still remembers in the skies his tears, his agonies, and cries. 5 In ev'ry pang that rends the heart the Man of sorrows had a part; he sympathizes with our grief, and to the suff'rer sends relief. 6 With boldness, therefore, at the throne, let us make all our sorrows known; and ask the aid of heav'nly pow'r to help us in the evil hour. Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16 Used With Tune: ELY
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Jesus, the world's redeeming Lord

Appears in 7 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Topics: Easter Used With Tune: ELY
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O Love so strong, O Power so sweet

Appears in 1 hymnal Matching Instances: 1 Topics: General Hymns Used With Tune: ELY
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How vain is all beneath the skies

Appears in 164 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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Jesus, Thou everlasting King

Author: Dr. I. Watts Appears in 176 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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Expectant of my Lord's command

Author: William T. Matson Appears in 4 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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O God, Thy grace and blessing give

Author: Anon. Appears in 12 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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O render thanks to God above

Appears in 234 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY Text Sources: Tate and Brady
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The Royal Standard forward goes

Appears in 4 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY Text Sources: Fortunatus, 569
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Lord, speak to me, that I may speak

Appears in 459 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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O Thou to Whose all-searching sight

Author: G. Tersteegen, 1697-1769; J. Wesley, 1703-1791 Appears in 391 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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Great God, Thou giver of all good

Appears in 8 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY
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Praise God, ye servants of the Lord

Appears in 7 hymnals Matching Instances: 1 Used With Tune: ELY

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