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Scripture:John 10

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Will you come and follow me

Author: John L. Bell (b. 1949); Graham Maule (b. 1958) Meter: Appears in 42 hymnals Scripture: John 10:3 Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Discipleship Used With Tune: KELVINGROVE

We Come, O Christ, to You

Author: Margaret Clarkson, 1915- Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: John 10:10 Lyrics: 1 We come, O Christ, to you, true Son of God and man; by whom all things consist, in whom all life began: in you alone we live and move, and have our being in your love. 2 You are the Way to God, your blood our ransom paid; in you we face our Judge and Maker unafraid; before the throne absolved we stand: your love has met your law’s demand. 3 You are the living Truth, all wisdom dwells in you, the source of every skill, the one eternal True! O great I Am! in you we rest, sure answer to our every quest. 4 You only are true Life, to know you is to live the more abundant life that earth can never give. O risen Lord! we live in you: in us each day your life renew! 5 We worship you, Lord Christ, our Savior and our King; to you our youth and strength adoringly we bring: so fill our hearts that all may view your life in us, and turn to you! Topics: Adoration Used With Tune: DARWALL'S 148th

We cannot own the sunlit sky

Author: Ruth Duck, 1947- Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: John 10:10 Topics: Creation; Ecology / Environment; New Day; One Life in Christ Justice; Our Hope in God; Rural Life / Rogation Sunday; Sharing; Stewardship; Tears / Weeping Used With Tune: ENDLESS SONG
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Where He Leads Me

Author: E. W. Blandy, c. 1890 Meter: with refrain Appears in 774 hymnals Scripture: John 10:27 First Line: I can hear my Savior calling Refrain First Line: Where He leads me I will follow Lyrics: 1 I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior calling, "Take thy cross and follow, follow Me." Refrain: Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. 2 I'll go with Him through the garden, I'll go with Him through the garden, I'll go with Him through the garden, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. [Refrain] 3 I'll go with Him through the judgment, I'll go with Him through the judgment, I'll go with Him through the judgment, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. [Refrain] 4 He will give me grace and glory, He will give me grace and glory, He will give me grace and glory, And go with me, with me all the way. [Refrain] Topics: The Gospel in the Christian Life Christian Life, Discipleship; Commitment/Dedication; Discipleship; Submission/Surrender Used With Tune: NORRIS
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Wer ist wohl wie du, Jesu, süße ruh?

Author: J. A. Freylinghausen, 1670-1739 Appears in 78 hymnals Scripture: John 10:11 Topics: Sünde und Erlösung Gottes Rathschluß der Erlösung
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Wie wohl ist mir, o freund der seele

Author: W. C. Deßler, 1660-1722 Appears in 61 hymnals Scripture: John 10:11 Topics: Die Heilsordnung Göttliche Friede

We cannot care for you the way we wanted

Author: John L. Bell (b. 1949) Meter: 11.10.11 Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: John 10:10 Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Death and Grieving; Children; Funerals of a child; Grief Used With Tune: JENNIFER

Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying

Author: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: John 10:10 Topics: Baptismal Life Used With Tune: FILTER

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Author: Joseph M. Scriven Meter: D Appears in 1,710 hymnals Scripture: John 10:28-29 Lyrics: 1 What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, oh, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. 2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer. 3 Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge! Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In his arms he'll take and shield you; you will find a solace there. Topics: Vocal Options Descants Used With Tune: BEACH SPRING
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We Have Heard the Joyful Sound

Author: Priscilla J. Owens, 1829-1907 Meter: Appears in 530 hymnals Scripture: John 10:9 Lyrics: 1 We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Bear the news to every land, climb the steeps and cross the waves; onward! ’tis our Lord’s command: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! 2 Send it on the rolling tide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Tell to sinners far and wide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing, you islands of the sea! Echo back, you ocean caves! Earth shall keep her jubilee: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! 3 Sing above the battle strife: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! By his death and endless life: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing it softly through the gloom, when the heart for mercy craves; sing in triumph o’er the tomb: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! 4 Give the winds a mighty voice: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Let the nations now rejoice: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Shout salvation full and free, highest hills and deepest caves; this our song of victory: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Used With Tune: JESUS SAVES
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We Give Thee But Thine Own

Author: William W. How Meter: Appears in 489 hymnals Scripture: John 10:11-16 Lyrics: 1 We give Thee but Thine own, Whate'er the gift may be: All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee. 2 May we Thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, And gladly, as Thou blessest us, To Thee our first fruits give. 3 To comfort and to bless, To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless, Is angels' work below. 4 The captive to release, To God the lost to bring, To teach the way of life and peace, It is a Christ-like thing. 5 And we believe Thy word, Though dim our faith may be: Whate'er for Thine we do, O Lord, We do it unto Thee. Amen. Used With Tune: STATE ST.
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We Bid Thee Welcome

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 136 hymnals Scripture: John 10:11-16 First Line: We bid thee welcome in the name Lyrics: 1 We bid thee welcome in the Name Of Jesus, our exalted Head; Come as a servant, so He came, And we receive thee in His stead. 2 Come as a shepherd; guard and keep This fold unharmed by earth and sin; Nourish the lambs, and feed the sheep, The wounded heal, the lost bring in. 3 Come as a teacher sent from God, Charged His whole counsel to declare; Lift o'er our ranks the prophet's rod, While we uphold thy hands with prayer. Amen. Used With Tune: DUKE STREET

We Walk by Faith

Author: Henry Alford, 1810-1871 Meter: Appears in 73 hymnals Scripture: John 10:11 First Line: We walk by faith, and not by sight Topics: Grace Through Faith; Trust Used With Tune: SHANTI
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When the day of toil is done

Author: John Ellerton Meter: Appears in 67 hymnals Scripture: John 10:27-28 Topics: The Church Worship - Evening Used With Tune: IRENE

What shall I do my God to love

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals Scripture: John 10:1 Topics: Growth in Grace and Holiness Used With Tune: STELLA

Why Did My Savior Come to Earth

Author: James Gerald Dailey Appears in 59 hymnals Scripture: John 10:17-18 Refrain First Line: He loved me so, He loved me so Topics: Church; Communion; The Lord's Supper Used With Tune: DAILEY

Wherever He Leads I'll Go

Author: B. B. McKinney Meter: Irregular Appears in 42 hymnals Scripture: John 10:4 First Line: "Take up thy cross and follow Me" Used With Tune: FALLS CREEK
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We sing the glorious conquest

Author: John Ellerton, 1826-1893 Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Scripture: John 10:11-12 Lyrics: 1 We sing the glorious conquest before Damascus gate, when Saul, the church's spoiler, came breathing threats and hate; the ravening wolf rushed forward full early to the prey; but lo, the Shepherd met him, and bound him fast to-day. *2 O glory most excelling that smote across his path, O light that pierced and blinded the zealot in his wrath, O voice that spake within him the calm reproving word, O love that sought and held him the bondman of his Lord! 3 O wisdom, ordering all things in order strong and sweet, what nobler spoil was ever cast at the Victor's feet? What wiser master-builder e'er wrought at thine employ than he, till now so furious your building to destroy? 4 Lord, teach thy church the lesson, still in her darkest hour of weakness and of danger to trust thy hidden power: thy grace by ways mysterious the wrath of man can bind, and in thy boldest foeman thy chosen saint can find. Topics: Saints St. Paul Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE
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We have a gospel to proclaim

Author: Edward J. Burns, b. 1938 Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: John 10:11 Topics: Fifth Sunday Before Lent Year B; Easter III Year A; Easter IV Year B; Easter V Year C; Easter VII Year C; Proper 24 Year A; Ascension Used With Tune: FULDA
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Word of God, come down on earth

Author: James Quinn, b. 1919 Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Scripture: John 10:30 Topics: Proper 10 Year A Used With Tune: LIEBSTER JESU (DESSAU)

What God ordains is always good

Author: Samuel Rodigast, 1649-1703 Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: John 10:27-30 Lyrics: 1 What God ordains is always good: his will is just and holy. As he directs my life for me I follow meek and lowly. My God indeed in every need knows well how he will shield me; to him, then, I will yield me. 2 What God ordains is always good: he never will deceive me; he leads me in his own right way, and never will he leave me. I take content what he has sent; his hand that sends me sadness will turn my tears to gladness. 3 What God ordains is always good: his loving thought attends me; no poison can be in the cup that my physician sends me. My God is true; each morning new I trust his grace unending, my life to him commending. 4 What God ordains is always good: he is my friend and father; he will not let me come to harm though many storms may gather. Now I may know both joy and woe; some day I shall see clearly that he has loved me dearly. 5 What God ordains is always good: this truth remains unshaken. Though sorrow, need, or death be mine, I shall not be forsaken. I fear no harm, for with his arm he shall embrace and shield me; so to my God I yield me. Topics: Assurance; Providence Used With Tune: WAS GOTT TUT Text Sources: Tr.: The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941, alt.

Where He Leads

Author: P. P. B. Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: John 10:2 First Line: See the gentle Shepherd standing Refrain First Line: Where He leads we will follow Topics: Children; Guidance Used With Tune: [See the gentle Shepherd standing]
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When Simplicity We Cherish

Author: Augustus Gottlieb Spangenberg Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: John 10:14-16 Lyrics: 1 When simplicity we cherish, then the soul is full of light; but that light will quickly vanish, when of Jesus we lose sight. 2 Those who Christ alone desiring, those whom nothing else can cheer but the joy of his inspiring, lending to his voice an ear; 3 who in Christ find greatest treasure and upon his grace depend; who but want to do his pleasure, just fulfilling his commands; 4 who to Jesus humbly cleaving, pay obedience to his word, who in closest union living with our Savior, Head, and Lord; 5 who in Jesus Christ abiding, and from self-dependence free, in none else but him confiding walk in true simplicity. 6 Those who are by Christ directed, trusting the Good Shepherd’s care, from all harm will be protected, and no danger need to fear. Topics: Trust and Guidance; Christ--All in all; Life in Christ; Pure in Heart; Steadfastness Used With Tune: BATTY Text Sources: Tr.: Moravian, 1746, alt.

Wheresoe'er I Roam

Author: Carl Olof Rosenius, 1816-1868; Victor O. Peterson, 1864-1929 Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: John 10:1-15 First Line: Wheresoe'er I roam, through valleys dreary Topics: Second Sunday of Easter; Easter Resurrection; Friendship with God; Guidance in Pilgrimage; Pilgrimage Used With Tune: VAR JAG GÅR

Where is death's sting

Author: Godfrey Fox Bradby, 1863-c. 1929 Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: John 10:10 First Line: Where is death's sting? We were not born to die Lyrics: 1 Where is death's sting? We were not born to die, nor only for the life beyond the grave; all that is beautiful in earth and sky, all skill, all knowledge, all the powers we have, are of your giving, and in them we view no dust and ashes, but a part of you. 2 Laughter is yours, the laughter free from scorn, and yours the smile upon a cheerful face: yours, too, the tears, when love for love must mourn, and death brings silence for a little space. You give to us and do not take away: the parting is but here, and for a day. 3 Fullness of life, in body, mind and soul; "Who saves their life shall lose it," you have said: a great adventure with a glorious goal; nothing that lives in you is ever dead: brave living here, and then, beyond the grave, more life and more adventure for the brave. Topics: Death; Funeral; Laughter / Mirth; Our Hope in God; Promise; Tears / Weeping Used With Tune: SONG 1

With God As Our Friend

Author: Carl Olof Rosenius, 1816-1868 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: John 10:1-5 First Line: With God as our Friend, with his Spirit and Word Topics: 4th Sunday of Easter; Church and Life Together; Courage; Friendship with God; Heritage Hymns; Lord's Supper; Pilgrimage Used With Tune: AHNFELT

Where Briars Grow

Author: Genevieve Glen Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: John 10:21 First Line: [Where Briars Grow] Text Sources: Voices from the Valley (OCP Publications, 2003)
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Welcome into the Fold

Author: Miss Jennie Stout Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: John 10:9 First Line: As I soar in flights of fancy Refrain First Line: Welcome me into the fold Lyrics: 1 As I soar in flights of fancy, To that home just o’er the sea, Where the angels clothed in whiteness Waiting, stand to welcome me. Refrain: Welcome me into the fold, Welcome me into the fold, There angels will stand with harps in their hands To welcome me into the fold. 2 And I almost catch the echo Of that glad and holy song; And I long to join the chorus That is chanted by that throng. [Refrain] 3 Oft I think it can be longer That I here must toil and sigh; Then I catch in angel whisper, ’Twill be better by and by. [Refrain] 4 By and by the veil asunder Shall be rent by God’s own hand; By and by we’ll go to meet him In that blessed, happy land. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [As I soar in flights of fancy]

We join in proclaiming

Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: John 10:30 Topics: Trinity; Trinity Sunday; God; Jesus; Spirit Used With Tune: THE ASH GROVE

We, Your People, Sing Your Praises (Bon Berger, ton peuple t’adore)

Author: Rebecca Mosley; Josephine Munyeli Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: John 10:11-18 Topics: Jesus Christ Images and Names of; Lament; Mennonite World Fellowship Sunday; New Creation; Praise; Reconciliation; Sending Commissioning; Service Used With Tune: ENDSLEIGH NEW

With Welcome Heart We Greet You, Lord

Author: Fred R. Anderson, 1941- Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: John 10:14 Lyrics: 1 With welcome heart we greet you, Lord, the giver of this day. For rest and safety through the night receive our thanks we pray. We venture forth into this day upon the paths you set. So use us in your service, Lord, wherever need is met. 2 We gather in the name of Christ to bless your holy name. You touch us in our hops and fears our triumph and our pain. You give us power to be new, removing our regret. You send us forth to share good news wherever need is met. 3 The orphaned child whose past is lost to brokenness and pain. The anxious young confused with choice which offers loss or gain. The eager student working hard, yet caught in worry's net; so use us, Lord, with each of these, wherever need is met. 4 So shall we love and serve you, Lord, Good Shepherd of our days. And trust you on this path of life to guide in faithful ways. When threatened by the shade of death, still we shall trust you yet, to draw us wholly to yourself, for there all need is met. Used With Tune: GALLANT

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