The Cyber Hymnal

The Cyber Hymnal™ ( is a website established in 1996 by Dick Adams. It has over 10,000 Christian hymns from many denominations and languages. It provides lyrics, sheet music, audio, pictures, biographies, history and more. The worship and educational resource is provided as a public service and gets an average of 24,000 visitors per month. Mr. Adams has graciously allowed to add his resources to our site. (Note: the site that calls itself NetHymnal at is not affiliated with The Cyber Hymnal™ in any way.)
Editor: Dick Adams
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
16419Through snowy streets one Christ­mas EveST. AGNESTextScoreAudio
16420From Beth­l’hem’s man­ger[From Beth­l’hem’s man­ger]TextScoreAudio
16421The earth has grown old with its bur­den of care[The earth has grown old with its bur­den of care]Text
16422Ring out, ye bells of Christ­mas dayDUANE STREETTextScoreAudio
16423Jesu, Sav­ior ev­er mildLITANYTextScoreAudio
16424Chime, sweet bells of Christ­mas time[Chime, sweet bells of Christ­mas time]TextScoreAudio
16425A won­drous song is in the air[A won­drous song is in the air]TextScoreAudio
16426Sweetly and soft­ly on my ear[Sweetly and soft­ly on my ear]TextScoreAudio
16427Star of the East, O beau­ti­ful star[Star of the East, O beau­ti­ful star]TextScoreAudio
16428Quickly the bright an­gel­ic hostLUDWIGSHAFENTextScoreAudio
16429In the low­ly man­ger, poor and bare[In the low­ly man­ger, poor and bare]TextScoreAudio
16430In the silence of the nightLOMBARDYTextScoreAudio
16431Carol, mer­ri­ly car­ol!HAMATextScoreAudio
16432Ring with joy and glad­ness[Ring with joy and glad­ness]TextScoreAudio
16433Hark! the Christ­mas bells are peal­ing[Hark! the Christ­mas bells are peal­ing]TextScoreAudio
16434Over hills and ov­er plains[Over hills and ov­er plains]TextScoreAudio
16435The Chris­tmas times have come at lastJILINTextScoreAudio
16436Under cold De­cem­ber skies[Under cold De­cem­ber skies]TextScoreAudio
16437Long ago, there was bornBRAHM'S LULLABYTextScoreAudio
16438I love the Christ­mas sto­ryWEBBTextScoreAudio
16439Bells of Christ­mas, swing![Bells of Christ­mas, swing]TextScoreAudio
16440Outside the inn, in a low man­ger bed[Outside the inn, in a low man­ger bed]TextScoreAudio
16441Hark! the song of choirs an­gel­icVOSGESTextScoreAudio
16442In stable low­ly[In stable low­ly]TextScoreAudio
16443The night was dark and stor­myROSA MYSTICATextScoreAudio
16444Little child­ren, wake and list­en!ST. OSWALDTextScoreAudio
16445Glory, glo­ry to God in the high­est![Glory, glo­ry to God in the high­est]TextScoreAudio
16446O Lord, and yet ano­ther yearTRINITY COLLEGETextScoreAudio
16447What marks the dawn­ing of the yearLOVE'S CONSECRATIONTextScoreAudio
16448A year, another year is fledLAMBETHTextScoreAudio
16449Dear Sav­ior, Thou shep­herd that lead­eth Thy flock[Dear Sav­ior, Thou shep­herd that lead­eth Thy flock]TextScoreAudio
16450There’s a hope that can ne­ver be con­quered by fearZHYTOMYRTextScoreAudio
16451God of the seasons, come againBEATITUDOTextScoreAudio
16452Often while in me­di­ta­tionTARTUSTextScoreAudio
16453That God should love a sin­ner such as I[That God should love a sin­ner such as I]TextScoreAudio
16454I once was lost in sin’s dark night[I once was lost in sin’s dark night]TextScoreAudio
16455With heav’n­ly re­joic­ing we on­ward goEIN KAREMTextScoreAudio
16456There’s a God who’s stand­ing[There’s a God who’s stand­ing]TextScoreAudio
16457It won’t be ve­ry long till this short life shall endOSTERREICHTextScoreAudio
16458I’m a way­worn pil­grim here[I’m a way­worn pil­grim here]TextScoreAudio
16459Let earth and Heav’n agreeARTHUR'S SEATTextScoreAudio
16460A bright and glorious hope is oursST. SAVIOURTextScoreAudio
16461There’s a full re­ward await­ing us in glo­ryKALININGRADTextScoreAudio
16462My God, my God, why me for­sake?CATHERINETextScoreAudio
16463Poor in spir­it, pure in heartCASTAÑEDATextScoreAudio
16464Jerusalem is built of goldREDEMPTIONTextScoreAudio
16465Whosoever will may come and now be­lieve[Whosoever will may come and now be­lieve]TextScoreAudio
16466Come from the loath­some way of sin[Come from the loath­some way of sin]TextScoreAudio
16467Lord, I am wait­ing at Thy feetKELLOGGTextScoreAudio
16468Jesus was once a lit­tle childCHILDHOODTextScoreAudio
16469Fools, for their trans­gress­ion, seeMERCYTextScoreAudio
16470I have found a friend who cannot fal­ter[I have found a friend who cannot fal­ter]Text
16471Come, let us with our Lord ariseCOTSWOLDTextScoreAudio
16472If there’s trou­ble any­where[If there’s trou­ble any­where]TextScoreAudio
16473When our Lord re­turns to take us[When our Lord re­turns to take us]TextScoreAudio
16474Only Thy ten­der love[Only Thy ten­der love]TextScoreAudio
16475O land of our king!KING'S LANDTextScoreAudio
16476Our Fa­ther, God, who art in Heav’nMARONTextScoreAudio
16477A lit­tle child was dy­ing[A lit­tle child was dy­ing]TextScoreAudio
16478When you stand at the throne[When you stand at the throne]TextScoreAudio
16479The near­er I reach the end of life[The near­er I reach the end of life]TextScoreAudio
16480A mes­sage so true I am bring­ing to you[A mes­sage so true I am bring­ing to you]TextScoreAudio
16481Beautiful the fields be­yond the ri­ver[Beautiful the fields be­yond the ri­ver]TextScoreAudio
16482Where Thou hast chosen to re­sideFOLKINGHAMTextScoreAudio
16483The bo­dy, Lord, is ours to keepST. SUNNIVATextScoreAudio
16484As wide as the skies is Thy mer­cy, O GodSAN GENNAROTextScoreAudio
16485My son, dost thou dwell in a coun­try afar[My son, dost thou dwell in a coun­try afar]TextScoreAudio
16486Hosanna to the roy­al SonMARTYRDOMTextScoreAudio
16487Preserved by Thine al­migh­ty pow­erO HAPPY DAYTextScoreAudio
16488Joyful the mes­sage of Gos­pel grace[Joyful the mes­sage of Gos­pel grace]TextScoreAudio
16489Make a for­ward move for the Lord to­day[Make a for­ward move for the Lord to­day]TextScoreAudio
16490Where is Elijah’s jealous God?MAPLEWOODTextScoreAudio
16491Ye gold­en lamps of heav’n! fare­wellFALLS CITYTextScoreAudio
16492Step by step, ev­ery day[Step by step, ev­ery day]TextScoreAudio
16493There’s a fount­ain free flow­ing ’neath life’s tree[There’s a fount­ain free flow­ing ’neath life’s tree]TextScoreAudio

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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