The Cyber Hymnal

The Cyber Hymnal™ ( is a website established in 1996 by Dick Adams. It has over 10,000 Christian hymns from many denominations and languages. It provides lyrics, sheet music, audio, pictures, biographies, history and more. The worship and educational resource is provided as a public service and gets an average of 24,000 visitors per month. Mr. Adams has graciously allowed to add his resources to our site. (Note: the site that calls itself NetHymnal at is not affiliated with The Cyber Hymnal™ in any way.)
Editor: Dick Adams
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
16318Little child­ren, one and all[Little child­ren, one and all]TextScoreAudio
16319Look up, ye saints, with sweet sur­priseMISSIONARY CHANTTextScoreAudio
16320My soul, with hum­ble fer­vor raiseDUKE STREETTextScoreAudio
16321Shall we meet in Heav’n? Shall we meet in Heav’n?[Shall we meet in Heav’n? Shall we meet in Heav’n]TextScoreAudio
16322From Ol­iv­et’s se­ques­tered seatsSTONYPATHTextScoreAudio
16323In the jour­ney of life[In the jour­ney of life]TextScoreAudio
16324Home, kin­dred, friends and coun­try, theseADORO TETextScoreAudio
16325Children of Zi­on, know your KingMAITLANDTextScoreAudio
16326Now weigh the an­chor, hoist the sailST. CATHERINETextScoreAudio
16327The mid­day sun, with fier­cest glareADOWATextScoreAudio
16328How strong Thine arm is, migh­ty God!THE WAITS SONGTextScoreAudio
16329Now be the God of Is­ra­el blessedEVENINGTextScoreAudio
16330There’s a fount­ain for the cleans­ing of the soul[There’s a fount­ain for the cleans­ing of the soul]TextScoreAudio
16331Thou dost call to ser­viceMACONTextScoreAudio
16332When the Book is opened on that last great day[When the Book is opened on that last great day]TextScoreAudio
16333O who can take my sins away?POLARISTextScoreAudio
16334There’s a Savior who offers to free you from sin[There’s a Savior who offers to free you from sin]TextScoreAudio
16335My soul is at rest with my Sav­ior[My soul is at rest with my Sav­ior]TextScoreAudio
16336Let us car­ry sun­shine[Let us car­ry sun­shine]TextScoreAudio
16337Someone will come to the Sav­ior to­night![Someone will come to the Sav­ior to­night]TextScoreAudio
16338Is your life so drea­ry, your heart so wea­ryROSTOV-ON-DONTextScoreAudio
16339Someone is be­tray­ing the Sav­ior and Lord[Someone is be­tray­ing the Sav­ior and Lord]TextScoreAudio
16340Heedless of dan­ger, dear ones are stray­ing[Heedless of dan­ger, dear ones are stray­ing]TextScoreAudio
16341Lead me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus[Lead me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus]TextScoreAudio
16342Be strong! the com­mand still is ring­ing[Be strong! the com­mand still is ring­ing]TextScoreAudio
16343From the tow’r­ing hills that rise[From the tow’r­ing hills that rise]TextScoreAudio
16344March on, march on, ye sol­diers true[March on, march on, ye sol­diers true]TextScoreAudio
16345We are wait­ing, we are lis­ten­ing[We are wait­ing, we are lis­ten­ing]TextScoreAudio
16346I do not ful­ly com­pre­hend[I do not ful­ly com­pre­hend]TextScoreAudio
16347Dear Lord, I own that I am weak[Dear Lord, I own that I am weak]TextScoreAudio
16348If ev­ery knee would hum­bly bow[If ev­ery knee would hum­bly bow]TextScoreAudio
16349Dear Savior, I am wea­ryREICHENBACH FALLSTextScoreAudio
16350O I love to tell my Father[O I love to tell my Father]TextScoreAudio
16351When the Lord shall call His peo­ple[When the Lord shall call His peo­ple]TextScoreAudio
16352When the deep sha­dows lin­ger around youBANDELIERTextScoreAudio
16353God help you in every pass­ing hourGALERASTextScoreAudio
16354The path that leads me to the throneCÚCATATextScoreAudio
16355There was never a cry of a sin-sick soul[There was never a cry of a sin-sick soul]TextScoreAudio
16356When the clouds are dark above youMAYFAIRTextScoreAudio
16357When the shadows fall and the shep­herds callVELANKANNITextScoreAudio
16358My mother’s old Bi­ble, her trea­sure di­vine[My mother’s old Bi­ble, her trea­sure di­vine]TextScoreAudio
16359Here I wan­der in need of the things of this life[Here I wan­der in need of the things of this life]TextScoreAudio
16360My mother’s old Bible is pointing the way[My mother’s old Bible is pointing the way]TextScoreAudio
16361I sleep, but love still wak­ethJESU, MAGISTER BONETextScoreAudio
16362I look, dear Sav­ior, to Thy crossCHERBOURGTextScoreAudio
16363When the Shep­herd went seek­ing[When the Shep­herd went seek­ing]TextScoreAudio
16364I love the friends so true to me[I love the friends so true to me]TextScoreAudio
16365O Love divine, amazing Love!KILIMANJAROTextScoreAudio
16366When called to the judgment at last[When called to the judgment at last]TextScoreAudio
16367Following Jesus just where He leads me,[Following Jesus just where He leads me,]TextScoreAudio
16368My life is like a stor­my seaGAITHERSBURGTextScoreAudio
16369Lord of the Sab­bath! hear our vowsGERMANYTextScoreAudio
16370Holy Spir­it, dwell in me,SCWERINTextScoreAudio

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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