The Fellowship Hymn Book

Publisher: P.S.A. Brotherhood Publishing House, London, 1908
Denomination: Pleasant Sunday Afternoon
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
183Jesus, the very thought of TheeST. AGNESPage Scan
184O Jesus, King most wonderfulWAVENEYPage Scan
185Jesus, Thou Joy of loving heartsST. LUKEPage Scan
186Once in royal David's cityIRBYPage Scan
187How sweet the name of Jesus soundsST. PETERPage Scan
188The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT MEPage Scan
189O Lord and Master of us allST. HUGHPage Scan
190Immortal Love, forever fullALBANOPage Scan
191We have a faithful comradeDER GUTE KAMERADPage Scan
192aJesus, Lover of my soulABERYSTWYTHPage Scan
192bJesus, Lover of my soulHOLLINGSIDEPage Scan
193Love divine, all loves excellingBEECHERPage Scan
194Hark, my soul! it is the LordST. BEESPage Scan
195When the Lord of Love was hereROCKLEAZEPage Scan
196I've found a Friend! O such a Friend!CONSTANCEPage Scan
197There's not a friend like the lowly JesusTHERE'S NOT A FRIENDPage Scan
198One there is above all othersGOUNODPage Scan
199Rest of the weary, joy of the sadTHEODORAPage Scan
200Tell me the old, old story[Tell me the old, old story]Page Scan
201Jesus, Saviour, pilot me[Jesus, Saviour, pilot me]Page Scan
202Strong Son of God, immortal loveRIVAULXPage Scan
203And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee?ARTAVIAPage Scan
204Come, O Thou Traveller unknownPENIELPage Scan
205Praise to the Holiest in the heightGERONTIUSPage Scan
206O Saviour, we have gather'dWE HAVE LIVED AND LOVED TOGETHERPage Scan
207Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deepST. AELREDPage Scan
208Blind Bartimaeus at the gatesST. CATHERINEPage Scan
209aThere were ninety-and-nine that safely layNINETY AND NINEPage Scan
209bThere were ninety-and-nine that safely layWITHIN THE FOLDPage Scan
210My song is love unknownST. JOHNPage Scan
211Rock of Ages, cleft for meREDHEAD, No. 76Page Scan
212In the cross of Christ I glorySHARONPage Scan
213When I survey the wondrous crossROCKINGHAMPage Scan
214There is a green hill far awayHORSLEYPage Scan
215Arise, my soul, ariseCHRISTCHURCHPage Scan
216Hallelujah! Hallelujah!LUX EOIPage Scan
217Jesus lives! thy terrors nowST. ALBINUSPage Scan
218Jesus lives, and Jesus leadsFABERHAMPage Scan
219Souls of men! why will ye scatterST. MABYNPage Scan
220Knocking! knocking! Who is there?KNOCKING! KNOCKING!Page Scan
221Behold Me standing at the door[Behold Me standing at the door]Page Scan
222O Jesus, Thou art standingST. CATHERINEPage Scan
223Come, let us sing of a wonderful loveWONDERFUL LOVEPage Scan
224God calling yet! shall I not hear?GOD CALLING YETPage Scan
225Jesus is tenderly calling thee homeJESUS IS CALLINGPage Scan
226Sinners Jesus will receiveCHRIST RECEIVETH SINFUL MENPage Scan
227Come unto Me! It is the Saviour's voiceCOME UNTO MEPage Scan
228I heard the voice of Jesus sayVOX DILECTIPage Scan
229Come unto Me, ye wearyCOME UNTO MEPage Scan
230Jesus calls us; o'er the tumultST. ANDREWPage Scan
231Jesus calls us; o'er the tumultBOHEMIAPage Scan
232Come, O come, with thy broken heartCOME, O COMEPage Scan
233Come, ye sinners, poor and needyFOUSSEAUT'S DREAMPage Scan
234aThou say'st, "Take up thy cross"ALDERSGATEPage Scan
234bThou say'st, "Take up thy cross"CARLISLEPage Scan
235Art thou weary, art thou languid?STEPHANOSPage Scan
236The Lord is rich and mercifulPETERSHAMPage Scan
237Just as I am—without one pleaMISERICORDIAPage Scan
238Holy Spirit! Lord of lightLACRYMAEPage Scan
239Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedST. CUTHBERTPage Scan
240Gracious Spirit, dwell with meRATISBONPage Scan
241Gracious Spirit, Holy GhostCHARITYPage Scan
242Lord of all being, throned afarHOLLEYPage Scan
243Life of ages, richly pouredUNIVERSITY COLLEGEPage Scan
244God speaks to us in bird and songTRUSTPage Scan
245Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breakethBERLINPage Scan
246aThou hidden love of God, whose heightEATONPage Scan
246bThou hidden love of God, whose heightRESTPage Scan
247Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhileDALKEITHPage Scan
248I need Thee every hour, most gracious LordI NEED THEEPage Scan
249O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in meWESTMINSTERPage Scan
250Always with us, always with usSLINGSBYPage Scan
251I dared not hope that Thou wouldst deign to comeNACHTLIEDPage Scan
252And now, O Father, mindful of the loveUNDE ET MEMORESPage Scan
253O thou not made with handsLEEMANPage Scan
254Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowEMMAUSPage Scan
255Eternal Light! Eternal Light!NEWCASTLEPage Scan
256Break Thou the bread of lifeGOTTLIEBPage Scan
257We limit not the truth of GodCORONAPage Scan
258There is a book who runs may readST. FLAVIANPage Scan
259Angles holySERAPHIMPage Scan
260We lift our hearts in chorusERYHOLMEPage Scan
261O worship the KingHOUGHTONPage Scan
262Yes, God is good; in earth and skyCONFIDENCEPage Scan
263All things bright and beautifulALL THINGS BRIGHTPage Scan
264Praise the Lord: His works exalt HimMORGENLIEDPage Scan
265Thine arm, O Lord, in days of oldST. MATTHEWPage Scan
266Thou to whom the sick and dyingREQUIEMPage Scan
267Now the labourer's task is o'erREQUIESCATPage Scan
268For all the saints who from their labours restST. PHILIPPage Scan
269God of the living, in whose eyesST. CHRYSOSTOMPage Scan
270When the trumpet of the Lord shall soundTHE ROLL CALLPage Scan
271The world is very evilANDREAS HOFERPage Scan
272Brief life is here our portionST. ALPHEGEPage Scan
273For ever with the LordNEARER HOMEPage Scan
274Not now, but in the coming yearsSOME TIME WE'LL UNDERSTANDPage Scan
275The sands of time are sinkingRUTHERFORDPage Scan
276The Homeland! the HomelandTHE HOMELANDPage Scan
277Sunset and evening starCROSSING THE BARPage Scan
278Holy Father, in Thy mercyBULLINGERPage Scan

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