The Gospel Chorus: for use in prayer meetings, young people's societies and revivals

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1I've wandered far away from God[I’ve wandered far away from God]Page Scan
2Weary burdened wand'rer[Weary burdened wand’rer]Page Scan
3Never a sorrow becloudeth my sky[Never a sorrow becloudeth my sky]TextPage ScanAudio
4My Saviour's voice is sweet to me[My Savior’s voice is sweet to me]TextPage ScanAudio
5Unanswered yet[Unanswered yet]Page Scan
6Like a tender shepherd Jesus leadeth me[Like a tender shepherd Jesus leadeth me]TextPage ScanAudio
7When the soul is oppressed by the heat of the day[When the soul is oppressed by the heat of the day]TextPage ScanAudio
8I am fully satisfied with my Saviour ev'ry day[I am fully satisfied with my Savior every day]TextPage ScanAudio
9The cross, it standeth fast[The cross, it standeth fast]TextPage ScanAudio
10Into His image to grow[Into His image to grow]TextPage ScanAudio
11There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus[There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus]Page Scan
12Life, light and love, the gifts of God so free[Life, light and love, the gifts of God so free]TextPage ScanAudio
13Leaning on Jesus, blessed Redeemer[Leaning on Jesus, blessed Redeemer]TextPage ScanAudio
14Still with my Saviour when the sun sinks in the west[Still with my Saviour when the sun sinks in the west]Page Scan
15There's a glad, happy song that my heart loves to sing[There’s a glad, happy song that my heart loves to sing]TextPage ScanAudio
16Lead kindly, dear Saviour, thro' life's weary way[Lead kindly, dear Saviour, thro’ life’s weary way]TextPage ScanAudio
17Beautiful bells of Eden fair[Beautiful bells of Eden fair]Page Scan
18The Saviour is standing outside your heart's door[The Saviour is standing outside your heart’s door]Page Scan
19Speed away; speed away; 'tis the mandate of God[Speed away; speed away; ‘tis the mandate of God]TextPage Scan
20Only a step to Jesus[Only a step to Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
21Beautiful homeland, fadeless and fair[Beautiful homeland, fadeless and fair]TextPage ScanAudio
22Oh, I often sit and ponder[Oh, I often sit and ponder]Page Scan
23All hail the power of Jesus' Name[All hail the power of Jesus' Name]Page Scan
24Beckoning hands at the gateway tonight[Beckoning hands at the gateway tonight]Page Scan
25Weary with walking alone[Weary with walking alone]Page Scan
26O heart bowed down with sorrow[O heart bowed down with sorrow]Page ScanAudio
27We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthen[We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthen]Page Scan
28Lo! here am I to do Thy will, O Lord[Lo! here am I to do Thy will, O Lord]TextPage ScanAudio
29Down at the cross where my Saviour died[Down at the cross where my Saviour died]Page Scan
30Waiting with joyful hearts to hear our blessed Lord's command[Waiting with joyful hearts to hear our blessed Lord’s command]Page Scan
31Abide with me; fast falls the eventide[Abide with me; fast falls the eventide]Page Scan
32If you bear the cross for Jesus, it will make your burdens light[If you bear the cross for Jesus, it will make your burdens light]TextPage ScanAudio
33My Jesus, as Thou wilt[My Jesus, as Thou wilt]Page Scan
34We are pilgrims on the road[We are pilgrims on the road]TextPage ScanAudio
35Saviour, lead me, lest I stray[Saviour, lead me, lest I stray]Page Scan
36We'll shout and sing, make heaven ring with praises to our King[We’ll shout and sing, make heaven ring with praises to our King]TextPage Scan
37Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
38Thou art not very far from the kingdom[Thou art not very far from the kingdom]TextPage ScanAudio
39There's a great day coming, a great day coming[There’s a great day coming, a great day coming]Page Scan
40There's room for you to anchor[There’s room for you to anchor]Page Scan
41Take my life, and let it be[Take my life, and let it be]Page Scan
42Cast thy care upon the Saviour[Cast thy care upon the Saviour]Page Scan
43Like a bird on the deep[Like a bird on the deep]Page Scan
44Blessed be the fountain of blood[Blessed be the fountain of blood]Page Scan
45O happy day, that fixed my choice[O happy day, that fixed my choice]Page Scan
46Peace like a river is flooding my soul[Peace like a river is flooding my soul]Page Scan
47Will you come to Jesus with your guilt and sadness[Will you come to Jesus with your guilt and sadness]TextPage ScanAudio
48How great the salvation that saves in the hour[How great the salvation that saves in the hour]TextPage ScanAudio
49As Jesus walked the stormy waves[As Jesus walked the stormy waves]TextPage ScanAudio
50Jesus, and shall it ever be[Jesus, and shall it ever be]TextPage ScanAudio
51Just as I am, without one plea[Just as I am, without one plea]Page Scan
52Do you hear the voice of God[Do you hear the voice of God]Page Scan
53"Come unto me," O precious invitation[“Come unto me,” O precious invitation]TextPage ScanAudio
54I know not why God's wondrous grace[I know not why God’s wondrous grace]Page Scan
55There's a hand held out in pity[There’s a hand held out in pity]Page Scan
56Day by day I trust my guiding[Day by day I trust my guiding]TextPage ScanAudio
57While Jesus whispers to you[While Jesus whispers to you]Page Scan
58Would you shine for Jesus[Would you shine for Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
59O spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found[O spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found]Page Scan
60Far, far beyond the storms that gather[Far, far beyond the storms that gather]Page Scan
61Hark! hark, my soul! angelic songs are swelling[Hark! hark, my soul! angelic songs are swelling]Page ScanAudio
62Long Thou hast waited outside of my heart[Long Thou hast waited outside of my heart]TextPage ScanAudio
63Fade, fade, each earthly joy, Jesus is mine[Fade, fade, each earthly joy, Jesus is mine]Page Scan
64Children of the heav'nly King[Children of the heav'nly King]TextPage ScanAudio
65Jesus, Saviour, pilot me[Jesus, Saviour, pilot me]Page Scan
66O Galilee, O sacred sea[O Galilee, O sacred sea]TextPage ScanAudio
67Who is this that loves the lowly with love that never fails[Who is this that loves the lowly with love that never fails]TextPage Scan
68My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea[My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea]Page Scan
69Wildly about me the tempests may sweep[Wildly about me the tempests may sweep]TextPage ScanAudio
70Where He leads me I will follow[Where He leads me I will follow]Page Scan
71The cross that He gave may be heavy[The cross that He gave may be heavy]Page Scan
72Sow thou thy seed in the morning[Sow thou thy seed in the morning]Page Scan
73Since Christ my soul from sin set free[Since Christ my soul from sin set free]Page Scan
74There are burdens to be lightened every day[There are burdens to be lightened every day]Page Scan
75In this world, where shadows[In this world, where shadows]TextPage ScanAudio
76I give my heart to Thee, O blessed Saviour[I give my heart to Thee, O blessed Saviour]TextPage ScanAudio
77Over the mountain rugged and cheerless[Over the mountain rugged and cheerless]Page Scan
78Keep close to Jesus and the day will be a bright one[Keep close to Jesus and the day will be a bright one]TextPage ScanAudio
79My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine[My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine]Page Scan
80Only a fond old father[Only a fond old father]Page Scan
81While we pray and while we plead[While we pray and while we plead]
82When peace, like a river, attendeth my way[When peace, like a river, attendeth my way]Page Scan
83Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine[Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine]Page Scan
84Fear not, I am with thee[Fear not, I am with thee]Page Scan
85Do not pass me by, dear Saviour[Do not pass me by, dear Saviour]TextPage ScanAudio
86O'er all the way green palms and blossoms gay[O'er all the way green palms and blossoms gay]Page Scan
87Hear, O Lord, our humble supplication[Response After Prayer]Page Scan
88Dear Lord, unloose my stamm'ring tongue[Dear Lord, unloose my stamm’ring tongue]TextPage ScanAudio
89We praise Thee, O God[We praise Thee, O God]Page Scan
90He knows the trials of each day[He knows the trials of each day]TextPage ScanAudio
91Jesus hath redeemed me and I gladly sing His praise[Jesus hath redeemed me and I gladly sing His praise]TextPage ScanAudio
92Lead me, O Lord, my erring footsteps guide[Lead me, O Lord, my erring footsteps guide]TextPage ScanAudio
93When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more[When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more]Page Scan
94Jesus, lover of my soul[Jesus, lover of my soul]Page Scan
95Come, contrite one, and seek his grace[Come, contrite one, and seek his grace]Page Scan
96Far and near the fields are teeming[Far and near the fields are teeming]Page Scan
97Faith of our fathers, living still[Faith of our fathers, living still]Page Scan
98By and by we'll walk in light supernal[By and by we’ll walk in light supernal]TextPage ScanAudio
99Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight[Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight]Page Scan
100My Father is rich in houses and lands[My Father is rich in houses and lands]Page Scan

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