The New Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs, ancient and modern for use in Baptist churches

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
494Awake, awake, O ZionCHENIESPage Scan
495How long, O Lord our SaviourPage Scan
496Watchman, tell us of the nightWESLEYPage Scan
497Sons of Zion, raise your songsPage Scan
498Hasten, Lord, the glorious timePage Scan
499Hark, the song of jubileePERRYPage Scan
500Come, Desire of nations, comePage Scan
501Christ, above all glory seatedCARTHAGEPage Scan
502In us the hope of gloryGENUNGPage Scan
503Wake, awake, for night is flyingHERRNHUTPage Scan
504Bride of the Lamb, awake, awakeCANAANPage Scan
505Light of the lonely pilgrim's heartPage Scan
506Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appearPage Scan
507Soon will the heavenly Bridegroom comeEATONPage Scan
508Lo! what a glorious sight appearsPage Scan
509The church has waited longCHALVEYPage Scan
510Come, kingdom of our GodPage Scan
511O thou whom we adorePage Scan
512Come, Lord, and tarry notST. BRIDEPage Scan
513Our life is hid with ChristPage Scan
514Ye servants of the Lord!ALEXANDERPage Scan
515When God of old came down from heavenDUBLINPage Scan
516Come Holy Ghost, Creator, comePage Scan
517Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathedST. CUTHBERTPage Scan
518O Holy Ghost the ComforterSPRING-TIDEPage Scan
519Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly doveSTEPHENSPage Scan
520Come Thou, O come; sweetest andHERSTMONCEUXPage Scan
521Come Holy Ghost, our hearts inspireGOUDAPage Scan
522aWhy should the children of a KingELVETPage Scan
522bWhy should the children of a KingBOARDMANPage Scan
523Eternal Spirit, God of truthPage Scan
524Come, O Creator Spirit blestWIMBORNEPage Scan
525Eternal Spirit, we confessPage Scan
526Come, Sacred Spirit, from abovePage Scan
527Come, blessed Spirit, source of lightPage Scan
528Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DovePRINCEPage Scan
529Creator Spirit, by whose aidPage Scan
530We are not left to walk alonePage Scan
531Sure the blest Comforter is nighPage Scan
532Holy Ghost, with light divineLAST HOPEPage Scan
533Holy Spirit, gently comePage Scan
534Holy Spirit, in my breastPage Scan
535Gracious Spirit, Love divinePage Scan
536Gracious Spirit, dwell with meDAYSTARPage Scan
537Father, whate'er of earthly blissNAOMIPage Scan
538Come Holy Ghost, my soul inspirePage Scan
539Come Holy Ghost, in love, shed on usNEW HAVENPage Scan
540Thou whose almighty wordPage Scan
541Light that from the dark abyssVENI, LUXPage Scan
542Holy Spirit, come and shineLIGHTPage Scan
543Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth theeTOULONPage Scan
544O Holy Spirit now descend on mePage Scan
545Spirit of God descend upon my heartPage Scan
546Hail, Holy Spirit, bright immortal DoveEVENTIDEPage Scan
547O thou great Friend to all the sons of menPAX DEIPage Scan
548Holy Ghost, the InfinitePARACLETEPage Scan
549Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, taught by theeTREVESPage Scan
550Come, Holy Spirit, come!HAYDNPage Scan
551The Holy Ghost is herePage Scan
552Let thy wondrous ways be knownGILTONPage Scan
553Spirit of the Only WiseMAYENTPage Scan
554Spirit blest, who art adoredSUSIMAMEPage Scan
555Come Holy Spirit, from aboveBREMENPage Scan
556O Holy Ghost thou fount of lightPage Scan
557Descend from heaven, celestial DovePage Scan
558Lord, bid thy light ariseMORNINGTONPage Scan
559Come Spirit source of lightPage Scan
560Come, Holy Spirit, comeST. MARGARETPage Scan
561'Tis God the spirit leadsPage Scan
562Blest Comforter divineARMESPage Scan
563Lord God, the Holy Ghost!Page Scan
564The comforter has comePage Scan
565Not all the outward forms on earthHUMMELPage Scan
566How sad our state by nature isPage Scan
567How helpless guilty nature liesBALERMAPage Scan
568God loved the world of sinners lostWONDROUS LOVEPage Scan
569Precious, precious blood of JesusBULLINGERPage Scan
570Not all the blood of beastsGORTONPage Scan
571O where shall rest be foundSHAWMUTPage Scan
572And wilt thou hear, O LordPage Scan
573Can sinners hope for heavenCHISELHURSTPage Scan
574Not what these hands have done can savePage Scan
575A charge to keep I haveVIGILPage Scan
576Like sheep we went astrayPage Scan
577Amazing grace, how sweet the soundARLINGTONPage Scan
578Salvation, O the joyful soundPage Scan
579There is a fountain filled with bloodCOWPERPage Scan
580Awake my heart, arise my tongueATHENSPage Scan
581Great God, when I approach thy throneGLASGOWPage Scan
582Tell me the old, old story of unseen things aboveOLD, OLD STORYPage Scan
583I love to tell the story of unseen things aboveTELL THE STORYPage Scan
584I saw the cross of JesusPage Scan
585Eternal light, eternal light, how pureNAUMANNPage Scan
586O Saviour, where shall guilty manPage Scan
587Come, thou who dost the soul enduePage Scan
588Go, tune thy voice to sacred songTAPPANPage Scan
589Wouldst thou eternal life obtainQUIESPage Scan
590Arise, my soul, arise, shake offLENOXPage Scan
591Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
592Ye saints, your music bringPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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