The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle...

Editor: Edward Roberts
Publisher: G. S. Scofield / American Sunday School Union Depository, New York, 1870
Language: English
Notes: Designed to accompany the New American Sunday School Hymn Book
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
3Now condescend, Almighty KingWOODSTOCK TextPage Scan
4When the morning light drives away the nightMORNING LIGHTTextPage Scan
5Again we meet, O LordHANDELTextPage Scan
6All the week we spendRISING DAYTextPage Scan
7Another week has passed awaySCHOLAR'S GREETINGTextPage Scan
8aThe morning sky is bright and clearAWAY TO SABBATH SCHOOLTextPage Scan
8bOn Sabbath morning, O how pleasantSABBATH MORNINGTextPage Scan
9I'll awake at dawn on the Sabbath dayNEVER LATETextPage Scan
10Oh, come, let us sing!GLADNESSTextPage Scan
11O God, to thy promise our hearts humbly cling[O God, to thy promise our hearts humbly cling]TextPage Scan
12In the far better land of glory and lightSONG OF REDEMPTIONTextPage Scan
13Say, brothers, will you meet usBROTHERS, MEET USTextPage Scan
14Children of Jerusalem HOSANNATextPage Scan
15There is a Friend we ought to loveCHILDREN'S FRIENDTextPage Scan
16The Bible! the Bible! more precious than goldTHE BIBLETextPage Scan
17aCome! said Jesus' sacred voiceLLEWELLYNTextPage Scan
17bCome, my soul, thy suit prepareSEYMOURTextPage Scan
18Come, let us sweetly sing, join in full chorusSONG OF PRAISETextPage Scan
19In the rosy light of the morning bright ROSY LIGHTTextPage Scan
20Thank God for the Bible! 'tis there that we findTHANK GOD FOR THE BIBLETextPage Scan
21My Bible! my Bible! 'tis a book divineMY BIBLETextPage Scan
22The Sabbath school's a place for pray'rSABBATH SCHOOLTextPage Scan
23We love to sing togetherWE LOVE TO SING TOGETHERTextPage Scan
24Pleasant is the Sabbath bellLIGHTTextPage Scan
25Jesus, tender SaviourAFFECTIONTextPage Scan
26'Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaintsHOMETextPage Scan
27Oh, come, children, come to the Saviour to-dayWELCOMETextPage Scan
28By faith I view my Saviour dyingMERCY'S FREETextPage Scan
29I am wretched, poor, and needyREPENTANCETextPage Scan
30Come, let us raiseCOOPERTextPage Scan
31aA crown of glory brightREWARDTextPage Scan
31bIs this the kind returnEXPIATIONTextPage Scan
32aWhat is it shows my soul the wayPRECIOUS BIBLETextPage Scan
32bThere is an hour of peaceful restWOODLANDTextPage Scan
33Rock of Ages! cleft for me!ROCK OF AGESTextPage Scan
34I was once a thoughtless wandererREJOICINGTextPage Scan
35Love divine, all love excellingLOVE DIVINETextPage Scan
36The pearl which worldlings covetPEARLTextPage Scan
37aChildren of the heavenly KingKELLYTextPage Scan
37bMust Jesus bear the cross aloneCROSS AND CROWNTextPage Scan
38aHow happy are theyROWLEYTextPage Scan
38bNearer, my God, to theeBETHANYTextPage Scan
39Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgiveWINDHAMTextPage Scan
40My days are gliding swiftly byTHE SHINING SHORETextPage Scan
41aBegone, unbelief?LYONSTextPage Scan
41bA charge to keep I haveIOWATextPage Scan
42Out on an ocean all boundless we rideHOMEBOUND BOUNDTextPage Scan
43aI'm a pilgrim, and I'm a strangerPILGRIMTextPage Scan
43bO Jesus, delight of my soul HOWLANDTextPage Scan
44aHere o'er the earth as a stranger I roamNO REST HERETextPage Scan
44bBreast the wave, ChristianVICTORYTextPage Scan
45My faith looks up to theeNEW HAVENTextPage Scan
46Oh, do not be discouragedSUNDAY SCHOOL ARMYTextPage Scan
47Be kind to each otherBE KIND TO EACH OTHERTextPage Scan
48Little travelers Zionward LITTLE TRAVELERSTextPage Scan
49Let us love one another, not long may we stayLOVE ONE ANOTHERTextPage Scan
50How pleasant thus to dwell belowPARTING HYMNTextPage Scan
51Oh, there will be mourningJUDGMENTTextPage Scan
52Heavenly home! heavenly home! precious name to me!HEAVENLY HOMETextPage Scan
53Lo! on a narrow neck of landADVENTTextPage Scan
54aWhen o'er earth is breakingSUNSHINETextPage Scan
54bBrother, hast thou wander'd farPLEYELTextPage Scan
55Jesus, we love to meet EMILIETextPage Scan
56We are out on an ocean sailingHOME BEYOND THE TIDETextPage Scan
57I would not live alway; I ask not to stayFREDERICKTextPage Scan
58Around the throne of God in heavenCHILDREN IN HEAVENTextPage Scan
59Come, sing to me of heavenNO SORROW THERETextPage Scan
60Joyfully, joyfully onward we moveJOYFULLY! JOYFULLY!TextPage Scan
61In the Christian's home in gloryREST FOR THE WEARYTextPage Scan
62We're marching to the promised landMARCHING TO THE PROMISED LANDTextPage Scan
63aThere is a happy landHAPPY LANDTextPage Scan
63bTo-day the Saviour callsTHE SAVIOUR CALLSTextPage Scan
64Holy Bible, well I love theeHOLY BIBLETextPage Scan
65Beautiful Zion, built aboveBEAUTIFUL CITYTextPage Scan
66aTo our dear Sabbath-school there ought many to comeRECRUITING HYMNTextPage Scan
67I have a Father in the promised landPROMISED LANDTextPage Scan
68The Sunday school army has gather'd once moreMELVINTextPage Scan
69Joyful, joyful, joyful be our numbers!JOYFUL NUMBERSTextPage Scan
70Shout! shout! shout! GOOD TIDINGSTextPage Scan
71Come, little soldiers, join in our bandPILGRIM BANDTextPage Scan
72aHere we suffer grief and painHAPPY MEETINGTextPage Scan
72bWhen thou, my righteous Judge, shalt comeMERIBAHTextPage Scan
73Mary to the Saviour's tombMARTYNTextPage Scan
74There is no name so sweet on earthBEALETextPage Scan
75We're bound for the land of the pure and the holyEDENTextPage Scan
76Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore theeSCOTLANDTextPage Scan
77Preserved by thine almighty powerHAPPY DAYTextPage Scan
78aCome, children, let us sweetly sing[Come, children, let us sweetly sing]TextPage Scan
78bRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsAMSTERDAMTextPage Scan
79Praise we Him by whose kind favorNETTLETONTextPage Scan
80When shall we meet again? UNITYTextPage Scan
81Oh, we love to come to our Sabbath homeSABBATH HOMETextPage Scan
82Be kind to thy father; for when thou wast youngBE KIND TO THY FATHERTextPage Scan
83Here we meet to part againNO PARTING THERETextPage Scan
84aCome, children, come!COME, CHILDREN, COMETextPage Scan
84bCome hither, all ye weary soulsHEBRONTextPage Scan
85Hark! a voice! a heavenly voiceENTREATYTextPage Scan
86Kind words can never dieKIND WORDSTextPage Scan
87aSing, my soul, His wondrous loveMIRIAMTextPage Scan
87bCome to Jesus, little oneSUBMISSIONTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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