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Alfred R. Gaul

1837 - 1913 Person Name: A. R. Gaul, Mus. Bac. Composer of "FILIUS DEI" in The Sunday School Hymnary

Reginald Heber

1783 - 1826 Author of "The Son of God goes forth to war" in The Sunday School Hymnary Reginald Heber was born in 1783 into a wealthy, educated family. He was a bright youth, translating a Latin classic into English verse by the time he was seven, entering Oxford at 17, and winning two awards for his poetry during his time there. After his graduation he became rector of his father's church in the village of Hodnet near Shrewsbury in the west of England where he remained for 16 years. He was appointed Bishop of Calcutta in 1823 and worked tirelessly for three years until the weather and travel took its toll on his health and he died of a stroke. Most of his 57 hymns, which include "Holy, Holy, Holy," are still in use today. -- Greg Scheer, 1995 ==================== Heber, Reginald, D.D. Born at Malpas, April 21, 1783, educated at Brasenose College, Oxford; Vicar of Hodnet, 1807; Bishop of Calcutta, 1823; died at Trichinopoly, India, April 3, 1826. The gift of versification shewed itself in Heber's childhood; and his Newdigate prize poem Palestine, which was read to Scott at breakfast in his rooms at Brazenose, Oxford, and owed one of its most striking passages to Scott's suggestion, is almost the only prize poem that has won a permanent place in poetical literature. His sixteen years at Hodnet, where he held a halfway position between a parson and a squire, were marked not only by his devoted care of his people, as a parish priest, but by literary work. He was the friend of Milman, Gifford, Southey, and others, in the world of letters, endeared to them by his candour, gentleness, "salient playfulness," as well as learning and culture. He was on the original staff of The Quarterly Review; Bampton Lecturer (1815); and Preacher at Lincoln's Inn (1822). His edition of Jeremy Taylor is still the classic edition. During this portion of his life he had often had a lurking fondness for India, had traced on the map Indian journeys, and had been tempted to wish himself Bishop of Calcutta. When he was forty years old the literary life was closed by his call to the Episcopate. No memory of Indian annals is holier than that of the three years of ceaseless travel, splendid administration, and saintly enthusiasm, of his tenure of the see of Calcutta. He ordained the first Christian native—Christian David. His first visitation ranged through Bengal, Bombay, and Ceylon; and at Delhi and Lucknow he was prostrated with fever. His second visitation took him through the scenes of Schwartz's labours in Madras Presidency to Trichinopoly, where on April 3,1826, he confirmed forty-two persons, and he was deeply moved by the impression of the struggling mission, so much so that “he showed no appearance of bodily exhaus¬tion." On his return from the service ”He retired into his own room, and according to his invariable custom, wrote on the back of the address on Confirmation 'Trichinopoly, April 3, 1826.' This was his last act, for immediately on taking off his clothes, he went into a large cold bath, where he had bathed the two preceding mornings, but which was now the destined agent of his removal to Paradise. Half an hour after, his servant, alarmed at his long absence, entered the room and found him a lifeless corpse." Life, &c, 1830, vol. ii. p. 437. Heber's hymns were all written during the Hodnet period. Even the great missionary hymn, "From Greenland's icy mountains," notwithstanding the Indian allusions ("India's coral strand," "Ceylon's isle"), was written before he received the offer of Calcutta. The touching funeral hymn, "Thou art gone to the grave," was written on the loss of his first babe, which was a deep grief to him. Some of the hymns were published (1811-16) in the Christian Observer, the rest were not published till after his death. They formed part of a ms. collection made for Hodnet (but not published), which contained, besides a few hymns from older and special sources, contributions by Milman. The first idea of the collection appears in a letter in 1809 asking for a copy of the Olney Hymns, which he "admired very much." The plan was to compose hymns connected with the Epistles and Gospels, to be sung after the Nicene Creed. He was the first to publish sermons on the Sunday services (1822), and a writer in The Guardian has pointed out that these efforts of Heber were the germs of the now familiar practice, developed through the Christian Year (perhaps following Ken's Hymns on the Festivals), and by Augustus Hare, of welding together sermon, hymnal, and liturgy. Heber tried to obtain from Archbishop Manners Sutton and the Bishop of London (1820) authorization of his ms. collection of hymns by the Church, enlarging on the "powerful engine" which hymns were among Dissenters, and the irregular use of them in the church, which it was impossible to suppress, and better to regulate. The authorization was not granted. The lyric spirit of Scott and Byron passed into our hymns in Heber's verse; imparting a fuller rhythm to the older measures, as illustrated by "Oh, Saviour, is Thy promise fled," or the martial hymn, "The Son of God goes forth to war;" pressing into sacred service the freer rhythms of contemporary poetry (e.g. "Brightest and best of the sons of the morning"; "God that madest earth and heaven"); and aiming at consistent grace of literary expression.. Their beauties and faults spring from this modern spirit. They have not the scriptural strength of our best early hymns, nor the dogmatic force of the best Latin ones. They are too flowing and florid, and the conditions of hymn composition are not sufficiently understood. But as pure and graceful devotional poetry, always true and reverent, they are an unfailing pleasure. The finest of them is that majestic anthem, founded on the rhythm of the English Bible, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty." The greatest evidence of Heber's popularity as a hymnwriter, and his refined taste as a compiler, is found in the fact that the total contents of his ms. collection which were given in his posthumous Hymns written and adapted to the Weekly Church Service of the Year. London, J. Murray, 1827; which included 57 hymns by Heber, 12 by Milman, and 29 by other writers, are in common in Great Britain and America at the present time. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] Of Bishop Heber's hymns, about one half are annotated under their respective first lines. Those given below were published in Heber's posthumous Hymns, &c, 1827. Some of them are in extensive use in Great Britain and America; but as they possess no special histories they are grouped together as from the Hymns, &c, 1827:— 1. Beneath our feet, and o'er our head. Burial. 2. Creator of the rolling flood. St. Peter's Day, or, Gospel for 6th Sunday after Trinity. 3. Lo, the lilies of the field. Teachings of Nature: or, Gospel for 15th Sunday after Trinity. 4. 0 God, by Whom the seed is given. Sexagesima. 6. 0 God, my sins are manifold. Forgiveness, or, Gospel for 22nd S. after Trinity. 6. 0 hand of bounty, largely spread. Water into Wine, or, Gospel for 2nd S. after Epiphany. 7. 0 King of earth, and air, and sea. Feeding the Multitude; or, Gospel for 4th S. in Lent. 8. 0 more than merciful, Whose bounty gave. Good Friday. 9. 0 most merciful! 0 most bountiful. Introit Holy Communion. 10. 0 Thou, Whom neither time nor space. God unsearchable, or, Gospel for 5th Sunday in Lent. 11. 0 weep not o'er thy children's tomb. Innocents Day. 12. Room for the proud! Ye sons of clay. Dives and Lazarus, or, Gospel for 1st Sunday after Trinity. 13. Sit thou on my right hand, my Son, saith the Lord. Ascension. 14. Spirit of truth, on this thy day. Whit-Sunday. 15. The feeble pulse, the gasping breath. Burial, or, Gospel for 1st S. after Trinity. 16. The God of glory walks His round. Septuagesima, or, the Labourers in the Marketplace. 17. The sound of war in earth and air. Wrestling against Principalities and Powers, or, Epistle for 2lst Sunday after Trinity. 18. The world is grown old, her pleasures are past. Advent; or, Epistle for 4th Sunday in Advent. 19. There was joy in heaven. The Lost Sheep; or, Gospel for 3rd S. after Trinity. 20. Though sorrows rise and dangers roll. St. James's Day. 21. To conquer and to save, the Son of God. Christ the Conqueror. 22. Virgin-born, we bow before Thee. The Virgin Mary. Blessed amongst women, or, Gospel for 3rd S. in Lent. 23. Wake not, 0 mother, sounds of lamentation. Raising the Widow's Son, or, Gospel for 16th S. after Trinity. 24. When on her Maker's bosom. Holy Matrimony, or, Gospel for 2nd S. after Epiphany. 25. When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming. Stilling the Sea, or, Gospel for 4th Sunday after Epiphany. 26. Who yonder on the desert heath. The Good Samaritan, or, Gospel for 13th Sunday after Trinity. This list is a good index of the subjects treated of in those of Heber's hymns which are given under their first lines, and shows that he used the Gospels far more than the Epistles in his work. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

E. H. Plumptre

1821 - 1891 Person Name: Edward H. Plumptre Author of "Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old" in Hymns of the Kingdom of God Edward H. Plumptre (b. London, England, August 6, 1821; d. Wells, England, February 1, 1891) was an eminent classical and biblical scholar who gained prominence in both church and university. Educated at King's College, London, and University College, Oxford, he was ordained in the Church of England in 1846. Plumptre served as a preacher at Oxford and a professor of pastoral theology at King's College, and held a number of other prestigious positions. His writings include A Life of Bishop Ken (1888), translations from Greek and Latin classics, and poetry and hymns. Plumptre was also a member of the committee that produced the Revised Version of the Bible. Bert Polman ==================== Plumptre, Edward Hayes, D.D., son of Mr. E. H. Plumptre, was born in London, Aug. 6, 1821, and educated at King's College, London, and University College, Oxford, graduating as a double first in 1844. He was for some time Fellow of Brasenose. On taking Holy Orders in 1846 he rapidly attained to a foremost position as a Theologian and Preacher. His appointments have been important and influential, and include that of Assistant Preacher at Lincoln's Inn; Select Preacher at Oxford; Professor of Pastoral Theology at King's College, London; Dean of Queen's, Oxford; Prebendary in St. Paul's Cathedral, London; Professor of Exegesis of the New Testament in King's College, London; Boyle Lecturer; Grinfield Lecturer on the Septuagint, Oxford; Examiner in the Theological schools at Oxford; Member of the Old Testament Company for the Revision of the A.V. of the Holy Scriptures; Rector of Pluckley, 1869; Vicar of Bickley, Kent, 1873; and Dean of Wells, 1881. Dean Plumptre's literary productions have been very numerous and important, and embrace the classics, history, divinity, biblical criticism, biography, and poetry. The list as set forth in Crockford's Clerical Directory is very extensive. His poetical works include Lazarus, and Other Poems, 1864; Master and Scholar, 1866; Things New and Old, 1884; and translations of Sophocles, Æschylus, and Dante. As a writer of sacred poetry he ranks very high. His hymns are elegant in style, fervent in spirit, and broad in treatment. The subjects chosen are mainly those associated with the revived Church life of the present day, from the Processional at a Choral Festival to hospital work and the spiritual life in schools and colleges. The rhythm of his verse has a special attraction for musicians, its poetry for the cultured, and its stately simplicity for the devout and earnest-minded. The two which have attained to the most extensive use in Great Britain and America are: Rejoice, ye pure in heart," and "Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old." His translations from the Latin, many of which were made for the Hymnary, 1871 and 1872, are very good and musical, but they have not been used in any way in proportion to their merits. His original hymns in common use include:— 1. Behold they gain the lonely height. The Transfiguration. Written for and first published in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871. 2. For all Thy countless bounties. National Hymns. Written for the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, 1887, and set to music by C. W. Lavington. It was printed, together with the National Anthem adapted for the Jubilee, in Good Words, 1887. 3. Lo, summer comes again! Harvest. Written in 1871 for use at the Harvest Festival in Pluckley Church, Kent, of which the author was then rector, and published in the same year in the Hymnary, No. 466. 4. March, march, onward soldiers true. Processional at Choral Festivals. Written in 1867 for the tune of Costa's March of the Israelites in the Oratorio of Eli, at the request of the Rev. Henry White, Chaplain of the Savoy, and first used in that Chapel. It was subsequently published in the Savoy Hymnary, N.D. [1870], in 4 stanzas of 4 lines; in a Choral Festival book at Peterborough, and in the S. P. C. K. Church Hymns, 1871. 5. 0 Light, Whose beams illumine all. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Written in May 1864, and published in his Lazarus, and Other Poems, 1864, as one of five Hymns for School and College. It passed into the 1868 Appendix to Hymns Ancient & Modern, and again into other collections. 6. 0 Lord of hosts, all heaven possessing. For School or College. Written in May, 1864, and published in his Lazarus and other Poems, 1864, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines. 7. 0 praise the Lord our God. Processional Thanksgiving Hymn. Written May 1864, and published in his Lazarus, and other Poems, 1864, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. It is a most suitable hymn for Sunday school gatherings. 8. Rejoice, ye pure in heart. Processional at Choral Festival. Written in May 1865, for the Peterborough Choral Festival of that year, and first used in Peterborough Cathedral. In the same year it was published with special music by Novello & Co; and again (without music) in the 2nd edition of Lazarus, and Other Poems, 1865. It was included in the 1868 Appendix to Hymns Ancient & Modern with the change in stanza i., line 3, of "Your orient banner wave on high," to "Your festal banner wave on high." It is more widely used than any other of the author's hymns. Authorized text in Hymns Ancient & Modern. 9. Thine arm, 0 Lord, in days of old. Hospitals. Written in 1864 for use in King's College Hospital, London, and first printed on a fly-sheet as "A Hymn used in the Chapel of King's College Hospital." It was included in the 2nd edition of Lazarus, and Other Poems, 1865; in the 1868 Appendix to Hymns Ancient & Modern; the S. P. C. K. Church Hymns, 1871; Thring's Collection, 1882; and many others. 10. Thy hand, 0 God, has guided. Church Defence. Included in the 1889 Supplemental Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern The closing line of each stanza, "One Church, one Faith, one Lord," comes in with fine effect. Dean Plumptre's Life of Bishop Ken, 1888, is an exhaustive and excellent work. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =============== Plumptre, E. H., p. 897, i. Died at the Deanery, Wells, Feb. 1, 1891. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Thomas T. Lynch

1818 - 1871 Author of "O where is he that trod the sea" in The Hymnal of Praise Lynch, Thomas Toke, was born at Dunmow, Essex, July 5, 1818, and educated at a school at Islington, in which he was afterwards an usher. For a few months he was a student at the Highbury Independent College; but withdrew, partly on account of failing health, and partly because his spirit was too free to submit to the routine of College life. From 1847 to 1849 he was Minister of a small charge at Highgate, and from 1849 to 1852 of a congregation in Mortimer Street, which subsequently migrated to Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square. From 1856 to 1859 he was laid aside by illness. In 1860 he resumed his ministry with his old congregation, in a room in Gower Street, where he remained until the opening of his new place of worship, in 1862, (Mornington Church), in Hampstead Road, London. He ministered there till his death, on the 9th of May, 1871. The influence of Lynch's ministry was great, and reached far beyond his own congregation (which was never large), since it included many students from the Theological Colleges of London, and thoughtful men from other churches, who were attracted to him by the freshness and spirituality of his preaching. His prose works were numerous, beginning with Thoughts on a Day, 1844, and concluding with The Mornington Lecture, 1870. Several of his works were published after his death. His Memoir, by W. White, was published in 1874. Lynch's hymns were published in:— The Rivulet: a Contribution to Sacred Song, London., Longman, 1855, 2nd ed., 1856. This was enlarged by an addition of 67 hymns in 1868. From the first edition of The Rivulet, 1855, the following hymns have come into common use:— 1. All faded is the glowing light. Second Advent. 2. Be Thy word with power fraught. Before Sermon. 3. Christ in His word draws near. Holy Scripture. 4. Dismiss me not Thy service, Lord. Work for Christ. 5. Gracious Spirit, dwell with me. Holy Spirit's presence desired. 6. How calmly the evening once more is descending. Evening. Sometimes "How calmly once more the night is descending." 7. I give myself to prayer. Prayer in Trouble. 8. Lord, on Thy returning day. Public Worship. 9. Lord, when in silent hours I muse. Resignation. 10. Love me, O Lord, forgivingly. Resignation. 11. Mountains by the darkness hidden. Resignation. 12. Now have we met that we may ask. Public Worship. 13. O, break my heart; but break it as a field. Penitence desired. 14. O Lord, Thou art not fickle. Sympathy. 15. O where is He that trod the sea. Christ Walking on the Sea. 16. Oft when of God we ask. Trust in Trial. 17. Rise, He calleth thee, arise. Blind Bartimaeus. 18. Say not, my soul, from whence. Resignation. 19. Where is thy God, my soul? Resignation and Hope. There are also from the 1856 and 1868 eds. the following:— 20. A thousand years have come and gone. Christmas. 21. Lift up your heads, rejoice; (1856.) Advent. 22. Praying by the river side. Holy Baptism. 23. The Lord is rich and merciful. Have Faith in God. 24. There is purpose in this waste. Easter. Lynch's hymns are marked by intense individuality, gracefulness and felicity of diction, picturesqueness, spiritual freshness, and the sadness of a powerful soul struggling with a weak and emaciated body. Although The Rivulet was published for use by his own congregation as a supplement to Watts, more than one half of the hymns were designed for private use only, but were not so distinguished in the work. Its publication caused one of the most bitter hymnological controversies known in the annals of modern Congregationalism. Time, however, and a criticism, broader and more just, have declared emphatically in favour of his hymns as valuable contributions to cultured sacred song. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Lynch, T. T., p. 705, ii. Other hymns by him in recent books are:— 1. My faith it is an oaken staff. Faith in Christ. In the Rivulet, 1855, p. 78. 2. Together for our country now we pray. National, In the Rivulet, 1868, p. 170. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

S. J. Stone

1839 - 1900 Person Name: Samuel J. Stone Author of "The old year's long campaign is o'er" in The American Hymnal for Chapel Service Stone, Samuel John, a clergyman of the Church of England, the son of Rev. William Stone, was born at Whitmore, Staffordshire, April 25, 1839. He was educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, where he was graduated B.A. in 1862. Later he took orders and served various Churches. He succeeded his father at St. Paul's, Haggerstown, in 1874. He was the author of many original hymns and translations, which were collected and published in 1886. His hymns are hopeful in spirit and skillfully constructed. He published several poetic volumes. He died November 19, 1900 --Hymn Writers of the Church, 1915 (Charles Nutter) ============================ Stone, Samuel John, M.A., son of the Rev. William Stone, M.A., was born at Whitmore, Staffordshire, April 25, 1839, and educated at the Charterhouse; and at Pembroke College, Oxford, B.A. 1862; and M.A. 1872. On taking Holy Orders he became Curate of Windsor in 1862, and of St. Paul's, Haggerston, 1870. In 1874 he succeeded his father, at St. Paul's, Haggerston. Mr. Stone's poetical works are (1) Lyra Fidelium, 1866; (2) The Knight of Intercession and Other Poems, 1872, 6th edition, 1887; (3) Sonnets of the Christian Year, first printed in the Leisure Hour, and then published by the R. T. Society, 1875; (4) Hymns, a collection of his original pieces and translations, 1886. He has also published Order of The Consecutive Church Service for Children, with Original Hymns, 1883. Mr. Stone's hymns, most of which are in common use, and several of which have a wide popularity, include:— 1. A sower went to sow his seed. The Sower. In his Hymns, 1886, the author says this hymn was ”Written specially in allusion to the sixteen years' work of the first Vicar [his Father] of St. Paul's, Haggerston, to whom the Parish was given in 1858, without Church, or School, or "Vicarage, or Endowment." 2. Bear the troubles of thy life. Patience. A translation of Thomas a Kempis's “Ad versa mundi tolera" (p. 23, ii.) made for the Rev. S. Kettlewell's Thomas á Kempis, 1882. 3. By Paul at war in Gentile lands. St. Mark. Written at Windsor in 1870, and published in his Knight of Intercession, 1872. 4. By Shepherds first was heard. Carol. Written in 1885, and published in the Parochial Magazine, 1885. 5. By Thy love which shone for aye. Litany of the Love of God. Written at Haggerston in 1883, and printed in the Monthly Packet, 1884. 6. Christ the Wisdom and the Power. For Church Workers. Written for the Church Society of St. Paul's, Haggerston in 1812, and published in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 7. Dark is the sky that overhangs my soul. Sorrow succeeded by Joy. Written at Windsor in 1869 for the Monthly Packet, and printed therein 1869. Published in The Knight of Intercession, 1872, under the title of "Light at Eventide." 8. Deeply dark and deeply still. The Transfiguration. Written in 1871 and published in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 9. Eastward, ever eastward. Processional for Sunday Morning. Written at Haggerston in 1876, and published in the Monthly Packet, 1884. 10. Faith, who sees beyond the portal. Faith, Hope, and Charity. Written at Windsor in 1869, and published in the Monthly Packet, 1869, and The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 11. Far off our brethren's voices. Missions. Written for the First Day of Intercession for Foreign Missions, 1871, and published in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. "For Colonial Missions." 12. Give the word, Eternal King. Missions. Written for the First Day of Intercession for Foreign Missions, 1871. 13. Glory in heaven to God. Christmas Carol. Written in 1882 for G. H. Leslie's Cantata The First Christmas Morn, 1882. 14. God the Father, All, and One. For Unity. Written in 1883 for Canon G. Venables's Service for Unity, and appeared in the Monthly Packet, 1884. 15. God the Father's Only Son. Offices of Christ. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Article ii.of the Apostles' Creed, "And in Jesus Christ His Only Son our Lord." 16. God the Spirit, we adore Thee. The Holy Ghost. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, or) Article viii. of the Apostles' Creed, "I believe in the Holy Ghost." 17. Great Captain of God's armies. For Purity. Written in 1884 for the Church of England Purity Society, and printed in Church Bells, April 10, 1885. 18. Homeward we pass in peace. Close of Divine Service. Written in 1884 at Haggerston; and included in the author's Hymns, 1886, as a "Hymn after Benediction." 19. How can we praise Thee, Father? For the Fatherless. Written by request for "The Church of England Central Home for Waifs and Strays," 1882, and printed in the Monthly Packet, 1884. 20. Is there no hope for those who lie? Missions. Written in 1870 for the Monthly Packet; and also included in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 21. Jesu, to my heart most precious. Jesus, All in All. A translation of Thomas á Kempis's "De dulcedine Jesu," made for the Rev. S. Kettlewell's Thomas á Kempis, 1882. 22. Lo! They were, and they are, and shall be. St. Michael and All Angels. Written in 1875 for The Scottish Guardian, in which it was given in 1875. 23. Lord Christ, my Master dear. For Church Workers. Written for the Sunday School Teachers of St. Paul's, Haggerston, 1885, and given in his Hymns, 1886. 24. Lord of the harvest, it is right and meet. Missions, Thanksgiving. Written for the Second Day of Intercession for Foreign Missions, 1871, and published in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. In the 1889 Appendix to Hymns Ancient & Modern it is somewhat altered. 25. Most true, most High; O Trinity. Holy Trinity. A translation of Thomas á Kempis's "O vera summa Trinitas" made for the Rev. S. Kettlewell's Thomas á Kempis, 1882. 26. My Saviour! I behold Thy life. Passiontide. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Article iv. of the Apostles' Creed, "Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was Crucified, Dead, and Buried." 27. Need hath the golden city none. Evening. Written at Windsor in 1869, and was published in the Monthly Packet in 1870. Also in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 28. None else but Thee for evermore. God the Father. The opening hymn of his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Article i. of the Apostles' Creed, "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth." 29. 0 joy, the purest, noblest. Evening. A translation in two parts of Thomas á Kempis's "O qualis quantaque laetitia" made for the Rev. S. Kettlewell's Thomas á Kempis, 1882. Pt. ii. begins "State of divinest splendour!" 30. 0 Thou by Whom the saints abide. Litany of the Holy Spirit. Written for a Confirmation at Haggerston, 1875, and included in the 3rd edition of The Knight of Intercession, 1875. 31. 0 Thou Whose love paternal. Holy Matrimony. Written at Windsor in 1863. 32. On Olivet a little band. Ascension. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Article vi. of the Apostles’ Creed, “He ascended into Heaven," &c. 33. Peace: legacy of mystic power. Peace . Written in 1882 for The Society of St. Katharine for Invalids, and published in the Monthly Packet, 1884. 34. Remember Me, show forth My death. Holy Communion. Written at Windsor for the Monthly Packet, in 1870; and included in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 35. The Son forsook the Father's home. Christmas. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Art. iii. of the Apostles' Creed, “Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary." 36. The old year's long campaign is o'er. The New Year. Written at Windsor in 1868, and published in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 37. The whole creation groans and cries. Travail of the Creation. Written at Windsor for the Monthly Packet, 1869, and included in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 38. The world is sad with hopes that die. Everlasting Life. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Art. xii. of the Apostles' Creed, "The Life Everlasting." 39. Their names are names of Kings. Saints Days. Written at Windsor for the Monthly Packet in 1869, and included in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 40. There is an ancient river. The Spiritual River. Written at Windsor for the Monthly Packet, in 1870; and given in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. 41. Thou Who hast charged Thine elder sons. For School Teachers. Written in 1881 for St. Katharine's Training College for Mistresses; and subsequently adapted for use by teachers of both sexes. 42. Thou Who didst love us when our woes began. Temperance. Written for the Church of England Temperance Society Magazine, 1866. 43. Through midnight gloom from Macedon. Missions. Written for the First Day of Intercession for Foreign Missions, 1871. 44. Unchanging God, hear from eternal heaven. On behalf of the Jews. Written for the East London Mission to the Jews, 1885. It is included in an abridged form in the 1889 Appendix to Hymns Ancient & Modern. 45. While the Shepherds kept their vigil. Christmas Carol. Written at Windsor in 1868. 46. Winter in his heart of gloom. The Resurrection of the Body. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Article xi. of the Apostles' Creed, "The Resurrection of the Body." 47. Wistful are our waiting eyes. The Judgment. Published in his Lyra Fidelium, 1866, on Art. vii. of the Apostles' Creed, "From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead." 48. Ye faithful few of Israel's captive days. Holy Scriptures. Written at Windsor for the Monthly Packet, in 1869. Some of Mr. Stone's finer hymns, including "Round the Sacred City gather;" "The Church's One Foundation;" "Weary of earth and laden with my sin," and others, are annotated under their respective first lines. These, together with the 48 above, are given in his Hymns, 1886, some of the translations being recast. Additional translations from Thomas á Kempis are also noted under his name. Another hymn, inseparably associated with Mr. Stone's name is:— 49. Lord of our Soul's salvation. National Thanksgiving. This was ordered by command of Her Majesty the Queen to be sung at the Thanksgiving for the recovery of H. R. H. The Prince of Wales, on Feb. 27, 1872. In its original form it was in 7 stanzas of 8 lines, and was thus sung throughout the country. Owing however to the necessary restrictions as to time in the Cathedral service, a selection of four verses only--the First, a combination of the 2nd and 4th, the 6th, and the 7th--was adapted by the author for use in St. Paul's." The full text was included in The Knight of Intercession, 1872. Mr. Stone's hymns vary considerably in metre and subject, and thus present a pleasing variety not always found in the compositions of popular hymnwriters. His best hymns are well designed and clearly expressed. The tone is essentially dogmatic and hopeful. The absence of rich poetic thought and graceful fancy is more than atoned for by a masterly condensation of Scripture facts and of Church teaching given tersely and with great vigour. His changes and antitheses are frequently abrupt, in many instances too much so for congregational purposes, and his vocabulary is somewhat limited. His rhythm, except where broken either by long or by compound words, is rarely at fault, and his rhyme is usually perfect. A few of his hymns are plaintive and pathetic, as the tender "Weary of earth and laden with my sin;" others are richly musical, as "Lord of the harvest! it is right and meet:" but the greater part are strongly outspoken utterances of a manly faith, where dogma, prayer, and praise are interwoven with much skill. Usually the keynote of his song is Hope. He died Nov. 19, 1900. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Stone, S. J. , p. 1095, i. Of his hymns noted there the following appeared in Mission Life, 1872, vol. iii., pt. ii., pp. 685-88. No. 11, "Far off our brethren's voices," for Church Missionary Hymn Book, Colonial Missions, and No. 12, "Give the word, Eternal King," and No. 43, "Through midnight gloom from Macedon," for "Foreign Missions." In addition the following are also in common use:— 1. Awake, 0 Lord, the zeal of those who stand. Intercession for the Clergy. In the Church Missionary Hymn Book, 1899. 2. England, by thine own Saint Alban. St. Alban. In C. W. A. Brooke's Additional Hymns, 1903. 3. Our God of love Who reigns above. For Children. Appeared in the Church Monthly, July 1899, and Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1904. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Thomas H. Gill

1819 - 1906 Person Name: T. H. Gill Author of "Our God! our God! Thou shinest here" in The Sunday School Hymnary Gill, Thomas Hornblower, was born at Bristol Road, Birmingham, Feb. 10th, 1819. His parents belonged to English Presbyterian families which, like many others, had become Unitarian in their doctrine. He was educated at King Edward's Grammar School under Dr. Jeune, afterwards Bishop of Peterborough. He left the school in 1838, and would have proceeded to the University of Oxford, but was prevented by his hereditary Unitarianism (long since given up), which forbade subscription to the Articles of the Church of England then necessary for entrance to the University. This constrained him to lead the life of an isolated student, in which he gave himself chiefly to historical and theological subjects. Hence his life has been singularly devoid of outward incident; and its interest gathers about his hymns, and the seasons of overmastering thought and feeling which gave them birth. The only events that can be chronicled are the publications of his books (see below). It is in the singular combination of influences which has formed his character and determined his thinking that the real interest of his life consists. Here is to be found the true key to the understanding of his hymns. To his Puritan ancestry may be traced their deep religiousness; to his Unitarian training their ethical earnestness; and to his poetical temperament their freeness from conventionality. Delight in the divine songs of Watts was his earliest intellectual enjoyment; and in after years the contrast between their native force and fulness and their dwindled presentation in Unitarian hymnbooks began that estrangement from his hereditary faith which gradually became complete. These various influences mingled in his own hymns and have conspired to render him what Dr. Freeman Clarke calls him, "a more intellectual Charles Wesley." He belongs to the small company of really original hymnists. His hymns are marked by a remarkable absence of, and even opposition to, all antiquarian and sacerdotal ideas of Christianity, a keen discernment of the spirit rather than the mere letter of the Gospel; and profound thought on Scripture themes, so that some of his hymns are too subtle for use in the ordinary worship of the Church. Their style is characterized by a certain quaintness of expression reminding one of George Wither or John Mason, but modified by the influence of Watts's warmth of feeling. They have great sweetness of melody, purity of diction, and happy adaptation of metre and of style to the subject of each hymn. They are almost exclusively used by Nonconformists. Dale's English Hymnbook contains 39; the Baptist Hymnal, 19; Horder's Congregational Hymns, 11; Martineau's Hymns of Praise & Prayer, 11; and the Congregational Church Hymnal, 14. The following are Mr. Gill's published works:— (1) The Fortunes of Faith, 1841; (2) The Anniversaries (Poems in commemoration of great Men and great Events), 1858; (3) The Papal Drama (an historical essay), 1866; (4) The Golden Chain of Praise Hymns by Thomas H. Gill, 1869; (5) Luther's Birthday (Hymns), 1883; (6) The Triumph of Christ (Memorials of Franklin Howard), 1883. Mr. Gill's hymns number nearly 200. Of these, over 80 are in common use in Great Britain and America. The most widely used of these:— "Everlasting, changing never"; "O mean may seem this house of clay"; "O wherefore, Lord, doth Thy dear praise"; “Our God, our God, Thou shinest here"; "The glory of the spring, how sweet"; and "Thou biddest, Lord, Thy sons be bold"; are annotated under their respective first lines, the rest are noted below. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] The 75 hymns which follow are all annotated from the author's manuscript notes, kindly supplied for use in this work:— 1. Ah tremblers, fainting and forlorn. Eternal Youth. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 149, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In 1873 Martineau gave stanzas iv.-ix. in his Hymns, &c, No. 256, as, "Young souls, so strong the race to run." These were repeated in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, as No. 862. 2. Alas the outer emptiness. Consecration of the Heart. Contributed to G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 121, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It was introduced to the American Unitarian collections through Hedge & Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, 1853, No. 619. 3. Alas these pilgrims faint and worn. Whitsuntide. Written in 1853, and first published in his Anniversaries, 1858, p. 73, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, then in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1862, the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 107, &c. 4. Alone with Thee, with Thee alone. Worship in Solitude. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain , &c, 1869, p. 26, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 5. And didst thou, Lord, our sorrows take? Passiontide. Written in 1849, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 45, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several English collections. 6. Behold the everlasting Son. Ascension. Written in 1862, and first printed in the Hagley Magazine, and then in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1862, and the Golden Chain, 1869, p. 47, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 7. Break, newborn year, on glad eyes break. New Year. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 144, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is one of the most popular of the author's hymns, and is found in many collections. 8. Bright Presence! may my soul have part. Witness of the Spirit. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 100, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines. It is repeated in The Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. 9. Bright Thy presence when it breaketh. Public Worship. Written in 1856, and first publised in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 27, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. In the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and in Dale's English Hymnbook it is in an abridged form. 10. Day divine! when sudden streaming. Whit-Sunday. Written on Whit-Sunday, 1850, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1859, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 97, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. In some American collections, as the Dutch Reformed Hymns of the Church, 1869, it is given as "Day divine, when in the temple." 11. Dear Lord and Master mine. Resignation. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 162, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in somewhat extensive use both in Great Britain and America. 12. Dear Lord, Thou art not sorry. Passiontide. Written in 1866, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 58, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. 13. Dear Lord, Thy light Thou dost not hide . Christian Labours . No. 125 in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, p. 178, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines on the text, "Let your light so shine before men," &c, and was written in 1855. 14. Do we only give Thee heed . Jesus the Gladdener of Life. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, No. 145, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. In use in Great Britain and America. 15. Embrace your full Salvation. Heaven. Written in 1870, and first printed in The Congregationalist, 1873, in 9 stanzas of 8 lines. On including it in his English Hymnbook, 1874, Dr. Dale transposed some of the stanzas. 16. Farewell, delightful day. Sunday Evening . Written in 1867, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 19, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Church Praise Book, N. Y., 1882, st. i., viii., ix., are given with the alteration of the opening line as, "Holy, delightful day." Dr. Hatfield, in his Church Hymnbook, N. Y., 1872, has the same opening, but he omits stanzas iv.-vi. of the original. 17. Father, glorious with all splendour. Holy Trinity. This hymn of great merit was written in 1860, and published in the Golden Chain, &c, in 1869, No. 4, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In some American collections, including Hymns & Songs of Praise, N. Y., 1874, No. 17, stanzas iv., vi., vii., are given as "Father, Thine elect who lovest." 18. Father, hast Thou not on me. Eternal Love . A Trinitarian hymn on eternal love, composed in 1867, and published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 139, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. In 1869, stanzas v.-vii. were given in the Supplement to the New Congregational Hymn Book, as "Mighty Quickener, Spirit blest." 19. Full many a smile, full many a song. Joy in God the Father. Written in 1854, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 8, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, No. 21, st. ii., which applied personally to the author alone, was omitted. 20. How can I, Lord, abide with Thee? Prayer. “Produced in 1856. Struck with the didactic character of Cowper's and Montgomery's hymns, ‘What various hindrances we meet,’ and ‘Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,’ I greatly wished to set forth the soul's view of prayer, simply, naturally, poetically, and achieved this hymn with much aspiration and satisfaction." Printed in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 119, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "Pray without ceasing." 21. How, Lord, shall vows of ours be sweet? Public Worship. The author's earliest hymn. It was written in 1845, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 114, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 2. It is in several American hymnbooks. 22. Is earth too fair, is youth too bright? Consecration of Youth to God. Written in 1848, and first pub. in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 102, in 13 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "The Hymn of Youth." 23. Is not my spirit filled with Thine. God glorious in His works. "Written in the summer of 1846 among the hills and streams of Derbyshire," and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 15, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "God glorious in His works." 24. Let bolder hearts the strife require. Prayer against Temptation. No. 218 in Martineau's Hymns of Praise and Prayer, 1873. It was written in 1851, and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 25. Lift thy song among the nations. National Hymn. Written in 1853, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. When repeated in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 62, an additional stanza (iii.) was given, and it was entitled "England's Hymn." It is a spirited hymn and worthy of greater circulation than it now has. The 1869 text is given in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, No. 1239. 26. Lord, am I precious in Thy sight. Grieve not the Holy Spirit. Composed in 1850, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853. In 1869 it was included in the Golden Chain , &c, No. 70, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common in America. A cento is also in the Supplement to the New Congregational, 1869, No. 1095. It is composed of stanzas iii., v., vi. much altered, and not improved, and begins, "O Holy Spirit, dost thou mourn?" 27. Lord, comes this bidding strange to us ? Invitation to Rejoice. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 144, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. 28. Lord, dost Thou ne'er Thy servants bless? Free Grace. Written in 1855, on the words of Oliver Cromwell as used by him in a letter to his "beloved cousin Mrs. St. John," dated "Ely, 13th October, 1638. "Truly no poor creature hath more cause to put him self forth in the cause of his God than I. I have had plentiful wages beforehand; and I am sure I shall never earn the least mite." (Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, &c, Letter ii.) The hymn was first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 29. Lord, from Thee, what grace and glory. National Hymn. This cento in Vince's Collection, 1870, No. 450, is from the poem, on St. George's Day, written in 1853, and published in the author'sAnniversaries, 1858, p. 47. 30. Lord, from these trembling souls of ours. Praise. Composed in 1859, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 3, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 31. Lord God, by Whom all change is wrought. God Eternal. Written in 1869, the keynote being the words of St. Augustine, "Immutabilis mutans omnia," and first printed in the Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. In 1874 it was included in Dale's English Hymn Book; and, in 4 stanzas, in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879. 32. Lord God of old, who wentest. Public Worship. Composed in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 30, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. 33. Lord, if our dwelling place thou art Communion of Saints. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 150, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. The hymn, "Death has no bidding to divide," in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, begins with stanzas ii., and omits stanzas i., iv. of this hymn. 34. Lord, in this awful fight with sin. Victory through Christ. Written in 1857, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c., 1869, No. 128, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. 35. Lord, in Thy people Thou dost dwell. Unity of Christ and His people. Written in 1864, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. 36. Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place. National Hymn. "Begun among the Waldenses, 1864," and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 59, in 8 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled, "The hymn of the Waldenses," and supplemented with the note, "This hymn as a whole belongs to the Waldenses only, among whom it was begun, but all the people of God have an interest in the first two and the last verses." Acting upon this suggestion of the author, these stanzas were given in the Supplement to the New Congregational, 1869, as No. 1025. 37. Lord, Thou wouldst have us like to Thee. Holiness desired. Written in 1846, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 120, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several American collections. 38. Lord, Thy gracious voice hath spoken. Christ our Caesar. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. 39. Lord, when I all things would possess. Humility. Written in 1850, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 111, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 304, stanzas ii., iv., vii. are omitted. This hymn is also in common use in America. 40. Lord, when we come at Thy dear call. The Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier. No. 72 in his Golden Chain, 1869, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, was written in 1856, and is given in the Songs of the Spirit, N. Y., 1871. 41. May we not, Father, meetly mourn? Burial. No. 151 in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 9 st. of 4 lines, was written in 1855. 42. Methought my soul had learned to love. Resignation. "Composed in 1852 and first printed in Golden Chain, 1869. It came from the very depths of my own heart, was inspired by a suppressed trouble which turned out one of the greatest blessings of my life." In the Golden Chain, &c, No. 114, it is given in 7 st. of 4 lines, and is headed, "Not my will but Thine be done." 43. My God, I do not flee from Thee. Joy. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c., 1869, No. 10, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. The New Congregational, 1369, No. 1119, begins with stanza ii., "Father, Redeemer, Quickener mine," and also omits stanza iv. 44. My God, my Majesty divine. Child of God. Written in 1845, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 116, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, and again, after revision, in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 135. The original text is in common use in America. 45. Not, Lord, Thine ancient works alone. Public Worship. Written in 1874, and first printed in The Congregational, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, and entitled, "The Living God." In Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874, st. iii. is omitted. 46. Not yet I love my Lord. Lent. Written in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 86, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in several collections, including Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 199. 47. Not yet, ye people of His grace. Here and Hereafter. A hymn on the "The Vision Beatific," No. 165, in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. It was written in 1866, and is in American common use. 48. 0 height that doth all height excel. Written in 1853, and "was born of the words of Augustine in the outset of the Confessions, ‘Secretissime et Praesentissime,' and was the first of several hymns inspired by his wonderful antitheses about God." It was first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 13, in 9 stanzasof 4 lines. It is in English and American common use. 49. 0 Holy Ghost, Who down dost come. Whitsuntide. "Written at Malvern on Whitsunday, 1863; a day of singular spiritual enjoyment, and outward loveliness." It was first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 74, in 1 stanza of 4 lines, and headed, "A Breathing after the Holy Spirit," and is in several collections. In Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1873, No. 251, it begins with st. ii., "Spirit of Truth, Who makest bright," st. i. and vi. being omitted. 50. 0 not alone in saddest plight. Divine Guidance desired. Composed in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 120, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 51. 0 not to fill the mouth of fame. A Servant of Christ. "Composed in 1849, and printed first in a small collection of poems entitled, I think, “The Violet." In 1853 it was given in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns; and in 1869, in the Golden Chain, &c, No. 121, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. Its use is mainly confined to America. 52. 0 not upon our waiting eyes. Divine Love. Written in 1849, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 29, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. 53. 0 saints of old, not yours alone. Seeking God. Written in 1848, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again, after revision, in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 126, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. The American hymnbooks have usually the original text, but in Dale's English Hymn Book , 1875, and Holder's Congregational Hymn Book1884, the text is abridged from the Golden Chain. 54. 0 smitten soul that cares and conflicts wring. Heaven desired. Written in 1854, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869. No. 75, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 55. 0 Spirit, sweet and pure. Constant Presence of the Holy Spirit desired. Written in 1868, and given in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, as No. 127, in 7 stanzas of 8 lines. 56. 0 time, ne'er resteth thy swift wing. Worth of Time. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 98, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 57. 0 wherefore hath my spirit leave? Spiritual Changes. "Composed with great ardour and stir of soul in 1847, and first printed in the Golden Chain, 1869," No. 85, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 58. O'er fulness of grace, blest Britain rejoice. National Hymn. Composed in 1868, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 61, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled, "The Thanksgiving Song of Protestant Britain”; to which was added the words of Milton: "Let us all go, every true Protestant Briton, throughout the three kingdoms, and render thanks to God the Father of Light, and to His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 59. Saviour, needs the world no longer! Christ All in All. "Written in 1847... it was inspired partly by my contemplation of Shelley's hapless, Christless life." It was first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 35, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, and headed, "Lord, to whom shall we go." Its use is limited, and far less than its merits deserve. 60. Saviour, Who from death didst take. The Resurrection of Christ, a cause of Confidence. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 96, in 5 stanzas of 6 lines. 61. Sweet Spirit, would Thy breath divine. The Holy Ghost, the Purifier, desired. Written in 1856, and given as No. 71 in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 62. The happy fields, the heavenly host. Heaven. Written in 1848, first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853, and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 157, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. 63. Thy happy ones a strain begin. Joy in God. Written in 1846, and published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1846, No. 118, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. In the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 146, the text is slightly changed. The text in common use in Great Britain and America is from the original. 64. Too dearly, Lord, hast Thou redeemed. Lent. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 97, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. 65. Unto thy rest return. Lent. Written in 1866, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 92, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. 66. We come unto our fathers'God. God our Abode. "The birthday of this hymn, November 22nd, 1868 (St. Cecilia's Day), was almost the most delightful day of my life. Its production employed the whole day and was a prolonged rapture.....It was produced while the Golden Chain was being printed, just in time to be a link therein, and was the latest, as ‘How, Lord, shall vows of ours be sweet?' was the earliest song included therein." In the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, it is No. 129, in 7 stanzas of 7 lines, and is entitled, "The People of God." 67. We triumph in the glorious grace. Citizens of Heaven. Written in 1855, and first published in his Anniversaries, 1858, and again in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 153, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. 68. What sweetness on Thine earth doth dwell. Nature revealing God. [Summer.] Written in 1850, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. 69. When shall I, Lord, a journey take. Lent. Written in 1856, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 80, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 70. Whence this naming joy that maketh! The Prodigal's Return. "Written in 1853 just before the hymn beginning 'Thrice blessed soul, who still hath made,' with the text 'Son, thou art ever with me' (Golden Chain, No. 134), which is its completement; and first printed in the Golden Chain," 1869, No. 81, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines. 71. Would the Spirit more completely? The Gifts of the Spirit. Written in 1849, and first published in G. Dawson's Psalms & Hymns, 1853; and again in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 67. in 3 stanzas of 8 lines. 72. Ye children of the Father. Spiritual Worship. Written in 1867, and first published in his Golden Chain. &c, 1869, No. 23, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. 73. Ye of the Father loved. Praise. Written in 1862, and first published in the Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 5, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines. 74. Ye people of the Lord, draw near. Holy Communion. Written in 1855, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 127, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. 75. Ye souls, the Father's very own. Holy Diligence. Composed in 1867, and first published in his Golden Chain, &c, 1869, No. 142, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. These hymns are usually abridged in the hymnbooks, the length of most of them being against their use in their full form. Although they are gradually growing in popular esteem, the extent of their use is much more limited than their merits deserve. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Gill, T. H. , pp. 421-3. Additional hymns to those annotated are in common use:—(l) "O dreadful glory that doth make," a cento from No. 48, p. 423, ii.; (2) "O mystery of Love Divine " (The Love of Christ); (3) " Ye souls for whom the Saviour died" (Electing Love). These are all from his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ======================== Gill, T. H. , pp. 421, i.; 1565, ii. &c. During the past ten years Mr. Gill's hymns have been widely used, especially in America, the result being that the following have to be added to the long lists already annotated as above:— 1. Ah! wherefore fall my tears so fast? [The World Overcome.] Published in his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869, p. 167. The hymn, "O Thou for Whom the strife was strong," in the American Hymns for Church and Home, 1895, is composed of sts. iii.-vii. of this hymn. 2. Dear Lord, Thou bringest back the morn. [Morning.] From his Golden Chain of Praise, 1869, p. 145. 3. I would not give the world my heart. This, in the Amer.Baptist Sursum Corda, 1898, No. 379, is a cento from "With sin I would not make abode," p. 1288, ii. 4. Not only when ascends the song. This in the Amer. Hymns of the Ages, 1904, No. 80, is a cento from “0 Saints of old, not yours alone," p. 423, i. 53. 5. Walk with the Lord! along the road. Composed of sts. v., vii.-ix., of "Ah ! tremblers, fainting and for¬lorn," p. 421, ii. 1. Included in the American Unitarian Hymns for Church and Home, 1895. 6. We would not dare their bliss to mourn. This in the Amer.Unit. Hymns for Church and Home, 1895 is composed of sts. v.-viii. of "May we not, Father, meetly mourn?" p. 422, ii. 41. 7. Wherefore faint and fearful ever. [ God is for us.] Published in the 2nd edition of his Golden Chain of Praise, 1894, No. xiii., in 7 stanzas of 6 lines, and dated 1880. In Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1904, in 5 stanzas. The cento "He Who suns and worlds upholdeth," is composed of stanzas ii., iii., and vii. of the original hymn. Mr. Gill died in 1906. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

A. R. Cousin

1824 - 1906 Person Name: Anne R. Cousin Author of "To thee and to thy Christ, O God" in The Hymnal Cousin, Anne Ross, née Cundell, is the only daughter of David Ross Cundell, M.D., Leith, and is the widow of the Rev. William Cousin, late Minister of the Free Church of Melrose. She has contributed many poems to various periodicals; 7 hymns to The Service of Praise, 1865, edited by the Rev. J. H. Wilson, of Edinburgh; and 1 to the Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship, 1866, the Hymnal of the English Presbyterian Church. Four of her hymns are included in the Scottish Presbyterian Hymnal, 1876. Her most popular hymn, "The sands of time are sinking," was first published in The Christian Treasury for 1857, and gives its title to the collected edition of her poems published in 1876, as Immanuel’s Land and other Pieces by A. R. C. This is a collection of 107 hymns and poems, many of which are very beautiful. In general they are, however, rather meditations than hymns suited for public worship. Of these the following, in addition to those annotated under their first lines, are in common use:— 1. King Eternal, King Immortal. Christmas. 2. O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head. Good Friday. 3. To Thee, and to Thy Christ, O God. Praise. 4. To thy father and thy mother. Filial Duty. [Rev. J. Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Cousin, Anne K., p. 264, ii. Other hymns are:— 1. None but Christ; His merit hides me. None but Christ. From her Immanuel's Land, &c, 1876, into Laudes Domini, 1884, &c. 2. O! Christ, He is the Fountain. This begins with stanza iii. of "The sands of time are sinking," p. 264, ii. 3. Saviour, shed Thy sweetest [richest] blessing. On behalf of Missioriaries. Published in Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865. 4. When we reach our peaceful dwelling. Heaven Anticipated. In her Immanuel's Land, &c. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================= Cousin, A. R., p. 264, ii, Other hymns that have passed into use are:— 1. In the songless night, the daylight dreary. Jesus near. 2. Lord, mine must be a spotless dress. Christ our Righteousness. 3. O now is the time. Seek the Lord. 4. O Thou that on the billow. Jesus near. Of these No. 4 appeared in J. H. Wilson's Songs of Zion, 1862; Nos. 1 and 3 in J. H. Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865 ; and No. 2 in her own Immanuel’s Land, 1876. Mrs. Cousin died at Edinburgh Dec. 6, 1906, in her 83rd year. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Charles Wesley

1707 - 1788 Person Name: Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Author of "Mil línguas eu quisera ter (2)" in Mil Vozes para Celebrar Charles Wesley, M.A. was the great hymn-writer of the Wesley family, perhaps, taking quantity and quality into consideration, the great hymn-writer of all ages. Charles Wesley was the youngest son and 18th child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and was born at Epworth Rectory, Dec. 18, 1707. In 1716 he went to Westminster School, being provided with a home and board by his elder brother Samuel, then usher at the school, until 1721, when he was elected King's Scholar, and as such received his board and education free. In 1726 Charles Wesley was elected to a Westminster studentship at Christ Church, Oxford, where he took his degree in 1729, and became a college tutor. In the early part of the same year his religious impressions were much deepened, and he became one of the first band of "Oxford Methodists." In 1735 he went with his brother John to Georgia, as secretary to General Oglethorpe, having before he set out received Deacon's and Priest's Orders on two successive Sundays. His stay in Georgia was very short; he returned to England in 1736, and in 1737 came under the influence of Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, especially of that remarkable man who had so large a share in moulding John Wesley's career, Peter Bonier, and also of a Mr. Bray, a brazier in Little Britain. On Whitsunday, 1737, [sic. 1738] he "found rest to his soul," and in 1738 he became curate to his friend, Mr. Stonehouse, Vicar of Islington, but the opposition of the churchwardens was so great that the Vicar consented that he "should preach in his church no more." Henceforth his work was identified with that of his brother John, and he became an indefatigable itinerant and field preacher. On April 8, 1749, he married Miss Sarah Gwynne. His marriage, unlike that of his brother John, was a most happy one; his wife was accustomed to accompany him on his evangelistic journeys, which were as frequent as ever until the year 1756," when he ceased to itinerate, and mainly devoted himself to the care of the Societies in London and Bristol. Bristol was his headquarters until 1771, when he removed with his family to London, and, besides attending to the Societies, devoted himself much, as he had done in his youth, to the spiritual care of prisoners in Newgate. He had long been troubled about the relations of Methodism to the Church of England, and strongly disapproved of his brother John's "ordinations." Wesley-like, he expressed his disapproval in the most outspoken fashion, but, as in the case of Samuel at an earlier period, the differences between the brothers never led to a breach of friendship. He died in London, March 29, 1788, and was buried in Marylebone churchyard. His brother John was deeply grieved because he would not consent to be interred in the burial-ground of the City Road Chapel, where he had prepared a grave for himself, but Charles said, "I have lived, and I die, in the Communion of the Church of England, and I will be buried in the yard of my parish church." Eight clergymen of the Church of England bore his pall. He had a large family, four of whom survived him; three sons, who all became distinguished in the musical world, and one daughter, who inherited some of her father's poetical genius. The widow and orphans were treated with the greatest kindness and generosity by John Wesley. As a hymn-writer Charles Wesley was unique. He is said to have written no less than 6500 hymns, and though, of course, in so vast a number some are of unequal merit, it is perfectly marvellous how many there are which rise to the highest degree of excellence. His feelings on every occasion of importance, whether private or public, found their best expression in a hymn. His own conversion, his own marriage, the earthquake panic, the rumours of an invasion from France, the defeat of Prince Charles Edward at Culloden, the Gordon riots, every Festival of the Christian Church, every doctrine of the Christian Faith, striking scenes in Scripture history, striking scenes which came within his own view, the deaths of friends as they passed away, one by one, before him, all furnished occasions for the exercise of his divine gift. Nor must we forget his hymns for little children, a branch of sacred poetry in which the mantle of Dr. Watts seems to have fallen upon him. It would be simply impossible within our space to enumerate even those of the hymns which have become really classical. The saying that a really good hymn is as rare an appearance as that of a comet is falsified by the work of Charles Wesley; for hymns, which are really good in every respect, flowed from his pen in quick succession, and death alone stopped the course of the perennial stream. It has been the common practice, however for a hundred years or more to ascribe all translations from the German to John Wesley, as he only of the two brothers knew that language; and to assign to Charles Wesley all the original hymns except such as are traceable to John Wesley through his Journals and other works. The list of 482 original hymns by John and Charles Wesley listed in this Dictionary of Hymnology have formed an important part of Methodist hymnody and show the enormous influence of the Wesleys on the English hymnody of the nineteenth century. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Charles Wesley, the son of Samuel Wesley, was born at Epworth, Dec. 18, 1707. He was educated at Westminster School and afterwards at Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated M.A. In 1735, he took Orders and immediately proceeded with his brother John to Georgia, both being employed as missionaries of the S.P.G. He returned to England in 1736. For many years he engaged with his brother in preaching the Gospel. He died March 29, 1788. To Charles Wesley has been justly assigned the appellation of the "Bard of Methodism." His prominence in hymn writing may be judged from the fact that in the "Wesleyan Hymn Book," 623 of the 770 hymns were written by him; and he published more than thirty poetical works, written either by himself alone, or in conjunction with his brother. The number of his separate hymns is at least five thousand. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872.

Frederick Lucian Hosmer

1840 - 1929 Person Name: Frederick L. Hosmer (1840- ) Author of "Thy kingdom come—on bended knee" in Hymns of Worship and Service Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, B.A., was born at Framingham, Mass., in 1840, and educated at Harvard, where he graduated B.A. in 1869. Entering the Unitarian Ministry in 1872 he has held charges in Quincy, Ill., 1872-77; Cleveland, Ohio, 1878-92; St. Louis, 1894-99; and since 1899, at Berkeley, Cal. His Way of Life, 1877, was a compilation of Prayers and Responsive Services for Sunday Schools. Of Unity Hymns and Carols, 1880, he was joint editor with W. C. Gannett and J. V. Blake. His hymns were published jointly by him and W. C. Gannett (q.v.), as The Thought of God in Hymns and Poems (Boston: Little, Brown & Co.), 1st Series, 1885; 2nd Series, 1894. Of his 56 hymns in this work the following have come into common use, for the most part during the past ten years:— 1. Father, to Thee we look in all our sorrow. [Trust in God.] Written in 1881 upon the death of a member of the author's congregation, and published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 2. From age to age how grandly rise. [Unity.] Written for the annual festival of the Free Religious Assoc, Boston, June 2, 1899, and first published in Souvenir Festival Hymns, 1899. Subsequently altered by the author to "From age to age the prophet's vision." 3. From age to age they gather, all the brave of heart and strong. [Victory of Truth.] "Written in 1891 for the Dedication of Unity Church, Decorah, Iowa, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 4. From many ways and wide apart. [College or School Reunion.] Dated in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, as having been written in 1890. 5. Go not, my soul, in search of Him. [God Within.] Written in 1879, printed in the Boston Christian Register, May 31, 1879, and included in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title, "The Indwelling God." 6. I cannot think of them as dead. [Eternal Life.] Written in 1882, and first published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, and entitled "My Dead." in the English collections it is usually given as "We cannot think of them as dead." 7. I little see, I little know. [Trust.] "A Psalm of Trust," written in 1883, first appeared in the Boston Christian Register, and again in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 8. Immortal by their deed and word. [The Spirit of Jesus.] Written in 1880, and first published in Unity Hymns and Carols, Chicago, Ill., 1880, and then in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 9. Many things in life there are. [Mystery in all Things.] Written in 1885, and first published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title "Passing Understanding," and the quotation "The Peace of God which passeth all understanding." 10. Not always on the mount may we. [On the Mount.] This lesson from the Transfiguration was written in 1882, and published in the Chicago Unity, April 1, 1884. After revision by the author, it was included in the 1st Series of The Thought of God, 1885. 11. Not when, with self dissatisfied. [Lent.] Written in 1891, and given in The Thought of God, 2nd series, 1894, p. 33. It is in The Public School Hymn Book, 1903, and others. 12. O beautiful, my country. [National Hymn.] As “Our Country," written in 1884, and published in the Chicago Unity Festivals, 1884; and again in The Thought of God, 1885. 13. O Light, from age to age the same. [Dedication Anniversary.] Written in 1890 for the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Congregational Church (Unitarian), Quincy, 111. Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and entitled "From Generation to Generation." 14. O Lord of Life, where'er they be. [Life in God.] "Written in 1888 for Easter service in Author's own church," and first published in the Chicago Unit, and again in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. The "Alleluia!" refrain, which is added in some collections to each verse, is appended, in the original, to the last verse only. 15. O Name, all other names above. [Trust in God.] Under the title "Found. 'They that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee!’ this hymn, written in 1878, was given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 16. O Prophet souls of all the years. [Unity.] “Written in 1893 for, and sung at, the Unitarian gathering in connection with The World's Parliament of Religions (World's Fair), Chicago, Sep., 1893," and included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and entitled "One Law, One Life, one Love." 17. O Thou, in all Thy might so far. [God All in All.] This hymn, given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title "The Mystery of God," was written in 1876, and first published in the New York Inquirer. 18. O thou in lonely vigil led. This encouragement for lonely workers was written for the "Emerson Commemoration, W. U. C, 1888," and included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 19. O Thou, Who art of all that is. [Divine Guidance.] Under the title "Through unknown paths," this hymn was included in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. It was written in 1877. 20. O Thou, Whose Spirit witness bears. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] Written for the Dedication of First Unitarian Church, Omaha, Feb. 6, 1891, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, with the title "The Inward Witness," and the subscription "For T. K., Omaha, 1801." 21. On eyes that watch through sorrow's night. [Easter] A Carol for Easter Morn, written in 1890 for the author's congregation, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 22. One thought I have, my ample creed. [The Thought of God.] This is the initial hymn to the collection The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, and supplies the title to the work. It was written in 1880, and first published in the Chicago Unity Hymns and Carols, 1880, and then in The Thought of God, 1885. 23. The rose is queen among the flowers. [Flower Service.] "Written in 1875, first published in The Sunnyside, a song book for Sunday Schools, and again in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, under the title "Flower Sunday." 24. Thy kingdom come, — on bended knee. [Missions.] "Written in 1891 for the Commencement of the Meadville Theological School (Meadville, Pa.), June 12, 1891, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894," under the title "The Day of God," and the subscription, "M. T. S., June 12, 1891." 25. We pray no more, made lowly wise, For miracle and sign. [Greater Faith Desired.] Written in 1879, and first published in The Christian Register (Boston), Mar. 22 of that year, under the title 'The Larger Faith.'" Included under the same title in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. Sometimes given as "Made lowly wise, we pray no more." 26. When courage fails, and faith burns low. [Victory of Truth.] Under the title "Loyalty," this hymn was given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. It was written in 1881. 27. Where men on mounts of vision Have passed the veil within. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] "Written in 1891 for the Dedication of First Unitarian Church, Oakland, California." Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, entitled "Holy Places," and subscribed " For C. W. W., Oakland, Cal., 1891." These annotations are from manuscript notes supplied to us by the author. Of these hymns all are in common use in America, and more than one half in Great Britain, mainly by Unitarians and Congregationalists. Amongst Unitarian hymn-writers of the last twenty years Mr. Hosmer is the most powerful and original known to us. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

William Channing Gannett

1840 - 1923 Person Name: William C. Gannett Author of "The Lord is in his Holy Place" in The Pilgrim Hymnal Gannett, William Channing, M.A., s. of Dr. Ezra Stiles Gannett, was b. at Boston, March 13, 1840, and educated at Harvard College, 1860, and the Divinity School, Cambridge. Entered the Unitarian Ministry in 1868, and after filling several pastorates he became Pastor of the Unitarian Church at Rochester, N.Y., 1889. Mr. Gannett's hymns, mainly written for special occasions, were included in great part in The Thought of God in Hymns and Poems, Boston, 1st Series 1885,2nd Series 1894, the combined production of F. L. Hosmer (q.v.) and himself. Of Mr. Gannett's hymns the following are in common use:— 1. Bring, 0 morn, thy music [God Everlasting.] Written in 1893, and printed in A Chorus of Faith, being an account and resume of the Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago, 1893. Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and again in several hymnals. 2. Clear in memory's silent reaches. [Memory.] Written in 1877 for a Free Religious Assoc. Festival, and published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 3. Prom heart to heart, from creed to creed. [Faith.] Written in 1875 for the 150th anniversary of the First Religious Society in Newburyport, and given in The Thought of God, 1ist Series, 1885. Usually st. ii. is omitted. 4. He hides within the lily. [Divine Providence.] "Consider the lilies, how they grow." Written in 1873, and printed for use at the Free Religious Assoc. Festival, May 30th, 1873. Published in The Thought of God, &c, 1st Series, 1885, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. The most widely used of the author's hymns. 5. I hear it often in the dark. [The Voice of God.] Written at Milwaukee, in 1870, and published in The Thought of God, &c, 1st Series, 1885. Sometimes it begins with st. iii., "0 God within, so close to me," as in Hymns for Church and Home, Boston, 1895. 6. Praise to God and thanksgiving. [ Harvest.] Written in 1872 for a Harvest Festival at St. Paul's, Minn., of which he was then Pastor, and included in The Thought of God &c, 1st Series, 1885. in the Boston Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904, it begins "Praise to God, and thanks we bring." 7. Sleep, my little Jesus. [ Christmas Carol.] Written for the Sunday School, St. Paul's, Minn., in 1882, and given in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, as "Mary's Manger Song." 8. The Lord is in His holy place. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] Written for the Dedication of the Rev. C. W. Wendte's Church, Chicago, April 24, 1873, and pub. in The Thought of God, &c, 1st Series, 1885. It is one of the most popular and widely used of the author's hymns. 9. The morning hangs its signal. [Morning.] This is dated by the author "Chicago, July 30, 1886," and printed in Love to God and Love to Man, being No. 28 ot the Chicago "Unity Mission" series of hymns (N.D.). Also included in The Thought of God, &c, 2nd Series, 1894. Although in some sense a Morning hymn, it is adapted for use in Advent. It is usually known as “The Crowning Day." 10. The Truth is the Voice of God. In the "Unity Mission" Series, No. 28 (see above), this is given as No. 33, with the title "Truth and Righteousness and Love," in 4 stanzas of 4 lines and a refrain of 4 lines. These annotations are based upon manuscript notes kindly supplied by the author. The use made of Mr. Gannett's hymns shows that their poetic beauty and loving sympathy with all things beautiful and pure, are widely appreciated in America and to a limited extent in Great Britain also. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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