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Topics:christian+year eastertide

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Rejoice, the Lord Is King

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 743 hymnals Topics: Christian Year-Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, the Lord is King: your Lord and King adore! Rejoice, give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore: lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 2 Jesus, the Savior, reigns, the God of truth and love; when He had purged our stains, He took His seat above: lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules both earth and heaven; the keys of death and hell are to our Jesus given: lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 4 Rejoice in glorious hope! Our Lord and judge shall come and take His servants up to their eternal home. lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! Scripture: Philippians 4:4 Used With Tune: DARWALL
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Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Author: William C. Dix Meter: D Appears in 216 hymnals Topics: Christian Year-Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, His the scepter, His the throne; Alleluia! His the triumph, His the victory alone. Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood, "Jesus, out of every nation, has redeemed us by His blood." 2 Alleluia! Not as orphans are we left in sorrow now; Alleluia! Christ is near us, faith believes, nor questions how; though the cloud from sight received Him when the forty days were o'er, shall our hearts forget His promise, "I am with you evermore?" 3 Alleluia! Bread of Heaven, Christ on earth our food and stay; Alleluia! here the sinful rest in You from day to day: Intercessor, Friend of sinners, earth's Redeemer, please for me, where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea. Used With Tune: HYMN TO JOY
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Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise

Author: Charles Wesley; Thomas Cotterill Meter: with alleluia Appears in 553 hymnals Topics: Christian Year-Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Hail the day that sees Him rise, Alleluia! to His throne beyond the skies; Alleluia! Christ, the Lamb for sinners given, Alleluia! enters now the highest heaven. Alleluia! 2 There for Him high triumph waits, Alleluia! lift your heads, eternal gates, Alleluia! He has conquered death and sin. Alleluia! Take the King of glory in! Alleluia! 3 See! the heaven its Lord receives, Alleluia! yet He loves the earth He leaves. Alleluia! though returning to His throne, Alleluia! still He calls the world His own. Alleluia! 4 See! He lifts His hands above! Alleluia! See, He shows the prints of love! Alleluia! Hark! His gracious lips bestow, Alleluia! blessings on His church below. Alleluia! Scripture: Mark 16:19 Used With Tune: LLANFAIR
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Look, Ye Saints! The Sight Is Glorious

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: Appears in 541 hymnals Topics: Christian Year-Eastertide First Line: Look ye saints! the sight is glorious Lyrics: 1 Look, ye saints! the sight is glorious: see the Man of Sorrows now; from the fight returned victorious, every knee to Him shall bow: crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him. Crowns become the Victor's brow, crowns become the Victor's brow. 2 Crown the Savior, angels, crown Him; rich the trophies Jesus brings; in the seat of power enthrone Him, while the vault of heaven rings: crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him. Crown the Savior King of kings, crown the Savior King of kings. 3 Sinners in derision crowned Him, mocking thus the Savior's claim; saints and angels crowd around Him, sing His title, praise His name: crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him. Spread abroad the Victor's fame, spread abroad the Victor's fame. 4 Hark, those bursts of acclamation! Hark, those loud triumphant chords! Jesus takes the highest station; O what joy the sight affords! crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him. King of kings, and Lord of lords! King of kings, and Lord of lords! Used With Tune: BRYN CALFARIA
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Jesus lives! thy terrors now

Author: Christian Gellert, 1715-69; Frances Cox, 1812-97 Meter: Appears in 279 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Jesus lives! Thy terrors now Can, O Death, no more appal us; Jesus lives! by this we know Thou, O grave, canst not enthral us. Alleluya! 2 Jesus lives! henceforth is death But the gate of life immortal; This shall calm our trembling breath, When we pass its gloomy portal. Alleluya! 3 Jesus lives! for us he died; Then, alone to Jesus living, Pure in heart may we abide, Glory to our Saviour giving. Alleluya! 4 Jesus lives! our hearts know well Nought from us his love shall sever; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell Tear us from his keeping ever. Alleluya! 5 Jesus lives! to him the throne Over all the world is given; May we go where he is gone, Rest and reign with him in heaven. Alleluya! Used With Tune: ST ALBINUS
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Ye choirs of new Jerusalem

Author: St Fulbert of Chartres, d. 1028; Robert Campbell, 1814-68 Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 Ye choirs of new Jerusalem, Your sweetest notes employ, The Paschal victory to hymn In strains of holy joy. 2 How Judah's Lion burst his chains, And crushed the serpent's head; And brought with him, from death's domains, The long-imprisoned dead. 3 From hell's devouring jaws the prey Alone our Leader bore; His ransomed hosts pursue their way Where he hath gone before. 4 Triumphant in his glory now His sceptre ruleth all, Earth, heaven, and hell before him bow, And at his footstool fall. 5 While joyful thus his praise we sing, His mercy we implore, Into his palace bright to bring And keep us evermore. 6 All glory to the Father be, All glory to the Son, All glory, Holy Ghost, to thee, While endless ages run. Alleluya! Amen. Used With Tune: ST FULBERT

The day draws on with golden light

Author: T. A. Lacey, 1853-1931 Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 The day draws on with golden light, Glad songs go echoing through the height, The broad earth lifts an answering cheer, And hell makes moan with wailing fear. 2 For lo, he comes, the mighty King, To take from death his power and sting, To trample down his gloomy reign, And break the weary prisoner’s chain. 3 Enclosed he lay in rocky cell, With guard of armèd sentinel; But thence returning, strong and free, He comes in might of victory. 4 The sad Apostles mourn him slain, Nor hope to see their Lord again, When, to their very eyes restored, They look upon the risen Lord. 5 *Those wounds before their eyes displayed They see in heavenly light arrayed, And what they see they testify In open witness fearlessly. 6 *O Christ, the King of gentleness, Thy people's hearts do thou possess, That we may render all our days An endless sacrifice of praise. 7 Maker of all, to thee we pray, Fulfil in us thy joy today; When death assails, grant, Lord, that we May share thy Paschal victory. 8 To thee who, dead, again dost live, All glory, Lord, thy people give, All glory to the Father be And Spirit blest, eternally. Amen. Used With Tune: AURORA LUCIS Text Sources: Latin, probably 4th century

Love is come again

Author: J. M. C. Crum, 1872-1958 Meter: Appears in 61 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide First Line: Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain Used With Tune: NOEL NOUVELET
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The Victimae Paschali Celebration

Author: Wipo of Burgundy; Martin L. Seltz, 1909-67 Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide First Line: Christians, to the Paschal Victim Lyrics: Choir: 1 Christians, to the Paschal Victim Offer your thankful praises! 2 A Lamb the sheep redeemeth: Christ who only is sinless, Reconcileth sinners to the Father. 3 Death and life have contended In that combat stupendous: The Prince of life, who died, reigns immortal. Congregation: Christ is arisen From the pangs, the prison. So let our joy rise full and free, Christ our Comfort true will be, Kyrieleis. (Lord, have mercy.) Choir: 4 Speak Mary, declaring What thou sawest wayfaring. 5 "The tomb of Christ, who is living, The glory of Jesus' resurrection; 6 Bright angels attesting, The shroud and napkin resting. 7 Yea, Christ, my Hope, is arisen: To Galilee he goes before you." Congregation: Were he not arisen, Then death were still our prison. Now, with him to life restored, We praise the Father of Christ our Lord. Kyrieleis. (Lord, have mercy.) 8 Choir: Christ indeed from death is risen, Our new life obtaining. Have mercy, Victor King, ever reigning! Congregation: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! So let our joy rise full and free, Christ our Comfort true will be. Kyrieleis. (Lord, have mercy.) Used With Tune: CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN Text Sources: Sequence, 11th century; Trans. comp. Anonymous German hymn, c. 1100

The Lamb's high banquet we await

Author: J. M. Neale, 1818-1866 Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: The Christian Year Eastertide Lyrics: 1 The Lamb’s high banquet we await In snow-white robes of royal state, And now, the Red Sea’s channel past, To Christ our Prince we sing at last. 2 Upon the altar of the Cross His Body has redeemed our loss, And tasting of his precious Blood, Our life is hid with Christ in God. 3 That Paschal eve God’s arm was bared, The devastating angel spared; By strength of hand our hosts went free From Pharaoh’s ruthless tyranny. 4 Now Christ our Passover is slain, The Lamb of God that knows no stain, And he, the true unleavened Bread, Is truly our oblation made. 5 *O thou from whom hell’s monarch flies, O great, O very Sacrifice, Thy captive people are set free, And endless life restored in thee. 6 *For Christ, arising from the dead, From conquered hell victorious sped, He thrusts the tyrant down to chains, And Paradise for man regains. 7 Maker of all, to thee we pray, Fulfil in s thy joy today; When death assails, grant, Lord, that we May share thy Paschal victory. 8 To thee who, dead, again dost live, All glory, Lord, thy people give, All glory to the Father be And spirit blest, eternally. Amen. Used With Tune: DEUS TUORUM MILITUM Text Sources: Latin, probably 7th century


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