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Nearer, my God, to Thee

Author: Sarah F. Adams Meter: Appears in 2,500 hymnals Topics: The Church Year Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! 2 Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! 3 There let the way appear Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given: Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! 4 Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! 5 Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upwards I fly, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Used With Tune: [Nearer, my God, to Thee]
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When our heads are bowed with woe

Author: H.H. Milman Appears in 164 hymnals Topics: The Church Year Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 When our heads are bowed with woe, When our bitter tears o'erflow; When we mourn the lost, the dear, Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 2 Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn, Thou our mortal griefs hast borne, Thou hast shed the human tear; Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 3 When the solemn death-bell tolls For our own departing souls, When our final doom is near, Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 4 Thou hast bowed the dying head, Thou the blood of life hast shed, Thou hast filled a mortal bier; Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 5 When the heart is sad within With the thought of all its sin, When the spirit shrinks with fear, Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! 6 Thou the shame, the grief, hast known, Though the sins were not Thine own; Thou hast deigned their load to bear; Jesus, Son of Mary, hear! Used With Tune: [When our heads are bowed with woe]
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God of mercy, God of grace!

Author: Henry Francis Lyte Appears in 200 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 God of mercy, God of grace! Show the brightness of Thy face; Shine upon us, Saviour, shine; Fill Thy Church with light divine, And Thy saving health extend Unto earth's remotest end. 2 Let the people praise Thee, Lord! Be by all that live adored; Let the nations shout and sing Glory to th' eternal King; At Thy feet their tribute pay, And Thy holy will obey. 3 Let the people praise Thee, Lord! Earth shall then her fruits afford: God to man His blessing give, Man to God devoted live; All below and all above One in joy, in light, in love. Used With Tune: SABBATH REST
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Shall man, O God of light and life

Author: Timothy Dwight Appears in 114 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Shall man, O God of light and life, Forever moulder in the grave? Canst Thou forget Thy glorious work, Thy promise and Thy pow'r to save? 2 Shall life revisit dying worms, And spread the joyful insect's wing! And, oh! shall man awake no more To see Thy face, Thy name to sing? 3 Cease, cease, ye vain desponding fears! When Christ, our Lord, from darkness sprung, Death, the last foe, was captive led, And heav'n with praise and wonder rung. 4 Him, the First-Fruits, His chosen sons Shall follow from the vanquished grave; He mounts His throne, the King of kings, His Church to quicken and to save. 5 Faith sees the bright, eternal doors Unfold to make His children way; They shall be clothed with endless life, And shine in everlasting day. 6 The trump shall sound, the dust awake; And from the tomb the slumb'rers spring; Through heav'n the joyful myriads rise, And hail their Savior and their King. Used With Tune: OLIVE'S BROW
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My faith looks up to Thee

Author: Rev. Ray Palmer Appears in 2,218 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior Divine: Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! 2 May Thy rich grace impart strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire; As thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire. 3 While life’s dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be thou my guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow’s tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life’s transient dream, When death’s cold, sullen stream Shall o’er me roll; Blest Savior, then, in love, Fear and distrust remove; O bear me safe above, A ransomed soul! Used With Tune: OLIVET
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God of my life, to Thee I call!

Author: William Cowper Meter: Appears in 170 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 God of my life, to Thee I call! Afflicted at Thy feet I fall; When the great water-floods prevail, Leave not my trembling heart to fail! 2 Friend of the friendless and the faint! Where should I lodge my deep complaint? Where but with Thee, whose open door Invites the helpless and the poor? 3 Did ever mourner plead with Thee, And Thou refuse that mourner's plea? Does not the word still fixed remain, That none shall seek Thy face in vain? 4 That were a grief I could not bear, Didst Thou not hear and answer prayer; But a prayer-hearing, answering God Supports me under every load. 5 Fair is the lot that's cast for me; I have an Advocate with Thee; They whom the world caresses most Have no such privilege to boast. 6 Poor though I be, despised, forgot, Yet God, my God, forgets me not; And he is safe, and must succeed, For whom the Lord vouchsafes to plead. Used With Tune: ANGELUS
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Your harps, ye trembling saints

Author: Augustus M. Toplady Meter: Appears in 356 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Your harps, ye trembling saints, Down from the willows take; Loud, to the praise of Love divine, Bid every string awake. 2 Though in a foreign land, We are not far from home; And nearer to our house above We every moment come. 3 His grace will to the end Stronger and brighter shine; Nor present things, nor things to come, Shall quench the spark divine. 4 When we in darkness walk, Nor feel the heavenly flame, Then is the time to trust our God, And rest upon His Name. 5 Soon shall our doubts and fears Subside, at His control: His loving-kindness shall break through The midnight of the soul. 6 Blest is the man, O God, That stays himself on Thee! Who wait for Thy salvation, Lord, Shall Thy salvation see. Used With Tune: NARENZA

Gladelig vil vi Halleluja kvæde

Author: M. B. Landstad; J. Agricola Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening Lyrics: 1 Gladelig vil vi Halleluja kvæde, Hjertet skal lege for Herren af Glæde; Gud giver Synderne til og udsletter, Tungeste Sorgen af Hjertet os letter! 2 Alt, hvad der lever paa Jorden, skal love Herren saa liflig som Fuglen i Skove; Veien og Livet i Kristus er fundet, Døden og Djævelens Magt overvundet! 3 Alle, som tro, gjør han Miskund og Naade Trøster og hjælper i værende Vaade, Trofast i alle de Evigheds Dage Efter sit Ord, som kan aldrig bedrage. 4 Gud være lovet, os løste af Vaanden! Gud være lovet med Sønne og Aanden, Han, som har været og er uden Ende, Sand Gud, for Syndere salig at kjende! Used With Tune: [Gladelig vil vi Halleluja kvæde]

Salig' er de Døde, hine

Author: Landstad; F. G. Klopstock Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass Lyrics: 1 Salig' er de Døde, hine Som dø i Herren, ingen Pine Skal nodensinde røre dem; Aanden siger, at de hvile, Og brudte ere Dødens Pile, De fundet har et Fredens Hjem! Og deres Gjerning al Dem hisset følge skal. Lover Herren! som vel har gjort; Dem, som gik bort, Han favner inden Himlens Port. 2 Tak, Tilbedelse og Ære, Magt, Visdom, Herlighed skal være Guds Lam, som Verdens Synder bar! Skare, som har overvundet, Som har din Seiers-Krone fundet, Pris Lammet, som opofret var! Han gik for os i Grav, Vi staa med ham deraf, Synge Seier-og Glaædeskvad I Englerad, I Herrens Lys og Himlens Stad! 3 Ikke Maanen, ikke Solen, Et bedre Lys fra Naadestolen Er Krist, Guds Søn, vor Herre bold; Dagen, hvortil vi har stundet, Nu, Gud ske Lov, er den oprundet, Vor Herre self er Sol og Skjold! Nu græde vi ei meer, Det Gamle ude er, Halleluja! Her er det Ny! Bort Gravnats-Sky! Rind op, Guds store Morgengry!
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Herre Jesu Christ, sand Menneske og Gud

Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday Lyrics: 1 Herre Jesu Christ, sand Menneske og Gud, Som Banghed, Pine og sorrigfuldt Mod For mig led indtil Korsets Død Og frelste mig fra den evige Død: 2 Jeg beder for din Pines Skyld, Vær mig arme Synder naadig og huld, Naar jeg er stedt i Dødens Nød, Og strider med den bitre Død; 3 Naar Øinene briste og Synet forgaar, Naar Ørene ei længer at høre formaar, Naar Tungen kan ei tale mer, Og Hjertet af Angest forknuset er; 4 Naar mig forgaar al min Forstand, Og intet Mennesk' mig hjælpe kan, Din Hjælp, o Jesu Christ, mig send, Stat mig bi i min sidste End'! 5 Og før mig af denne Jammerdal, Forkort mig ogsaa Dødens Kval; De onde Aander fra mig driv, Og med din Aand steds' hos mig bliv! 6 Indtil af Legemet gaar min Aand, Herre annam den da i din Haand; Lad Legemet sove sove uden al Plag' I Jorden til den yderste Dag! 7 En glædelig Opstandelse mig giv, Min Talsmand du paa Dommedag bliv, Og paa min Synd ikke mere tænk, Det evige Liv mig naadig skjænk! 8 Som du og haver tilsagt mig I dit Ord, derfor tror jeg dig: Jeg eder siger sandelig: Hvo mit Ord holder og tror paa mig. 9 Til Dom ei kommer sig til Nød, Og skal ei smage den evige Død, Om han endskjønt dør timelig, Dog er det ham ei skadelig; 10 Men jeg vil selv med kraftig Haand UdfOre hannem af Dødens Baand, Og til mig tage i met Rog' Der skal han da med mig tillig' 11 I Glæde leve evindelig, Dertil hjælp os, Herre, naadelig! O Herre, forlad os al vor BrOst, Og styrk os vel med Skriftens Trøst, 12 At vi med god Taalmodighed Med Tro, med Haab, med Flittighed Dit Ord beholde stadige, Til vi hensove salige!


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