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Robert II, King of France

970 - 1031 Person Name: Robert II. of France Author of "Come Holy Ghost, in love" in The Song Companion to the Scriptures Robert the Second, King of France, surnamed "Le Page" and "Le Devot," born circa 970, was the son of Hugh Capet, the first of the line of kings that succeeded the Carlovingian monarchs on the French throne. After having been associated with his father in the government of the kingdom, in 988 he became king in his own right. The story of his life, rather than of his reign, is a sad one; troubles both in his family and without so multiplying upon him that it needed all the consolation that he sought and found in religion to enable him to bear up against them. Having in 995 or 996 espoused Bertha, the widow of Eades, Count of Chartres, and daughter of Conrad the Pacific, his cousin in the fourth degree (a marriage at that time strictly forbidden by the Roman Catholic Church), he was commanded by a decree of Pope Gregory V. to put her away. He was tenderly attached to her, and refused, whereupon he was excommunicated. This sentence caused the unhappy couple to be abandoned by all their courtiers, and even their servants, with the exception of two of the latter. After living together for a while in a state of sore privation, nay, almost absolute destitution, Bertha was delivered of a still-born infant, which was represented to Robert to have been a monster with “a head and neck like a goose." On hearing this (for the fond husband was but a weak and credulous man), Robert repudiated his wife, who thereupon retired into a nunnery. Subsequently, probably about 1002, he married Constance, a daughter of the Count of Aries, by whom he had four sons and two daughters. Much of the misery of his later life resulted from this marriage; for in addition to the antagonism which existed in their tastes and pursuits, Constance endeavoured to secure the kingdom for her youngest son Robert, to the exclusion of the third son Henry (Hugh, the eldest, haying died, and Eudes, the second, being an idiot), and this led to constant domestic broils which embittered the gentle king's existence. In 1024 he refused (and wisely) the Imperial Crown of the House of Saxony, when the Italians offered it to him on the death of Henry II., the last of the Saxon Emperors. Robert spent much of his time in the society of monks, assisting in the services of the Church, and engaging on pious pilgrimages. It was upon his return from one of the latter to some of the principal sanctuaries of France that he was attacked by a fever, to which he succumbed at Thelun in 1031, in the 60th year of his age and the 34th of his reign more deeply lamented by his people, to whom he had attached himself by the sweetness and simplicity of his character, than any other king, probably, who ever reigned in France. Robert had a great love for, and skill in, church music, and it is not improbable that compobitions of his are even at this day in use in the services of his Church. [Rev. Digby S. Wrangham, M.A.] It has been the custom to speak of King Robert as a hymn-writer. But when the different authorities come to specify the pieces which he is said to have composed, their statements are hopelessly at variance. For the purposes of this article we shall take four ancient authorities:— (a) and (b) In the Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, vol. x., Paris, 1760, pp. 297-300, there are extracts "ex chronico Sithiensi" (a); and also "ex chronico Alberici ad annum 997 " (b). (c) In the Junius manuscript, 121, in the Bodleian there is a list of authors of sequences, written about 1300. (d) William Durandus (d. 1296) in his Rationale, Bk. iv., has a section "De prosa seu sequentia." This occurs in two manuscripts of the 14th century in the British Museum [Add. 18304, f. 20 b; Reg. 7 E., ix. f. 53. An earlier and finer manuscript than either (Add. 31032) has unfortunately lost the leaf containing this section]. By these four authorities the following hymns and sequences are ascribed to King Robert :— 1. Chorus novae Hierusalem. 2. Rex omnipotens die hodierna. 3. Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia. 4. Veni Sancte Spiritus. 5. Victiniae Paschali. But of these a only ascribes to him No. 3, and does not mention Nos. 1,2, 4 or 5, while b ascribes to him Nos. 2 and 3, and does Dot mention Nos. 1, 4 or 5. On the other hand c ascribes to him No. 5, while No. 3 it ascribes to Hermannus Contract us, and Nos. 1, 2, 4 it does not mention at all. Lastly d ascribes to him Nos. 1 and 4, but ascribes Nos. 2 and 3 to Hermannus Contractus, and does not mention No. 5. Taking these in detail, we find No. 1 is only ascribed to King Robert by d, and seems more probably to be by Fulbert of Chartres (see p, 224, i.). No. $. seems without doubt to be by Notker Balbulus (see note on "Sancti Spiritus adsit"). For No. 5 see note on "Victimae Paschali." No. 2 is noted at p. 958, ii, and, according to the common opinion, is there ascribed to Hermannus Contractus; but this ascription is very doubtful, seeing that he d. in 1054, and was only b. in 1013, while the Bodleian manuscript 775 was written in England about 1000, so that the ascription of b deserves attention. As to No. 4 the subject of authorship is treated more fully under "Veni Sancte Spiritus," but here it may be said that Durandus and those who followed him are alone in ascribing it to King Robert, for the French tradition was clearly against this, e.g. neither a nor b ascribe it to him, and Clichtovaeus in his Elucidatorium, Paris, 1516, and the Augustinian Missal, printed at Paris, 1529, which may be taken to represent the later French tradition, while agreeing in ascribing No. 3 to King Robert, agree also in treating No. 4 as of un¬known authorship. To sum up then it seems to us that No. 2 is possibly by King Robert; that Nos. 3 and 4 are clearly not by him; and that his claim to Nos. 1 and 5 is exceedingly doubtful. The French chronicles a and b as above also ascribe to King Robert other liturgical pieces, viz.:—(1) "O Constantia martyrum," (2) "Judaea (O Juda) et Hierusalem," (3) "Eripe me," (4) " Ounctipotens genitor"(5) "Cornelius centurio," (6) "Pro fidei meritis," (7) “Concede nobis quaesumus." These appear to be Responsories and Antiphons, but whether rightly or wrongly ascribed to Robert the present writer cannot say. No. 7 is also ascribed to him by c as above. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

James Allen

1734 - 1804 Author of "Glory to God on High" in The Cyber Hymnal Allen, James, born at Gayle, Wensleydale, Yorkshire, June 24, 1734, and educated with a view to taking Holy Orders, first with two clergymen at different times, and then for one year at St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Leaving the University in 1752 he became a follower of Benjamin Ingham, the founder of the sect of the Inghamites, but subsequently joined himself to the Sandemanians; and finally built a chapel on his estate at Gayle, and ministered therein to the time of his death; died 31st Oct., 1804. He published a small volume, Christian Songs, containing 17 hymns, and was the editor and a principal contributor to the Kendal Hymn Book, 1757, and Appendix to the 2nd edition, 1761. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Charles T. Brooks

1813 - 1883 Person Name: C. T. Brooks Author of "God bless our native land" in Scripture and Song in Worship Brooks, Charles Timothy. An American Unitarian Minister, born at Salem, Mass., June 20, 1813, and graduated at Harvard, 1832, and the Divinity School, Cambridge, U.S., 1835. In that year he began his ministry at Nahant, subsequently preaching at Bangor and Augusta (Maine), Windsor (Vermont). In 1837 he became pastor of Newport, Rhode Island, and retained the same charge until 1871, when he resigned through ill-health. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Brooks, C. T. (p. 184, i,). He died at Newport, Rhode Island, June 14, 1883. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Edward Henry Bickersteth

1825 - 1906 Person Name: Edward H. Bickersteth Author of "Father of heav'n above, dwelling in light" in The Sanctuary Hymnal, published by Order of the General Conference of the United Brethren in Christ Bickersteth, Edward Henry, D.D., son of Edward Bickersteth, Sr. born at Islington, Jan. 1825, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. with honours, 1847; M.A., 1850). On taking Holy Orders in 1848, he became curate of Banningham, Norfolk, and then of Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells. His preferment to the Rectory of Hinton-Martell, in 1852, was followed by that of the Vicarage of Christ Church, Hampstead, 1855. In 1885 he became Dean of Gloucester, and the same year Bishop of Exeter. Bishop Bickersteth's works, chiefly poetical, are:— (l) Poems, 1849; (2) Water from the Well-spring, 1852; (3) The Rock of Ages, 1858 ; (4) Commentary on the New Testament, 1864; (5) Yesterday, To-day, and For Ever, 1867; (6) The Spirit of Life, 1868; (7) The Two Brothers and other Poems, 1871; (8) The Master's Home Call, 1872 ; (9) The Shadowed Home and the Light Beyond, 1874; (10) The Beef and other Parables, 1873; (11) Songs in the House of Pilgrimage, N.D.; (12) From Year to Year, 1883. As an editor of hymnals, Bp. Bickersteth has also been most successful. His collections are:— (1) Psalms & Hymns, 1858, based on his father's Christian Psalmody, which passed through several editions; (2) The Hymnal Companion, 1870; (3) The Hymnal Companion revised and enlarged, 1876. Nos. 2 and 3, which are two editions of the same collection, have attained to an extensive circulation.   [Ch. of England Hymnody.] About 30 of Bp. Bickersteths hymns are in common use. Of these the best and most widely known are:—" Almighty Father, hear our cry"; "Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile"; "Father of heaven above"; "My God, my Father, dost Thou call"; "O Jesu, Saviour of the lost"; "Peace, perfect peace"; "Rest in the Lord"; "Stand, Soldier of the Cross"; " Thine, Thine, for ever"; and "Till He come.” As a poet Bp. Bickersteth is well known. His reputation as a hymn-writer has also extended far and wide. Joined with a strong grasp of his subject, true poetic feeling, a pure rhythm, there is a soothing plaintiveness and individuality in his hymns which give them a distinct character of their own. His thoughts are usually with the individual, and not with the mass: with the single soul and his God, and not with a vast multitude bowed in adoration before the Almighty. Hence, although many of his hymns are eminently suited to congregational purposes, and have attained to a wide popularity, yet his finest productions are those which are best suited for private use. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Bickersteth, Edward Henry, p. 141, ii. Bishop Bickersteth's 1890 edition of his Hymnal Companion is noted on p. 1312, i., and several of his own hymns and translations, which appear therein for the first time, are annotated in this Appendix. One of these, "All-merciful, Almighty Lord," for the Conv. of St. Paul, was written for the 1890 edition of Hymnal Companion. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================== Bickersteth, B. H., p. 141, ii. Bp. Bickersteth died in London, May 16, 1906. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

William Goode

1762 - 1816 Person Name: Goode Author of "Praise ye Jehovah's name" in New Manual of Praise Goode, William, M.A., born in Buckingham, April 2, 1762, and received his early education, first in that town, and then under the care of the Rev. T. Bull, a Dissenting minister, at Newport Pagnel. Having a strong inclination for Holy Orders, he left the business in which he was engaged with his father, and, in 1780, entered Magdalen Hall, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1784, and M.A., 1787. On taking Holy Orders in 1786, he became curate of Abbots Langley, Herts; then of St. Ann's, Blackfriars, and subsequently rector of the latter parish, adding thereto one or two lectureships. He died April 15, 1816. Mr. Goode's interest in foreign mission work was very earnest, and took a practical turn in assisting to found the Church Missionary Society. His prose works include Sermons, 1812 ; and Essays on all the Scriptural Names and Titles of Christ, &c, which were reprinted from the Christian Guardian, 1813-1816. His Works, together with a Memoir, were published in 1822 (6 vols.), and edited by his son. His version of the Psalms was published as:— An Entire New Version of the Book of Psalms in which an attempt is made to accommodate them to the worship of the Christian Church, in a variety of measures now in general use, with original Preface and Notes, critical and explanatory, By the Rev. William Goode, M.A., Rector of St. Andrew, Wardrobe, and St. Ann, Blackfriars; Lecturer of St. John of Wapping; and Lady Camden's Tuesday Evening Lecturer at the Church of St. Lawrance, Jewry. In two volumes. London: Printed for the Author by W. Wilson . . . and sold by Rivingtons, &c, 1811. 2nd ed., 1813; 3rd ed., 1816. Pratt, in 1829; Bickersteth, in 1833; and Kemble in 1853, made extensive use of this version of the Psalms, the latter including nearly fifty pieces in his Collection. Most of these have fallen out of Use, one only being retained in Kemble's New Church Hymn Book, 1873. In modern hymnals in Great Britain and America about twenty of Goode's versions are still in common use. These include,"Jesus, with Thy salvation blest"; "Lord, I delight to find my place"; "Thou gracious God and kind"; "With songs of grateful praise," &c. The following are still in common use:— 1. Crown His head with endless blessing. Ps. cxviii. 2. Far as the isles extend. Ps. lxxii. 3. How blest are they whose hearts sincere. Ps. cxix. 4. How blest the man with mercy crowned. Ps. xxxii. 5. If the Lord bad not heard, may Israel now say. Ps. cxxiv. 6. Jesus, with Thy salvation blest. Ps. xx. 7. Let Thy grace, Lord, make me [us] lowly. Ps. cxxxi. 8. Lo in Gethsemane's dark shade. Ps. lxxxviii. 9. Lo, the mighty God appearing. Ps. l. 10. Lord, I delight to find my place. Ps. xxvi. 11. Lord of mercy, just and kind. Ps. xiii. 12. Lord, Thy Church hath seen Thee rise. Ps. Ixviii. 13. Now let Our songs arise. Ps. xcvi. 14. 0 my God, by Thee forsaken. Ps. xlii. 15. Prepare a new song Jehovah to praise. Ps. cxlix. 16. Songs anew of honour framing. Ps. xcviii. 17. Thou gracious God and kind. Ps. Ixxix. 18. Though sinners boldly join. Ps. ii. 19. With songs of grateful praise. Ps. cvii. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Walter Rauschenbusch

1861 - 1918 Person Name: W. R. Translator of "Preis dir, du ewiger" in Evangeliums-Lieder 1 und 2 (Gospel Hymns)

U. C. Burnap

1834 - 1900 Arranger of "ITALIAN HYMN" in The Evangelical Hymnal Burnap ran a dry goods bus­iness in Brook­lyn, though he grad­u­at­ed from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Par­is with a mu­sic de­gree, and for 37 years played the or­gan at the Re­formed Church in Brook­lyn Heights. He was a pro­li­fic com­pos­er, and helped ed­it the fol­low­ing: Hymns of the Church, 1869 Hymns of Pray­er and Praise, 1871 Hymns and Songs of Praise, 1874 --The Cyber Hymnal™ There is uncertainty about his middle name. Reynolds and the Library of Congress say it was Christopher. A contemporary obituary relied on by "The Cyber Hymnal™" says it was Cicero. It appears that there was another Uzziah C[icero] Burnap who lived (per LOC) 1794-1854.

Thomas Raffles

1788 - 1863 Person Name: Thomas Raffles, 1788 - 1863 Alterer of "Thou, whose almighty word " in Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America Thomas Raffles was born in London in 1788. He studied at Homerton College, and in 1809 became pastor of a Congregational society at Hammersmith. In 1812, he removed to Liverpool, where he was minister in the Great George Street chapel. This position he held for forty-nine years. He died at Liverpool, in 1863. He published several sermons, letters of travel, poems, and hymns for the use of his congregation. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ======================= Raffles, Thomas, D.D., LL.D., son of Mr. W. Raffles, solicitor, was born in Princes Street, Spitalfields, London, May 17, 1788. In 1803 he became a clerk in Doctors' Commons, but shortly after retired, and through the influence of Dr. Collyer, of whose church at Peckham he was for some time a member, he entered Homerton College in 1805. His stated ministry began at Hammersmith, where he was ordained as a Congregational minister on June 22, 1809. In 1812 he removed to Liverpool, where he succeeded the Rev. T. Spencer, and remained for 49 years the honoured pastor of the Great George Street Congregational Church. He died at Liverpool, Aug. 18, 1863. For upwards of fifty years Dr. Raffles was one of the most prominent ministers of the Congregational body. His labours outside of his own congregation were very great, his aid as a preacher on behalf of missions and other religious works, being eagerly sought after. The Lancashire Inde-pendent College owes its existence mainly to him; and to many religious works in Liverpool he gave great personal attention. His degree of LL.D. was conferred by the University of Aberdeen in Dec. 1820, and that of D.D. by Union College, Connecticut, in July 1880. His works include Memoirs of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. Thomas Spencer, 1813; A Tour on the Continent, 1817; and several Sermons, &c. He also edited the 1815 edition of Brown's Self-Interpreting Bible; was joint author with J. B. Brown and J. H. Wiffen, of Poems by Three Friends; and joint editor with Dr. Collyer and Dr. J. B. Brown, of the Investigator, a London quarterly. As early as March 8, 1813, he says, in a letter to his friend, Mr. Brown, "I am about to put to press a collection of hymns for the use of my chapel:" but this intention was not carried out until 1853, when he published his Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms & Hymns. His son's history of this Supplement is:— "Early in January, 1853, he published his long-expected Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, which he had in hand for many years. He would never have published it at all, but, in common with other Independent Ministers, would have used the Congregational Hymn-book [J. Conder's 1836 and 1842] had that book contained a fair share of his own hymns. In its original form, however, it did not contain one [yes, one, but given as Anonymous]; and Dr. Raffles might, without vanity—seeing that numerous hymn-books of modern date contained one or more of his hymns—-have expected that they would not have been wholly omitted from the hymn-book emphatically of his own denomination. But so it was, and he never would introduce it, though, with the greatest readiness, when the improved edition was contemplated [theNew Congregational Hymn Book, 1859], under the editorship of the Rev. Dr. Gr. Smith, Dr. Raffles contributed some of his hymns to its pages. His own collection is very good, but limited in extent; the hymns are selected with considerable Judgment; and the true versions, as written by the respective authors, are given, wherever the original source could be reached."— Memoirs, 1864, p. 419. Dr. Raffles contributed, in 1812, eight hymns under the signature "T. B." to the Collection of his old friend and former pastor, Dr. Collyer. Gradually other hymns came into notice. These, with others to the number of 46, were included in his Supplement, 1853. His hymns at present in common use include:— 1. Blest hour, when mortal man retiresPrayer. In the "R. MS." this is headed "The Hour of Prayer," and at the foot is written by Dr. Raffles, “Printed in the Amulet for 1829, and thence copied into the Christian Observer." It is dated " Jany. 26,1823," and is in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. 2. Cause of all causes, and the Source. Hymn to the Deity. Contributed to Dr. Collyer's Collection, 1812, No. 914, in 5 st. of 6 1. 3. Come, heavenly peace of mind. Peace of Mind. Collyer's Collection, 1812, No. 915, in 3 st. of 10 1. In the "R. MS." this, in a revised and expanded form of 10 stanzas of 6 lines, is undated; but underneath Dr. Raffles has written "Printed in the American Xtian Keepsake for 1838." 4. Eternal Father, throned above. Doxology. In the "R.MS." this is in 1 st. of 8 1., and headed "Doxology." It is undated, and underneath is written by Dr. Raffles at a later date (the change in the ink proving this) "Published anonymously in the Congregational Hymn Book," i.e., J. Conder's 1836 and 1842. 5. Father of mercies, God of love, 0 hear a humble, &c. Lent. Appeared in Collyer's Collection, 1812, No. 909, in 6 st. of 6 1., and headed "The Penitent's Prayer." 6. Go, preach the Gospel to the poor Home Missions. In the "R.MS." in 7 st. of 4 1., headed "To the Agents of the Liverpool town mission," and dated "May 1849." At the foot is written "Printed at the Printing Office of the Liverpool Town Mission Bazaar, Lycaeum, Bold Street." 7. High in yonder realms of light. Heaven. Contributed to Collyer's Collection, 1812, No. 911, in 6 st. of 8 1. It was sung at Dr. Raffles's funeral, Aug. 24, 1863. It is the most widely known of his hymns, but is usually given in an abbreviated form. 8. Lord, like a publican I stand. Lent. Dated in the "R.MS." "Seacombe, Oct. 4th, 1831," and headed, “The Publican, Luke xviii. 13." It is in 5 st. of 4 1., and is in several collections. 9. No night shall be in heaven! No gathering gloom. Heaven. In 8 st. of 4 double lines, headed “And there shall be no night there," Rev. xxii. 5, and dated " April 4, 1857." ("R.MS.") 10. 0 God of families, we own. Family Worship. In the "R.MS." in 5 st. of 4 1., entitled "The God of the families of Israel," and dated, "Jany. 15th, 1823." It appeared in the New Song, 1859. 11. Rapid flows the stream of tune. New Year. The last but one of his New Year's hymns, in 6 st. of 8 1., entitled "Hymn for New Year's Morning," and dated, "Jany. 1st, 1861." ("R.MS.") 12. Saviour, let Thy sanction rest. Holy Matrimony. In the “R. MS." in 6 st. of 6 1. entitled “The Marriage Feast," and dated "November 3rd, 1852. On occasion of the marriage of the Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Guenett." Included in the New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859, with the omission of st. v., vi. 13. Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all. Lent. No. 813 in Collyer's Collection, 1812, in 6 st. of 4 1. 14. The cup which my Father hath given. In Affliction. In the “R.MS." in 2 st. of 8 1., but without date. In theMemoirs. 1864, p. 272, the history of the hymn from Dr. Raffles's Diary is this :— "Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 16th [Oct., 1828.] I preached to an immense congregation last night at Nottingham, and slept at Mr. Gilbert's. Mr. Rawson [of Nottingham Castle], a fine young man, and but recently married, has broken a blood-vessel, and with his wife and mother, and father and sister, set out yesterday for Devonshire, to pass the winter. Mrs. Rawson sent me her album, and begged me to insert something appropriate. As I dressed in the morning I composed the following lines, which I sent her just before they set out: ‘The cup, &c.'" Mrs. Rawson, soon left a widow, resided at Wincobank Hall, near Sheffield, nearly 60 years, and died there in 1887. 15. Thou art my Hiding-place, 0 Lord. The Hiding-place. In the "R.MS." in 4 st. of 8 1., and dated “Burnley, June 23rd, 1833." 16. What is life? A rapid stream. Life. In the “R.MS." in 6 st. of 4 1., and dated in pencil 1838. At the foot is written by Dr. Raffles "Originally published in the Investigator, and, anonymously, in Affection's Gift, a poetical selection published by Simpkin and Marshall, Hamilton, &c, London." The "Raffles MS.," from which we have annotated these hymns, was kindly lent by Mr. T. S. Raffles, B.A., Stipendiary Magistrate of Liverpool. Mr. Raffles is the author of his father's Memoirs, 1864, and of hymn 25 in his father's Supplement. Dr. Raffles's original Hymns were published in 1868, with a Preface by J. Baldwin Brown. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Henry Martyn Dexter

1821 - 1890 Person Name: Henry Martyn Dexter, 1821-1890 Translator of "Shepherd of Eager Youth" in Revival Hymns and Choruses Dexter, Henry Martyn, D.D., born at Plympton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1821, and educated at Yale College, and Andover. In 1844 he was ordained Pastor of a Congregational Church at Manchester, New Haven. In 1849 he removed to the Berkeley Street Congregational Church, Boston, where he remained until his appointment as Editor of the Congregationalist, in 1867. Dr. Dexter is the translator of “Shepherd of tender youth" [see Clemens, Titus], in common usage in Great Britain and America.  [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

E. T. Winkler

1823 - 1883 Person Name: Edwin T. Winkler Author of "Our land, with mercies crowned" in The Spirit of Praise Winkler, Edwin Theodore, D.D., was born in Savannah, Nov. 13, 1823, and educated at Brown University. He entered the Baptist ministry in 1846, and subsequently filled several important literary and other appointments in addition to his pastorates. He died at Marion, Alabama, Nov. 10, 1883. He compiled The Sacred Lute, a Collection of popular Hymns, 1855 (enlarged ed., 1860), to which he contributed 8 hymns, the first lines of which are given in Burrage. (Burrage's Baptist Hymn Writers, 1888, p. 416.) Some of these have passed into other American collections, including "Our land with mercies crowned." (National Hymn.) -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Winkler, E. T., p. 1287, i. From his Sacred Lute, &c, 1855, the hymn, "Now in this consecrated place." (On behalf of Church Officers), is included in the American Sursum Corda, 1898, No. 708. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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