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Nicolaus Selneccer

1530 - 1592 Person Name: Nicolaus Selnecker Author of "Help, Savior! help in fear and need" in Evangelical Lutheran hymnal Selnecker, Nicolaus, D.D., son of Georg Selnecker (Selneccer, Schellenecker, who was protonotarius to the Nürnberg magistracy, but lived at Hersbruck near Nürnberg) was born at Hersbruck Dec. 5, 1532. In 1536 he was removed to Nürnberg, and became during his school time, when only twelve years old, organist at the chapel in the Kaiserburg there. He went to the university of Wittenberg in 1550 (where he became a favourite pupil of Melanchthon), graduated M.A. on July 31, 1554, and subsequently lectured as a privat-docent, sometimes to 200 students. In the end of 1557 he was appointed second court preacher at Dresden, and tutor to the heir apparent Prince Alexander, having also to supervise the education of the choirboys of the royal chapel. He was ordained at Wittenberg Jan. 6, 1558. The principal theologians at the Saxon court at that time were inclined to follow Melanchthon's lead and to approximate to Calvin's teachings regarding Consubstantiation. When therefore Selnecker thought it his duty openly to declare his adhesion to strict Lutheranism, he found his position almost untenable. When Martin Hoffmann of the Neustadt church in Dresden preached against the Elector August's passion for game preserving, Selnecker took Hoffmann's part. His enemies took advantage of this, and managed so that after Hoffmann had been expelled from Dresden, in August, 1564, Selnecker was requested to seek work elsewhere. He preached his farewell sermon at Dresden on March 15, 1565, and on the 26th he entered on his new office of Professor of Theology at Jena. After the siege of Gotha, Duke Johann Wilhelm of Saxony recalled Wigand and other professors of Theology who had been expelled from Jena, in 1561, as adherents of Flaeius; and Selnecker, not being so extreme a Lutheran as they, had to leave Jena. Thereupon the Elector August again received him into favour, appointed him professor of Theology at Leipzig, and also pastor of St. Thomas's church and Superintendent of Leipzig. He entered on his duties at Leipzig in August 1568, and for some time worked quietly and successfully. In July 1570 the Elector acceded to the request of Duke Julius of Brunswick for Selnecker's services, and gave Selnecker leave of absence to go to Wolfenbüttel as court preacher and general superintendent. Here he succeeded in inducing the clergy to receive the so-called Saxon Confession, and persevered in zealous visitations of churches, schools, &c. After 1572 he resided at Gandersheim, took an interest in the Gymnasium there, &c. In 1573 he also visited, and drew up a book of Church Order and Discipline for the district of Oldenburg-Jever. But in Brunswick, what with Martin Chemnitz the Superintendent of Brunswick, who was a High Lutheran, the Duke who wished for peace, and the other General Superintendent at Wolfenbüttel, Selnecker found it a difficult matter to work comfortably, and was himself accused of Crypto-Calvinism. He therefore gladly accepted the Elector August's recall to Leipzig, and began to lecture there again in Feb. 1574. In 1576 he was once more appointed pastor of St. Thomas's Church, and Superintendent. At Leipzig the sacramental controversy broke out afresh, and Selnecker became deeply involved therein, lie was then engaged in drawing up the Formula of Concord (meant to unite the Lutherans, but to exclude the Romanists on one hand, and the Calvinists on the other), which was finally revised on May 29, and published on July 22, 1577. The Formula of Concord was so far a success that it was very largely subscribed, but at the same time its authors, and specially Selnecker, were subjected to the most violent abuse both from the High Lutherans and from the Galvinists, so much so that he called 1579 his "year of patience and silence." For a few years immediately thereafter his life was a more peaceful one, and he found time to devote to poetry and music. At this time he assisted greatly in the building up of the famous Motett Choir of St. Thomas's Church, which J. S. Bach afterwards conducted. But on the death of the Elector August in 1586 the real direction of affairs passed into the hands of Dr. Nicolaus Crell, Chancellor to the Elector Christian I., and under his rule the Lutheran clergy were gradually displaced by Melanchthonians and Crypto-Calvinists. When the new court preacher Salmuth began to issue a German Bible with notes in which he clearly taught Calvinism and impugned the Formula of Concord, Selnecker published a pamphlet in opposition, and was in consequence deprived of his offices on May 17, 1589. For a time he stayed on in his own house in Leipzig, and used his pen in controversy. But after haying received, on Oct. 22, notice to cease writing, he thought it prudent to leave Leipzig, He found many sympathisers, and after a short time spent in Halle and then in Magdeburg, he accepted the appointment of Superintendent at Hildesheim. Here he had many anxious and weighty matters to settle, and was finally called on, in 1591, to arbitrate in matters of dispute at Augsburg. Returning from Augsburg in stormy December weather, and being worn out and seriously ill, he reached Hildesheim half dead, and was confined to his room till April. Meantime the Elector Christian I. had suddenly died, and his widow, after deposing the Chancellor Crell, proceeded to recall those whom Crell had banished. Selnecker, spite of his weakness, welcomed the idea of returning to Leipzig, left Hildesheim on May 9, and reached Leipzig on May 19; but only to die. He died at Leipzig, May 24, 1592. Seluecker, as we have seen, was a prominent figure in the ecclesiastical history of Germany in the latter half of the sixteenth century, and a good illustration of the extremes to which theological controversies were then carried. He was the author of some 175 theological and controversial works, in German and Latin, perhaps the most important being his Institutio Religionis Christianae, Frankfurt, 1572-73. He also ranks, with Helmbold and Ringwaldt, among the most important hymnwriters of the period. Amid the manifold changes and chances of his life he found inspiration and consolation in the study of and recourse to the Psalter, and in his love of music. In Latin verse he published a Scriptural play on the Fall of our First Parents, entitled Theophiania, &c, Wittenberg, 1560 [Brit. Mus.], and a version of the Psalms as Paraphrasis Psalterii, Heinrichstadt, 1573…His German hymns partake for the most part of the objective churchly character of the hymns of the Reformation period, and indeed contain many reminiscences of them. Of the rest, many only too faithfully mirror the misfortunes and changes and conflicts of his life, and are full of personal matter and careless in style. Still there remain not a few worthy of note, in which a genuine piety, a deep and fervent love to the Saviour, and a zeal for the best interests of His Church on earth, are expressed in clear, flowing and musical style. The hymns by Selnecker which have passed into English are:— i. Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ. Peace and Orthodoxy. It has sometimes been said of this hymn that st. i., ii. are by Selnecker, and that the rest are a later addition. The opposite however is the case. The full form appeared in theGeistliche Psalmen, &c, Nürnberg, 1611, p. 597, in 9 stanzas, viz.:— 1. Ach bleib bey uns, Herr Jesu Christ. 2. In diser schweren betrübten Zeit. 3. Herr Jesu, hilff, dein Kirch erhalt. 4. Erhalt unns nun bey deinem Wort. 5. Ach Gott es geht gar libel zu. 6. Den stoltzen Geistern wehre doch. 7. Die Sach und Ehr, Herr Jesu Christ. 8. Dein Wort ist unsers Hertzens Trutz. 9. Gib dass wir leben in deim Wort. The text of 1611 is in H. Thiele's ed. of Selnecker's Geistliche Lieder, 1855, p. 31, and in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 408. The translations in common use from this text:— 1. Lord Jesus with Thy children stay. This is a tr. of st. 1, 2, 8, 6, 9, 3 by J. Swertner in the Moravian Hymn Book 1789, No. 6 (1886, No. 6). 2. Ah Jesu Christ, with us abide. This is a good tr. of st. 1-5, 9, by Dr. Kennedy as No. 41 in his Hymnologia Christiana 1863, repeated in Holy Song, 1869. 3. Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide, For round us fall, &c. By Miss Winkworth, of st. 1, 2, in her Chorale Book for England. 4. Forsake us not, 0 Lord be near. Other trs. are-—(1) Abide with us, O Jesu dear," as No. 336, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide, 'Tis now." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 69. (3) "With us, Lord Jesus Christ, abide." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 61. ii. Christus der wahre Gottes Sohn. Holy Baptism. Translated as:— Now Christ, the very Son of God. iii. Hilf, Herr, mein Gott, in dieser Noth. Cross and Consolatio. In hisChristliche Psalmen, 1587, in 15 lines entitled "Anno 1565. God knows why." It was probably written during his last months at Dresden. It has indeed been said to have been written to comfort Martin Hoffmann, diaconus of the Holy Cross Church at Dresden, on his expulsion after preaching about the Elector August's passion for hunting and game preserving; but the hymn is dated 1565, and Hoffmann left Dresden in August, 1564. The form translated into English is:— Hilf, Helffer, hilf in Angst und Noth. The translations are:— 1. My Helper, aid: Thy mercy show. By A. T. Russell, in full, as No. 223 in his Psalms and Hymns. 1851. 2. Help, Saviour! help, in fear and need By E. Cronenwett, in full, as No. 410 in the OhioLutheran Hymnal 1880. 3. Help, Jesus, help! in woe, in need. By Miss Manington in her Footprints of the Holy Dead, &c, 1863, p. 8. iv. Lass mich dein sein und bleiben. Close of Service. This is a beautiful stanza of 8 lines which is very frequently used in Germany at the close of Divine service. It was written as his daily prayer . The translations are:— 1. Let me be Thine for ever, My gracious. This is a tr. of st. i.-iii. by Dr. M. Loy as No. 230 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. 2. Make me Thine own and keep me Thine. By Miss Winkworth in her Christian Singers of Germany, 1869, p. 152. v. 0 Herre Gott, in meiner Noth. For the Dying. Founded on Ps. cxvi. 9. Translated as:—- 0 Lord my God, I cry to Thee. This is a good and full tr. by Miss Winkworth in her Lyra Germanica 2nd Ser. 1858, p. 212, and her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 192. vi. Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Dass du gen Himmel gefahren bist. Ascension. The translation in common use is:— We thank Thee, Jesus! dearest Friend, that Thou didst. Other trs. are—- (1) “Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee now." This is No. 334, in pt. i., of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) "To Thee, our Lord, all praise be given." vii. Wir danken dir, o treuer Gott. Absolution. Translated as:— O Faithful God, thanks be to Thee. By C. H. L. Schnette, in full, as No. 246 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal 1880. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Francis Turner Palgrave

1824 - 1897 Person Name: F. T. Palgrave Author of "Lord God of morning and of night" in Isles of Shoals Hymn Book and Candle Light Service Palgrave, Francis Turner, M.A., eldest son of Sir Francis Palgrave, the Historian, was born at Great Yarmouth, Sept. 28, 1824, and educated at the Charterhouse (1838-1843) and at Oxford, where he graduated in first class Classical Honours. He was scholar of Balliol (1842) and Fellow of Exeter (1846). He was engaged in the Education Department of the Privy Council till 1884, being also Private Secretary to Lord Granville (then Lord President). In 1885 he was elected Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. Professor Palgrave's publications include:— (1) Idylls and Songs, 1854; (2) Art Catalogue of the Great Exhibition, 1862; (3) Essays on Art, 1866; (4) Lyrical Poems, 1871; (5) Hymns, 1st ed., 1867; 2nd ed., 1868; 3rd ed., 1870. He has also edited, (6) Golden Treasury of English Lyrics, 1861; (7) Sir Walter Scott's Poems, with Life, 1867; and (8) Chrysomela, a selection from Herrick, 1877. A large proportion of Professor Palgrave's hymns are in common use, the greatest number being in the Marlborough College Hymns, 1869 (5); Thring's Collection, 1882; (4) Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884 (11); and the Westminster Abbey Hymn Book, 1883 (12). These include:— i. From his Hymns, 1867-70:— 1. High in heaven the sun. (1867.) Morning. 2. Hope of those who have none other. (1862.) Consolation in Affliction. 3. Lord God of morning and of night. (q.v.) Morning. 4. 0 Light of Life, 0 Saviour dear. (1865.) Evening. 5. 0 Thou not made with hands. (1867.) Kingdom of God within. 6. Once Man with man, now God with God above us. (1868.) Holy Communion. 7. Thou sayest 'Take up thy cross'. (1865.) Taking the Cross of Christ. In Macmillan's Magazine. 8. Thou that once, on mother's knee. (1863-7.) The Child Jesus. 9. Though we long, in sin-wrought blindness. (1868.) Lost and Found. 10. We name Thy Name, O God. (1868.) Lent. ii. From Other Sources:— 11. Christ, Who art above the sky. em>Christ, the Consoler and Guide. 12. Lord, how fast the minutes fly. The New Year. 13. O God, Who when the night was deep. Morning. 14. 0 God [Lord] Who when Thy cross was nigh. Evening. 15. Thrice-holy Name that sweeter sounds. Litany of the Name of Jesus. From the School Guardian, 1883. These hymns, in common with others by Professor Palgrave are marked by much originality of thought and beauty of diction, as well as great tenderness. His object was "to try and write hymns which should have more distinct matter for thought and feeling than many in our collections offer, and so, perhaps, be of little use and comfort to readers," and he has admirably succeeded in his object. He died Oct. 24, 1897. [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Lowell Mason

1792 - 1872 Composer of "[Ere mountains reared their forms sublime]" in Light in the Valley Dr. Lowell Mason (the degree was conferred by the University of New York) is justly called the father of American church music; and by his labors were founded the germinating principles of national musical intelligence and knowledge, which afforded a soil upon which all higher musical culture has been founded. To him we owe some of our best ideas in religious church music, elementary musical education, music in the schools, the popularization of classical chorus singing, and the art of teaching music upon the Inductive or Pestalozzian plan. More than that, we owe him no small share of the respect which the profession of music enjoys at the present time as contrasted with the contempt in which it was held a century or more ago. In fact, the entire art of music, as now understood and practiced in America, has derived advantage from the work of this great man. Lowell Mason was born in Medfield, Mass., January 8, 1792. From childhood he had manifested an intense love for music, and had devoted all his spare time and effort to improving himself according to such opportunities as were available to him. At the age of twenty he found himself filling a clerkship in a banking house in Savannah, Ga. Here he lost no opportunity of gratifying his passion for musical advancement, and was fortunate to meet for the first time a thoroughly qualified instructor, in the person of F. L. Abel. Applying his spare hours assiduously to the cultivation of the pursuit to which his passion inclined him, he soon acquired a proficiency that enabled him to enter the field of original composition, and his first work of this kind was embodied in the compilation of a collection of church music, which contained many of his own compositions. The manuscript was offered unavailingly to publishers in Philadelphia and in Boston. Fortunately for our musical advancement it finally secured the attention of the Boston Handel and Haydn Society, and by its committee was submitted to Dr. G. K. Jackson, the severest critic in Boston. Dr. Jackson approved most heartily of the work, and added a few of his own compositions to it. Thus enlarged, it was finally published in 1822 as The Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Church Music. Mason's name was omitted from the publication at his own request, which he thus explains, "I was then a bank officer in Savannah, and did not wish to be known as a musical man, as I had not the least thought of ever making music a profession." President Winchester, of the Handel and Haydn Society, sold the copyright for the young man. Mr. Mason went back to Savannah with probably $500 in his pocket as the preliminary result of his Boston visit. The book soon sprang into universal popularity, being at once adopted by the singing schools of New England, and through this means entering into the church choirs, to whom it opened up a higher field of harmonic beauty. Its career of success ran through some seventeen editions. On realizing this success, Mason determined to accept an invitation to come to Boston and enter upon a musical career. This was in 1826. He was made an honorary member of the Handel and Haydn Society, but declined to accept this, and entered the ranks as an active member. He had been invited to come to Boston by President Winchester and other musical friends and was guaranteed an income of $2,000 a year. He was also appointed, by the influence of these friends, director of music at the Hanover, Green, and Park Street churches, to alternate six months with each congregation. Finally he made a permanent arrangement with the Bowdoin Street Church, and gave up the guarantee, but again friendly influence stepped in and procured for him the position of teller at the American Bank. In 1827 Lowell Mason became president and conductor of the Handel and Haydn Society. It was the beginning of a career that was to win for him as has been already stated the title of "The Father of American Church Music." Although this may seem rather a bold claim it is not too much under the circumstances. Mr. Mason might have been in the average ranks of musicianship had he lived in Europe; in America he was well in advance of his surroundings. It was not too high praise (in spite of Mason's very simple style) when Dr. Jackson wrote of his song collection: "It is much the best book I have seen published in this country, and I do not hesitate to give it my most decided approbation," or that the great contrapuntist, Hauptmann, should say the harmonies of the tunes were dignified and churchlike and that the counterpoint was good, plain, singable and melodious. Charles C. Perkins gives a few of the reasons why Lowell Mason was the very man to lead American music as it then existed. He says, "First and foremost, he was not so very much superior to the members as to be unreasonably impatient at their shortcomings. Second, he was a born teacher, who, by hard work, had fitted himself to give instruction in singing. Third, he was one of themselves, a plain, self-made man, who could understand them and be understood of them." The personality of Dr. Mason was of great use to the art and appreciation of music in this country. He was of strong mind, dignified manners, sensitive, yet sweet and engaging. Prof. Horace Mann, one of the great educators of that day, said he would walk fifty miles to see and hear Mr. Mason teach if he could not otherwise have that advantage. Dr. Mason visited a number of the music schools in Europe, studied their methods, and incorporated the best things in his own work. He founded the Boston Academy of Music. The aim of this institution was to reach the masses and introduce music into the public schools. Dr. Mason resided in Boston from 1826 to 1851, when he removed to New York. Not only Boston benefited directly by this enthusiastic teacher's instruction, but he was constantly traveling to other societies in distant cities and helping their work. He had a notable class at North Reading, Mass., and he went in his later years as far as Rochester, where he trained a chorus of five hundred voices, many of them teachers, and some of them coming long distances to study under him. Before 1810 he had developed his idea of "Teachers' Conventions," and, as in these he had representatives from different states, he made musical missionaries for almost the entire country. He left behind him no less than fifty volumes of musical collections, instruction books, and manuals. As a composer of solid, enduring church music. Dr. Mason was one of the most successful this country has introduced. He was a deeply pious man, and was a communicant of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Mason in 1817 married Miss Abigail Gregory, of Leesborough, Mass. The family consisted of four sons, Daniel Gregory, Lowell, William and Henry. The two former founded the publishing house of Mason Bros., dissolved by the death of the former in 1869. Lowell and Henry were the founders of the great organ manufacturer of Mason & Hamlin. Dr. William Mason was one of the most eminent musicians that America has yet produced. Dr. Lowell Mason died at "Silverspring," a beautiful residence on the side of Orange Mountain, New Jersey, August 11, 1872, bequeathing his great musical library, much of which had been collected abroad, to Yale College. --Hall, J. H. (c1914). Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company.

Robert T. Hall

Person Name: Robert Hall Alterer of "God, in the gospel of his Son" in Laudamus

Thomas Gibbons

1720 - 1785 Person Name: Gibbons Author of "Eternal life! how will it reign" in Songs for the Service of Prayer Gibbons, Thomas, was born at Beak, near Newmarket, May 31, 1720; educated by Dr. Taylor, at Deptford; ordained in 1742, as assistant to the Rev. Mr. Bures, at Silver Street Chapel, London; and in 1743 became minister of the Independent Church, at Haberdashers' Hall, where he remained till his death, Feb. 22, 1785. In addition to his ministerial office he became, in 1754, tutor of the Dissenting Academy at Mile End, London; and, in 1759, Sunday evening lecturer at Monkwell Street. In 1760 the College at New Jersey, U.S., gave him the degree of M.A. and in 1764 that of Aberdeen the degree of D.D. His prose works were (1) Calvinism and Nonconformity defended, 1740; (2) Sermons on various subjects, 1762; (3) Rhetoric, 1767; (4) Female Worthies, 2 vols., 1777. Three volumes of sermons were published after his death. His poetical works were:— (1) Juvenilia; Poems on various subjects of Devotion and Virtue, 1750, was published by subscription. Among the subscribers is found the name of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, B.A. It was dedicated to the Countess of Huntingdon, and bears her coat of arms. In this volume are included versions of six of the Psalms, and a few hymns. (2) Hymns adapted to Divine wor¬ship in two books. Book I. Derived from select passages of Holy Scriptures. Book II., Written on sacred subjects and particular occasions, partly collected front various authors, but principally composed by Thomas Gibbons, D.D., 1769. (3) Hymns adapted to Divine worship in two books. Book I. Derived from select passages of the Holy Scriptures. Book II. Written on sacred subjects and particular occasions by Thomas Gibbons, D.D., 1784. (4) The Sermons, published in 1762, included fifteen hymns, one being appended to each sermon. (5) The Christian Minister in three poetical epistles to Philander, 1772. This volume included (i.) Poetical versions of several parts of Scripture, (ii.) Translations of poems from Greek and Latin writers, (iii.) Original pieces on various occasions. (6) An English version of the Latin Epitaphs on the Nonconformist's Memorial, with a poem to the memory of the 2000 ministers ejected in 1662, 1775. (7) Select Portions of Scripture, and Remarkable Occurrences, versified for the Instruction and entertainment of Youth of both Sexes, 1781. Reprinted in America, 1805. Dr. Gibbons may be called a disciple in hymnwriting of Dr. Watts, whose life he wrote. His hymns are not unlike those of the second rank of Watts. He lacked "the vision and faculty divine," which gives life to hymns and renders them of permanent value. Hence, although several are common use in America, they are dying out of use in Great Britain. The most popular are, "Now let our souls on wings sublime"; "Great God, the nations of the earth"; "Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confess"; "To Thee, my God, whose presence fills." [Rev. W. Garrett Horder] The less important of Dr. Gibbons's hymns, which are still in common use are:— 1. And be it so that till this hour. Hope. This is No. 50 in Book ii. of his Hymns adapted to Divine Worship, &c, 1769, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed, "Encouragement against Despair; or, Hope still set before us." Originally a Sacramental hymn in Rippon's Selections, 1787, No 230, it was altered to a general hymn, with special reference to "Hope." 2. Assist us, Lord, Thy Name to praise. Life, a race. In Rippon's Baptist Selections, 1787, No. 326, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines. 3. Eternal life, how sweet the sound. Eternal Life. This is one of three hymns on Titus iii. 7, in his Hymns adapted to Divine Worship, &c, 1784, Book i., No. 156, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. In the American Dutch Reformed Hymns of the Church, 1869, No. 843 begins with st. ii., "Eternal life, how will it reign?" 4. Father, is not Thy promise pledged? Missions. This is Pt. iii.of his hymn, "Great God, the nations of the earth" (q. v.). 5. Forgiveness, 'tis a joyful sound. Pardon. From his Hymns adapted to Divine Worship, &c, 1769. Book i., No. 69, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines into several modern collections in Great Britain and America. It is based on St. Luke, vii. 47. 6. From winter's barren clods. [Spring.] Appeared in his Hymns, &c, 1784, Book ii., No. 27, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed, "The Return of the Spring celebrated in the Powerful and Gracious Work of God." In 1787 it was repeated anonymously in Rippon's Baptist Selections, No. 499. The hymn, "Great God, at Thy command, Seasons in order rise," begins with st. iii. of this hymn. 7. Happy the men in ancient days. Public Worship. In his Hymns adapted to Public Worship, &c, 1784. 8. On Zion, his most holy mount. Gospel Feast. From his Hymns adapted for Divine Worship, &c, 1769, Book i., No. 35, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It was originally a Sacramental hymn, but in its abbreviated form, as in use in America, that element is eliminated. 9. Our Father, high enthroned above. Lord's Prayer. Appeared in the Bristol Baptist Collection of Ash & Evans, 1769, No. 41, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines. In 1772 it was reprinted in a revised form, and with an additional stanza, in Gibbons's Christian Minister, p. 74. 10. Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confess. Providence and Grace. Appeared in the Gospel Magazine, 1775, and in his Hymns adapted to Divine Worship, &c, 1784, Bk. ii., No. 11, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. In Dobell's Selections, 1806, st. i.-iv., and vi. were given with alterations, which were not improvements, as No. 9. This arrangement is repeated in modern hymnbooks, including the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and others. 11. When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay. Jesus our Example. From his Hymns adapted to Divine Worship, &c, 1784, Book i., No. 128, in 9 stanzas of 4 lines into a few American collections, including the Baptist Praise Book, 1871. The more important of Dr. Gibbons's hymns are annotated under their respective first lines. [William T. Brooke] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Gibbons, Thomas, p. 420, i. From his Hymns, &c, of 1784, are also in common use:— 1. Lord God, omnipotent to bless. Divine Help desired. 2. Now may the God of peace and love. Close of Service. (1769. Pt. i.) 3. O what stupendous mercy shines. Benevolence. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

M. T. W.

Translator of "La Estrella de Bethlehem" in Himnario de la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal

J. J. Rambach

1693 - 1735 Author of "Was hat, o Schöpfer, deine Hand" in Evangelisches Gesangbuch mit vierstimmigen Melodien Rambach, Johann Jakob, D.D., son of Hans Jakob Rambach, cabinet maker at Halle on the Saale, was born at Halle, Feb. 24, 1693. In 1706 he left school and entered his father's workshop, but, in the autumn of 1707, he dislocated his ankle. During his illness he turned again to his schoolbooks; the desire for learning reawoke; and on his recovery, early in 1708, he entered the Latin school of the Orphanage at Halle (Glaucha). On Oct. 27, 1712, he matriculated at the University of Halle as a student of medicine, but soon turned his attention to theology. He became specially interested in the study of the Old Testament under J. H. Michaelis. In May 1715 he became one of Michaelis's assistants in preparing his edition of the Hebrew Bible, for which he wrote the commentary on Ruth, Esther, Nehemiah, &c. His health began to suffer in the spring of 1719, and he gladly accepted the invitation of Count von Heukel to stay at Polzig, near Ronneburg, where he spent several months. By August he had quite recovered, and went to pay a visit to Jena, where a number of the students asked him to lecture to them. For this purpose he settled at Jena in Oct., 1719, and lived in the house of Professor Buddeus (J. F. Budde). He graduated M.A. in March 1720. In 1723 he was appointed adjunct of the Theological Faculty at Halle, as also inspector of the Orphanage; in 1726 extraordinary professor of theology; and in 1727, after A. H. Francke's death, ordinary professor as well as preacher at the Schulkirche. Here he was very popular, both as preacher and professor, but the jealousy of his colleagues induced him to accept an offer from the Landgrave Ernst Ludwig of Hesse, who, in 1731, invited him to Giessen as superintendent and first professor of theology (before leaving Halle he graduated D.D., June 28, 1731), and in Aug., 1732, appointed him also director of the Paedagogium at Giessen. In 1734 he was, for various reasons, greatly inclined to accept the offer of the first professorship of theology in the newly-founded University of Göttingen, but eventually, at the earnest request of the Landgrave, remained in Giessen, where he died of fever, April 19, 1735 (Die Familie Rambach. By Dr. T. Hansen, Gotha, 1875: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xxvii. 196; Blätter fur Hymnologie, 1883, pp. 113, 129, 145, 163, 186; 1884, p. 20; 1885, p. 13, &c.) Rambach was a voluminous author in various departments of practical theology, e.g. his Institutiones hermeneuticae sacrae, Jena, 1724, which passed through four editions in his lifetime; hisErbauliches Handbüchlein fur Kinder, 1734 (see below), which reached an eighth edition in 1736, and a 14th in 1766; his various volumes of sermons, &c. He justly earned his popularity by the thoroughness of his researches, and the clear and concise way in which he set forth the results of his investigations. It is however as a hymnwriter that his name is likely to be best known. While not entitled to rank with the best hymn-writers of the 16th and 17th centuries, he yet takes a high place among his contemporaries, and deserves to be remembered as much as almost any of the 18th cent, hymnwriters. His style is good and dignified; his thought is profound yet clearly expressed. While his hymns are often sufficiently didactic, they are generally scriptural and churchly in tone, and are characterised by lyric force, lively imagination, and earnest, sober piety. Of hymns, in the strict sense, he wrote over 180, a large number of which passed into the German hymn-books of the 18th cent. (e.g. the Hannover Gesang-Buch, 1740, and Lüneburg Gesang-Buch, 1767, contains 52 by him), and a good many are still found in modern hymn-books. Of these Dr. J. L. Pasig gives 165 in his edition of Rambach's Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1844, and the rest are printed by Hansen as above, while the first lines of the whole are given in the Blätter as above. Four are recasts (practically originals), made for the 11th edition, 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, to replace similar hymns in the ed. of 1705. The rest principally appeared in the following works by Rambach, viz.: (1) Geistliche Poesien, Halle. 1720 [British Museum] The first part contains 72 cantatas on the Gospels for Sundays and festivals; the second part includes 20 hymns, mostly written at Polzig in 1719. (2) Poetische Fest-Gedancken. Jena and Leipzig, 1723 [Royal Library, Berlin]. Included are 15 pieces which may be called hymns. The second edition of 1727 [Brit. Mus.] has 28 new hymns; and the 3rd ed., 1729 [Gottingen Library], has 22 more. (3) Erbauliches Handbuchlein für Kinder, Giessen, 1734 [Hamburg Library]. The 3rd part contains 8 new hymns. (4) Geistreiches Haus-Gesang-Buch, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1735 [Hamburg Library], with a preface dated April 10, 1735. This contains 112 hymns by Rambach, of which 58 are practically new, 11 of these, however, being recasts of his own earlier hymns. (5) Wander der bis zum Tode des Kreutzes erniedrigten Liebe, Giessen, 1750 [Berlin Library]. This includes 27 new hymns. Rambach's hymns …which have passed into English are:— i. Auf! Seele, schicke dich. Holy Communion. Written, by request for the eleventh edition, 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, as No. 229, in 16 stanzas of 6 lines in order to replace the hymn "Auf, Seele, sey gerüst." This hymn, by George Heine, was included in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 433. In the second ed., 1771, of the complete book formed by the fusion of pt. i., 1704, and its supplement of 1705 with pt. ii., 1714, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, both hymns are given, Heine's as No. 524, and Rambach's as No. 522, both marked as being No. 229 in pt. i., 1704. Rambach's hymn is in his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 369; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 471, &c. In Pasig's edition of his Geistliche Lieder, 1844, p. 112, entitled "Before the reception of Holy Communion." It has been translated as:— My soul prepare to meet. Omitting st. i., 11. 4-6 ; ii., 11. 4-6; vii., xiv., as No. 570 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1849, No. 966). In the edition of 1886, No. 979 begins with st. iv., "How should I, slaughtered Lamb"; and No. 1012 with st. xi., "Lord, of Thy wondrous love." ii. Mein Jesu, der du vor dem Scheiden. Holy Communion. Appeared in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 11th ed., 1719, as No. 238, in 9 st. of 6 1. It was written to replace the hymn "Mein Jesn, hier sind deine Brüder" (Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697, p. 363), in the first edition of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch. It is in his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 365; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 1601; and in Pasig, 1844, p. 110, entitled, "On the treasures of Grace in Holy Communion." The translations are:— 1. Lord Jesus, Who before Thy passion. Omitting st. ix., this is No. 1181 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1886, No. 963). 2. 0 Lord, Who on that last sad eve. A good translation omitting st. ix., by Miss Cox, contributed to Lyra Eucharistica, 1863, p. 15, and repeated in her Hymns from the German, 1864, p. 75. Included, omitting st. iii., in G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867. iii. 0 Lehrer, dem kein Andrer gleich. Christ our Prophet. In his Haus Gesang-Buch1735, No. 107, in 8 st. of 6 1., entitled, "On the prophetical office of Jesus Christ." Repeated in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 118, and in Pasig, 1844, p. 51. Translated as:— Surely none like Thee can teach. By Miss Fry, in 102 lines, in her Hymns of the Reformation,1845, p. 126. A recast in 3 st. of 8 1., beginning, "Saviour, none like Thee can teach," was included in J. Whittemore's Supplement to all Hymn Books, 1860, No. 263, and repeated in the Methodist New Congregational Hymn Book, 1863, No. 62. iv. Wie herrlich ists ein Schäflein Christi werden. Joy in Believing. In his Poetiche Fest-Gedancken, 2nd ed. 1727, p. 131, in 6 st. of 6 l., entitled, "The Blessedness of the Sheep of Christ. John x. 28, ‘I give my sheep eternal life.'" In his Haus Gesang-Buch 1735, No. 325; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863, No. 645; and Pasig, 1844, p. 139. Translated as:— How great the bliss to be a sheep of Jesus. A translation of st. i., ii., v., by C. J. Latrobe, as No. 293, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 385). Hymns not in English common use:— v. Allwissender, vollkommner Geist. The Omniscient One. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 12, in 6 stanzas; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863; and in Pasig, p. 8. Translated as, "Thou Spirit, perfect and allwise." By Dr. H. Mills, 1856, p. 11. vi. Frommes Lamm, von was für Hunden. Passiontide. In his Poetische Fest-Gedancken, 2nd ed., 1727, p. 49, in 8 st. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 151, it begins, "Frommes Lamm, durch dessen Wunden." Also in Pasig, p. 67. Translated as, "Great Thy sorrows, injur'd Jesus." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 297). vii. Gesetz und Evangelium, Law and Gospel. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 356, in 10 st.; the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863; and Pasig, p. 105. Translated as, "The holy law and gospel, both." By Dr. II. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 27.) viii. Herr, du hast nach dem Fall. Before Work. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 565, in 4 st.; and Pasig, p. 150. In the Berlin Gesang-Buch, 1765, No. 206, it is altered (probably by J. S. Diterich), and begins "Du hast uns, Heir die Pflicht." This is translated as, “Lord, Thou hast bid us labour, bid us toil." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 230. ix. Hier bin ich Herr, du rufest mir. Christian Work. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 269, in 6 st.; the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 306; and Pasig, p. 119. The translations are (1) "Here am I, Lord, Thou callest me, Thou drawest me." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 209. (2) "Here am I, Lord, Thou callest me, Thou drawest and." By Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 4th series, 1862. x. Höchste Vollkommenheit, reineste Sonne. God's Majesty . Written for the 11th ed., 1719, of Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, No. 170 (in 20 st.), to replace an anonymous hymn in the first edition, 1704, which began "Höchste Vollkommenheit, alles in Einem." In his Haus Gesang-Buch 1735, No. 8, Rambach reduced it to 12 st., and rewrote it to an easier metre, so as to begin "Höchstes Wesen, reinste Sonne." Both forms are in Pasig, pp. 3-6. Translated as "If Heav'ns and Earths there were innumerable," a tr. of st. iii., viii., xi., xv., xvii., xix., xx., as No. 672, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. xi. O grosser Geist, dess Wesen Alles füllet. The Omnipresent One. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1720, p. 330, in 9 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 13; the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, No. 44 ; and Pasig, p. 7. Translated as, “Eternal God, Thy dwelling-place." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 73. xii. 0 grosser Geist! O Ursprung aller Dinge. God's Holiness. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1729, p. 327, in 9 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 19; and Pasig, p. 15. Translated as, "O mighty Spirit! Source whence all things sprung." By Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 153. xiii. Verklärte Majestät, anbetungs-würdigst Wesen. God's Majesty. Founded on 1 Tim. vi. 15, 16. In his Geistliche Poesien, 1720, p. 303, in 11 st.; his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 7; and Pasig, p. 2. The form translation is "Anbetungswürdger Gott," a recast (probablv by J. S. Diterich), which is No. l in the Berlin Gesang-Buch 1765, and No. 5 in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. Translated as, "Dread Majesty above." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 8). xiv. Wirf, blöder Sinn, den Kummer hin. Christmas. In his Haus Gesang-Buch, 1735, No. 129, in 6 st. (founded on Rom. viii. 31, 32). In Pasig, p. 6, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851, No. 60. Translated as, "Throw, soul, I say, thy fears away." By Miss Manington, 1864, p. 28. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907

Charles Fitch

Author of "One precious boon, O Lord, I seek" in The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book

David E. Ford

1797 - 1875 Person Name: D. E. Ford Author of "How vain is all beneath the skies!" in Hymns and Tunes Ford, David Everard, son of a Congregational Minister at Long Melford, was born there on Sept. 13, 1797. He became pastor of the Congregational Church at Lymington, in Oct. 1821; Travelling Secretary to the Congregational Union in 1841; and pastor of Greengate Chapel, Salford, Manchester, in 1843. He died at Bedford, Oct. 23, 1875. Mr. Ford published several works including, Hymns chiefly on the Parables of Christ, 1828. From this is taken, (1) "Earthly joys no longer please us" (Heaven Anticipated). (2) "How vain is all beneath the skies" (Heaven Anticipated). These are in American common use. See Hymns of the Church, 1869, and Laudes Domini, 1884. Another of his hymns in common use from the same work, p. 107, is:—"Almighty Father, heavenly Friend" (Old and New Year). This is in Dale's English Hymn Book, 1874. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Margaret Athey

b. 1936 Person Name: Margaret Athey, 1936 - Alterer of "Be Present at Our Table, Lord" in Hymns of the Saints


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