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Hymnal, Number:mh1885

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Henry Kirke White

1785 - 1806 Person Name: Henry K. White Hymnal Number: d119 Author of "Oft in danger [sorrow], oft [and] in woe" in The Mission Hymnal White, Henry Kirke, a gifted English poet who died early in life, was born in Nottingham, England, March 21, 1785. Very early he manifested a remarkable love for books and a decided talent for composition. But his parents were poor, and he was apprenticed in early boyhood to a stocking weaver, from which uncongenial servitude he escaped as soon as he could and began the study of law; but later he was converted and felt called to the ministry. The story of his conversion from deism to Christianity is briefly but beautifully told in the poem titled "The Star of Bethlehem." He entered St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1805 as a servitor; but died October 19, 1806, in the second year of his college course, when only twenty-one years of age. In 1803 he published a small volume of poems. Some of them are very fine, but no doubt he would have produced others far better if he had lived to the ordinary age of man. His rare poetic genius, his victory over skepticism and subsequent faith and piety, his hard struggle with poverty and early death invest the story of his life with more than ordinary pathos. His hymns, ten in number, appeared in Collyer's Collection, 1812. Oft in danger, oft in woe 412 The Lord our God is clothed with 99 When marshaled on the mighty 124 Hymn Writers of the Church, 1911 ============================ White, Henry Kirk, remarkable both for the early development of his genius and for the untimely termination of his brief life of splendid promise, was born at Nottingham, March 21, 1785. His father was a butcher, but his mother must have been a superior woman, since for a number of years she successfully conducted a boarding-school for girls. The writing-master in her establishment was for some time Henry's teacher, and under his instruction he made remarkable progress in Latin and other subjects. At the age of 13 he composed the lines "To an early Primrose," which were subsequently printed with his poems. At 14 he left school, and was put to the stocking-frame in order to learn prac¬tically the business of a hosier; but, disliking the employment, he was removed to an attorney's office in Nottingham, with a view to the legal profession. All his spare time was now devoted to literary pursuits, the acquisition of languages, and the composition of poetical and other contributions for the periodicals of the day. At the age of 15 he obtained from the Monthly Preceptor a silver medal for a translation from Horace, and a pair of globes for the best description of an imaginary tour from London to Edinburgh. When only 17 he was encouraged to publish his Clifton Grove and other Poems, which were certainly excellent as the compositions of a mere boy. About this time he was inclined to scepticism, but. through the perusal of Scott's Force of Truth and the arguments and appeals of a young friend, R. W. Almond (afterwards Rector of St. Peter's, Nottingham), he was led to earnest faith in Christianity. His well-known hymn "When marshall'd on the nightly plain" is understood to be a figurative description of his spiritual experience at this period. He now desired to become a Christian minister, and through the generosity of his employers he was released from his articles in 1804. With the help of the Rev. C. Simeon and other friends, he became a student of St. John's College, Cambridge. There he speedily distinguished himself, and the highest honours seemed within his grasp; but over application to study destroyed his health, and he fell ill and died Oct. 19, 1806, in the 22nd year of his age. Universal regret was expressed at his untimely end. Southey published his Remains, accompanied by a short memoir. Lord Byron composed some beautiful lines on the sad event. Josiah Conder and others wrote commemorative verses. The entire literary young manhood of England and America seemed moved with sympathy. A monumental tablet, with a medallion by Chantrey, was erected in All Saints Church, Cambridge, at the expense of a citizen of Boston, in the United States. Ten hymns are ascribed to H. K. White, which were printed by the Rev. Dr. W. B. Collyer in his Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms & Hymns, London, 1812. Of these four of the most popular are annotated as follows: "Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake"; "Christians, brethren, ere we part"; "Much in sorrow, oft in woe"; “When marshalled on the nightly plain." These are all in extensive use. The rest, all in common use at the present time, are:— 1. 0 Lord, another day has flown. Evening. From this the hymn "0 let Thy grace perform its part" is taken. 2. 0 Lord, my God, in mercy turn. Penitence and Faith. 3. The Lord our God is full [clothed in] of might. Divine Sovereignty. 4. The Lord our God is Lord of all. Divine Sovereignty. 5. Through sorrow's night and danger's path. The Resurrection. Sometimes given as "When sorrow's path and danger's road." 6. What is this passing scene? Human Frailty. This hymn consists of selected stanzas from his “Ode on Disappointment." [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Elizabeth Codner

1824 - 1919 Hymnal Number: d79 Author of "Even me, even me" in The Mission Hymnal CODNER, Elizabeth (née Harris) was born in Dartmouth, Devon in 1823. Croydon, Surrey, 28 March 1919. She was interested in the mission field from an early age, and two of her early publications were entitled The Missionary Ship (1853) and The Missionary Farewell (1854) relating to the Patagonia Mission (later the South American Missionary Society). She married William Pennefather at the Mildmay Protestant Mission in London, and edited the mission’s monthly Woman’s Work in the Great Harvest Field. At age 17, she was editing a magazine for the Patagonia Mission, later the South American Missionary Society. She died in Croydon, Surrey on 28 March 1919. NN, Hymnary

J. Grigg

1720 - 1768 Person Name: Joseph Grigg Hymnal Number: d63 Author of "Jesus, and shall it ever be" in The Mission Hymnal Grigg, Joseph, was born in 1728, according to the D. Sedgwick’s Manuscript," but this date seems to be some six or eight years too late. He was the son of poor parents and was brought up to mechanical pursuits. In 1743 he forsook his trade and became assistant minister to the Rev. Thomas Bures, of the Presbyterian Church, Silver Street, London. On the death of Mr. Bures in 1747, he retired from the ministry, and, marrying a lady of property, look up his residence at St. Albans. He died at Walthamstow, Essex, Oct. 29, 1768. As a hymnwriter Grigg is chiefly known by two of his hymns, "Behold a stranger at the door"; and "Jesus, and can it ever be?" His hymnwriting began, it is said, at ten years of age. His published works of various kinds number over 40. Those in which his hymns are found are:— (1) Miscellanies on Moral and Religious Subjects, &c, London, Elizabeth Harrison, 1756. (2) The Voice of Danger, the Voice of God. A Sermon Preached at St. Albans, and at Box-Lane, Chiefly with a View to the apprehended Invasion. By J. Grigg. London, J. Buckland, 1756. To this is appended his hymn, "Shake, Britain, like an aspen shake." (3) Four Hymns on Divine Subjects wherein the Patience and Love of Our Divine Saviour is displayed, London, 1765. (4) Hymns by the late Rev. Joseph Grigg, Stourbridge, 1806. (5) During 1765 and 1766 he also contributed 12 hymns to The Christians Magazine. In 1861 D. Sedgwick collected his hymns and poems, and published them with a memoir as: Hymns on Divine Subjects, * * * * London, 1861. This volume contains 40 "Hymns," and 17 "Serious Poems." In the “S. MSS." Sedgwick notes that in 1861 he omitted three hymns by Grigg, which were then unknown to him, viz.:—l) On "The National Fast," appended to a sermon preached at Northampton, Feb. 13, 1761, by W. Warburton, and published in London, 1761. (2) "A Harvest Hymn by the late Rev. Joseph Grigg," in 6 stanzas, in the Evangelical Magazine, July, 1822; and (3) On the Parable of Dives and Lazarus, dated "Feb. 15, 1767." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

W. McDonald

1820 - 1901 Person Name: WIlliam McDonald Hymnal Number: d44 Author of "I am trusting, Lord, in thee" in The Mission Hymnal McDonald, Rev. William. (Belmont, Maine, March 1, 1820--September 11, 1901, Monrovia, California). Becoming a local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1839 he was admitted to the Maine Conference in 1843, being transferred to that of Wisconsin in 1855 and of New England in 1859. For a number of years he was editor of the Advocate of Christian Holiness. In addition to being a writer of biographies and religious books, he compiled, or assisted in compiling, a number of song books of the gospel song type, among them being the Western Minstrel (1840), Wesleyan Minstrel (1853), Beulah Songs (1870), Tribute of Praise (1874). This last book was that which had been compiled by McDonald and L.F. Snow, and re-edited by Eben Tourjée, appeared in 1882 as the official hymnal of the Methodist Protestant Church. From 1870 he spent many years in evangelistic work before his retirement to Monrovia. Sources: Metcalf, Frank J., American Writers and Compilers of Sacred Music; Tillett, Wilbur F., Our Hymns and Their Authors; Nutter and Tillett, Hymns and Hymn Writers of the Church; McCutchan, Robert G., Our Hymnody; Benson, L.F., The English Hymn. --Robert G. McCutchan, DNAH Archives

Edward Denny

1796 - 1889 Hymnal Number: d11 Author of "Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake" in The Mission Hymnal Denny, Sir Edward, Bart . Sir Edward Denny, son of Sir E. Denny, 4th baronet, of Tralee Castle, County of Kerry, was born 2 Oct., 1796, and succeeded his father in August, 1831. He is a member of the Plymouth Brethren, and has contributed largely to their hymnody. His first publication, in which many of his hymns appeared, was A Selection of Hymns, Lond. Central Tract Depot, 1839. This was followed by Hymns & Poems , Lond., 1848 (third ed., 1870). He has also published several prose works. Many of his hymns are popular, and are in extensive use as:—" A pilgrim through this lonely world"; "Bride of the Lamb, rejoice, rejoice"; “Bright with all His crowns of glory"; “Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart”; "Sweet feast of love divine," and several others. In addition to these, which are separately annotated, and those which are confined in their use to the congregations of the "Brethren," there are also nearly 20 in limited use in Great Britain and America. Of these the following appeared, first in his Selection of Hymns, 1839; then, in the Appendix to Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1841; and then in his Hymns & Poems, 1848-70 :— 1. Break forth, 0 earth, in praises. Praise for Redemption. This is given in several collections in Great Britain and America. 2. Children of God, in all your need. The Great High Priest. In limited use. 3. Children of light, arise and shine. Looking unto Jesus. In numerous hymnals in G. Britain and America. 4. Children of light, awake, awake. Advent . This hymn is an application of the Parable of the Ten Virgins to the Second Coming of Christ. 5. Dear Lord, amid the throng that pressed. The Holy Women at the Cross. The use of this hymn in America is somewhat extensive. 6. Hope of our hearts, 0 Lord, appear. The Second Advent desired. In the Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837; and the author's Hymns & Poems, 1848-60, and various collections in Great Britain and America. 7. Joy to the ransomed earth. Jesus the King. Its use is limited. 8. Lo 'tis the heavenly army. The Second Advent. The original of this hymn is in 4 stanzas of 10 lines and as such it is usually given: but in the Peoples Hymnal, 1867, it is arranged in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, and is also slightly altered. 9. 0 grace divine! the Saviour shed. Good Friday. In limited use. 10. 0 what a bright and blessed world. The New Earth. This hymn is based upon Gen. v. 29, as interpreted from a Millennial point of view. Christ is regarded as the Rest (Noah-Rest) of His people, and the remover of the curse from the earth. 11. Sweet was the hour, 0 Lord, to Thee. Christ at the Well of Sychar. Limited in use. 12. Thou vain deceitful world, farewell. Forsaking the World for Christ. In several collections. 13. Through Israel's land the Lord of all . Mission to the Jews. In addition to its use in its full form, it is also given as: "O Zion, when thy Saviour came," as in Dr. Walker's Psalms & Hymns, 1855-71; Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, and others. This opens with stanza ii. 14. 'Tis finish'd all—our souls to win. Jesus the Guide and Friend. In several collections. 15. 'Tis He, the Mighty Saviour comes . Missions . Given in Snepp, and one or two others. 16. 'Tis night, but O the joyful morn. Hope. In a few hymnals; also, beginning with stanzas ii., "Lord of our hearts, beloved of Thee," in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872. 17. To Calvary, Lord, in Spirit now. Good Friday. This is given in several hymnals, including Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, &c. The next is in the Selection of 1839, and the Hymns & Poems, 1848-70:— 18. 0 Blessed Lord, Thy feeble Sheep. The Good Shepherd. Its use is limited. The three with which we close are from J. G, Deck's Psalms & Hymns, 1842, Pt. ii., and the Hymns & Poems, 1848-70:— 19. Hark to the trump! behold it breaks . The Resurrection . The design of this hymn is thus described, by the author: "These lines are supposed to be the utterance of the saints at the blessed moment when they are actually ascending to meet the Lord in the air, as described in 1 Cor. xv. 51-57 and 1 Thess. iv. 16-18. It is given in several collections." 20. Isles of the deep, rejoice, rejoice. Missions. 21. Where, in this waste unlovely [and desert] world! Rest for the Weary. Its use is limited. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Denny, Sir Edward, Bart., p. 287, ii., died in London, June 13, 1889. Additional pieces from his Selection of Hymns, 1839, are in modern collections including:— 1. O wondrous hour! when, Jesus, Thou. Good Friday . 2. 'Tis past, the dark and dreary night. Easter. 3. While in sweet communion feeding. Holy Communion. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Mary Fawler Maude

1819 - 1913 Hymnal Number: d150 Author of "Thine forever, God of love" in The Mission Hymnal Maude, Mary Fawler, née Hooper, daughter of George Henry Hooper, of Stanmore, Middlesex, was married in 1841 to the late Joseph Maude, some time Vicar of Chirk, near Ruabon, and Hon. Canon of St. Asaph, who died in Feb. 1887. Mrs. Maude's hymns were published in her Twelve Letters on Confirmation, 1848, and in Memorials of Past Years, 1852 (privately printed). Her best known hymn, is "Thine for ever, God of love" (Confirmation). Concerning it Mrs. Maude says: -- "It was written in 1847 for my class in the Girls' Sunday School of St. Thomas, Newport, Isle of Wight, and published in 1848 at the beginning of a little book called ‘Twelve Letters on Confirmation,' by a Sunday School Teacher, and reprinted in the Memorials, 1852." [S. MSS.] The original is in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. It is usually abbreviated, and stanzas ii., iii. transposed, as in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871; the Hymnal Companion; Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1875, Thring's Collection, 1882, and most other hymnbooks. As a hymn for Confirmation its use is extensive. The omitted stanzas are:— "Thine for ever in that day When the world shall pass away: When the trumpet note shall sound, And the nations underground "Shall the awful summons hear, Which proclaims the judgment near. Thine for ever. 'Neath Thy wings Hide and save us, King of Kings." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Théodore Monod

1836 - 1921 Person Name: Theodore Monod Hymnal Number: d115 Author of "O the bitter shame [pain] and [of] sorrow" in The Mission Hymnal Monod, Theodore, son of F. Monod, Pastor in the French Reformed Church, was born in Paris, Nov. 6, 1836, and educated for the ministry at Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He entered the ministry in 1860, and has been many years a Pastor in Paris. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Martha M. Stockton

1821 - 1921 Hymnal Number: d32 Author of "O 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love" in The Mission Hymnal Mrs. Martha Matilda (Brustar) Stockton, wife of Rev. W. C. Stockton of Ocean City, Cape May, N.J., born June 11, 1821 English Hymns: Their Authors and History, 1886 by Samuel Willoughby Duffield ==================== Stockton, Martha Matilda, née Brustar,was born June 11, 1821; married to the Rev. W. C. Stockton, of Ocean City, Cape May County, New Jersey; and died Oct. 18, 1885. Her hymn, "God loved the world of sinners lost" (The Love of God), in Laudes Domini, 1884, is dated 1871. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Marianne Nunn

1778 - 1847 Hymnal Number: d120 Author of "O how he loves" in The Mission Hymnal Marianne Nunn United Kingdom 1778-1847. Born at Colchester, Essex, England, she lived a life of relative seclusion. She authored a few hymns and was interested in mission work. Her brother, John, a minister, published a song book “Psalms and hymns”,(containing her hymn noted below), eventually circulated. She also published a book, “The benevolent merchant”. In 1830 Joshua Leavitt included her hymn in his song book, “The Christian lyre”, which was later in America. She died unmarried. John Perry ========= Nunn, Marianne, was born May 17, 1778, and died unmarried, in 1847. She published The Benevolent Merchant, and wrote a few hymns, including the following:— One there is above all others, O how He loves. [The love of Jesus.] This was written to adapt John Newton's hymn “One there is above all others, Well deserves the name of friend," to the Welsh air, Ar hy-d y nos, and consisted of one stanza of 5 lines, with the refrain "Oh how He loves!" at the end of lines 1, 2 and 5, and the remaining 3 stanzas in 5 lines without the refrain, it being understood that the refrain was to be repeated. (Original text in Lyra Britanica, 1867, p. 449.) It was first published in her brother's, the Rev. John Munn's Psalms & Hymns, 1817. It has undergone several changes at various hands. In Curwen's The New Child's Own Hymn Book, 1874, it begins, "There's a Friend above all others," which is adopted from the American collections. It also sometimes begins, "One is kind above all others." In addition, where the original first line is given the rest of the hymn is considerably altered. Its use as a hymn for children is very extensive. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Morison

1750 - 1798 Hymnal Number: d19 Author of "Come, let us to the Lord our God With contrite hearts return" in The Mission Hymnal Morison, John, D.D., was born in Aberdeenshire in 1749. He studied at the University of Aberdeen (King's College), where he graduated M.A. in 1771. In 1780 he became parish minister of Canisbay, Caithness. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Edinburgh in 1792. He died at Canisbay, June 12, 1798. He was one of the members added on May 26, 1781, to the Committee appointed by the General Assembly of 1775 to revise the Translations and Paraphrases of 1745. To him are ascribed Nos. 19, 21, 29, 30 and 35, in the 1781 collection, and he is said to have been joint author with John Logan of Nos. 27 and 28. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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