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Gerhardt Tersteegen

1697 - 1769 Person Name: G. Tersteegen Hymnal Number: 658 Author of "Thou hidden love of God, whose height" in The Hymnal Tersteegen, Gerhard, a pious and useful mystic of the eighteenth century, was born at Mörs, Germany, November 25, 1697. He was carefully educated in his childhood, and then apprenticed (1715) to his older brother, a shopkeeper. He was religiously inclined from his youth, and upon coming of age he secured a humble cottage near Mühlheim, where he led a life of seclusion and self-denial for many years. At about thirty years of age he began to exhort and preach in private and public gatherings. His influence became very great, such was his reputation for piety and his success in talking, preaching, and writing concerning spiritual religion. He wrote one hundred and eleven hymns, most of which appeared in his Spiritual Flower Garden (1731). He died April 3, 1769. Hymn Writers of the Church by Charles S. Nutter and Wilbur F. Tillett, 1911 ==================================================== Gerhardt Tersteegen or ter Stegen, was born at Moers, Netherlands [sic. Germany] , November 25, 1697. He was destined for the Reformed ministry, but after his father's death when the boy was only six, his mother was unable to send him to the university. He studied at the Gymnasium in Moers, and then earned a meager living as a silk weaver, sharing his frugal daily fare with the poor. Malnutrition and privation undermined his health to such an extent that he suffered a serious depression for some five years, following which he wrote a new covenant with God, signing it in his own blood. A strong mystic, he did not attend the services of the Reformed Church after 1719. Although forming no sect of his own, he became well known as a religious teacher and leader. His house was known as "The Pilgrim's Cottage" -- a retreat for men seeking a way of life, while he himself was known as "the physician of the poor and forsaken." Barred from preaching in his own country until 1750, he visited Holland annually from 1732 to 1755, holding meetings. In addition to his other labors he carried on a tremendous correspondence. Overwork resulted in physical breakdown, so that during the latter years of his life he could speak only to small gatherings. He died at Muhlheim on April 3, 1769. One of the three most important of Reformed hymn writers, he is also regarded as the chief representative of the mystics. He wrote 111 hymns. His important Geisliches Blumengartlein was published in 1729. H.E. Govan published The Life of Gerhard Tersteegen, with selctions from his writings, in 1902. --The Hymnal 1940 Companion =========================== Tersteegen, Gerhard, son of Heinrich Tersteegen (otherwise ter Stegen or zur Stiege), merchant at Mörs (Meurs), in Rhenish Prussia, was born at Mors, Nov. 25, 1697. His parents intended that he should become a minister of the Reformed Church in Germany. His father however died in 1703, and his mother found that after giving him a thorough classical training in the Latin school at Mörs she was unable to afford the cost of his University course. He was accordingly apprenticed, in 1713, to his brother-in-law, a merchant at Mühlheim on the Ruhr, and in 1717 started in business on his own account, at Mühlheim. As he found his time much broken up, and his opportunities of meditation few, he gave up his business in 1719; and, after a short trial of linen weaving, took up the easier and much more lucrative occupation of weaving silk ribbons. During the years 1719-24 he passed through a period of spiritual depression, at the end of which his faith in the reconciling grace of Christ became assured (see No. xxxiv. below), and on Maundy Thursday, 1724, he wrote out a solemn covenant with God which he signed with his own blood. Previous to this, even before 1719, he had ceased to attend the ordinary services of the Reformed Church; and also absented himself from Holy Communion on the ground that he could not in conscience communicate along with open sinners. About the beginning of 1725 he began to speak at the prayer meetings which had been held at Mühlheim, since 1710, by Wilhelm Hoffmann, who was a candidate of theology (licensed preacher) of the Reformed Church. Tersteegen soon became known as a religious teacher among the "Stillen im Lande," as the attenders on these meetings were called, and in 1728 gave up his handicraft in order to devote himself entirely to the translation of works by medieval and recent Mystics and Quietists, including Madame Guyon and others, and the composition of devotional books, to correspondence on religious subjects, and to the work of a spiritual director of the "awakened souls." From this date to his death he was supported by a small regular income which was subscribed by his admirers and friends. About 1727 a house at Otterbeck, between Mühlheim and Elberfeld, was set apart as a "Pilgerhütte," where the "awakened souls" could go into a spiritual retreat, under the direction of Tersteegen. This house, with accommodation for eight persons, was retained until about 1800. Tersteegen, however, did not confine himself to Mühlheim, but travelled over the district, addressing gatherings of like-minded Christians, giving special attention to Elberfeld, Barmen, Solingen, and Crefeld. From 1732 to 1755 he also went regularly every year to Holland, to visit his spiritual kinsfolk at Amsterdam and elsewhere. From 1730 to 1750 a law against conventicles was strictly enforced, and Tersteegen could not hold meetings except on his visits to Holland. During this period he removed to a house which had been Wilhelm Hoffmann's, where he preached, and provided food and simple medicines for the poor. After 1750 he resumed his public speaking until 1756, when he overstrained himself, and had to confine himself to the smallest gatherings absolutely. In 1769, dropsy set in, and after patient endurance for a season he died on April 3, 1769, at Mühlheim (Koch, vi. 46). Up to the end of his life Tersteegen remained outside the Reformed Church, but never set up a sect of his own. After his death his followers as a rule reunited themselves with it, especially when a less formal type of religion began to prevail therein. Tersteegen's most important hymnological work was his Geistliches Blümen-Gärtlein, of which many editions were published. Tersteegen ranks as one of the three most important hymnwriters associated with the Reformed Church in Germany, the other two being F. A. Lampe and Joachim Neander. He is however more closely allied, both as a Mystic and as a Poet, with Johann Scheffler than with either of his co-religionists. He almost equals Scheffler in power of expression and beauty of form, and if Scheffler has more pictorial grace, and a more vivid imagination, Tersteegen has more definiteness of teaching, a firmer grasp of the Christian verities, and a greater clearness in exposition. Inner union of the soul with God and Christ, the childlike simplicity and trust which this brings, renunciation of the world and of self, and daily endeavour to live as in the presence of God and in preparation for the vision of God, are the keynotes of his hymns. To his intense power of realising the unseen, his clear and simple diction, and the evident sincerity with which he sets forth his own Christian experience, his hymns owe much of their attractiveness and influence. During his lifetime they did not come much into use except through the Harfenspiel, as above, and they did not meet the taste of compilers during the Rationalistic period. But since Bunsen in his Yersuch, 1833, and Knapp in his Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, brought his hymns once more into notice they have been received in greater or less measure into almost all the German hymnbooks, among the Lutherans as well as among the Reformed, the most popular of all being his “Gott ist gegenwärtig". A number of Tersteegen's hymns are noted under their own first lines. They appeared, almost all for the first time, in the successive editions of his Geistliches Blümen-Gärtlein, viz., in the 1st ed., 1729; 2nd ed., 1735; 3rd ed., 1738; 4th ed., 1745; 5th ed., 1751; 6th ed., 1757; 7th ed., 1768; and in each case (after 1729) in the Third Book of that work. Those which have passed into English are as follows:— i. Freue dich, du Kinder-Orden. Christmas. Translated as:— Little children, God above, 1858, p. 78. Another tr. is: "Children rejoice, for God is come to earth." By Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 30. ii. Jedes Herz will etwas lieben. Love to Christ. In the 4th ed., 1745, as above, Bk. iii., No. 70, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled "The Soul wishes to take Jesus as her best Beloved." Translated as:— 1. The heart of man must something love. A cento beginning with st. ii. “Though all the world my choice deride," is in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, and also in the Plymouth Collection, 1855, and other American hymnals. 2. Something every heart is loving. A full and good translation by Mrs. Bevan, in her Songs of Eternal Life, 1858, p. 58. iii. Jesu, der du bist alleine. Communion of Saints. In the 2nd ed., 1735, in 11 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "Prayer on behalf of the brethren." Translated as:— Jesus, whom Thy Church doth own. By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. iii., in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 99. iv. Jesu, mein Erbarmer! höre. Lent or Penitence. In the 2nd ed., 1735, in 12 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled "In outward and inward sufferings and Temptations." Translated as:— Jesus, pitying Saviour, hear me. In full, by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 133. In her Christian Singer, 1869, p. 298, she gave st. ii., v., vi., beginning "Lost in darkness, girt with dangers." v. Nun so will ich denn mein Leben. Self-Surrender. Translated (omitting st. ii., iii., vi., x.) as:— 1. Lo! my choice is now decided. By Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841, p. 125. Her translations of st. viii., ix., vii., altered and beginning, "One thing first and only knowing," are repeated in Hedge & Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, U.S., 1853. 2. Now at last I end the strife. By Miss Winkworth, in herLyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858. vi. 0 liebe Seele! könntst du werden. The Childlike Spirit. Translated as:— Soul! couldst thou, while on earth remaining. In Miss Cox'sHymns from German, 1864, p. 197, it begins "Soul, while on earth thou still remainest." Other trs. are: (1) "Wouldst thou, my soul, the secret find." By Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 47. (2) “Dear soul, couldst thou become a child." By Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 22. vii. Siegesfürste, Ehrenkönig. Ascension. Translated as:— Conquering Prince and Lord of Glory, By Miss Winkworth, omitting st. ii., in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 48. viii. Wie gut ists, wenn man abgespehnt. Lent or Self-Renunciation. In the first edition, entitled "Of the sweetness of the hidden life of Christians." Translated as:— How sweet it is, when, wean'd from all. This is a good and full translation by S. Jackson, in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p. 417). Other hymns by Tersteegen which have been rendered into English are:— ix. Ach Gott, es taugt doch draussen nicht. On the Vanity of Earthly Things. Tr. as, "Ah God! the world has nought to please." By Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 304. x. Ach, könnt ich stille sein. Peace in God. Translated as (1) "Oh! could I but be still." By Mrs. Bevan, 1859, p. 134. (2) "Ah, could I but be still." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 77. xi. Allgenugsam Wesen. God's All-sufficiency . The trs. are (1) "Thou All-sufficient One! Who art." By Miss Warner, 1858, p. 601, repeated in Hymns of the Ages, Boston, U.S., 1865, p. 163. (2) "Thou, whose love unshaken." xii. Bald endet sich mein Pilgerweg. Eternal Life. Translated as “Weary heart, be not desponding." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 84. xiii. Berufne Seelen! schlafet nicht. Lent. The translations are (1) "Ye sleeping souls, awake From dreams of carnal ease." By S. Jackson, in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p, 413). (2) "Sleep not, 0 Soul by God awakened." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 98. xiv. Das äussre Sonnenlicht ist da. Morning. Tr. as (1) "The World's bright Sun is risen on high." By H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 51. (2) "The outer sunlight now is there." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 75. xv. Das Kreuz ist dennoch gut. Cross and Consolation. Translated as "The Cross is ever good." By Mrs. Findlater in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1862, p. 72 (1884, p. 234). xvi. Die Blümlein klein und gross in meines Herren Garten. On the Graces of the New Testament. The trs. are (l) "Flowers that in Jesu's garden have a place." By Miss Dunn in her translation of Tholuck's Stunden, 1853, p. 114. (2) "Full many flowers, in my Lord's garden blooming." By Dr. R. Menzies in his translation of Tholuck's Stunden, 1870, p. 182. xvii. Die Liebe will was gauzes haben.Entire Consecration. Tr. as "Love doth the whole—not part—desire." By Miss Warner, 1869, p. 12. xviii. Für dich sei ganz mein Herz und Leben. Consecration to Christ. The trs. are (1) "Constrain'd by love so warm and tender." By R. Massie in the British Herald, April, 1865, p. 55. (2) "My soul adores the might of loving." By Mrs. Edmund Ashley in the British Herald, Sept., 1867, p. 136, repeated in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 582. xix. Grosser Gott, in dem ich schwebe. God's Presence. Translated as "God, in Whom I have my being." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 81. xx. Jauchzet ihr Himmel! frohlocket ihr englische Chören. Christmas. Tr. as "Triumph, ye heavens! rejoice ye with high adoration." xxi. Jesu, den ich meine. Life in Christ. Tr. as ”Jesus, whom I long for." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 92. xxii. Jesus-Nam, du höchster Name. The Name of Jesus. Translated as "Jesu's name, thou highest name." By S. Jackson in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p. 415). xxiii. Liebwerther, süsser Gottes-Wille. Resignation to the Will of God. The translations are (1) "Thou sweet beloved Will of God." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 14. (2) “Will of God, all sweet and perfect." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 96. xxiv. Mein ganzer Sin. Lent. Turning to God. Tr. as "My whole desire Doth deeply turn away." By Miss Warner, 1869, p. 30. xxv. Mein Gott, mein Gott, mein wahres Leben. Self-Dedication. Tr. as "My God, my God, my life divine!" By S. Jackson in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832 (1837, p. 414). xxvi. Mein Herz, ein Eisen grob und alt. Cross and Consolation. Tr. as "A rough and shapeless block of iron is my heart." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 79. xxvii. Mein'n ersten Augenblick. Morning. Tr. as "Each moment I turn me." xxviii. Nun lobet alle Gottes Sohn. Praise to Christ. Tr. as "Give glory to the Son of God." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 75. xxix. 0 Jesu, König, hoch zu ehren. Self-surrender. Tr. as “0 Jesus, Lord of majesty." By Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 136. xxx. So gehts von Schritt zu Schritt. For the Dying. Tr. as "Thus, step by step, my journey to the Infinite." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 105. xxxi. So ist denn doch nun abermal ein Jahr. New Year. Tr. as "Thus, then another year of pilgrim-life." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 73. xxxii. Sollt ich nicht gelassen sein. Cross and Consolation. Tr. as “Should I not be meek and still." By Mrs. Bevan, 1858, p. 45. xxxiii. Von allen Singen ab. Turning to God. Tr. as "From all created things." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 100. xxxiv. Wie bist du mir so innig gut. The Grace of Christ. Written in 1724 at the close of his time of spiritual despondency. “This state of spiritual darkness continued five years; until at length whilst on a journey to a neighbouring town, the day-spring from on high again visited him; and the atoning mercy of Jesus Christ was made so deeply and convincingly apparent to him, that his heart was set entirely at rest. On this occasion he composed that beautiful hymn, &c." Translated as “How gracious, kind, and good, My great High Priest art Thou" (st. i.-v.), No. 74 in Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1842. xxxv. Wiederun ein Augenblick. The Flight of Time. Tr. as: (1) “Of my Time one Minute more." (2) "One more flying moment." By Lady Durand, 1873, p. 26. xxxvi. Willkomm'n, verklarter Gottes Sohn. Easter. This is translated as "O Glorious Head, Thou livest now." By Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 89. Repeated in Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1870. The first Book of the Blumen-Gärtlein contains short poems, more of the nature of aphorisms than of hymns. In the ed. of I76S there are in all 568 pieces in Book i., and of these Miss Winkworth has translated Nos. 429, 474, 565, 573, 575, 577 in her Christian Singers, 1869. Others are tr. by Lady Durand, in her Imitations from the German of Spitta and Terstsegen, 1873, as above, and by S. Jackson, in his Life of Tersteegen, 1832. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Thomas Haweis

1734 - 1820 Person Name: Rev. T. Haweis Hymnal Number: 663 Author of "O Thou, from Whom all goodness flows" in The Hymnal Thomas Haweis (b. Redruth, Cornwall, England, 1734; d. Bath, England, 1820) Initially apprenticed to a surgeon and pharmacist, Haweis decided to study for the ministry at Oxford and was ordained in the Church of England in 1757. He served as curate of St. Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford, but was removed by the bishop from that position because of his Methodist leanings. He also was an assistant to Martin Madan at Locke Hospital, London. In 1764 he became rector of All Saints Church in Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire, and later served as administrator at Trevecca College, Wales, a school founded by the Countess of Huntingdon, whom Haweis served as chaplain. After completing advanced studies at Cambridge, he published a Bible commentary and a volume on church history. Haweis was strongly interested in missions and helped to found the London Mission Society. His hymn texts and tunes were published in Carmino Christo, or Hymns to the Savior (1792, expanded 1808). Bert Polman ============================ Haweis, Thomas, LL.B., M.D., born at Truro, Cornwall, 1732. After practising for a time as a Physician, he entered Christ's College, Cambridge, where he graduated. Taking Holy Orders, he became Assistant Preacher to M. Madan at the Lock Hospital, London, and subsequently Rector of All Saints, Aldwincle, Northamptonshire. He was also Chaplain to Lady Huntingdon, and for several years officiated at her Chapel in Bath. He died at Bath, Feb. 11, 1820. He published several prose works, including A History of the Church, A Translation of the New Testament, and A Commentary on the Holy Bible. His hymns, a few of which are of more than ordinary merit, were published in his Carmina Christo; or, Hymns to the Saviour. Designed for the Use and Comfort of Those who worship the Lamb that was slain. Bath, S. Hayward, 1792 (139 hymns), enlarged. London, 1808 (256 hymns). In 1794, or sometime after, but before the enlarged edition was published, two hymns "For the Fast-day, Feb. 28, 1794," were added to the first edition. These were, "Big with events, another year," and "Still o'er the deep the cannon's roar." The most popular and widely used of his hymns are, "Behold the Lamb of God, Who bore," &c.; "Enthroned on high, Almighty Lord"; and “O Thou from Whom all goodness flows." The rest, all being from Carmina Christo, first edition 1792, are:— 1. Dark was the night and cold the ground. Gethsemane. 2. From the cross uplifted high. Christ in Glory. 3. Great Spirit, by Whose mighty power. Whitsuntide. 4. Submissive to Thy will, my God. Resignation. 5. The happy morn is come. Easter. 6. Thou Lamb of God, that on the tree. Good Friday. The hymn, "Thy Head, the crown of thorns that wears," in Stryker & Main's Church Praise Book, N. Y., 1882, begins with st. ii. of this hymn. 7. To Thee, my God and Saviour, My heart, &c. Praise for Redemption. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Richard Baxter

1615 - 1691 Person Name: R. Baxter Hymnal Number: 665 Author of "Lord, it belongs not to my care" in The Hymnal Baxter, Richard. Only s. of Richard Baxter, yeoman, Eaton Constantine, Shropshire, b. at Rowton, Shropshire, Nov. 12,1615. He was educated at Wroxeter School, and for a time held the Mastership of the Dudley Grammar School. On taking Holy Orders, he became, in 1640, Ourate of Kidderminster. Subsequently he was for some time chaplain to one of Cromwell's regiments. Through weakness he had to take an enforced rest, during which he wrote his Saints’ Everlasting Rest. On regaining his health he returned to Kidderminster, where he remained until 1660, when he removed to London. At the Restoration he became chaplain to Charles II and was offered the bishopric of Hereford, which he refused. On the passing of the Act of Uniformity, he retired from active duty as a Minister of the Church of England. In or about 1673 he took out a licence as a Nonconformist Minister and commenced lecturing in London. He d. Dec. 8, 1691. His prose works are very numerous. His poetical are :— (1) Poetical Fragments: Heart Imployment with God and Itself; The Concordant Discord of a Broken-healed Heart, tendon, Printed by T. Snowdon for B. Simmons, at the 3 Golden Cocks, &c, 1681 (2nd ed. 1689; 3rd ed. 1699). It consists of accounts of his religious experiences in verse, and is dated "London, at the Door of Eternity; Rich. Baxter, Aug. 1, 1681." (2) Additions to the Poetical Fragments of Rich. Baxter, written for himself, and Communicated to such as are more for serious Verse than smooth, London, Printed for B. Simmons at the Three Golden Cocks at the Westend of St. Pauls, 1683. (3) A Paraphrase on the Psalms, With other Hymns Left fitted for the Press, pub. the year following his death (1692). [Early English Hymnody, x., and English Psalters, 6 xii.] The Poetical Fragments were republished by Pickering, Lond., 1821. From this work his well-known hymn, " Now [Lord] it belongs not to my care," is taken (see "My whole, though broken, heart, O Lord.") -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Samuel Rodigast

1649 - 1708 Person Name: S. Rodigast Hymnal Number: 668 Author of "Whate'er my God ordains is right" in The Hymnal Samuel Rodigast, son of Johann Rodigast, pastor at Groben near Jena, was born at Groben Oct. 19, 1649. He entered the University of Jena in 1668 (M.A. 1671), and was in 1676 appointed adjunct of the philosophical faculty. In 1680 he became conrector of the Greyfriars Gymnasium at Berlin. While in this position he refused the offers of a professorship at Jena and the Rectorships of the Schools at Stade and Stralsund. Finally, in 1698, he became rector of the Greyfriars Gymnasium, and held this post till his death. His tombstone in the Koster-Kirche in Berlin says he died "die xxix. Mart. a. MDCCVII . . . aetatis anno lix." ...Two hymns have been ascribed to him, on of which has passed into English, viz.:--"Whatever God ordains is right." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Ernest Bode

1816 - 1874 Person Name: Rev. J. E. Bode Hymnal Number: 615 Author of "O Jesus, I have promised" in The Hymnal John E. Bode (b. St. Pancras, England, 1816; d. Castle Camps, Cambridgeshire, England, 1874) A fine student at Christ Church, Oxford, England, and a prominent scholar who gave the famous Bampton Lectures ("for the exposition and defense of the Christian faith") at Oxford in 1855, was a rector in Westwell, Oxfordshire, and in Castle Camps. This gifted poet and hymn writer published Hymns for the Gospel of the Day, for Each Sunday and Festivals of Our Lord in 1860. Bert Polman ============== Bode, John Ernest, M.A., son of Mr. William Bode, late of the General Post Office, b. 1816, and educated at Eton, the Charter House, and at Christ Church, Oxford, graduating B.A. 1837, and M.A. in due course. Taking Holy Orders in 1841, he became Rector of Westwell, Oxfordshire, 1847; and then of Castle Camps, Cambridgeshire, 1860. He was also for a time Tutor of his College, and Classical Examiner. His Bampton Lectures were delivered in 1855. He d. at Castle Camps, Oct. 6, 1874. In addition to his Bampton Lectures, and Ballads from Herodotus, he published Hymns from the Gospel of the Day for each Sunday and Festivals of our Lord, 1860; and Short Occasional Poems, Lond., Longmans, 1858. In addition to his well-known hymn, “O Jesu, I have promised " (q. v.), the following from his Hys. from the Gospel are also in common use:— 1. God of heaven, enthroned in might. H. Trinity. 2. Spirit of Truth, indwelling Light. Whitsuntide. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Bode, John E. , p. 151, ii. Additional pieces from his Hys.from the Gospel of the Day, &c, 1800, are in common use :— (1) "Sweetly the Sabbath bell" (Sunday); (2) "Thou Who hast called us by Thy word" (20th S. after Trinity). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Bernard, of Cluny

1100 - 1199 Person Name: Bernard of Cluny Hymnal Number: 405 Author of "The world is very evil" in The Hymnal Bernard of Morlaix, or of Cluny, for he is equally well known by both titles, was an Englishman by extraction, both his parents being natives of this country. He was b., however, in France very early in the 12th cent, at Morlaix, Bretagne. Little or nothing is known of his life, beyond the fact that he entered the Abbey of Cluny, of which at that time Peter the Venerable, who filled the post from 1122 to 1156, was the head. There, so far as we know, he spent his whole after-life, and there he probably died, though the exact date of his death, as well as of his birth is unrecorded. The Abbey of Cluny was at that period at the zenith of its wealth and fame. Its buildings, especially its church (which was unequalled by any in France); the services therein, renowned for the elaborate order of their ritual; and its community, the most numerous of any like institution, gave it a position and an influence, such as no other monastery, perhaps, ever reached. Everything about it was splendid, almost luxurious. It was amid such surroundings that Bernard of Cluny spent his leisure hours in composing that wondrous satire against the vices and follies of his age, which has supplied—and it is the only satire that ever did so—some of the most widely known and admired hymns to the Church of today. His poem De Contemptu Mundi remains as an imperishable monument of an author of whom we know little besides except his name, and that a name overshadowed in his own day and in ours by his more illustrious contemporary and namesake, the saintly Abbot of Clairvaux. The poem itself consists of about 3000 lines in a meter which is technically known as Leonini Cristati Trilices Dactylici, or more familiarly—to use Dr. Neale's description in his Mediaeval Hymns, p. 69—" it is a dactylic hexameter, divided into three parts, between which a caesura is inadmissible. The hexameter has a tailed rhyme, and feminine leonine rhyme between the two first clauses, thus :— " Tune nova gloria, pectora sobria, clarificabit: Solvit enigmata, veraque sabbata, continuabit, Patria luminis, inscia turbinis, inscia litis, Cive replebitur, amplificabitur Israelitis." The difficulty of writing at all, much more of writing a poem of such length in a metre of this description, will be as apparent to all readers of it, as it was to the writer himself, who attributes his successful accomplishment of his task entirely to the direct inspiration of the Spirit of God. "Non ego arroganter," he says in his preface, "sed omnino humiliter, et ob id audenter affirmaverim, quia nisi spiritus sapicntiae et intellectus mihi affuisset et afftuxisset, tarn difficili metro tarn longum opus con-texere non sustinuissem." As to the character of the metre, on the other hand, opinions have widely differed, for while Dr. Neale, in his Mediaeval Hymns, speaks of its "majestic sweetness," and in his preface to the Rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix on the Celestial Country, says that it seems to him "one of the loveliest of mediaeval measures;" Archbishop Trench in his Sac. Lat. Poetry, 1873. p. 311, says "it must be confessed that" these dactylic hexameters "present as unattractive a garb for poetry to wear as can well be imagined;" and, a few lines further on, notes "the awkwardness and repulsiveness of the metre." The truth perhaps lies between these two very opposite criticisms. Without seeking to claim for the metre all that Dr. Neale is willing to attribute to it, it may be fairly said to be admirably adapted for the purpose to which it has been applied by Bernard, whose awe-stricken self-abasement as he contemplates in the spirit of the publican, “who would not so much as lift up his eyes unto heaven," the joys and the glory of the celestial country, or sorrowfully reviews the vices of his age, or solemnly denounces God's judgments on the reprobate, it eloquently pourtrays. So much is this the case, that the prevailing sentiment of the poem, that, viz., of an awful apprehension of the joys of heaven, the enormity of sin, and the terrors of hell, seems almost wholly lost in such translations as that of Dr. Neale. Beautiful as they are as hymns, "Brief life is here our portion," "Jerusalem the Golden," and their companion extracts from this great work, are far too jubilant to give any idea of the prevailing tone of the original. (See Hora Novissima.) In the original poem of Bernard it should be noted that the same fault has been remarked by Archbishop Trench, Dean Stanley, and Dr. Neale, which may be given in the Archbishop's words as excusing at the same time both the want, which still exists, of a very close translation of any part, and of a complete and continuous rendering of the whole poem. "The poet," observes Archbishop Trench, "instead of advancing, eddies round and round his object, recurring again and again to that which he seemed thoroughly to have discussed and dismissed." Sac. Lat. Poetry, 1873, p. 311. On other grounds also, more especially the character of the vices which the author lashes, it is alike impossible to expect, and undesirable to obtain, a literal translation of the whole. We may well be content with what we already owe to it as additions to our stores of church-hymns. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Bernard of Cluny, p. 137, i., is best described thus: his place of origin is quite uncertain. See the Catalogue of the Additional MSS. of the B. M. under No. 35091, where it is said that he was perhaps of Morlas in the Basses-Pyrenees, or of Morval in the Jura, but that there is nothing to connect him with Morlaix in Brittany. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Clement of Alexandria

170 - 215 Hymnal Number: 446 Author of "Shepherd of tender youth" in The Hymnal Clemens, Titus Flavins (Clemens Alexandrinus), St. Clement of Alexandria, was born possibly at Athens (although on this point there is no certain information) about A.D. 170. His full name, Titus Flavins Clemens, is given by Eusebius (H. E., vi. 13) and Photius (Cod. Ill), but of his parentage there is no record. Studious, and anxious to satisfy his mind on the highest subjects, he is said to have been a Stoic and Eclectic, and a seeker after truth amongst Greek, Assyrian, Egyptian, and Jewish teachers. He himself enumerates six teachers of eminence under whom he studied the "true tradition of the blessed doctrine of the holy apostles." At Alexandria he came under the teaching of Pantsenus, and embraced Christianity, Pantsenus being at the time the master of the Catechetical School in that city. On the retirement of Pantsenus from the school for missionary work, Clement became its head, cir. 190, and retained the position to 203. His pupils were numerous, and some of them of note, including Origen, and Alexander, afterwards Bishop of Jerusalem. Driven from Alexandria by the persecution under Severus (202-203), he wandered forth, it is not known whither. The last notice wo have of him in history is in a letter of congratulation by his old pupil, Alexander, then Bp. of Cappadocia, to the Church of Antioch, on the appointment of Asclepiades to the bishopric of that city. This letter, dated 211, seems to have been conveyed to Antioch by Clement. Beyond this nothing is known, either concern¬ing his subsequent life or death, although the latter is sometimes dated A.D. 220. The works of Clement are ten in all. Of these, the only work with which we have to do is The Tutor, in three books. The first book describes the Tutor, who is the Word Himself, the children whom He trains (Christian men and women), and his method of instruction. The second book contains general instructions as to daily life in eating, drinking, furniture, sleep, &c.; and the third, after an inquiry into the nature of true beauty, goes onto condemn extravagance in dress, &c, both in men and women. Appended to this work, in the printed editions, are two poems; the first, "A Hymn of the Saviour), and the second, an address "To the Tutor". The first, beginning is attributed to Clement in those manuscripts in which it is found; but it is supposed by some to be of an earlier date: the second is generally regarded as by a later hand . The “Hymn of the Saviour," the earliest known Christian hymn, has been translated into English: The earliest translation is "Shepherd of tender youth.” This is by Dr. H. M. Dexter (q. v.). It was written in 1846, first published in The Congregationalist [of which Dexter was editor], Dec. 21, 1849, and is in extensive use in the United States. In Great Britain it is also given in several collections, including the New Congregational Hymn Book, 1859; Baptist Psalms & Hymns, 1858; the R. T. Society's Collection, &c. There are also translations not in common use, viz.: (1) "Bridle of colts untamed," by Dr. W. L. Alexander, in the Ante-Nicene Christian Library, vol. iv. p. 343; (2) "Bridle of colts untaught," by Dr. H. Bonar, in The Sunday at Home, 1878, p. 11. (3) Another translation is by the Rev. A. W. Chatfield, in his Songs and Hymns of the Earliest Greek Christian Poets, 1876. Mr. Chatfield, following the Anth. Graeca Car. Christ., 1871, p. 37, begins with the eleventh line: "O Thou, the King of Saints, all-conquering Word." His translation extends to 40 lines. --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

James G. Deck

1802 - 1884 Person Name: J. G. Deck Hymnal Number: 363 Author of "O Lamb of God, still keep me" in The Hymnal Deck, James George, eldest son of John Deck, of Bury St. Edmunds, was born in 1802 and educated for the army, and became an officer in the Indian service. Retiring from the army, and having joined the Plymouth Brethren, he undertook, in 1843, the charge of a congregation of that body, at Wellington, Somerset. In 1852 be went abroad and settled in New Zealand. His hymns were published in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837-1838; Psalms and Hymns, &c, London, Walther (containing those in the former collection), 1842; the Wellington Hymn Book, 1857; Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1860. Of his hymns now in use outside his own denomination, the greater part appeared in the 1837-1838 book, and are found in his brother-in-law's (Dr. Walker's) Cheltenham Psalms & Hymns, 1855. His compositions are marked by directness of aim, simplicity of language, and great earnestness. The rhythm is good, and an expressive tenderness pervades many of them. Although dealing mainly with the "Second Advent," there are several on other subjects which are of more than average merit. In a collected form they were published in his Hymns and Sacred Poems, Melbourne, H. Seelenmeyer, 1876. The more important of his hymns are annotated under their respective first lines. Of the rest we have:— i. From Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1838. 1. Behold yon bright and countless throng. All Saints. Repeated in Maurice's Choral Hymnbook, 1861. 2. How long, O Lord our Saviour. Second Advent desired. In the Parish Hymnbook., 1803 and 1875, this is altered to "How long, O Lord, Beloved." 3. Jesus, spotless Lamb of God. Good Friday. 4. Lord Jesus, are we [we are] one with Thee? One with Christ. In Walker's Psalms and Hymns, 1855-1880, and several American hymn-books. 5. Lord, we are Thine, our God Thou art. One with Christ. Originally in 4 st. of 8 1., it appeared, in a re-written form in 3 st. in Walker's Psalms and Hymns, 1855, as " Lord, we are Thine, in Thee we live." 6. 0 happy day when first we felt. The Day of Peace. 7. 0 Jesus Christ, the Saviour. Jesus All in All. In Walker's Psalms and Hymns, it begins: "0 Jesus Christ, our Saviour." 8. 0 Jesus, gracious Saviour." The Advocate. 9. 0 Lord, when we the path retrace. Christ our Example. 10. 0 Lord, who now art seated. Christ in glory. 11. Saviour, haste; our souls are waiting. Second Advent desired. This is given in Walker's Psalms and Hymns, in a rewritten form as "Saviour, hasten Thine appearing." 12. Soon shall our Master come. Waiting for Christ. 13. There is a place of endless joy. Heaven. 14. We're not of the world that fadeth away. Christ's Sheep. 15. When along life's thorny road. Passiontide. ii. From Appendix, to the 1841 edition of the Hymns for the Poor of the Flock. 16. Lamb of God, our souls adore Thee. Praise to Christ. Sometimes it begins with st. ii.," Lamb of God, Thy Father's bosom." 17. Lamb of God, Thou now art seated. 2nd Part. of No. 10. iii. From Psalms and Hymns, in Two Parts, Lond., D. Waither, 1842. 18. Again we meet in Jesus' name. Divine Worship. 19. Great Captain of Salvation. Burial. In the Irish Church Hymnal, and other collections. 20. Jesus, Thy name indeed is sweet. Hope of the Resurrection. 21. O blessed Jesus, Lamb of God. Praise to Jesus. 22. 0 Lamb of God, still keep me [us]. Christ's Presence desired. This hymn is somewhat popular in America. 23. 0 Lord, in nothing would I boast. Christ All in All. 24. Oft we, alas! forget the love. Holy Communion. 25. The veil is rent! lo, Jesus stands [our souls draw near]. The Intercessor. 26. We bless our Saviour's name. Thanksgiving for Forgiveness. iv. From Psalms and Hymns for Public and Social Worship (Dr. Walker's Collection), 1855. 27. Father, to seek Thy face. Public Worship. 28. Jesus, [I] we rest in [on] Thee. Joy in Forgiveness. 29. 0 Lord, 'tis joy to look above. Joy in the service of Christ. 30. Thou hast stood here, Lord Jesus. Burial. 31. 'Twas Thy love, 0 God, that knew us. Praise to God. 32. When first o'erwhelm ed with sin and shame. Peace with God. All these hymns, except No. 1, are given in Dr. Walker's Collection, 1855-1880, and most of them are also found in other collections. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Deck, James George, p. 285, ii. He died circa 1884. His hymn, noted on p. 286, No. 28, "Jesus [I] we rest in [on] Thee," should be dated 1842. Additional hymns in common use are:—(1) "Lord Jesus, when I think of Thee," 1856 (Jesus, All and in All); (2) "The day of glory, bearing," 1838 (Passiontide). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ==================== Deck, J. G., pp. 285, ii.; 1559, ii. Miss M. O. Deck, of Motueka, Nelson, New Zealand, informs us that her father, Mr. J. G. Deck, died at the village of Motueka, near Nelson, N.Z., on the 14th of August, 1884. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ==================== James Deck wrote of his youth, "I hoped there were no God," yet his mother's training pursued after him. "She read to me of Jesus, Of all his grace and love." After his conversion, the study of scripture revealed the doctrinal error of his Anglican upbringing. Forsaking all, he set his heart to follow God "at any cost." Later, his son testified this determination was "a trust never disappointed." - Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs (2018)

J. N. Darby

1800 - 1882 Person Name: Rev. J. N. Darby Hymnal Number: 628 Author of "Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our way" in The Hymnal Darby, John Nelson, M.A., youngest son of John Darby of Leap, King's Co., Ireland, was born at Westminster, Nov. 18, 1800; educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated in 1819; and in due course was called to the Bar. He subsequently took Holy Orders; but in a short time allied himself with the Plymouth Brethren. In the exercise of his ministry amongst them he visited most parts of the world, and translated the Bible into English, French, and German. His published works, including a Synopsis of the Books of the Bible; Notes on Revelations, &c, are numerous. He died at Bournemouth, April 29, 1882. His hymns in common use are:— 1. Hark, ten thousand voices crying. The Second Advent anticipated. Praise. Appeared in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837, and repeated in Psalms and Hymns and Sacred Songs, Lend., Walther, 1842, and A Few Hymns, &c, 1856. It is also given in a few collections other than those for use amongst the “Brethren." 2. O Lord, thy love's unbounded, So sweet, &c. God's unchanging Love. Given in A Few Hymns, &c., 1856, No. 82, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. Another hymn in the same collection, No. 85, begins with the same first line: "O Lord, Thy love's unbounded! So full, so vast, so free!" This is in 2 stanzas of 8 lines, and is attributed in the "S. MSS." to J. N. Darby, in common with the first. 3. Rest of the saints above. Heaven. In A Few Hymns, &c, 1856, No. 79, in 14 stanzas of 4 lines. 4. Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee. Divine Guidance. 1st published in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837; and again in Psalms and Hymns, 1842 (as above); and A Few Hymns, &c, 1856, in 10 stanzas of 41. It is also in Dr. Walker's Cheltenham Psalms and Hymns, 1855-1831. 5. This world is a wilderness wide. Following Christ. This is No. 139, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, in A Few Hymns, &c, 1856. 6. Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our way. Divine Strength and Defence. This hymn was given anonymously in the Baptist Psalms and Hymns, 1858, No. 558, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. In the 1871 ed. of the same collection, it appeared as by "John N. Darby (?) 1861." Here we have a doubt and an error. The doubt is with respect to the authorship; and the error is in the date. A hymn published in 1858 cannot be accurately dated "1861." The evidence for the J. N. Darby authorship is most unsatisfactory. We can simply name it "Anon." All these hymns were published anonymously; and the ascriptions of authorship of 1-5 are given from the "S. MSS." The same manuscripts say that he edited the work above referred to: A Few Hymns and some Spiritual Songs, Selected, 1856, for the Little Flock. Lond. Groombridge & Sons. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Darby, John N. , p. 279, ii. Respecting the hymn "Though faint, yet pursuing, &c." (No. 6), Miller says in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 587, that Mr. Darby told him that he was not its author. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Thomas Rawson Taylor

1807 - 1835 Person Name: T. R. Taylor Hymnal Number: 623 Author of "I'm but a stranger here" in The Hymnal Taylor, Thomas Rawson, son of the Rev. Thomas Taylor, some time Congregational Minister at Bradford, Yorkshire, was born at Ossett, near Wakefield, May 9, 1807, and educated at the Free School, Bradford, and the Leaf Square Academy, Manchester. From the age of 15 to 18 he was engaged, first in a merchant's, and then in a printer's office. Influenced by strong religious desires, he entered the Airedale Independent College at 18, to prepare for the Congregational ministry. His first and only charge was Howard Street Chapel, Sheffield. This he retained about six months, entering upon the charge in July 1830, and leaving it in the January following. For a short time he acted as classical tutor at Airedale College, but the failure of health which compelled him to leave Sheffield also necessitated his resigning his tutorship. He died March 7, 1835. A volume of his Memoirs and Select Remains, by W. S. Matthews, in which were several poems and a few hymns, was published in 1836. His best known hymn is "I'm but a stranger here". The rest in common use all from his Memoirs, 1836, are:— 1. Earth, with her ten thousand flowers. The love of God. 2. Saviour and Lord of all. Hymn to the Saviour. Altered as "Jesu, Immanuel" in the LeedsHymn Book, 1853. 3. There was a tims when children sang. Sunday School Anniversary. 4. Yes, it is good to worship Thee. Divine Worship. From this "'Tis sweet, 0 God, to sing Thy praise," beginning with st. ii. 5. Yes, there are little ones in heaven. Sunday School Anniversary. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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