Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

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1When darkness gives way (Cuando la oscuridad empieza a desaparecer)
2O Lord open my lips (Señor ábreme los labios)[O Lord, open my lips]Page Scan
3O God, come to my assistance (Dios mío, ven en mi auxilio)[O God, come to my assistance)Page Scan
4Morning has broken (Despunta el alba)BUNESSAN
5In the morning I will sing (A la aurora cantaré)[In the morning I will sing]Page Scan
6Blessed be the Lord (Bendito sea el Señor)[Blessed be the Lord]Page Scan
7Show us your mercy, O Lord (Señor, muéstranos tu misericordia)[Show us your mercy, O Lord]Page Scan
8Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo (Our Father, who art in heaven)[Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo]Page Scan
9The Lord be with you (El Señor esté con ustedes)[Amen, Amen]Page Scan
10May the Lord bless us (El Señor nos bendiga)[Amen, Amen]Page Scan
11O God, come to my assistance (Dios mío, ven en mi auxilio)[O God, come to my assistance)Page Scan
12Light and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord (La luz y la paz de Jesucristo nuestro Señor)[Light and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord]Page Scan
13O radiant Light, O Sun divine (Oh Luz de gozo y resplandor)JESU DULCIS MEMORIAPage Scan
14Señor, te llamo, ven a mí (I have called to you, O God)[Señor, te llamo, ven a mí]Page Scan
15My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord[The Almighty has done great things for me]Page Scan
16Save your people, Lord (Salve a tu pueblo, Señor)[Save your people, Lord]Page Scan
17Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo (Our Father, who art in heaven)[Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo]Page Scan
18The Lord be with you (El Señor esté con ustedes)[The Lord be with you]Page Scan
19May the Lord bless us (El Señor nos bendiga)[Amen, Amen]Page Scan
20O God, come to my assistance (Dios mío, ven en mi auxilio)[O God, come to my assistance)Page Scan
21Abide with me; fast falls the eventide (Señor Jesús, la luz del sol se fue)EVENTIDEPage Scan
22Into your hands, O Lord (A tus manos, Señor)[Into your hands, O Lord]Page Scan
23Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake (Sálvanos, Señor, despiertos)[Protect us Lord, as we stay awake]Page Scan
24May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night (El Señor todopoderoso nos conceda una noche tranquila)[May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night]Page Scan
25aEscuchame cuando te invoco, Dios, devensor mío (I called, the God of justice gave me answer)[Ten piedad de mí]Page Scan
25bEscúchame cuando te invoco, Dios, devensor mío (I called, the God of justice gave me answer)[Haz brillar sobre nosotros]
26aO LORD, our Lord, how majestic (Señor, dueño, qué admirable)[How great is your name, O Lord our God]Page Scan
26bO LORD, our Lord, how majestic (Señor, dueño, qué admirable)[From the voices of children, Lord]
27aPreserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge (Protégame, Dios mío, que me refugio en ti)[In you, my God, my body]Page Scan
27bPreserve me, O God for in you I take refuge (Protégeme, Dios mío, que me refugio en ti)[Keep me safe, keep me safe, O God]
27cPreserve me, O God for in you I take refuge (Protégeme, Dios mío, que me refugio en ti)[Keep me safe, keep me safe, O God]
28For it is you who are my portion and cup (El Señor es el lote de mi heredad)[For it is you who are my portion and cup]Page Scan
29The law of the Lord is perfect (La ley de Dios es perfecta)[The law of the Lord is perfect]
30All who see me laugh at me (De la gente soy burla)[All who see me laugh at me]Page Scan
31El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta (My shepherd is the Lord; I have all I need)[El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta]Page Scan
32aThe LORD is my shepherd (El Señor es mi pastor)[My shepherd is the Lord]Page Scan
32bThe LORD is my shepherd (El Señor es mi pastor)[The Lord is my shepherd, nothing shall I want]
32cThe LORD is my shepherd (El Señor es mi pastor)[The Lord is my shepherd]
32dThe LORD is my shepherd (El Señor es mi pastor)[I shall live in the house of the Lord]
33El Señor es mi pastor (The LORD is my shepherd) [El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta]Page Scan
34God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want (Tú eres mi pastor, y nada me falta)[God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want]Page Scan
35Lord, make me know your ways (En tu verdad, Señor)[Lord, make me know your ways]Page Scan
36The Lord is my light and my help (El Señor es mi luz y salvación)[The Lord is my light and my help]
37A ti Señor, me acojo (In you, O Lord, I take refuge)[Sé tú, Señor, la roca de mi refugio]Page Scan
38Your words O God, are truth indeed (La palabra del Señor es recta)[Your words, O God, are truth indeed]Page Scan
39I will bless the Lord at all times (Al Señor yo bendigo por siempre)[I will bless the Lord at all times]Page Scan
40I will bless the Lord at all times (Al Señor yo bendigo en todo tiempo)[I will bless the Lord at all times]Page Scan
41Look to God and be filled with radiant joy (Los que miran a Dios refulgirán)[Look to God and be filled with radiant joy]Page Scan
42Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness (Dios mío, ten piedad por tu bondad)[Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned] Page Scan
43aHave mercy on me, O God (Misericordia, mi Dios)[Have mercy, Lord]Page Scan
43bHave mercy on me, O God (Misericordia, mi Dios)[Be merciful, O Lord]
43cHave mercy on me, O God (Misericordia, mi Dios)[Create in me a clean heart]
43dHave mercy on me, O God (Misericordia, mi Dios)[I will rise and go]
43eHave mercy on me, O God (Misericordia, mi Dios)[A sacrifice you accept, O God]
44Misericordia, Dios mío, por tu bondad (O God have mercy on me in your goodness)[Misericordia, Dios mío, por tu bondad]Page Scan
45aO God, you are my God; at dawn I seek you (O Dios, tú eres mi Dios, por ti madrugo)[My soul is thirsting]Page Scan
45bO God, you are my God; at dawn I seek you (O Dios, tú eres mi Dios, por ti madrugo)[In the morning I will sing]
46O God, you are my God whom I seek (Señor, tü eres me Dios por ti madrugo)[O God, you are my God whom I seek]Page Scan
47As a dry and weary desert land (Como tierra seca, sin aqua)[O God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you]Page Scan
48Cry out in joy to the Lord, all peoples on earth (Todos los pueblos, aclamen al Señor)[Let all the earth cry out in joy to the Lord]Page Scan
49aO God, be gracious and bless us (El Señor tenga piedad y nos bendiga)[The earth has yielded its fruit]Page Scan
49bO God, be gracious and bless us (El Señor tenga piedad y nos bendiga)[O God be gracious and bless us]
50aHow lovely is your dwelling place (Qué deseables son tus moradas)[How lovely is your dwelling place]Page Scan
50bHow lovely is your dwelling place (Qué deseables son tus moradas)[You have given your people bread from heaven]
51Let us hear what our God proclaims (Escuchemos lo que dice el Señor)[Let us hear what our God proclaims]Page Scan
52aInclina tu oído, Señor, escúchame (Turn your ear, O Lord, and answer me)[Tú, Señor, eres clemente]Page Scan
52bInclina tu oído, Señor, escúchame (Turn your ear, O Lord, and answer me)[Tú, Señor, eres bueno y clemente]
53O Lord and God of my salvation (Señor, Dios mío, de día te pido auxilio)[Day and night, day and night]Page Scan
54You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Most High (Tu que veves al maparo de Altísimo)[You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Most High]Page Scan
55aTü que habitas al amparo del Altisimo (He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High)[Al amparo del Altísimo]Page Scan
55bTú que habitas al amparo del Altísimo (You who live in the shelter of the Most High)[Acompáñame, Señor]
56aThe Lord is king, with majesty enrobed (Dios reina, vestido de majestad)[The Lord is King]Page Scan
56bThe Lord is king, with majesty enrobed (Dios reina, vestido de majestad)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
56cThe Lord is king, with majesty enrobed (Dios reina, vestido de majestad)[The Lord is king]
57aCome, let us ring out our joy to the LORD (Vengan, aclamemos al Señor)[Come, let us worship the Lord]Page Scan
57bCome, let us ring out our joy to the LORD (Vengan, aclamemos al Señor)[Christ is born for us]
57cCome, let us ring out our joy to the LORD (Vengan, aclamemos al Señor)[Today if you hear the voice of the Lord]
57dCome, let us ring out our joy to the LORD (Vengan, aclamemos al Señor)[The Lord is risen]
57eCome, let us ring out our joy to the LORD (Vengan, aclamemos al Señor)[Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth]
58Come, ring out our joy to the Lord (Aclamemos al Señor)[Come, ring out our joy to the Lord]Page Scan
59Sing to the Lord a new song (Canten un cántico nuevo][Sing to the Lord a new song]Page Scan
60aSing to the Lord a new song (Canten un Cántico nuevo)[Proclaim to all the nations]
60bSing to the Lord a new song (Canten un Cántico nuevo)[Give the Lord glory and honor]
61Sing to the Lord a new song (Canten un cántico nuevo][Sing to the Lord a new song]
62Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo (O sing a new song to the Lord)[Los confines de la tierra]Page Scan
63aCry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth (Aclama al Señor, tierra entera)[Arise, come to your God]Page Scan
63bCry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth (Aclama al Señor, tierra entera)[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]
64Cry out with joy to the Lord (Tierra entera aclama)[Cry out with joy to the Lord]
65Aclama al Señor, tierra entera (Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth)[Somos su pueblo y ovejas de su rebaño]Page Scan
66Bless the Lord, O my soul (Bendice alma mía, al Señor)[Bless the Lord, O my soul]Page Scan
67Bless the Lord, O my soul (Bendice alma mía, al Señor)[Bless the Lord, O my soul]Page Scan
68Bless the Lord, O my Soul (Mi alma, bendice al Señor)[Bless the Lord, O my soul]Page Scan
69aOráculo del Señor a mi Señor (The Lord's revelation to my lord)[Oráculo del Señor]Page Scan
69bOráculo del Señor a mi Señor (The Lord's revelation to my lord)[Tú eres sacerdote eterno]
70How can I repay the Lord (¿Cómo le pagaré el Señor)[Our blessing-cup is a communion] Page Scan
71O praise the Lord, all you nations (Alaben al Señor, aclámenlo)[O praise the Lord, all you nations]Page Scan
72Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good (Den gracias a Dios, el buen Señor[Give thanks to the Lord for God is good]Page Scan
73I lift up my eyes to the mountains (Levanto mis ojos a los montes)[I lift up my eyes to the mountains] Page Scan
74I rejoiced when I heard them say (Me alegré cuando me dijeron)[I rejoiced when I heard them say]Page Scan
75Happy all those who fear the Lord (Dichosos los que temen al Señor)[Happy all those who fear the Lord]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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